4 research outputs found

    Remaining useful life (RUL) prediction of bearing by using regression model and principal component analysis (PCA) technique

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    A wind turbine works under variable load and environmental conditions because of which failure rate has been on the rise. Failure of a gearbox, an integral part of producing wind energy, contributes to 80 % of the total downtime for the wind turbine. For ensuring better utilization of the wind turbines, Fault prognosis and condition monitoring of bearings are of utmost importance as it helps to reduce the downtime by early detection of faults which further increases the power output. In this paper, vibration signals produced and machine learning approach to determine the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) for a degraded bearing is studied. The methodology includes statistical feature extraction analysis with regression models. Further the feature selection is done using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique which produces training and testing sets which acts as an input parameter for regression models such as Support Vector Regressor (SVR) and Random Forest (RF). Weibull Hazard Rate Function is used for calculating the RUL of the bearing. Results This study shows the potential application of regression model as an effective tool for degradation performance prediction of bearing

    Distributed neuro-fuzzy feature forecasting approach for condition monitoring

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    The industrial machinery reliability represents a critical factor in order to assure the proper operation of the whole productive process. In regard with this, diagnosis schemes based on physical magnitudes acquisition, features calculation, features reduction and classification are being applied. However, in this paper, in order to enhance the condition monitoring capabilities, a forecasting approach is proposed, in which not only the current status of the system under monitoring in identified, diagnosis, but also the future condition is assessed, prognosis. The novelties of the proposed methodology are based on a distributed features forecasting approach by means of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system models. The proposed method is validated by means of an accelerated bearing degradation experimental platform

    Contributions to industrial process condition forecasting applied to copper rod manufacturing process

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    Ensuring reliability and robustness of operation is one of the main concerns in industrial anufacturing processes , dueto the ever-increasing demand for improvements over the cost and quality ofthe processes outcome. In this regard , a deviation from the nominal operating behaviours implies a divergence from the optimal condition specification, anda misalignment from the nominal product quality, causing a critica! loss of potential earnings . lndeed, since a decade ago, the industrial sector has been carried out a significant effortAsegurar la fiabilidad y la robustez es uno de los principales objetivos en la monitorización de los procesos industriales, ya que estos cada vez se encuentran sometidos a demandas de producción más elevadas a la vez que se deben bajar costes de fabricación manteniendo la calidad del producto final. En este sentido, una desviación de la operación del proceso implica una divergencia de los parámetros óptimos preestablecidos, lo que conlleva a una desviación respecto la calidad nominal del producto final, causando así un rechazo de dicho producto y una perdida en costes para la empresa. De hecho, tanto es así, que desde hace más de una década el sector industrial ha dedicado un esfuerzo considerable a la implantación de metodologías de monitorización inteligente. Dichos métodos son capaces extraer información respecto a la condición de las diferentes maquinarias y procesos involucrados en el proceso de fabricación. No obstante, esta información extraída corresponde al estado actual del proceso. Por lo que obtener información respecto a la condición futura de dicho proceso representa una mejora significativa para poder ganar tiempo de respuesta para la detección y corrección de desviaciones en la operación de dicho proceso. Por lo tanto, la combinación del conocimiento futuro del comportamiento del proceso con la consecuente evaluación de la condición del mismo, es un objetivo a cumplir para la definición de las nuevas generaciones de sistemas de monitorización de procesos industriales. En este sentido, la presente tesis tiene como objetivo la propuesta de metodologías para evaluar la condición, actual y futura, de procesos industriales. Dicha metodología debe estimar la condición de forma fiable y con una alta resolución. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se pretende extraer la información de la condición futura a partir de un modelado, basado en series temporales, de las señales críticas del proceso, para después, en base a enfoques no lineales de preservación de la topología, fusionar dichas señales proyectadas a futuro para conocer la condición. El rendimiento y la bondad de las metodologías propuestas en la tesis han sido validadas mediante su aplicación en un proceso industrial real, concretamente, con datos de una planta de fabricación de alambrón de cobre

    Advanced data-driven methods for prognostics and life extension of assets using condition monitoring and sensor data.

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    A considerable number of engineering assets are fast reaching and operating beyond their orignal design lives. This is the case across various industrial sectors, including oil and gas, wind energy, nuclear energy, etc. Another interesting evolution is the on-going advancement in cyber-physical systems (CPS), where assets within an industrial plant are now interconnected. Consequently, conventional ways of progressing engineering assets beyond their original design lives would need to change. This is the fundamental research gap that this PhD sets out to address. Due to the complexity of CPS assets, modelling their failure cannot be simplistically or analytically achieved as was the case with older assets. This research is a completely novel attempt at using advanced analytics techniques to address the core aspects of asset life extension (LE). The obvious challenge in a system with several pieces of disparate equipment under condition monitoring is how to identify those that need attention and prioritise them. To address this gap, a technique which combined machine learning algorithms and practices from reliability-centered maintenance was developed, along with the use of a novel health condition index called the potential failure interval factor (PFIF). The PFIF was shown to be a good indicator of asset health states, thus enabling the categorisation of equipment as “healthy”, “good ” or “soon-to-fail”. LE strategies were then devoted to the vulnerable group labelled “good – monitor” and “soon-to-fail”. Furthermore, a class of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms known as Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) were used in predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) for the vulnerable assets. The novelty in this was the implicit modelling of the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties in the RUL prediction, thus yielding interpretable predictions that were useful for LE decision-making. An advanced analytics approach to LE decision-making was then proposed, with the novelty of implementing LE as an on-going series of activities, similar to operation and maintenance (O&M). LE strategies would therefore be implemented at the system, sub-system or component level, meshing seamlessly with O&M, albeit with the clear goal of extending the useful life of the overall asset. The research findings buttress the need for a paradigm shift, from conventional ways of implementing LE in the form of a project at the end of design life, to a more systematic approach based on advanced analytics.Shafiee, Mahmood (Associate)PhD in Energy and Powe