144,574 research outputs found

    Effective Load Balance Scheduling Schemes for Heterogeneous Distributed System

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    Importance of distributed systems for distributing the workload on the processors is globally accepted. It is an agreed fact that divides and conquers is the effective strategy for load balancing problems. In todayā€™s time, load balancing is the major issue for scheduling algorithm such as in Parallel and Distributed Systems including Grid and Cloud Computing and many more. Load Balancing is the phenomena of spreading or distributing the workload among the processors so that all processors keep busy for all the time, in order to prevent ideal time of processors. In this work, presents a load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous distributed system (HeDS) with aim of minimizing the load imbalance factor (LIF). The proposed algorithm is using optimization techniques such as Max-Max and Min-Max strategy and applied on Folded Crossed Cube (FCC) network. Makespan, speedup and average resource utilization are also evaluated for performance matrices. The experimental results of the proposed algorithms have showed better in comparison to with previous work under various test conditions

    Decentralized load balancing in heterogeneous computational grids

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    With the rapid development of high-speed wide-area networks and powerful yet low-cost computational resources, grid computing has emerged as an attractive computing paradigm. The space limitations of conventional distributed systems can thus be overcome, to fully exploit the resources of under-utilised computing resources in every region around the world for distributed jobs. Workload and resource management are key grid services at the service level of grid software infrastructure, where issues of load balancing represent a common concern for most grid infrastructure developers. Although these are established research areas in parallel and distributed computing, grid computing environments present a number of new challenges, including large-scale computing resources, heterogeneous computing power, the autonomy of organisations hosting the resources, uneven job-arrival pattern among grid sites, considerable job transfer costs, and considerable communication overhead involved in capturing the load information of sites. This dissertation focuses on designing solutions for load balancing in computational grids that can cater for the unique characteristics of grid computing environments. To explore the solution space, we conducted a survey for load balancing solutions, which enabled discussion and comparison of existing approaches, and the delimiting and exploration of the apportion of solution space. A system model was developed to study the load-balancing problems in computational grid environments. In particular, we developed three decentralised algorithms for job dispatching and load balancingā€”using only partial information: the desirability-aware load balancing algorithm (DA), the performance-driven desirability-aware load-balancing algorithm (P-DA), and the performance-driven region-based load-balancing algorithm (P-RB). All three are scalable, dynamic, decentralised and sender-initiated. We conducted extensive simulation studies to analyse the performance of our load-balancing algorithms. Simulation results showed that the algorithms significantly outperform preexisting decentralised algorithms that are relevant to this research

    Scientific Workflow Integration For Services Computing

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    In recent years, significant scientific advances are increasingly achieved through complex scientific processes. As the exponential growth in computing technologies and scientific data, a scientific workflow may comprise a large number of heterogeneous scientific services and applications, provided by different organizations. These services, applications, and their associated data are usually distributed across heterogeneous computing environments. The integration and management of such scientific workflows are pushing the limits of current workflow technology. This dissertation presents an integrated solution to composing, scheduling, executing and developing scientific workflows and scientific workflow management systems. To provide a foundation for workflow composition, scheduling, execution and management, we propose the first reference architecture for scientific workflow management systems. The reference architecture not only provides a high-level organization of subsystems and their interactions in a workflow system, but also provides a basis for comparison between different systems and a guidance for the architectural design of an SWFMS in a specific scientific domain. To integrate heterogeneous services and applications and enable them composed to workflows, we propose a task template model which not only provides an appropriate abstraction of heterogeneous services and applications, but also encapsulates the composition and mapping of shims and functional task components within a task interface. Our proposed task specification language (TSL) not only integrates heterogeneous services and applications into uniform workflow tasks, but also provides a solution to address both TYPE-I and TYPE-II shimming problems in composing scientific workflows. To schedule scientific workflows in emerging services computing environments, we propose two workflow scheduling algorithms, the SHEFT algorithm and the SCPOR algorithm, to prioritize tasks in a workflow, map tasks onto suitable resources and order the execution of tasks on the assigned resources, so that the workflow makespan can be minimized. Our extensive experiments have shown that our proposed algorithms not only outperform other algorithms for large-scale, data-intensive and compute intensive workflows, but also allow the assigned resources elastically change on demand of the size of workflows. To execute workflows on distributed computing environments, we propose a task run model to model the run-time behaviors of tasks. The proposed task run description language (TRDL) enables the execution of task instances constructed from heterogeneous services and applications. We also develop an SOA based task management subsystem to manage all task templates, task instances and task runs for the invocation and execution of various heterogeneous task components. Finally, our developed SOA based workflow management system, the VIEW system, and a VIEW based workflow application system, the FiberFlow system, validate our architectures, models, languages, and algorithms

    Global Grids and Software Toolkits: A Study of Four Grid Middleware Technologies

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    Grid is an infrastructure that involves the integrated and collaborative use of computers, networks, databases and scientific instruments owned and managed by multiple organizations. Grid applications often involve large amounts of data and/or computing resources that require secure resource sharing across organizational boundaries. This makes Grid application management and deployment a complex undertaking. Grid middlewares provide users with seamless computing ability and uniform access to resources in the heterogeneous Grid environment. Several software toolkits and systems have been developed, most of which are results of academic research projects, all over the world. This chapter will focus on four of these middlewares--UNICORE, Globus, Legion and Gridbus. It also presents our implementation of a resource broker for UNICORE as this functionality was not supported in it. A comparison of these systems on the basis of the architecture, implementation model and several other features is included.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    A Survey on Load Balancing Algorithms for VM Placement in Cloud Computing

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    The emergence of cloud computing based on virtualization technologies brings huge opportunities to host virtual resource at low cost without the need of owning any infrastructure. Virtualization technologies enable users to acquire, configure and be charged on pay-per-use basis. However, Cloud data centers mostly comprise heterogeneous commodity servers hosting multiple virtual machines (VMs) with potential various specifications and fluctuating resource usages, which may cause imbalanced resource utilization within servers that may lead to performance degradation and service level agreements (SLAs) violations. To achieve efficient scheduling, these challenges should be addressed and solved by using load balancing strategies, which have been proved to be NP-hard problem. From multiple perspectives, this work identifies the challenges and analyzes existing algorithms for allocating VMs to PMs in infrastructure Clouds, especially focuses on load balancing. A detailed classification targeting load balancing algorithms for VM placement in cloud data centers is investigated and the surveyed algorithms are classified according to the classification. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive and comparative understanding of existing literature and aid researchers by providing an insight for potential future enhancements.Comment: 22 Pages, 4 Figures, 4 Tables, in pres

    A fast, effective local search for scheduling independent jobs in heterogeneous computing environments

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    The efficient scheduling of independent computational jobs in a heterogeneous computing (HC) environment is an important problem in domains such as grid computing. Finding optimal schedules for such an environment is (in general) an NP-hard problem, and so heuristic approaches must be used. Work with other NP-hard problems has shown that solutions found by heuristic algorithms can often be improved by applying local search procedures to the solution found. This paper describes a simple but effective local search procedure for scheduling independent jobs in HC environments which, when combined with fast construction heuristics, can find shorter schedules on benchmark problems than other solution techniques found in the literature, and in significantly less time

    A Domain Specific Approach to High Performance Heterogeneous Computing

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    Users of heterogeneous computing systems face two problems: firstly, in understanding the trade-off relationships between the observable characteristics of their applications, such as latency and quality of the result, and secondly, how to exploit knowledge of these characteristics to allocate work to distributed computing platforms efficiently. A domain specific approach addresses both of these problems. By considering a subset of operations or functions, models of the observable characteristics or domain metrics may be formulated in advance, and populated at run-time for task instances. These metric models can then be used to express the allocation of work as a constrained integer program, which can be solved using heuristics, machine learning or Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) frameworks. These claims are illustrated using the example domain of derivatives pricing in computational finance, with the domain metrics of workload latency or makespan and pricing accuracy. For a large, varied workload of 128 Black-Scholes and Heston model-based option pricing tasks, running upon a diverse array of 16 Multicore CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs platforms, predictions made by models of both the makespan and accuracy are generally within 10% of the run-time performance. When these models are used as inputs to machine learning and MILP-based workload allocation approaches, a latency improvement of up to 24 and 270 times over the heuristic approach is seen.Comment: 14 pages, preprint draft, minor revisio

    Grid Infrastructure for Domain Decomposition Methods in Computational ElectroMagnetics

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    The accurate and efficient solution of Maxwell's equation is the problem addressed by the scientific discipline called Computational ElectroMagnetics (CEM). Many macroscopic phenomena in a great number of fields are governed by this set of differential equations: electronic, geophysics, medical and biomedical technologies, virtual EM prototyping, besides the traditional antenna and propagation applications. Therefore, many efforts are focussed on the development of new and more efficient approach to solve Maxwell's equation. The interest in CEM applications is growing on. Several problems, hard to figure out few years ago, can now be easily addressed thanks to the reliability and flexibility of new technologies, together with the increased computational power. This technology evolution opens the possibility to address large and complex tasks. Many of these applications aim to simulate the electromagnetic behavior, for example in terms of input impedance and radiation pattern in antenna problems, or Radar Cross Section for scattering applications. Instead, problems, which solution requires high accuracy, need to implement full wave analysis techniques, e.g., virtual prototyping context, where the objective is to obtain reliable simulations in order to minimize measurement number, and as consequence their cost. Besides, other tasks require the analysis of complete structures (that include an high number of details) by directly simulating a CAD Model. This approach allows to relieve researcher of the burden of removing useless details, while maintaining the original complexity and taking into account all details. Unfortunately, this reduction implies: (a) high computational effort, due to the increased number of degrees of freedom, and (b) worsening of spectral properties of the linear system during complex analysis. The above considerations underline the needs to identify appropriate information technologies that ease solution achievement and fasten required elaborations. The authors analysis and expertise infer that Grid Computing techniques can be very useful to these purposes. Grids appear mainly in high performance computing environments. In this context, hundreds of off-the-shelf nodes are linked together and work in parallel to solve problems, that, previously, could be addressed sequentially or by using supercomputers. Grid Computing is a technique developed to elaborate enormous amounts of data and enables large-scale resource sharing to solve problem by exploiting distributed scenarios. The main advantage of Grid is due to parallel computing, indeed if a problem can be split in smaller tasks, that can be executed independently, its solution calculation fasten up considerably. To exploit this advantage, it is necessary to identify a technique able to split original electromagnetic task into a set of smaller subproblems. The Domain Decomposition (DD) technique, based on the block generation algorithm introduced in Matekovits et al. (2007) and Francavilla et al. (2011), perfectly addresses our requirements (see Section 3.4 for details). In this chapter, a Grid Computing infrastructure is presented. This architecture allows parallel block execution by distributing tasks to nodes that belong to the Grid. The set of nodes is composed by physical machines and virtualized ones. This feature enables great flexibility and increase available computational power. Furthermore, the presence of virtual nodes allows a full and efficient Grid usage, indeed the presented architecture can be used by different users that run different applications
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