53,102 research outputs found

    Effective Load Balance Scheduling Schemes for Heterogeneous Distributed System

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    Importance of distributed systems for distributing the workload on the processors is globally accepted. It is an agreed fact that divides and conquers is the effective strategy for load balancing problems. In today’s time, load balancing is the major issue for scheduling algorithm such as in Parallel and Distributed Systems including Grid and Cloud Computing and many more. Load Balancing is the phenomena of spreading or distributing the workload among the processors so that all processors keep busy for all the time, in order to prevent ideal time of processors. In this work, presents a load balancing algorithm for heterogeneous distributed system (HeDS) with aim of minimizing the load imbalance factor (LIF). The proposed algorithm is using optimization techniques such as Max-Max and Min-Max strategy and applied on Folded Crossed Cube (FCC) network. Makespan, speedup and average resource utilization are also evaluated for performance matrices. The experimental results of the proposed algorithms have showed better in comparison to with previous work under various test conditions

    Dynamic Load Balancing By Scheduling In Computational Grid System

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    Grid computing systems are distributed systems that involve coordinate and involvement of heterogeneous resources with various characteristics where user jobs can be executed on either local or remote computer. These heterogeneous computing resources are used to run highly complex programs that require very high processing power and huge volume of input data. Recently the biggest issue in distributed system is to design of an appropriate and efficient dynamic load balancing algorithm that upgrade the overall performance of the distributed systems. In this research paper, we proposed a scheduling algorithm that manages the resources to improve the utilization of resource and minimize the job response time in computational grid system. So that no any resources will be heavily, low loaded or in some case will be in idle. Keywords— Grid computation, Dynamic Load balancing, Schedule DLB, Job Scheduling

    Dynamic load balancing strategies in heterogeneous distributed system

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    Distributed heterogeneous computing is being widely applied to a variety of large size computational problems. This computational environments are consists of multiple het- erogeneous computing modules, these modules interact with each other to solve the prob-lem. Dynamic load balancing in distributed computing system is desirable because it is an important key to establish dependability in a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems (HDCS). Load balancing problem is an optimization problem with exponential solution space. The complexity of dynamic load balancing increases with the size of a HDCS and becomes difficult to solve effectively. The solution to this intractable problem is discussed under different algorithm paradigm.The load submitted to the a HDCS is assumed to be in the form of tasks. Dynamic allocation of n independent tasks to m computing nodes in heterogeneous distributed computing system can be possible through centralized or decentralized control. In central-ized approach,we have formulated load balancing problem considering task and machine heterogeneity as a linear programming problem to minimize the time by which all task completes the execution in makespan.The load balancing problem in HDCS aims to maintain a balanced allocation of tasks while using the computational resources. The system state changes with time on arrival of tasks from the users. Therefore,heterogeneous distributed system is modeled as an M/M/m queue. The task model is represented either as a consistent or an inconsistent expected time to compute (ETC) matrix. A batch mode heuristic has been used to de-sign dynamic load balancing algorithms for heterogeneous distributed computing systems with four different type of machine heterogeneity. A number of experiments have been conducted to study the performance of load balancing algorithms with three different ar-rival rate for the task. A better performance of the algorithms is observed with increasing of heterogeneity in the HDCS.A new codification scheme suitable to simulated annealing and genetic algorithm has been introduced to design dynamic load balancing algorithms for HDCS. These stochastic iterative load balancing algorithms uses sliding window techniques to select a batch of tasks, and allocate them to the computing nodes in the HDCS. The proposed dynamic genetic algorithm based load balancer has been found to be effective, especially in the case of a large number of tasks

    Simulation model of load balancing in distributed computing systems

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    The availability of high-performance computing, high speed data transfer over the network and widespread of software for the design and pre-production in mechanical engineering have led to the fact that at the present time the large industrial enterprises and small engineering companies implement complex computer systems for efficient solutions of production and management tasks. Such computer systems are generally built on the basis of distributed heterogeneous computer systems. The analytical problems solved by such systems are the key models of research, but the system-wide problems of efficient distribution (balancing) of the computational load and accommodation input, intermediate and output databases are no less important. The main tasks of this balancing system are load and condition monitoring of compute nodes, and the selection of a node for transition of the user's request in accordance with a predetermined algorithm. The load balancing is one of the most used methods of increasing productivity of distributed computing systems through the optimal allocation of tasks between the computer system nodes. Therefore, the development of methods and algorithms for computing optimal scheduling in a distributed system, dynamically changing its infrastructure, is an important task

    Automatic Performance Optimization on Heterogeneous Computer Systems using Manycore Coprocessors

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    Emerging computer architectures and advanced computing technologies, such as Intel’s Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture and graphics processing units (GPU), provide a promising solution to employ parallelism for achieving high performance, scalability and low power consumption. As a result, accelerators have become a crucial part in developing supercomputers. Accelerators usually equip with different types of cores and memory. It will compel application developers to reach challenging performance goals. The added complexity has led to the development of task-based runtime systems, which allow complex computations to be expressed as task graphs, and rely on scheduling algorithms to perform load balancing between all resources of the platforms. Developing good scheduling algorithms, even on a single node, and analyzing them can thus have a very high impact on the performance of current HPC systems. Load balancing strategies, at different levels, will be critical to obtain an effective usage of the heterogeneous hardware and to reduce the impact of communication on energy and performance. Implementing efficient load balancing algorithms, able to manage heterogeneous hardware, can be a challenging task, especially when a parallel programming model for distributed memory architecture. In this paper, we presents several novel runtime approaches to determine the optimal data and task partition on heterogeneous platforms, targeting the Intel Xeon Phi accelerated heterogeneous systems

    Decentralized load balancing in heterogeneous computational grids

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    With the rapid development of high-speed wide-area networks and powerful yet low-cost computational resources, grid computing has emerged as an attractive computing paradigm. The space limitations of conventional distributed systems can thus be overcome, to fully exploit the resources of under-utilised computing resources in every region around the world for distributed jobs. Workload and resource management are key grid services at the service level of grid software infrastructure, where issues of load balancing represent a common concern for most grid infrastructure developers. Although these are established research areas in parallel and distributed computing, grid computing environments present a number of new challenges, including large-scale computing resources, heterogeneous computing power, the autonomy of organisations hosting the resources, uneven job-arrival pattern among grid sites, considerable job transfer costs, and considerable communication overhead involved in capturing the load information of sites. This dissertation focuses on designing solutions for load balancing in computational grids that can cater for the unique characteristics of grid computing environments. To explore the solution space, we conducted a survey for load balancing solutions, which enabled discussion and comparison of existing approaches, and the delimiting and exploration of the apportion of solution space. A system model was developed to study the load-balancing problems in computational grid environments. In particular, we developed three decentralised algorithms for job dispatching and load balancing—using only partial information: the desirability-aware load balancing algorithm (DA), the performance-driven desirability-aware load-balancing algorithm (P-DA), and the performance-driven region-based load-balancing algorithm (P-RB). All three are scalable, dynamic, decentralised and sender-initiated. We conducted extensive simulation studies to analyse the performance of our load-balancing algorithms. Simulation results showed that the algorithms significantly outperform preexisting decentralised algorithms that are relevant to this research