175 research outputs found

    Aviation System Analysis Capability Executive Assistant Design

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    In this technical document, we describe the design developed for the Aviation System Analysis Capability (ASAC) Executive Assistant (EA) Proof of Concept (POC). We describe the genesis and role of the ASAC system, discuss the objectives of the ASAC system and provide an overview of components and models within the ASAC system, and describe the design process and the results of the ASAC EA POC system design. We also describe the evaluation process and results for applicable COTS software. The document has six chapters, a bibliography, three appendices and one attachment

    A Full Visual A-SMGCS Simulation Platform

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    Protecting the infrastructure: 3rd Australian information warfare & security conference 2002

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    The conference is hosted by the We-B Centre (working with a-business) in the School of Management Information System, the School of Computer & Information Sciences at Edith Cowan University. This year\u27s conference is being held at the Sheraton Perth Hotel in Adelaide Terrace, Perth. Papers for this conference have been written by a wide range of academics and industry specialists. We have attracted participation from both national and international authors and organisations. The papers cover many topics, all within the field of information warfare and its applications, now and into the future. The papers have been grouped into six streams: • Networks • IWAR Strategy • Security • Risk Management • Social/Education • Infrastructur


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    Deep water activities are essential for many industrial fields, for instance in repairing and installation of underwater cables, pipes and constructions, marine salvage and rescue opera- tions. In some cases, these activities must be performed in deep water and hence require special equipment and prepared and experienced personnel. In some critical situations, re- motely controlled vehicles (ROVs) can't be used and a human diver intervention is required. In the last case, divers are required to perform work at high depths, which could be as low as 300m below the water surface. Usually, this is the limit depth for commercial diving and when operations must be carried out even deeper, ROVs remain only possibility to perform them. In the past, the safety regulations were less strict and numerous operations on depth of 300-350 meters of seawater were conducted. However, in the beginning of the 90s gov- ernments and companies started to impose limits on depths of operation; for instance, in Norway maximum operational depth for saturation divers is limited to 180 meters of sea- water (Imbert et al., 2019). Obviously, harsh environmental conditions impose various limitations on performed activi- ties; indeed, low temperature, poor visibility and high pressure make it difficult not only to operate at depth, but even to achieve the point of intervention. One of the main problems is related to elevated pressure, which rises for about 1 bar for each 10 meters of water depth and could achieve up to 20-25 bars at required depth, while pressure inside divers\u2019 atmospheric diving suites must be nearly the same. Considering this, there are several evident limitations. First is related to the fact that at high atmospheric pressure oxy- gen becomes poisonous for human body and special breath gas mixtures are required to avoid health issues. The second one is maximum pressure variation rate which would not cause damage for the human body; indeed, fast compression or decompression could easily cause severe damages and even death of divers. Furthermore, surveys found that circa 1/3 of divers experience headache during decompression which usually last for at least several hours and up to several days (Imbert et al., 2019). The same study indicates that majority of the divers experience fatigue after saturation and it lasts on average more than 4 days before return to normal. Obviously, risk of accidents increases with high number of compression- decompression cycles. To address these issues, in commercial deep water diving the common practice is to perform pressurization only one time before the start of the work activity which typically lasts 20-30 days and consequent depressurization after its end. Hence, divers are living for several weeks in isolated pressurized environments, typically placed on board of a Dive Support Vessel (DSV), usually barge or a ship, and go up and down to the workplace using submersible decompression chamber also known as the bell. While long-term work shifts provide numerous advantages, there is still necessity to perform life support supervision of the plant, the bell and the diving suits, which require presence of well qualified personnel. Currently, most of training activities are performed on empty plant during idle time, but obviously this approach is low efficient and costly, as well as accom- panied by the risk to broke equipment. To address such issues, this research project proposes utilization of simulator of plant and its life support system, devoted to train future Life-Support Supervisors (LSS), taking into account gas dynamics, human behaviour and physiology as well as various aspect of opera- tion of saturation diving plants

    AOP and HLA : A new aspect on distributed simulation development

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    This thesis develops a method for combining AOP and HLA, leveraging the separation-of-concerns approach used by AOP to allow the creation of core models, free from simulation distribution semantics. Through the use of automated tools, these models are then woven with a generic-HLA aspect, producing an HLA-enabled simulation component. Using AOP in this manner removes the need for model developers to have an in-depth understanding of the HLA, helping to remove the prime factor restricitng a broader uptake of distributed simulation technologies: development complexity.Doctor of Philosoph

    Ordering, timeliness and reliability for publish/subscribe systems over WAN

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    In the last few years, the increasing use of the Internet and geo-political, sociological and financial changes induced by globalization, are paving the way for a connected world where the information is always available at the right place and the right time. As such, applications previously deployed for ``closed'' environmets, are now federating into geographically distributed systems connected through a Wide Area Network (WAN). By this evolution, in the near future no system will be isolated: every system will be composed by interconnected systems, i.e., it will be a System of Systems (SoS). Example of SoS are the Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastructure (LCCIs), such as power grids, transport infrastructures (airports and seaports), financial infrastructures, next generation intelligence platforms, to cite a few. In these systems, multiple sources of information generate a high volume of events that need to be delivered to all intended destinations by respecting several Quality of Service (QoS) constraints imposed by the critical nature of LCCIs. As such, particular attention is devoted to the middleware solution used to disseminate information in the SoS. Due to its inherently scalability provided by space, time and synchronization decoupling properties, the publish/subscribe paradigm is becoming attractive for the implementation of a middleware service for LCCIs. However, scalability is not the only requirement exhibited by SoS. Several services need to control a broader set of QoS requirements, such as timeliness, ordering and reliability. Unfortunately, current middleware solutions do not address QoS constraints required by SoS. Current publish/subscribe middleware solutions for the WAN environment offer only a best effort event dissemination, with no additional control on QoS. Just a few implementations try to address some isolated QoS policy, making them not suitable for a SoS scenario. The contribution of this thesis is to devise a QoS layer that can be posed on top of a generic publish/subscribe middleware that enriches its service by addressing: (i) ordering, (ii) reliability and (iii) timeliness in event dissemination in SoS over WAN. Specifically, we first analyze several real case studies, by highlighting their QoS requirements in terms of ordering, reliability and timeliness, and compare these requirements with both current research prototypes and commercial systems. Then, we fill the gap by proposing novel algorithms to address those requirements. The proposed protocols can also be combined together in order to provide the QoS level required by the particular application. In this way, QoS issues do not need to be addressed at application level, so as to leave applications to implement just their native functionalities

    Ordering, timeliness and reliability for publish/subscribe systems over WAN

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    In the last few years, the increasing use of the Internet and geo-political, sociological and financial changes induced by globalization, are paving the way for a connected world where the information is always available at the right place and the right time. As such, applications previously deployed for ``closed'' environmets, are now federating into geographically distributed systems connected through a Wide Area Network (WAN). By this evolution, in the near future no system will be isolated: every system will be composed by interconnected systems, i.e., it will be a System of Systems (SoS). Example of SoS are the Large-scale Complex Critical Infrastructure (LCCIs), such as power grids, transport infrastructures (airports and seaports), financial infrastructures, next generation intelligence platforms, to cite a few. In these systems, multiple sources of information generate a high volume of events that need to be delivered to all intended destinations by respecting several Quality of Service (QoS) constraints imposed by the critical nature of LCCIs. As such, particular attention is devoted to the middleware solution used to disseminate information in the SoS. Due to its inherently scalability provided by space, time and synchronization decoupling properties, the publish/subscribe paradigm is becoming attractive for the implementation of a middleware service for LCCIs. However, scalability is not the only requirement exhibited by SoS. Several services need to control a broader set of QoS requirements, such as timeliness, ordering and reliability. Unfortunately, current middleware solutions do not address QoS constraints required by SoS. Current publish/subscribe middleware solutions for the WAN environment offer only a best effort event dissemination, with no additional control on QoS. Just a few implementations try to address some isolated QoS policy, making them not suitable for a SoS scenario. The contribution of this thesis is to devise a QoS layer that can be posed on top of a generic publish/subscribe middleware that enriches its service by addressing: (i) ordering, (ii) reliability and (iii) timeliness in event dissemination in SoS over WAN. Specifically, we first analyze several real case studies, by highlighting their QoS requirements in terms of ordering, reliability and timeliness, and compare these requirements with both current research prototypes and commercial systems. Then, we fill the gap by proposing novel algorithms to address those requirements. The proposed protocols can also be combined together in order to provide the QoS level required by the particular application. In this way, QoS issues do not need to be addressed at application level, so as to leave applications to implement just their native functionalities

    ASAC Executive Assistant Architecture Description Summary

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    In this technical document, we describe the system architecture developed for the Aviation System Analysis Capability (ASAC) Executive Assistant (EA). We describe the genesis and role of the ASAC system, discuss the objectives of the ASAC system and provide an overview of components and models within the ASAC system, discuss our choice for an architecture methodology, the Domain Specific Software Architecture (DSSA), and the DSSA approach to developing a system architecture, and describe the development process and the results of the ASAC EA system architecture. The document has six appendices

    On Data Dissemination for Large-Scale Complex Critical Infrastructures

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    Middleware plays a key role for the achievement of the mission of future largescalecomplexcriticalinfrastructures, envisioned as federations of several heterogeneous systems over Internet. However, available approaches for datadissemination result still inadequate, since they are unable to scale and to jointly assure given QoS properties. In addition, the best-effort delivery strategy of Internet and the occurrence of node failures further exacerbate the correct and timely delivery of data, if the middleware is not equipped with means for tolerating such failures. This paper presents a peer-to-peer approach for resilient and scalable datadissemination over large-scalecomplexcriticalinfrastructures. The approach is based on the adoption of epidemic dissemination algorithms between peer groups, combined with the semi-active replication of group leaders to tolerate failures and assure the resilient delivery of data, despite the increasing scale and heterogeneity of the federated system. The effectiveness of the approach is shown by means of extensive simulation experiments, based on Stochastic Activity Networks
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