160 research outputs found

    On the Non-Orthogonal Layered Broadcast Codes in Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    A multi-fold increase in spectral efficiency and throughput are envisioned in the fifth generation of cellular networks to meet the requirements of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) IMT-2020 on massive connectivity and tremendous data traffic. This is achieved by evolution in three aspects of current networks. The first aspect is shrinking the cell sizes and deploying dense picocells and femtocells to boost the spectral reuse. The second is to allocate more spectrum resources including millimeter-wave bands. The third is deploying highly efficient communications and multiple access techniques. Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising communication technique that complements the current commercial spectrum access approach to boost the spectral efficiency, where different data streams/users’ data share the same time, frequency and code resource blocks (sub-bands) via superimposition with each other. The receivers decode their own messages by deploying the successive interference cancellation (SIC) decoding rule. It is known that the NOMA coding is superior to conventional orthogonal multiple access (OMA) coding, where the resources are split among the users in either time or frequency domain. The NOMA based coding has been incorporated into other coding techniques including multi-input multi-output (MIMO), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), cognitive radio and cooperative techniques. In cooperative NOMA codes, either dedicated relay stations or stronger users with better channel conditions, act as relay to leverage the spatial diversity and to boost the performance of the other users. The advantage of spatial diversity gain in relay-based NOMA codes, is deployed to extend the coverage area of the network, to mitigate the fading effect of multipath channel and to increase the system throughput, hence improving the system efficiency. In this dissertation we consider the multimedia content delivery and machine type communications over 5G networks, where scalable content and low complexity encoders is of interest. We propose cross-layer design for transmission of successive refinement (SR) source code interplayed with non-orthogonal layered broadcast code for deployment in several cooperative network architectures. Firstly, we consider a multi-relay coding scheme where a source node is assisted by a half-duplex multi-relay non-orthogonal amplify-forward (NAF) network to communicate with a destination node. Assuming the channel state information (CSI) is not available at the source node, the achievable layered diversity multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) curve is derived. Then, by taking distortion exponent (DE) as the figure of merit, several achievable lower bounds are proved, and the optimal expected distortion performance under high signal to noise ratio (SNR) approximation is explicitly obtained. It is shown that the proposed coding can achieve the multi-input single-output (MISO) upper bound under certain regions of bandwidth ratios, by which the optimal performance in these regions can be explicitly characterized. Further the non-orthogonal layered coding scheme is extended to a multi-hop MIMO decode-forward (DF) relay network where a set of DE lower bounds is derived. Secondly, we propose a layered cooperative multi-user scheme based on non-orthogonal amplify-forward (NAF) relaying and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) codes, aiming to achieve multi-user uplink transmissions with low complexity and low signaling overhead, particularly applicable to the machine type communications (MTC) and internet of things (IoT) systems. By assuming no CSI available at the transmitting nodes, the proposed layered codes make the transmission rate of each user adaptive to the channel realization. We derive the close-form analytical results on outage probability and the DMT curve of the proposed layered NAF codes in the asymptotic regime of high SNR, and optimize the end-to-end performance in terms of the exponential decay rate of expected distortion. Thirdly, we consider a single relay network and study the non-orthogonal layered scheme in the general SNR regime. A layered relaying scheme based on compress-forward (CF) is introduced, where optimization of end to end performance in terms of expected distortion is conducted to jointly determine network parameters. We further derive the explicit analytical optimal solution with two layers in the absence of channel knowledge. Finally, we consider the problem of multicast of multi-resolution layered messages over downlink of a cellular system with the assumption of CSI is not available at the base station (BS). Without loss generality, spatially random users are divided into two groups, where the near group users with better channel conditions decode for both layers, while the users in the second group decode for base layer only. Once the BS launches a multicast message, the first group users who successfully decoded the message, deploy a distributed cooperating scheme to assist the transmission to the other users. The cooperative scheme is naive but we will prove it can effectively enhance the network capacity. Closed form outage probability is explicitly derived for the two groups of users. Further it is shown that diversity order equal to the number of users in the near group is achievable, hence the coding gain of the proposed distributed scheme fully compensate the lack of CSI at the BS in terms of diversity order

    End-to-End Joint Antenna Selection Strategy and Distributed Compress and Forward Strategy for Relay Channels

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    Multi-hop relay channels use multiple relay stages, each with multiple relay nodes, to facilitate communication between a source and destination. Previously, distributed space-time codes were proposed to maximize the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, however, they fail to achieve all the points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. In the presence of a low-rate feedback link from the destination to each relay stage and the source, this paper proposes an end-to-end antenna selection (EEAS) strategy as an alternative to distributed space-time codes. The EEAS strategy uses a subset of antennas of each relay stage for transmission of the source signal to the destination with amplify and forwarding at each relay stage. The subsets are chosen such that they maximize the end-to-end mutual information at the destination. The EEAS strategy achieves the corner points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (corresponding to maximum diversity gain and maximum multiplexing gain) and achieves better diversity gain at intermediate values of multiplexing gain, versus the best known distributed space-time coding strategies. A distributed compress and forward (CF) strategy is also proposed to achieve all points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for a two-hop relay channel with multiple relay nodes.Comment: Accepted for publication in the special issue on cooperative communication in the Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communication and Networkin

    Performance of Multi-relay Cooperative Communication Using Decode and Forward Protocol

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    Nowadays, the development of wireless communication systems will be refer to user cooperative communication system in which a source information can transmit data to a destination through a relay. This can reduce the effect of fading on wireless communication channel which is a major problem in wireless communication system that can degrade the system performance. In this paper, we investigate the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication using decode and forward protocol in terms of channel capacity, bit error rate (BER) and throughput. The use of decode and forward protocol in multi-relay cooperative communication offers cooperation among users to generate virtual multiple antennas to increase the channel capacity and also can give better system performance. Furthermore, the simulation model of the system and computer simulation is developed to evaluate the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication. The simulation result shows that the channel capacity increases as the value of signal to noise ratio (SNR) increases. Also, the channel capacity increases as the number of relays increases. Moreover, the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication performs better than a single-relay cooperative communication by using decode and forward protocol in terms of BER. Furthermore, multi-relay cooperative communication provides a good throughput of the system compared to a single-relay. Therefore, the multi-relay cooperative communication is useful to mitigate the effects of channel fading, increase the channel capacity, improve the system performance and provide a good throughput by exploiting decode and forward protocol

    Performance of multi-relay cooperative communication using decode and forward protocol

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    Nowadays, the development of wireless communication systems will be refer to user cooperative communication system in which a source information can transmit data to a destination through a relay. This can reduce the effect of fading on wireless communication channel which is a major problem in wireless communication system that can degrade the system performance. In this paper, we investigate the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication using decode and forward protocol in terms of channel capacity, bit error rate (BER) and throughput.  The use of decode and forward protocol in multi-relay cooperative communication offers cooperation among users to generate virtual multiple antennas to increase the channel capacity and also can give better system performance. Furthermore, the simulation model of the system and computer simulation is developed to evaluate the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication. The simulation result shows that the channel capacity increases as the value of signal to noise ratio (SNR) increases. Also, the channel capacity increases as the number of relays increases. Moreover, the performance of multi-relay cooperative communication performs better than a single-relay cooperative communication by using decode and forward protocol in terms of BER. Furthermore, multi-relay cooperative communication provides a good throughput of the system compared to a single-relay. Therefore,  the multi-relay cooperative communication is useful to mitigate the effects of channel fading, increase the channel capacity, improve the system performance and provide a good throughput by exploiting decode and forward protocol

    Slepian-Wolf Coding for Broadcasting with Cooperative Base-Stations

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    We propose a base-station (BS) cooperation model for broadcasting a discrete memoryless source in a cellular or heterogeneous network. The model allows the receivers to use helper BSs to improve network performance, and it permits the receivers to have prior side information about the source. We establish the model's information-theoretic limits in two operational modes: In Mode 1, the helper BSs are given information about the channel codeword transmitted by the main BS, and in Mode 2 they are provided correlated side information about the source. Optimal codes for Mode 1 use \emph{hash-and-forward coding} at the helper BSs; while, in Mode 2, optimal codes use source codes from Wyner's \emph{helper source-coding problem} at the helper BSs. We prove the optimality of both approaches by way of a new list-decoding generalisation of [8, Thm. 6], and, in doing so, show an operational duality between Modes 1 and 2.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Physical-layer network coding for two-way relay channels

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    Le codage réseau est apparu comme une technique alternative au routage au niveau de la couche réseau permettant d'améliorer le débit et d'optimiser l'utilisation de la capacité du réseau. Récemment, le codage réseau a été appliqué au niveau de la couche physique des réseaux sans-fil pour profiter de la superposition naturelle des signaux effectuée par le lien radio. Le codage réseau peut être vue comme un traitement interne du réseau pour lequel différentes techniques de relayage peuvent être utilisées. Cette thèse étudie un ensemble de traitements ayant des compromis variés en terme de performance et complexité. Nous considérons le canal bidirectionnel à relais, un modèle de canal de communication typique dans les réseaux coopératifs, où deux terminaux s'échangent mutuellement des messages par l'intermédiaire d'un relais. La communication se déroule en deux phases, une phase à accès multiple et une phase de broadcast. Pour ce scénario, nous analysons, dans une première partie, une stratégie de "decode-and-forward". Nous considérons, pour cette étude, des alphabets de taille finie et nous calculons les probabilités moyennes d'erreur de bout-en-bout en se basant sur la métrique d'exposant d'erreur du codage aléatoire. Puis, nous dérivons les régions des débits atteignables par rapport à une probabilité d'erreur maximale tolérable au niveau de chaque nœud. Dans une deuxième partie de la thèse, nous proposons deux schémas de codage réseau pratiques, avec complexité réduite, qui se basent sur la stratégie de relayage "compress-and-forward" (CF). Le premier schéma utilise un codage en réseau de points imbriqués (nested lattices). Le deuxième schéma est une version améliorée qui permet d'atteindre des débits de données supérieurs pour l'utilisateur qui a les meilleures conditions canal. Nous construisons les régions des débits atteignables par les deux schémas proposés tout en optimisant la répartition du temps alloué à chacune des deux phases de transmission. Après l'étude du régime asymptotique, nous analysons le schéma de codage CF avec des réseaux de points de dimension finie. Nous nous concentrons sur le problème de la transmission analogique où la distorsion est optimisée. Enfin, nous étudions l'application d'un schéma de codage, basé sur la stratégie CF avec des réseaux de points imbriqués, pour le canal bidirectionnel à canaux parallèles. Ainsi, nous présentons deux régions de débits atteignables selon la technique de traitement, conjoint ou séparé, des sous-canaux par le relais.Network coding has emerged as an alternative technique to routing that enhances the throughput at the network layer. Recently, network coding has been applied at the physical layer to take advantage of the natural signal superposition that occurs in the radio link. In this context, the physical-layer network coding can be seen as an in-network processing strategy for which multiple forwarding schemes can be proposed. This thesis investigates a set of processing schemes tailored to the network coding at the physical layer with various compromises between performance and complexity. We consider a two-way relay channel, a typical communication system in cooperative networks, where two terminals communicate with each other via a relay node. This communication occurs during two transmission phases, namely a multiple-access phase and a broadcast phase. For TWRC scenario, we first analyze a decode-and-forward strategy with finite size alphabets. We calculate the end-to-end average error probabilities based on random coding error exponents. Then, we derive the achievable rate regions with respect to a maximal probability of error allowed at each terminal. Next, we propose two low-complexity and practical schemes based on compress-and-forward relaying strategy. The first scheme employs nested lattice coding. The second is an improved version which enables higher data rates for the user experiencing the best channel conditions. We present an information-theoretic framework to reconstruct the achievable rate regions of both schemes by considering optimal time division between both transmission phases. After the asymptotic regime analysis, we study single-layer lattice coding scheme with finite dimension lattices. We focus on the analog transmission problem where the distortion is optimized. Finally, we investigate single-layer lattice coding scheme for parallel Gaussian two-way relay channel. We present two achievable rate regions based on whether the relay processes all the sub-channels jointly or separately.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Side information aware source and channel coding in wireless networks

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    Signals in communication networks exhibit significant correlation, which can stem from the physical nature of the underlying sources, or can be created within the system. Current layered network architectures, in which, based on Shannon’s separation theorem, data is compressed and transmitted over independent bit-pipes, are in general not able to exploit such correlation efficiently. Moreover, this strictly layered architecture was developed for wired networks and ignore the broadcast and highly dynamic nature of the wireless medium, creating a bottleneck in the wireless network design. Technologies that exploit correlated information and go beyond the layered network architecture can become a key feature of future wireless networks, as information theory promises significant gains. In this thesis, we study from an information theoretic perspective, three distinct, yet fundamental, problems involving the availability of correlated information in wireless networks and develop novel communication techniques to exploit it efficiently. We first look at two joint source-channel coding problems involving the lossy transmission of Gaussian sources in a multi-terminal and a time-varying setting in which correlated side information is present in the network. In these two problems, the optimality of Shannon’s separation breaks down and separate source and channel coding is shown to perform poorly compared to the proposed joint source-channel coding designs, which are shown to achieve the optimal performance in some setups. Then, we characterize the capacity of a class of orthogonal relay channels in the presence of channel side information at the destination, and show that joint decoding and compression of the received signal at the relay is required to optimally exploit the available side information. Our results in these three different scenarios emphasize the benefits of exploiting correlated side information at the destination when designing a communication system, even though the nature of the side information and the performance measure in the three scenarios are quite different.Open Acces