403 research outputs found

    Disordered and Multiple Destinations Path Planning Methods for Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environment

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    Disordered and Multiple Destinations Path Planning Methods for Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environment

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    In the smart home environment, aiming at the disordered and multiple destinations path planning, the sequencing rule is proposed to determine the order of destinations. Within each branching process, the initial feasible path set is generated according to the law of attractive destination. A sinusoidal adaptive genetic algorithm is adopted. It can calculate the crossover probability and mutation probability adaptively changing with environment at any time. According to the cultural-genetic algorithm, it introduces the concept of reducing turns by parallelogram and reducing length by triangle in the belief space, which can improve the quality of population. And the fallback strategy can help to jump out of the "U" trap effectively. The algorithm analyses the virtual collision in dynamic environment with obstacles. According to the different collision types, different strategies are executed to avoid obstacles. The experimental results show that cultural-genetic algorithm can overcome the problems of premature and convergence of original algorithm effectively. It can avoid getting into the local optimum. And it is more effective for mobile robot path planning. Even in complex environment with static and dynamic obstacles, it can avoid collision safely and plan an optimal path rapidly at the same time

    Advanced Information Technology Convergence

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    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    The Implementation of a Hierarchical Hybrid Navigation System for a Mobile Robotic Vehicle

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    One of the challenges of robotics is to develop a robot control system capable of obtaining intelligent, suitable responses to dynamic environments. The basic requirements for accomplishing this is a robot control architecture and a hardware platform that can adapt the software and hardware to the current state of the environment. This has led researchers to design control architectures composed of distributed, independent and asynchronous behaviours. In line with this research, this thesis details the development of a control system which adopts a hierarchical hybrid navigation architecture designed at Victoria University of Wellington. The implementation of the control system is aimed towards one of Victoria University of Wellington’s fleet of mobile robotic platforms called MARVIN. MARVIN is a differential drive robot and the sensory equipment on the device includes infrared sensors and odometry. The control system has been implemented in C# .NET programming language adopting a Service- Oriented Architecture. This software framework provides several services along with a graphical user interface to configure the control system. Several experiments have been carried out to test the control system and the results indicate that the features of the navigation architecture have been accomplishe

    The Implementation of a Hierarchical Hybrid Navigation System for a Mobile Robotic Vehicle

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    One of the challenges of robotics is to develop a robot control system capable of obtaining intelligent, suitable responses to dynamic environments. The basic requirements for accomplishing this is a robot control architecture and a hardware platform that can adapt the software and hardware to the current state of the environment. This has led researchers to design control architectures composed of distributed, independent and asynchronous behaviours. In line with this research, this thesis details the development of a control system which adopts a hierarchical hybrid navigation architecture designed at Victoria University of Wellington. The implementation of the control system is aimed towards one of Victoria University of Wellington’s fleet of mobile robotic platforms called MARVIN. MARVIN is a differential drive robot and the sensory equipment on the device includes infrared sensors and odometry. The control system has been implemented in C# .NET programming language adopting a Service- Oriented Architecture. This software framework provides several services along with a graphical user interface to configure the control system. Several experiments have been carried out to test the control system and the results indicate that the features of the navigation architecture have been accomplishe

    Evolutionary algorithms for robot path planning, task allocation and collision avoidance in an automated warehouse

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research with regard to path planning, task allocation and collision avoidance is important for improving the field of warehouse automation. The dissertation addresses the topic of routing warehouse picking and binning robots. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a single objective and multi-objective algorithm framework that can sequence products to be picked or binned, allocate the products to robots and optimise the routing through the warehouse. The sequence of the picking and binning tasks ultimately determines the total time for picking and binning all of the parts. The objectives of the algorithm framework are to minimise the total time for travelling as well as the total time idling, given the number of robots available to perform the picking and binning functions. The algorithm framework incorporates collision avoidance since the aisle width does not allow two robots to pass each other. The routing problem sets the foundation for solving the sequencing and allocation problem. The best heuristic from the routing problem is used as the strategy for routing the robots in the sequencing and allocation problem. The routing heuristics used to test the framework in this dissertation include the return heuristic, the s-shape heuristic, the midpoint heuristic and the largest gap heuristic. The metaheuristic solution strategies for single objective part sequencing and allocating problem include the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES) algorithm, the genetic algorithm (GA), the guaranteed convergence particle swarm optimisation (GCPSO) algorithm, and the self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with neighbourhood search (SaNSDE). The evolutionary multi-objective algorithms considered in this dissertation are the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm III (NSGA-III), the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEAD), the multiple objective particle swarm optimisation (MOPSO), and the multi-objective covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (MO-CMA-ES). Solving the robot routing problem showed that the return routing heuristic outperformed the s-shape, largest gap and midpoint heuristics with a significant margin. The return heuristic was thus used for solving the routing of robots in the part sequencing and allocation problem. The framework was able to create feasible real-world solutions for the part sequencing and allocation problem. The results from the single objective problem showed that the CMA-ES algorithm outperformed the other metaheuristics on the part sequencing and allocation problem. The second best performing metaheuristic was the SaNSDE. The GA was the third best metaheuristic and the worst performing metaheuristic was the GCPSO. The multi-objective framework was able to produce feasible trade-off solutions and MOPSO was shown to be the best EMO algorithm to use for accuracy. If a large spread and number of Pareto solutions are the most important concern, MOEAD should be used. The research contributions include the incorporation of collision avoidance in the robot routing problem when using single and multi-objective algorithms as solution strategies. This dissertation contributes to the research relating to the performance of metaheuristics and evolutionary multi-objective algorithms on routing, sequencing, and allocation problems. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this dissertation is the first where these four metaheuristics and evolutionary multi-objective algorithms have been tested for solving the robot picking and binning problem, given that all collisions must be avoided. It is also the first time that this specific variation of the part sequencing and allocation problem has been solved using metaheuristics and evolutionary multi-objective algorithms, taking into account that all collisions must be avoided.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Navorsing in verband met roete beplanning, part allokasie en botsing vermyding is belangrik vir die bevordering van die pakhuis automatisering veld. Die verhandeling handel oor die onderwerp van parte wat gestoor en gehaal moet word en die verkillende parte moet ook gealokeer word aan ’n spesifieke robot. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om ’n enkele doelwit en ’n multidoelwit algoritme raamwerk te ontwikkel wat parte in ’n volgorde rangskik en ook die parte aan ’n robot alokeer. Die roete wat die robot moet volg deur die pakhuis moet ook geoptimeer word om die minste tyd te verg. Die volgorde van die parte bepaal uiteindelik die totale tyd wat dit neem vir die robot om al die parte te stoor en te gaan haal. Die doelwitte van die algoritme raamwerk is om die totale reistyd en die totale ledige tyd te minimeer, gegewe die aantal beskikbare robotte in die sisteem om die stoor en gaan haal funksies uit te voer. Die algoritme raamwerk bevat botsingsvermyding, aangesien die gangbreedte van die pakhuis nie toelaat dat twee robotte mekaar kan verbygaan nie. Die roete probleem lˆe die grondslag vir die oplossing van die volgorde en allokerings probleem. Die beste heuristiek vir die roete probleem word verder gebruik in die volgorde en allokerings probleem. Die verskillende roete heuristieke wat in hierdie verhandeling oorweeg was, sluit in die terugkeer heuristiek, die s-vorm heuristiek, die middelpunt heuristiek en die grootste gaping heuristiek. Die metaheuristieke vir die volgorde en allokerings probleem sluit die volgende algoritmes in: die kovariansie matriks aanpassing evolusie algoritme (CMA-ES), die genetiese algoritme (GA), die gewaarborgde konvergerende deeltjie swermoptimerings (GCPSO) algoritme, en laastens die selfaanpassende differensi¨ele evolusie algoritme met die teenwoordigheid van buurtsoek (SaNSDE). Die evolusionêre multidoelwit algoritmes wat oorweeg was vir die volgorde en allokerings probleem sluit die volgende algoritmes in: die multidoelwit kovariansie matriks aanpassing evolusie algoritme (MO-CMA-ES), die nie-dominerende sortering genetiese algoritme III (NSGA-III), die multidoelwit evolusionˆere algoritme gebaseer op ontbinding (MOEAD) en laastens die multidoelwit deeltjie swermoptimering algoritme (MOPSO) Oplossings van die robot roete probleem het gewys dat die terugkeer heuristiek die s-vorm, grootste gaping en middelpunt heuristiek met ’n beduidende marge oortref het. Die terugkeer heuristiek is dus gebruik vir die oplossing van die roete beplanning van robotte in die volgorde en allokasie probleem. Die raamwerk was doeltreffend en die resultate het getoon, vir die enkel doelwit probleem, dat die CMA-ES algoritme beter gevaar het as die ander metaheuristieke vir die volgorde en allokasie probleem. Die SaNSDE was die naas beste presterende metaheuristiek. Die GA was die derde beste metaheuristiek, en die metaheuristiek wat die slegste gevaar het, was die GCPSO. Vir die multidoelwit probleem het die MOPSO die beste gevaar, as akkuraatheid die belangrikste doelwit is. As ’n grootter verskeidenheid die belangrikste is, is die MOEAD meer geskik om ’n oplossing te vind. Die navorsingsbydraes sluit in dat vermyding van botsings in ag geneem word in die robot roete probleem. Hierdie verhandeling dra by tot die navorsing oor die oplossing van roete beplanning, volgorde en allokasie probleme met metaheuristieke. Na die beste van die outeur se kennis is hierdie die eerste keer dat al vier metaheuristieke getoets was om die robot stoor-en-gaan haal probleem op te los, onder die kondisie dat alle botsings vermy moet word. Dit is ook die eerste keer dat hierdie spesifieke variant, enkel-en-multidoelwit probleem van die volgorde en allokasie van parte met behulp van metaheuristieke en multidoelwit evolusionˆere algoritmes opgelos was, met die inagneming dat alle botsings vermy moet word.Doctora

    The Autonomous Attack Aviation Problem

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    An autonomous unmanned combat aerial vehicle (AUCAV) performing an air-to-ground attack mission must make sequential targeting and routing decisions under uncertainty. We formulate a Markov decision process model of this autonomous attack aviation problem (A3P) and solve it using an approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach. We develop an approximate policy iteration algorithm that implements a least squares temporal difference learning mechanism to solve the A3P. Basis functions are developed and tested for application within the ADP algorithm. The ADP policy is compared to a benchmark policy, the DROP policy, which is determined by repeatedly solving a deterministic orienteering problem as the system evolves. Designed computational experiments of eight problem instances are conducted to compare the two policies with respect to their quality of solution, computational efficiency, and robustness. The ADP policy is superior in 2 of 8 problem instances - those instances with less AUCAV fuel and a low target arrival rate - whereas the DROP policy is superior in 6 of 8 problem instances. The ADP policy outperforms the DROP policy with respect to computational efficiency in all problem instances

    Planning Plausible Human Motions for Navigation and Collision Avoidance

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    This thesis investigates the plausibility of computer-generated human motions for navigation and collision avoidance. To navigate a human character through obstacles in an virtual environment, the problem is often tackled by finding the shortest possible path to the destination with smoothest motions available. This is because such solution is regarded as cost-effective and free-flowing in that it implicitly minimises the biomechanical efforts and potentially precludes anomalies such as frequent and sudden change of behaviours, and hence more plausible to human eyes. Previous research addresses this problem in two stages: finding the shortest collision-free path (motion planning) and then fitting motions onto this path accordingly (motion synthesis). This conventional approach is not optimal because the decoupling of these two stages introduces two problems. First, it forces the motion-planning stage to deliberately simplify the collision model to avoid obstacles. Secondly, it over-constrains the motion-synthesis stage to approximate motions to a sub-optimal trajectory. This often results in implausible animations that travel along erratic long paths while making frequent and sudden behaviour changes. In this research, I argue that to provide more plausible navigation and collision avoidance animation, close-proximity interaction with obstacles is crucial. To address this, I propose to combine motion planning and motion synthesis to search for shorter and smoother solutions. The intuition is that by incorporating precise collision detection and avoidance with motion capture database queries, we will be able to plan fine-scale interactions between obstacles and moving crowds. The results demonstrate that my approach can discover shorter paths with steadier behaviour transitions in scene navigation and crowd avoidance. In addition, this thesis attempts to propose a set of metrics that can be used to evaluate the plausibility of computer-generated navigation animations
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