27 research outputs found

    Discriminative multimodal biometric authentication based on quality measures

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Pattern Recognition. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Pattern Recognition, 38, 5, (2005) DOI: 10.1016/j.patcog.2004.11.012A novel score-level fusion strategy based on quality measures for multimodal biometric authentication is presented. In the proposed method, the fusion function is adapted every time an authentication claim is performed based on the estimated quality of the sensed biometric signals at this time. Experimental results combining written signatures and quality-labelled fingerprints are reported. The proposed scheme is shown to outperform significantly the fusion approach without considering quality signals. In particular, a relative improvement of approximately 20% is obtained on the publicly available MCYT bimodal database.This work has been supported by MCYT project TIC2003-08382-C05-01

    Extracting and Analysing of Heterogeneous Features for Robust FRS

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    Collecting, cleaning, combining and analysing of data are in demand in all the fields for acquiring accuracy in their task. In biometrics, this process is done for smart and secured life by means of extracting and analysing data for recognition task. Huge volume and variety of data are effectively extracted and analysed with Matlab2015 to identify the uniqueness of attributes for better accuracy in recognition process. Heterogeneous set of features that are extracted from ORL face dataset are analysed with Nearest Neighbour Rule in order to identify the unique facial features for robust FRS (Face Recognition System)

    Multimodal Biometrics Enhancement Recognition System based on Fusion of Fingerprint and PalmPrint: A Review

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    This article is an overview of a current multimodal biometrics research based on fingerprint and palm-print. It explains the pervious study for each modal separately and its fusion technique with another biometric modal. The basic biometric system consists of four stages: firstly, the sensor which is used for enrolmen

    Fingerprint Image-Quality Estimation and its Application to Multialgorithm Verification

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    Signal-quality awareness has been found to increase recognition rates and to support decisions in multisensor environments significantly. Nevertheless, automatic quality assessment is still an open issue. Here, we study the orientation tensor of fingerprint images to quantify signal impairments, such as noise, lack of structure, blur, with the help of symmetry descriptors. A strongly reduced reference is especially favorable in biometrics, but less information is not sufficient for the approach. This is also supported by numerous experiments involving a simpler quality estimator, a trained method (NFIQ), as well as the human perception of fingerprint quality on several public databases. Furthermore, quality measurements are extensively reused to adapt fusion parameters in a monomodal multialgorithm fingerprint recognition environment. In this study, several trained and nontrained score-level fusion schemes are investigated. A Bayes-based strategy for incorporating experts past performances and current quality conditions, a novel cascaded scheme for computational efficiency, besides simple fusion rules, is presented. The quantitative results favor quality awareness under all aspects, boosting recognition rates and fusing differently skilled experts efficiently as well as effectively (by training).Comment: Published at IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Image-based Gender Estimation from Body and Face across Distances

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    International audienceGender estimation has received increased attention due to its use in a number of pertinent security and commercial applications. Automated gender estimation algorithms are mainly based on extracting representative features from face images. In this work we study gender estimation based on information deduced jointly from face and body, extracted from single-shot images. The approach addresses challenging settings such as low-resolution-images, as well as settings when faces are occluded. Specifically the face-based features include local binary patterns (LBP) and scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features, projected into a PCA space. The features of the novel body-based algorithm proposed in this work include continuous shape information extracted from body silhouettes and texture information retained by HOG descriptors. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used for classification for body and face features. We conduct experiments on images extracted from video-sequences of the Multi-Biometric Tunnel database, emphasizing on three distance-settings: close, medium and far, ranging from full body exposure (far setting) to head and shoulders exposure (close setting). The experiments suggest that while face-based gender estimation performs best in the close-distance-setting, body-based gender estimation performs best when a large part of the body is visible. Finally we present two score-level-fusion schemes of face and body-based features, outperforming the two individual modalities in most cases

    Comparative Study And Analysis Of Quality Based Multibiometric Technique Using Fuzzy Inference System

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    Biometric is a science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data i.e. physical or behavioral traits which is able to uniquely recognize a person from others. Prior studies of biometric verification systems with fusion of several biometric sources have been proved to be outstanding over single biometric system. However, fusion approach without considering the quality information of the data used will affect the system performance where in some cases the performances of the fusion system may become worse compared to the performances of either one of the single systems. In order to overcome this limitation, this study proposes a quality based fusion scheme by designing a fuzzy inference system (FIS) which is able to determine the optimum weight to combine the parameter for fusion systems in changing conditions. For this purpose, fusion systems which combine two modalities i.e. speech and lip traits are experimented. For speech signal, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) is used as features while region of interest (ROI) of lip image is employed as lip features. Support vector machine (SVM) is then executed as classifier to the verification system. For validation, common fusion schemes i.e. minimum rule, maximum rule, simple sum rule, weighted sum rule are compared to the proposed quality based fusion scheme. From the experimental results at 35dB SNR of speech and 0.8 quality density of lip, the EER percentages for speech, lip, minimum rule, maximum rule, simple sum rule, weighted sum rule systems are observed as 5.9210%, 37.2157%, 33.2676%, 31.1364%, 4.0112% and 14.9023%, respectively compared to the performances of sugeno-type FIS and mamdani-type FIS i.e. 1.9974% and 1.9745%

    Quality-Based Conditional Processing in Multi-Biometrics: Application to Sensor Interoperability

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    As biometric technology is increasingly deployed, it will be common to replace parts of operational systems with newer designs. The cost and inconvenience of reacquiring enrolled users when a new vendor solution is incorporated makes this approach difficult and many applications will require to deal with information from different sources regularly. These interoperability problems can dramatically affect the performance of biometric systems and thus, they need to be overcome. Here, we describe and evaluate the ATVS-UAM fusion approach submitted to the quality-based evaluation of the 2007 BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation Campaign, whose aim was to compare fusion algorithms when biometric signals were generated using several biometric devices in mismatched conditions. Quality measures from the raw biometric data are available to allow system adjustment to changing quality conditions due to device changes. This system adjustment is referred to as quality-based conditional processing. The proposed fusion approach is based on linear logistic regression, in which fused scores tend to be log-likelihood-ratios. This allows the easy and efficient combination of matching scores from different devices assuming low dependence among modalities. In our system, quality information is used to switch between different system modules depending on the data source (the sensor in our case) and to reject channels with low quality data during the fusion. We compare our fusion approach to a set of rule-based fusion schemes over normalized scores. Results show that the proposed approach outperforms all the rule-based fusion schemes. We also show that with the quality-based channel rejection scheme, an overall improvement of 25% in the equal error rate is obtained.Comment: Published at IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Human