4,342 research outputs found

    Segregation of Vowels and Consonants in Human Auditory Cortex: Evidence for Distributed Hierarchical Organization

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    The speech signal consists of a continuous stream of consonants and vowels, which must be de- and encoded in human auditory cortex to ensure the robust recognition and categorization of speech sounds. We used small-voxel functional magnetic resonance imaging to study information encoded in local brain activation patterns elicited by consonant-vowel syllables, and by a control set of noise bursts. First, activation of anterior–lateral superior temporal cortex was seen when controlling for unspecific acoustic processing (syllables versus band-passed noises, in a “classic” subtraction-based design). Second, a classifier algorithm, which was trained and tested iteratively on data from all subjects to discriminate local brain activation patterns, yielded separations of cortical patches discriminative of vowel category versus patches discriminative of stop-consonant category across the entire superior temporal cortex, yet with regional differences in average classification accuracy. Overlap (voxels correctly classifying both speech sound categories) was surprisingly sparse. Third, lending further plausibility to the results, classification of speech–noise differences was generally superior to speech–speech classifications, with the no\ exception of a left anterior region, where speech–speech classification accuracies were significantly better. These data demonstrate that acoustic–phonetic features are encoded in complex yet sparsely overlapping local patterns of neural activity distributed hierarchically across different regions of the auditory cortex. The redundancy apparent in these multiple patterns may partly explain the robustness of phonemic representations

    Robust Sound Event Classification using Deep Neural Networks

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    The automatic recognition of sound events by computers is an important aspect of emerging applications such as automated surveillance, machine hearing and auditory scene understanding. Recent advances in machine learning, as well as in computational models of the human auditory system, have contributed to advances in this increasingly popular research field. Robust sound event classification, the ability to recognise sounds under real-world noisy conditions, is an especially challenging task. Classification methods translated from the speech recognition domain, using features such as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, have been shown to perform reasonably well for the sound event classification task, although spectrogram-based or auditory image analysis techniques reportedly achieve superior performance in noise. This paper outlines a sound event classification framework that compares auditory image front end features with spectrogram image-based front end features, using support vector machine and deep neural network classifiers. Performance is evaluated on a standard robust classification task in different levels of corrupting noise, and with several system enhancements, and shown to compare very well with current state-of-the-art classification techniques

    A Compact and Discriminative Feature Based on Auditory Summary Statistics for Acoustic Scene Classification

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    One of the biggest challenges of acoustic scene classification (ASC) is to find proper features to better represent and characterize environmental sounds. Environmental sounds generally involve more sound sources while exhibiting less structure in temporal spectral representations. However, the background of an acoustic scene exhibits temporal homogeneity in acoustic properties, suggesting it could be characterized by distribution statistics rather than temporal details. In this work, we investigated using auditory summary statistics as the feature for ASC tasks. The inspiration comes from a recent neuroscience study, which shows the human auditory system tends to perceive sound textures through time-averaged statistics. Based on these statistics, we further proposed to use linear discriminant analysis to eliminate redundancies among these statistics while keeping the discriminative information, providing an extreme com-pact representation for acoustic scenes. Experimental results show the outstanding performance of the proposed feature over the conventional handcrafted features.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper of Interspeech 201