8 research outputs found

    Neonatal Seizure Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    This study presents a novel end-to-end architecture that learns hierarchical representations from raw EEG data using fully convolutional deep neural networks for the task of neonatal seizure detection. The deep neural network acts as both feature extractor and classifier, allowing for end-to-end optimization of the seizure detector. The designed system is evaluated on a large dataset of continuous unedited multi-channel neonatal EEG totaling 835 hours and comprising of 1389 seizures. The proposed deep architecture, with sample-level filters, achieves an accuracy that is comparable to the state-of-the-art SVM-based neonatal seizure detector, which operates on a set of carefully designed hand-crafted features. The fully convolutional architecture allows for the localization of EEG waveforms and patterns that result in high seizure probabilities for further clinical examination.Comment: IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processin

    Investigating the impact of CNN depth on neonatal seizure detection performance

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    This study presents a novel, deep, fully convolutional architecture which is optimized for the task of EEG-based neonatal seizure detection. Architectures of different depths were designed and tested; varying network depth impacts convolutional receptive fields and the corresponding learned feature complexity. Two deep convolutional networks are compared with a shallow SVMbased neonatal seizure detector, which relies on the extraction of hand-crafted features. On a large clinical dataset, of over 800 hours of multichannel unedited EEG, containing 1389 seizure events, the deep 11-layer architecture significantly outperforms the shallower architectures, improving the AUC90 from 82.6% to 86.8%. Combining the end-to-end deep architecture with the feature-based shallow SVM further improves the AUC90 to 87.6%. The fusion of classifiers of different depths gives greatly improved performance and reduced variability, making the combined classifier more clinically reliable

    Accurate wearable heart rate monitoring during physical exercises using PPG

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    Objective: The challenging task of heart rate (HR) estimation from the photoplethysmographic (PPG) signal, during intensive physical exercises is tackled in this paper. Methods: The study presents a detailed analysis of a novel algorithm (WFPV) that exploits a Wiener filter to attenuate the motion artifacts, a phase vocoder to refine the HR estimate and user-adaptive postprocessing to track the subject physiology. Additionally, an offline version of the HR estimation algorithm that uses Viterbi decoding is designed for scenarios that do not require online HR monitoring (WFPV+VD). The performance of the HR estimation systems is rigorously compared with existing algorithms on the publically available database of 23 PPG recordings. Results: On the whole dataset of 23 PPG recordings, the algorithms result in average absolute errors of 1.97 and 1.37 BPM in the online and offline modes, respectively. On the test dataset of 10 PPG recordings which were most corrupted with motion artifacts, WFPV has an error of 2.95 BPM on its own and 2.32 BPM in an ensemble with 2 existing algorithms. Conclusion: The error rate is significantly reduced when compared with the state-of-the art PPG-based HR estimation methods. Significance: The proposed system is shown to be accurate in the presence of strong motion artifacts and in contrast to existing alternatives has very few free parameters to tune. The algorithm has a low computational cost and can be used for fitness tracking and health monitoring in wearable devices. The Matlab implementation of the algorithm is provided online

    Multichannel dynamic modeling of non-Gaussian mixtures

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    [EN] This paper presents a novel method that combines coupled hidden Markov models (HMM) and non Gaussian mixture models based on independent component analyzer mixture models (ICAMM). The proposed method models the joint behavior of a number of synchronized sequential independent component analyzer mixture models (SICAMM), thus we have named it generalized SICAMM (G-SICAMM). The generalization allows for flexible estimation of complex data densities, subspace classification, blind source separation, and accurate modeling of both local and global dynamic interactions. In this work, the structured result obtained by G-SICAMM was used in two ways: classification and interpretation. Classification performance was tested on an extensive number of simulations and a set of real electroencephalograms (EEG) from epileptic patients performing neuropsychological tests. G-SICAMM outperformed the following competitive methods: Gaussian mixture models, HMM, Coupled HMM, ICAMM, SICAMM, and a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network. As for interpretation, the structured result returned by G-SICAMM on EEGs was mapped back onto the scalp, providing a set of brain activations. These activations were consistent with the physiological areas activated during the tests, thus proving the ability of the method to deal with different kind of data densities and changing non-stationary and non-linear brain dynamics. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by Spanish Administration (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) and European Union (FEDER) under grants TEC2014-58438-R and TEC2017-84743-P.Safont Armero, G.; Salazar Afanador, A.; Vergara Domínguez, L.; Gomez, E.; Villanueva, V. (2019). Multichannel dynamic modeling of non-Gaussian mixtures. Pattern Recognition. 93:312-323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2019.04.022S3123239

    Performance of Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics paradigms in Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing Platforms

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    The purpose of the research is to evaluate Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics paradigms for use in Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity refers to a combination of technologies, processes and operations that are framed to protect information systems, computers, devices, programs, data and networks from internal or external threats, harm, damage, attacks or unauthorized access. The main characteristic of Machine Learning (ML) is the automatic data analysis of large data sets and production of models for the general relationships found among data. ML algorithms, as part of Artificial Intelligence, can be clustered into supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms

    Design of a Simulator for Neonatal Multichannel EEG: Application to Time-Frequency Approaches for Automatic Artifact Removal and Seizure Detection

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    The electroencephalogram (EEG) is used to noninvasively monitor brain activities; it is the most utilized tool to detect abnormalities such as seizures. In recent studies, detection of neonatal EEG seizures has been automated to assist neurophysiologists in diagnosing EEG as manual detection is time consuming and subjective; however it still lacks the necessary robustness that is required for clinical implementation. Moreover, as EEG is intended to record the cerebral activities, extra-cerebral activities external to the brain are also recorded; these are called “artifacts” and can seriously degrade the accuracy of seizure detection. Seizures are one of the most common neurologic problems managed by hospitals occurring in 0.1%-0.5% livebirths. Neonates with seizures are at higher risk for mortality and are reported to be 55-70 times more likely to have severe cerebral-palsy. Therefore, early and accurate detection of neonatal seizures is important to prevent long-term neurological damage. Several attempts in modelling the neonatal EEG and artifacts have been done, but most did not consider the multichannel case. Furthermore, these models were used to test artifact or seizure detection separately, but not together. This study aims to design synthetic models that generate clean or corrupted multichannel EEG to test the accuracy of available artifact and seizure detection algorithms in a controlled environment. In this thesis, synthetic neonatal EEG model is constructed by using; single-channel EEG simulators, head model, 21-electrodes, and propagation equations, to produce clean multichannel EEG. Furthermore, neonatal EEG artifact model is designed using synthetic signals to corrupt EEG waveforms. After that, an automated EEG artifact detection and removal system is designed in both time and time-frequency domains. Artifact detection is optimised and removal performance is evaluated. Finally, an automated seizure detection technique is developed, utilising fused and extended multichannel features along a cross-validated SVM classifier. Results show that the synthetic EEG model mimics real neonatal EEG with 0.62 average correlation, and corrupted-EEG can degrade seizure detection average accuracy from 100% to 70.9%. They also show that using artifact detection and removal enhances the average accuracy to 89.6%, and utilising the extended features enhances it to 97.4% and strengthened its robustness.لمراقبة ورصد أنشطة واشارات المخ، دون الحاجة لأي عملیات (EEG) یستخدم الرسم أو التخطیط الكھربائي للدماغ للدماغجراحیة، وھي تعد الأداة الأكثر استخداما في الكشف عن أي شذوذأو نوبات غیر طبیعیة مثل نوبات الصرع. وقد أظھرت دراسات حدیثة، أن الكشف الآلي لنوبات حدیثي الولادة، ساعد علماء الفسیولوجیا العصبیة في تشخیص الاشارات الدماغیة بشكل أكبر من الكشف الیدوي، حیث أن الكشف الیدوي یحتاج إلى وقت وجھد أكبر وھوذو فعالیة أقل بكثیر، إلا أنھ لا یزال یفتقر إلى المتانة الضروریة والمطلوبة للتطبیق السریري.علاوة على ذلك؛ فكما یقوم الرسم الكھربائي بتسجیل الأنشطة والإشارات الدماغیة الداخلیة، فھو یسجل أیضا أي نشاط أو اشارات خارجیة، مما یؤدي إلى -(artifacts) :حدوث خلل في مدى دقة وفعالیة الكشف عن النوبات الدماغیة الداخلیة، ویطلق على تلك الاشارات مسمى (نتاج صنعي) . 0.5٪ولادة حدیثة في -٪تعد نوبات الصرع من أكثر المشكلات العصبیة انتشارا،ً وھي تصیب ما یقارب 0.1المستشفیات. حیث أن حدیثي الولادة المصابین بنوبات الصرع ھم أكثر عرضة للوفاة، وكما تشیر التقاریر الى أنھم 70مرة أكثر. لذا یعد الكشف المبكر والدقیق للنوبات الدماغیة -معرضین للإصابة بالشلل الدماغي الشدید بما یقارب 55لحدیثي الولادة مھم جدا لمنع الضرر العصبي على المدى الطویل. لقد تم القیام بالعدید من المحاولات التي كانتتھدف الى تصمیم نموذج التخطیط الكھربائي والنتاج الصنعي لدماغ حدیثي الولادة, إلا أن معظمھا لم یعر أي اھتمام الى قضیة تعدد القنوات. إضافة الى ذلك, استخدمت ھذه النماذج , كل على حدة, أو نوبات الصرع. تھدف ھذه الدراسة الى تصمیم نماذج مصطنعة من شأنھا (artifact) لإختبار كاشفات النتاج الصنعيأن تولد اشارات دماغیة متعددة القنوات سلیمة أو معطلة وذلك لفحص مدى دقة فعالیة خوارزمیات الكشف عن نوبات ضمن بیئة یمكن السیطرة علیھا. (artifact) الصرع و النتاج الصنعي في ھذه الأطروحة, یتكون نموذج الرسم الكھربائي المصطنع لحدیثي الولادة من : قناة محاكاة واحده للرسم الكھربائي, نموذج رأس, 21قطب كھربائي و معادلات إنتشار. حیث تھدف جمیعھا لإنتاج إشاراة سلیمة متعدده القنوات للتخطیط عن طریق استخدام اشارات مصطنعة (artifact) الكھربائي للدماغ.علاوة على ذلك, لقد تم تصمیم نموذجالنتاج الصنعيفي نطاقالوقت و (artifact) لإتلاف الرسم الكھربائي للدماغ. بعد ذلك تم انشاء برنامج لكشف و إزالةالنتاج الصناعينطاقالوقت و التردد المشترك. تم تحسین برنامج الكشف النتاج الصناعيالى ابعد ما یمكن بینما تمت عملیة تقییم أداء الإزالة. وفي الختام تم التمكن من تطویر تقنیة الكشف الآلي عن نوبات الصرع, وذلك بتوظیف صفات مدمجة و صفات الذي تم التأكد من صحتھ. (SVM) جدیدة للقنوات المتعددة لإستخدامھا للمصنفلقد أظھرت النتائج أن نموذج الرسم الكھربائي المصطنع لحدیثي الولادة یحاكي الرسمالكھربائي الحقیقي لحدیثي الولادة بمتوسط ترابط 0.62, و أنالرسم الكھربائي المتضرر للدماغ قد یؤدي الى حدوث ھبوطفي مدى دقة متوسط الكشف عن نوبات الصرع من 100%الى 70.9%. وقد أشارت أیضا الى أن استخدام الكشف والإزالة عن النتاج الصنعي (artifact) یؤدي الى تحسن مستوى الدقة الى نسبة 89.6 %, وأن توظیف الصفات الجدیدة للقنوات المتعددة یزید من تحسنھا لتصل الى نسبة 94.4 % مما یعمل على دعم متانتھا