15 research outputs found

    Discrimination of Motor Imagery-Induced EEG Patterns in Patients with Complete Spinal Cord Injury

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    EEG-based discrimination between different motor imagery states has been subject of a number of studies in healthy subjects. We investigated the EEG of 15 patients with complete spinal cord injury during imagined right hand, left hand, and feet movements. In detail we studied pair-wise discrimination functions between the 3 types of motor imagery. The following classification accuracies (mean ± SD) were obtained: left versus right hand 65.03% ± 8.52, left hand versus feet 68.19% ± 11.08, and right hand versus feet 65.05% ± 9.25. In 5 out of 8 paralegic patients, the discrimination accuracy was greater than 70% but in only 1 out of 7 tetraplagic patients. The present findings provide evidence that in the majority of paraplegic patients an EEG-based BCI could achieve satisfied results. In tetraplegic patients, however, it is expected that extensive training-sessions are necessary to achieve a good BCI performance at least in some subjects

    Improving Motor Imagination with Support of RealTime LORETA Neurofeedback

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    Recording cortical activity during imagined leg movement is a challenging task due to cortical representation of legs deeper within the central sulcus. Therefore Brain Computer Interface (BCI) studies typically rely on imagined movement of both legs [1]. Activity of deeper cortical structures can be estimated offline from multichannel Electroencephalography (EEG) by using LORETA numerical method [2]. LORETA can also be calculated in real time to provide an instantaneous estimate of brain activity, but currently available solution supports only up to 19 channels (BrainAvatar, BrainMaster, Inc). In this study we propose a custom designed real time LORETA neurofeedback based on multichannel EEG to increase cortical activity at the central sulcus during continuous imagining tapping with one leg only. This strategy could be useful in neurorehabilitation of hemiplegia (i.e. stroke)

    Interaction of BCI with the Underlying Neurological Conditions in Patients: Pros and Cons

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    Interaction of BCI with the Underlying Neurological Conditions in Patients: Pros and Cons

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    Unimanual versus bimanual motor imagery classifiers for assistive and rehabilitative brain computer interfaces

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    Bimanual movements are an integral part of everyday activities and are often included in rehabilitation therapies. Yet electroencephalography (EEG) based assistive and rehabilitative brain computer interface (BCI) systems typically rely on motor imagination (MI) of one limb at the time. In this study we present a classifier which discriminates between uni-and bimanual MI. Ten able bodied participants took part in cue based motor execution (ME) and MI tasks of the left (L), right (R) and both (B) hands. A 32 channel EEG was recorded. Three linear discriminant analysis classifiers, based on MI of L-B, B-R and B--L hands were created, with features based on wide band Common Spatial Patterns (CSP) 8-30 Hz, and band specifics Common Spatial Patterns (CSPb). Event related desynchronization (ERD) was significantly stronger during bimanual compared to unimanual ME on both hemispheres. Bimanual MI resulted in bilateral parietally shifted ERD of similar intensity to unimanual MI. The average classification accuracy for CSP and CSPb was comparable for L-R task (73±9% and 75±10% respectively) and for L-B task (73±11% and 70±9% respectively). However, for R-B task (67±3% and 72±6% respectively) it was significantly higher for CSPb (p=0.0351). Six participants whose L-R classification accuracy exceeded 70% were included in an on-line task a week later, using the unmodified offline CSPb classifier, achieving 69±3% and 66±3% accuracy for the L-R and R-B tasks respectively. Combined uni and bimanual BCI could be used for restoration of motor function of highly disabled patents and for motor rehabilitation of patients with motor deficits

    Hybrid EEG-fNIRS asynchronous brain-computer interface for multiple motor tasks

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    Non-invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) have demonstrated great promise for neuroprosthetics and assistive devices. Here we aim to investigate methods to combine Electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) in an asynchronous Sensory Motor rhythm (SMR)-based BCI. We attempted to classify 4 different executed movements, namely, Right-Arm—Left-Arm—Right-Hand—Left-Hand tasks. Previous studies demonstrated the benefit of EEG-fNIRS combination. However, since normally fNIRS hemodynamic response shows a long delay, we investigated new features, involving slope indicators, in order to immediately detect changes in the signals. Moreover, Common Spatial Patterns (CSPs) have been applied to both EEG and fNIRS signals. 15 healthy subjects took part in the experiments and since 25 trials per class were available, CSPs have been regularized with information from the entire population of participants and optimized using genetic algorithms. The different features have been compared in terms of performance and the dynamic accuracy over trials shows that the introduced methods diminish the fNIRS delay in the detection of changes

    Central neuropathic pain in paraplegia alters movement related potentials

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    Objectives: Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) persons with and without Central Neuropathic Pain (CNP) show different oscillatory brain activities during imagination of movement. This study investigates whether they also show differences in movement related cortical potentials (MRCP). Methods: SCI paraplegic patients with no CNP (n = 8), with CNP in their lower limbs (n = 8), and healthy control subjects (n = 10) took part in the study. EEG clustering involved independent component analysis, equivalent current dipole fitting, and Measure Projection to define cortical domains that have functional modularity during the motor imagery task. Results: Three domains were identified: limbic system, sensory-motor cortex and visual cortex. The MRCP difference between the groups of SCI with and without CNP was reflected in a domain located in the limbic system, while the difference between SCI patients and control subjects was in the sensorimotor domain. Differences in MRCP morphology between patients and healthy controls were visible for both paralysed and non paralysed limbs. Conclusion: SCI but not CNP affects the movement preparation, and both SCI and CNP affect sensory processes. Significance: Rehabilitation strategies of SCI patients based on MRCP should take into account the presence of CNP

    Non-motor tasks improve adaptive brain-computer interface performance in users with severe motor impairment

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    Individuals with severe motor impairment can use event-related desynchronization (ERD) based BCIs as assistive technology. Auto-calibrating and adaptive ERD-based BCIs that users control with motor imagery tasks (" SMR-AdBCI ") have proven effective for healthy users. We aim to find an improved configuration of such an adaptive ERD-based BCI for individuals with severe motor impairment as a result of spinal cord injury (SCI) or stroke. We hypothesized that an adaptive ERD-based BCI, that automatically selects a user specific class-combination from motor-related and non motor-related mental tasks during initial auto-calibration ("Auto-AdBCI") could allow for higher control performance than a conventional SMR-AdBCI. To answer this question we performed offline analyses on two sessions (21 data sets total) of cue-guided, five-class electroencephalography (EEG) data recorded from individuals with SCI or stroke. On data from the twelve individuals in Session 1, we first identified three bipolar derivations for the SMR-AdBCI. In a similar way, we determined three bipolar derivations and four mental tasks for the Auto-AdBCI. We then simulated both, the SMR-AdBCI and the Auto-AdBCI configuration on the unseen data from the nine participants in Session 2 and compared the results. On the unseen data of Session 2 from individuals with SCI or stroke, we found that automatically selecting a user specific class-combination from motor-related and non motor-related mental tasks during initial auto-calibration (Auto-AdBCI) significantly (p < 0.01) improved classification performance compared to an adaptive ERD-based BCI that only used motor imagery tasks (SMR-AdBCI ; average accuracy of 75.7 vs. 66.3%)

    The influence of central neuropathic pain in paraplegic patients on performance of a motor imagery based brain computer interface

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    The aim of this study was to test how the presence of central neuropathic pain (CNP) influences the performance of a motor imagery based Brain Computer Interface (BCI). In this electroencephalography (EEG) based study, we tested BCI classification accuracy and analysed event related desynchronisation (ERD) in 3 groups of volunteers during imagined movements of their arms and legs. The groups comprised of nine able-bodied people, ten paraplegic patients with CNP (lower abdomen and legs) and nine paraplegic patients without CNP. We tested two types of classifiers: a 3 channel bipolar montage and classifiers based on common spatial patterns (CSPs), with varying number of channels and CSPs. Paraplegic patients with CNP achieved higher classification accuracy and had stronger ERD than paraplegic patients with no pain for all classifier configurations. Highest 2-class classification accuracy was achieved for CSP classifier covering wider cortical area: 82 ± 7% for patients with CNP, 82 ± 4% for able-bodied and 78 ± 5% for patients with no pain. Presence of CNP improves BCI classification accuracy due to stronger and more distinct ERD. Results of the study show that CNP is an important confounding factor influencing the performance of motor imagery based BCI based on ERD