1,438 research outputs found

    Analysis of Petri Net Models through Stochastic Differential Equations

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    It is well known, mainly because of the work of Kurtz, that density dependent Markov chains can be approximated by sets of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) when their indexing parameter grows very large. This approximation cannot capture the stochastic nature of the process and, consequently, it can provide an erroneous view of the behavior of the Markov chain if the indexing parameter is not sufficiently high. Important phenomena that cannot be revealed include non-negligible variance and bi-modal population distributions. A less-known approximation proposed by Kurtz applies stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and provides information about the stochastic nature of the process. In this paper we apply and extend this diffusion approximation to study stochastic Petri nets. We identify a class of nets whose underlying stochastic process is a density dependent Markov chain whose indexing parameter is a multiplicative constant which identifies the population level expressed by the initial marking and we provide means to automatically construct the associated set of SDEs. Since the diffusion approximation of Kurtz considers the process only up to the time when it first exits an open interval, we extend the approximation by a machinery that mimics the behavior of the Markov chain at the boundary and allows thus to apply the approach to a wider set of problems. The resulting process is of the jump-diffusion type. We illustrate by examples that the jump-diffusion approximation which extends to bounded domains can be much more informative than that based on ODEs as it can provide accurate quantity distributions even when they are multi-modal and even for relatively small population levels. Moreover, we show that the method is faster than simulating the original Markov chain

    Hybrid performance modelling of opportunistic networks

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    We demonstrate the modelling of opportunistic networks using the process algebra stochastic HYPE. Network traffic is modelled as continuous flows, contact between nodes in the network is modelled stochastically, and instantaneous decisions are modelled as discrete events. Our model describes a network of stationary video sensors with a mobile ferry which collects data from the sensors and delivers it to the base station. We consider different mobility models and different buffer sizes for the ferries. This case study illustrates the flexibility and expressive power of stochastic HYPE. We also discuss the software that enables us to describe stochastic HYPE models and simulate them.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2012, arXiv:1207.055

    About Dynamical Systems Appearing in the Microscopic Traffic Modeling

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    Motivated by microscopic traffic modeling, we analyze dynamical systems which have a piecewise linear concave dynamics not necessarily monotonic. We introduce a deterministic Petri net extension where edges may have negative weights. The dynamics of these Petri nets are well-defined and may be described by a generalized matrix with a submatrix in the standard algebra with possibly negative entries, and another submatrix in the minplus algebra. When the dynamics is additively homogeneous, a generalized additive eigenvalue may be introduced, and the ergodic theory may be used to define a growth rate under additional technical assumptions. In the traffic example of two roads with one junction, we compute explicitly the eigenvalue and we show, by numerical simulations, that these two quantities (the additive eigenvalue and the growth rate) are not equal, but are close to each other. With this result, we are able to extend the well-studied notion of fundamental traffic diagram (the average flow as a function of the car density on a road) to the case of two roads with one junction and give a very simple analytic approximation of this diagram where four phases appear with clear traffic interpretations. Simulations show that the fundamental diagram shape obtained is also valid for systems with many junctions. To simulate these systems, we have to compute their dynamics, which are not quite simple. For building them in a modular way, we introduce generalized parallel, series and feedback compositions of piecewise linear concave dynamics.Comment: PDF 38 page

    Hybrid Petri net model of a traffic intersection in an urban network

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    Control in urban traffic networks constitutes an important and challenging research topic nowadays. In the literature, a lot of work can be found devoted to improving the performance of the traffic flow in such systems, by means of controlling the red-to-green switching times of traffic signals. Different techniques have been proposed and commercially implemented, ranging from heuristic methods to model-based optimization. However, given the complexity of the dynamics and the scale of urban traffic networks, there is still a lot of scope for improvement. In this work, a new hybrid model for the traffic behavior at an intersection is introduced. It captures important aspects of the flow dynamics in urban networks. It is shown how this model can be used in order to obtain control strategies that improve the flow of traffic at intersections, leading to the future possibility of controlling several connected intersections in a distributed way

    Dependability Analysis of Control Systems using SystemC and Statistical Model Checking

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    Stochastic Petri nets are commonly used for modeling distributed systems in order to study their performance and dependability. This paper proposes a realization of stochastic Petri nets in SystemC for modeling large embedded control systems. Then statistical model checking is used to analyze the dependability of the constructed model. Our verification framework allows users to express a wide range of useful properties to be verified which is illustrated through a case study

    Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets: From Fluid Atoms in ILP Processor Pipelines to Fluid Atoms in P2P Streaming Networks

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    © 2012 Mitrevski and Kotevski, licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Fluid Stochastic Petri Nets: From Fluid Atoms in ILP Processor Pipelines to Fluid Atoms in P2P Streaming Networ

    Viewpoint Development of Stochastic Hybrid Systems

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    Nowadays, due to the explosive spreading of networked and highly distributed systems, mastering system complexity becomes a critical issue. Two development and verification paradigms have become more popular: viewpoints and randomisation. The viewpoints offer large freedom and introduce concurrency and compositionality in the development process. Randomisation is now a traditional method for reducing complexity (comparing with deterministic models) and it offers finer analytical analysis tools (quantification over non-determinism, multi-valued logics, etc). In this paper, we propose a combination of these two paradigms introducing a viewpoint methodology for systems with stochastic behaviours
