10 research outputs found

    <b>A utilização da simulação baseada na web para o estudo de processos operacionais</b>

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    Discrete-event simulation: from the pioneers to the present, what next?

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    Discrete-event simulation is one of the most popular modelling techniques. It has developed significantly since the inception of computer simulation in the 1950s, most of this in line with developments in computing. The progress of simulation from its early days is charted with a particular focus on recent history. Specific developments in the past 15 years include visual interactive modelling, simulation optimization, virtual reality, integration with other software, simulation in the service sector, distributed simulation and the use of the worldwide web. The future is then speculated upon. Potential changes in model development, model use, the domain of application for simulation and integration with other simulation approaches are all discussed. The desirability of continuing to follow developments in computing, without significant developments in the wider methodology of simulation, is questioned

    Dynamic system simulation on the web

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    Computer simulation is the discipline of designing a model of an actual or theoretical physical system, executing the model on digital computer, and analysing the execution output. Of late, simulation has been influenced by an increasingly popular phenomenon - the World Wide Web or WWW. Java is a programming language for the WWW that brings a high level of dynamism to Web applications. Java makes it particularly suitable to represent applications on the Web. It has created an illusion of machine independence and interoperability for many applications. Therefore WWW can be considered as an environment for providing modelling and simulation applications. Research in the area of Web-based simulation is developing rapidly as WWW programming tools develop. Bulk of this research is focused only on discrete event simulation. This dissertation introduces dynamic system simulation on the Web. It presents and demonstrates a Web-based simulation software (SimDynamic), entirely developed in Java, for modelling, simulating, and analysing dynamic systems with 3D animated illustration, wherever applicable. SimDynamic can also be used as a non Web-based application on a PC. In both cases, it supports complete model creation and modification capabilities along with graphical and numerical output. Detail design and functional ability of SimDynamic are provided. Some real world systems have been modeled using SimDynamic and results are presented. Characteristic features of the software are discussed from software engineering point of view. Complete source code and installation instructions are included. Current SimDynamic limitations and potential customization and expansion issues are explored

    A generic architecture for interactive intelligent tutoring systems

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University, 07/06/2001.This research is focused on developing a generic intelligent architecture for an interactive tutoring system. A review of the literature in the areas of instructional theories, cognitive and social views of learning, intelligent tutoring systems development methodologies, and knowledge representation methods was conducted. As a result, a generic ITS development architecture (GeNisa) has been proposed, which combines the features of knowledge base systems (KBS) with object-oriented methodology. The GeNisa architecture consists of the following components: a tutorial events communication module, which encapsulates the interactive processes and other independent computations between different components; a software design toolkit; and an autonomous knowledge acquisition from a probabilistic knowledge base. A graphical application development environment includes tools to support application development, and learning environments and which use a case scenario as a basis for instruction. The generic architecture is designed to support client-side execution in a Web browser environment, and further testing will show that it can disseminate applications over the World Wide Web. Such an architecture can be adapted to different teaching styles and domains, and reusing instructional materials automatically can reduce the effort of the courseware developer (hence cost and time) in authoring new materials. GeNisa was implemented using Java scripts, and subsequently evaluated at various commercial and academic organisations. Parameters chosen for the evaluation include quality of courseware, relevancy of case scenarios, portability to other platforms, ease of use, content, user-friendliness, screen display, clarity, topic interest, and overall satisfaction with GeNisa. In general, the evaluation focused on the novel characteristics and performances of the GeNisa architecture in comparison with other ITS and the results obtained are discussed and analysed. On the basis of the experience gained during the literature research and GeNisa development and evaluation. a generic methodology for ITS development is proposed as well as the requirements for the further development of ITS tools. Finally, conclusions are drawn and areas for further research are identified

    Dynamic System Simulation on the Web

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    Integración de herramientas de simulación para la realización de aplicaciones de enseñanza

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Escuela Técnica superios de informática, Departamento de ingeniería informática. Fecha de lectura: 2-06-200

    Un sistema de soporte al aprendizaje colaborativo del diseño domótico mediante herramientas de modelado y simulación

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    Los sistemas colaborativos son un área de creciente interés para los investigadores que se está utilizando para mejorar los procesos de aprendizaje y trabajo en grupo y a distancia. En esta investigación se ha trabajado en el estudio y desarrollo de sistemas para el aprendizaje colaborativo en tiempo real, profundizando en la problemática de los entornos de aprendizaje del diseño mediante simulación, y se ha propuesto una arquitectura y un modelo de interacción síncrona que se basan en el principio metodológico del constructivismo y en los métodos instruccionales del aprendizaje basado en problemas y del aprendizaje mediante diseño. La arquitectura propuesta engloba una dimensión física y otra funcional. La arquitectura física se basa en un enfoque cliente/servidor y describe los componentes hardware y software que materializan el entorno. La arquitectura funcional identifica un conjunto de niveles (organización, experiencia y análisis), de subsistemas y de herramientas que dan forma al entorno planteado. Se ha empleado la metáfora del espacio de trabajo para organizar las tareas a realizar con las herramientas correspondientes. Los subsistemas identificados son los siguientes: Subsistema gestor de actividades: se encarga de gestionar información de usuarios y grupos, así como de definir y proponer actividades de resolución de problemas. Subsistema de comunicación y coordinación: contiene tanto herramientas asíncronas que se utilizan para la organización de las sesiones de trabajo como herramientas síncronas que se emplean durante la resolución de problemas. Subsistema de diseño y simulación: apuesta por la colaboración síncrona para la organización del trabajo, la parametrización de variables, el diseño de modelos en superficies de trabajo compartidas como solución a un problema y la simulación para la validación y refinamiento de los modelos. Subsistema de monitorización y análisis de actividades: permite sintetizar y analizar la información recogida durante la realización de las actividades, tanto de la interacción efectuada por los usuarios como de la solución al problema. El modelo semiestructurado empleado en el diseño y simulación propone protocolos de colaboración, técnicas e estructuración flexible y la utilización del lenguaje como acción para estructurar el trabajo. Las herramientas empleadas para la realización de las tareas se basan en la manipulación directa basada en el modelo objeto-acción, en mecanismos de soporte a la comunicación, coordinación y toma de decisiones y en técnicas de awareness para facilitar la colaboración en tiempo real. Para aplicar y validar estos planteamientos se ha construido un entorno colaborativo completo aplicado al aprendizaje de la domótica. Este desarrollo ha tenido en cuenta al usuario desde las primeras etapas y se ha efectuado en varias iteraciones que han dado lugar a diversos prototipos. Se ha aplicado evaluación formativa y heurística para mejorar la efectividad y depurar estos productos software. Este entorno, llamado domosim-tpc, se ha utilizado en situaciones reales de enseñanza en grupo y a distancia, obteniéndose datos que se han analizado y han permitido extraer conclusiones sobre nuestra propuesta