139,221 research outputs found

    A local and integrable lattice regularization of the massive Thirring model

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    The light--cone lattice approach to the massive Thirring model is reformulated using a local and integrable lattice Hamiltonian written in terms of discrete fermi fields. Several subtle points concerning boundary conditions, normal--ordering, continuum limit, finite renormalizations and decoupling of fermion doublers are elucidated. The relations connecting the six--vertex anisotropy and the various coupling constants of the continuum are analyzed in detail.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, some corrected misprints and minor changes, 2 Postscript figures unchange

    Generalized Permutohedra from Probabilistic Graphical Models

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    A graphical model encodes conditional independence relations via the Markov properties. For an undirected graph these conditional independence relations can be represented by a simple polytope known as the graph associahedron, which can be constructed as a Minkowski sum of standard simplices. There is an analogous polytope for conditional independence relations coming from a regular Gaussian model, and it can be defined using multiinformation or relative entropy. For directed acyclic graphical models and also for mixed graphical models containing undirected, directed and bidirected edges, we give a construction of this polytope, up to equivalence of normal fans, as a Minkowski sum of matroid polytopes. Finally, we apply this geometric insight to construct a new ordering-based search algorithm for causal inference via directed acyclic graphical models.Comment: Appendix B is expanded. Final version to appear in SIAM J. Discrete Mat

    Ghost story. II. The midpoint ghost vertex

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    We construct the ghost number 9 three strings vertex for OSFT in the natural normal ordering. We find two versions, one with a ghost insertion at z=i and a twist-conjugate one with insertion at z=-i. For this reason we call them midpoint vertices. We show that the relevant Neumann matrices commute among themselves and with the matrix GG representing the operator K1. We analyze the spectrum of the latter and find that beside a continuous spectrum there is a (so far ignored) discrete one. We are able to write spectral formulas for all the Neumann matrices involved and clarify the important role of the integration contour over the continuous spectrum. We then pass to examine the (ghost) wedge states. We compute the discrete and continuous eigenvalues of the corresponding Neumann matrices and show that they satisfy the appropriate recursion relations. Using these results we show that the formulas for our vertices correctly define the star product in that, starting from the data of two ghost number 0 wedge states, they allow us to reconstruct a ghost number 3 state which is the expected wedge state with the ghost insertion at the midpoint, according to the star recursion relation.Comment: 60 pages. v2: typos and minor improvements, ref added. To appear in JHE

    From Temporal to Contemporaneous Iterative Causal Discovery in the Presence of Latent Confounders

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    We present a constraint-based algorithm for learning causal structures from observational time-series data, in the presence of latent confounders. We assume a discrete-time, stationary structural vector autoregressive process, with both temporal and contemporaneous causal relations. One may ask if temporal and contemporaneous relations should be treated differently. The presented algorithm gradually refines a causal graph by learning long-term temporal relations before short-term ones, where contemporaneous relations are learned last. This ordering of causal relations to be learnt leads to a reduction in the required number of statistical tests. We validate this reduction empirically and demonstrate that it leads to higher accuracy for synthetic data and more plausible causal graphs for real-world data compared to state-of-the-art algorithms.Comment: Proceedings of the 40-th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 202

    Out of Nowhere: Spacetime from causality: causal set theory

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    This is a chapter of the planned monograph "Out of Nowhere: The Emergence of Spacetime in Quantum Theories of Gravity", co-authored by Nick Huggett and Christian W\"uthrich and under contract with Oxford University Press. (More information at www.beyondspacetime.net.) This chapter introduces causal set theory and identifies and articulates a 'problem of space' in this theory.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Hierarchical Dobinski-type relations via substitution and the moment problem

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    We consider the transformation properties of integer sequences arising from the normal ordering of exponentiated boson ([a,a*]=1) monomials of the form exp(x (a*)^r a), r=1,2,..., under the composition of their exponential generating functions (egf). They turn out to be of Sheffer-type. We demonstrate that two key properties of these sequences remain preserved under substitutional composition: (a)the property of being the solution of the Stieltjes moment problem; and (b) the representation of these sequences through infinite series (Dobinski-type relations). We present a number of examples of such composition satisfying properties (a) and (b). We obtain new Dobinski-type formulas and solve the associated moment problem for several hierarchically defined combinatorial families of sequences.Comment: 14 pages, 31 reference

    Ordered Products, WW_{\infty}-Algebra, and Two-Variable, Definite-Parity, Orthogonal Polynomials

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    It has been shown that the Cartan subalgebra of WW_{\infty}- algebra is the space of the two-variable, definite-parity polynomials. Explicit expressions of these polynomials, and their basic properties are presented. Also has been shown that they carry the infinite dimensional irreducible representation of the su(1,1)su(1,1) algebra having the spectrum bounded from below. A realization of this algebra in terms of difference operators is also obtained. For particular values of the ordering parameter ss they are identified with the classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable, such as the Meixner, Meixner-Pollaczek, and Askey-Wilson polynomials. With respect to variable ss they satisfy a second order eigenvalue equation of hypergeometric type. Exact scattering states with zero energy for a family of potentials are expressed in terms of these polynomials. It has been put forward that it is the \.{I}n\"{o}n\"{u}-Wigner contraction and its inverse that form bridge between the difference and differential calculus.Comment: 17 pages,no figure. to appear in J. Math.Phy

    q-Analog of Gelfand-Graev Basis for the Noncompact Quantum Algebra U_q(u(n,1))

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    For the quantum algebra U_q(gl(n+1)) in its reduction on the subalgebra U_q(gl(n)) an explicit description of a Mickelsson-Zhelobenko reduction Z-algebra Z_q(gl(n+1),gl(n)) is given in terms of the generators and their defining relations. Using this Z-algebra we describe Hermitian irreducible representations of a discrete series for the noncompact quantum algebra U_q(u(n,1)) which is a real form of U_q(gl(n+1)), namely, an orthonormal Gelfand-Graev basis is constructed in an explicit form.Comment: Invited talk given by V.N.T. at XVIII International Colloquium "Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries", June 18--20, 2009, Prague, Czech Republi