10 research outputs found

    The minimal computational substrate of fluid intelligence

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    The quantification of cognitive powers rests on identifying a behavioural task that depends on them. Such dependence cannot be assured, for the powers a task invokes cannot be experimentally controlled or constrained a priori, resulting in unknown vulnerability to failure of specificity and generalisability. Evaluating a compact version of Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices (RAPM), a widely used clinical test of fluid intelligence, we show that LaMa, a self-supervised artificial neural network trained solely on the completion of partially masked images of natural environmental scenes, achieves human-level test scores a prima vista, without any task-specific inductive bias or training. Compared with cohorts of healthy and focally lesioned participants, LaMa exhibits human-like variation with item difficulty, and produces errors characteristic of right frontal lobe damage under degradation of its ability to integrate global spatial patterns. LaMa's narrow training and limited capacity -- comparable to the nervous system of the fruit fly -- suggest RAPM may be open to computationally simple solutions that need not necessarily invoke abstract reasoning.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Plant 'n' Seek: Can You Find the Winning Ticket?

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    The lottery ticket hypothesis has sparked the rapid development of pruning algorithms that perform structure learning by identifying a sparse subnetwork of a large randomly initialized neural network. The existence of such 'winning tickets' has been proven theoretically but at suboptimal sparsity levels. Contemporary pruning algorithms have furthermore been struggling to identify sparse lottery tickets for complex learning tasks. Is this suboptimal sparsity merely an artifact of existence proofs and algorithms or a general limitation of the pruning approach? And, if very sparse tickets exist, are current algorithms able to find them or are further improvements needed to achieve effective network compression? To answer these questions systematically, we derive a framework to plant and hide target architectures within large randomly initialized neural networks. For three common challenges in machine learning, we hand-craft extremely sparse network topologies, plant them in large neural networks, and evaluate state-of-the-art lottery ticket pruning methods. We find that current limitations of pruning algorithms to identify extremely sparse tickets are likely of algorithmic rather than fundamental nature and anticipate that our planting framework will facilitate future developments of efficient pruning algorithms, as we have addressed the issue of missing baselines in the field raised by Frankle et al

    Using a high-dimensional graph of semantic space to model relationships among words

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    Funding for Open Access provided by the UMD Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund.The GOLD model (Graph Of Language Distribution) is a network model constructed based on co-occurrence in a large corpus of natural language that may be used to explore what information may be present in a graph-structured model of language, and what information may be extracted through theoretically-driven algorithms as well as standard graph analysis methods. The present study will employ GOLD to examine two types of relationship between words: semantic similarity and associative relatedness. Semantic similarity refers to the degree of overlap in meaning between words, while associative relatedness refers to the degree to which two words occur in the same schematic context. It is expected that a graph structured model of language constructed based on co-occurrence should easily capture associative relatedness, because this type of relationship is thought to be present directly in lexical co-occurrence. However, it is hypothesized that semantic similarity may be extracted from the intersection of the set of first-order connections, because two words that are semantically similar may occupy similar thematic or syntactic roles across contexts and thus would co-occur lexically with the same set of nodes. Two versions the GOLD model that differed in terms of the co-occurence window, bigGOLD at the paragraph level and smallGOLD at the adjacent word level, were directly compared to the performance of a well-established distributional model, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). The superior performance of the GOLD models (big and small) suggest that a single acquisition and storage mechanism, namely co-occurrence, can account for associative and conceptual relationships between words and is more psychologically plausible than models using singular value decomposition (SVD)


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    The lottery ticket hypothesis has sparked the rapid development of pruning algorithms that perform structure learning by identifying a sparse subnetwork of a large randomly initialized neural network. The existence of such 'winning tickets' has been proven theoretically but at suboptimal sparsity levels. Contemporary pruning algorithms have furthermore been struggling to identify sparse lottery tickets for complex learning tasks. Is this suboptimal sparsity merely an artifact of existence proofs and algorithms or a general limitation of the pruning approach? And, if very sparse tickets exist, are current algorithms able to find them or are further improvements needed to achieve effective network compression? To answer these questions systematically, we derive a framework to plant and hide target architectures within large randomly initialized neural networks. For three common challenges in machine learning, we hand-craft extremely sparse network topologies, plant them in large neural networks, and evaluate state-of-the-art lottery ticket pruning methods. We find that current limitations of pruning algorithms to identify extremely sparse tickets are likely of algorithmic rather than fundamental nature and anticipate that our planting framework will facilitate future developments of efficient pruning algorithms, as we have addressed the issue of missing baselines in the field raised by Frankle et al

    Math, Minds, Machines

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    Review : Deep learning in electron microscopy

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    Deep learning is transforming most areas of science and technology, including electron microscopy. This review paper offers a practical perspective aimed at developers with limited familiarity. For context, we review popular applications of deep learning in electron microscopy. Following, we discuss hardware and software needed to get started with deep learning and interface with electron microscopes. We then review neural network components, popular architectures, and their optimization. Finally, we discuss future directions of deep learning in electron microscopy

    Using a high-dimensional model of semantic space to predict neural activity

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    This dissertation research developed the GOLD model (Graph Of Language Distribution), a graph-structured semantic space model constructed based on co-occurrence in a large corpus of natural language, with the intent that it may be used to explore what information may be present about relationships between words in such a model and the degree to which this information may be used to predict brain responses and behavior in language tasks. The present study employed GOLD to examine genera relatedness as well as two specific types of relationship between words: semantic similarity, which refers to the degree of overlap in meaning between words, and associative relatedness, which refers to the degree to which two words occur in the same schematic context. It was hypothesized that this graph-structured model of language constructed based on co-occurrence should easily capture associative relatedness, because this type of relationship is thought to be present directly in lexical co-occurrence. Additionally, it was hypothesized that semantic similarity may be extracted from the intersection of the set of first-order connections, because two words that are semantically similar may occupy similar thematic or syntactic roles across contexts and thus would co-occur lexically with the same set of nodes. Based on these hypotheses, a set of relationship metrics were extracted from the GOLD model, and machine learning techniques were used to explore predictive properties of these metrics. GOLD successfully predicted behavioral data as well as neural activity in response to words with varying relationships, and its predictions outperformed those of certain competing models. These results suggest that a single-mechanism account of learning word meaning from context may suffice to account for a variety of relationships between words. Further benefits of graph models of language are discussed, including their transparent record of language experience, easy interpretability, and increased psychologically plausibility over models that perform complex transformations of meaning representation

    More than the sum of its parts – pattern mining, neural networks, and how they complement each other

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    In this thesis we explore pattern mining and deep learning. Often seen as orthogonal, we show that these fields complement each other and propose to combine them to gain from each other’s strengths. We, first, show how to efficiently discover succinct and non-redundant sets of patterns that provide insight into data beyond conjunctive statements. We leverage the interpretability of such patterns to unveil how and which information flows through neural networks, as well as what characterizes their decisions. Conversely, we show how to combine continuous optimization with pattern discovery, proposing a neural network that directly encodes discrete patterns, which allows us to apply pattern mining at a scale orders of magnitude larger than previously possible. Large neural networks are, however, exceedingly expensive to train for which ‘lottery tickets’ – small, well-trainable sub-networks in randomly initialized neural networks – offer a remedy. We identify theoretical limitations of strong tickets and overcome them by equipping these tickets with the property of universal approximation. To analyze whether limitations in ticket sparsity are algorithmic or fundamental, we propose a framework to plant and hide lottery tickets. With novel ticket benchmarks we then conclude that the limitation is likely algorithmic, encouraging further developments for which our framework offers means to measure progress.In dieser Arbeit befassen wir uns mit Mustersuche und Deep Learning. Oft als gegensĂ€tzlich betrachtet, verbinden wir diese Felder, um von den StĂ€rken beider zu profitieren. Wir zeigen erst, wie man effizient prĂ€gnante Mengen von Mustern entdeckt, die Einsichten ĂŒber konjunktive Aussagen hinaus geben. Wir nutzen dann die Interpretierbarkeit solcher Muster, um zu verstehen wie und welche Information durch neuronale Netze fließen und was ihre Entscheidungen charakterisiert. Umgekehrt verbinden wir kontinuierliche Optimierung mit Mustererkennung durch ein neuronales Netz welches diskrete Muster direkt abbildet, was Mustersuche in einigen GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnungen höher erlaubt als bisher möglich. Das Training großer neuronaler Netze ist jedoch extrem teuer, fĂŒr das ’Lotterietickets’ – kleine, gut trainierbare Subnetzwerke in zufĂ€llig initialisierten neuronalen Netzen – eine Lösung bieten. Wir zeigen theoretische EinschrĂ€nkungen von starken Tickets und wie man diese ĂŒberwindet, indem man die Tickets mit der Eigenschaft der universalen Approximierung ausstattet. Um zu beantworten, ob EinschrĂ€nkungen in TicketgrĂ¶ĂŸe algorithmischer oder fundamentaler Natur sind, entwickeln wir ein Rahmenwerk zum Einbetten und Verstecken von Tickets, die als ModellfĂ€lle dienen. Basierend auf unseren Ergebnissen schließen wir, dass die EinschrĂ€nkungen algorithmische Ursachen haben, was weitere Entwicklungen begĂŒnstigt, fĂŒr die unser Rahmenwerk Fortschrittsevaluierungen ermöglicht