6 research outputs found

    A framework for digitisation of manual manufacturing task knowledge using gaming interface technology

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    Intense market competition and the global skill supply crunch are hurting the manufacturing industry, which is heavily dependent on skilled labour. Companies must look for innovative ways to acquire manufacturing skills from their experts and transfer them to novices and eventually to machines to remain competitive. There is a lack of systematic processes in the manufacturing industry and research for cost-effective capture and transfer of human skills. Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a framework for digitisation of manual manufacturing task knowledge, a major constituent of which is human skill. The proposed digitisation framework is based on the theory of human-workpiece interactions that is developed in this research. The unique aspect of the framework is the use of consumer-grade gaming interface technology to capture and record manual manufacturing tasks in digital form to enable the extraction, decoding and transfer of manufacturing knowledge constituents that are associated with the task. The framework is implemented, tested and refined using 5 case studies, including 1 toy assembly task, 2 real-life-like assembly tasks, 1 simulated assembly task and 1 real-life composite layup task. It is successfully validated based on the outcomes of the case studies and a benchmarking exercise that was conducted to evaluate its performance. This research contributes to knowledge in five main areas, namely, (1) the theory of human-workpiece interactions to decipher human behaviour in manual manufacturing tasks, (2) a cohesive and holistic framework to digitise manual manufacturing task knowledge, especially tacit knowledge such as human action and reaction skills, (3) the use of low-cost gaming interface technology to capture human actions and the effect of those actions on workpieces during a manufacturing task, (4) a new way to use hidden Markov modelling to produce digital skill models to represent human ability to perform complex tasks and (5) extraction and decoding of manufacturing knowledge constituents from the digital skill models

    Reconocimiento de gestos basado en acelerómetros

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    En los últimos años, ha crecido de forma significativa el interés por la utilización de dispositivos capaces de reconocer gestos humanos. En este trabajo, se pretenden reconocer gestos manuales colocando sensores en la mano de una persona. El reconocimiento de gestos manuales puede ser implementado para diversos usos y bajo diversas plataformas: juegos (Wii), control de brazos robóticos, etc. Como primer paso, se realizará un estudio de las actuales técnicas de reconocimiento de gestos que utilizan acelerómetros como sensor de medida. En un segundo paso, se estudiará como los acelerómetros pueden utilizarse para intentar reconocer los gestos que puedan realizar una persona (mover el brazo hacia un lado, girar la mano, dibujar un cuadrado, etc.) y los problemas que de su utilización puedan derivarse. Se ha utilizado una IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) como sensor de medida. Está compuesta por tres acelerómetros y tres giróscopos (MTi-300 de Xsens). Con las medidas que proporcionan estos sensores se realiza el cálculo de la posición y orientación de la mano, representando esta última en función de los ángulos de Euler. Un aspecto importante a destacar será el efecto de la gravedad en las medidas de las aceleraciones. A través de diversos cálculos y mediante la ayuda de los giróscopos se podrá corregir dicho efecto. Por último, se desarrollará un sistema que identifique la posición y orientación de la mano como gestos reconocidos utilizando lógica difusa. Tanto para la adquisición de las muestras, como para los cálculos de posicionamiento, se ha desarrollado un código con el programa Matlab. También, con este mismo software, se ha implementado un sistema de lógica difusa con la que se realizará el reconocimiento de los gestos, utilizando la herramienta FIS Editor. Las pruebas realizadas han consistido en la ejecución de nueve gestos por diferentes personas teniendo una tasa de reconocimiento comprendida entre el 90 % y 100 % dependiendo del gesto a identificar. ABSTRACT In recent years, it has grown significantly interest in the use of devices capable of recognizing human gestures. In this work, we aim to recognize hand gestures placing sensors on the hand of a person. The recognition of hand gestures can be implemented for different applications on different platforms: games (Wii), control of robotic arms ... As a first step, a study of current gesture recognition techniques that use accelerometers and sensor measurement is performed. In a second step, we study how accelerometers can be used to try to recognize the gestures that can make a person (moving the arm to the side, rotate the hand, draw a square, etc...) And the problems of its use can be derived. We used an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) as a measuring sensor. It comprises three accelerometers and three gyroscopes (Xsens MTI-300). The measures provided by these sensors to calculate the position and orientation of the hand are made, with the latter depending on the Euler angles. An important aspect to note is the effect of gravity on the measurements of the accelerations. Through various calculations and with the help of the gyroscopes can correct this effect. Finally, a system that identifies the position and orientation of the hand as recognized gestures developed using fuzzy logic. Both the acquisition of samples to calculate position, a code was developed with Matlab program. Also, with the same software, has implemented a fuzzy logic system to be held with the recognition of gestures using the FIS Editor. Tests have involved the execution of nine gestures by different people having a recognition rate between 90% and 100% depending on the gesture to identify

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man

    Neues Konzept zur skalierbaren, explorativen Analyse großer Zeitreihendaten mit Anwendung auf umfangreiche Stromnetz-Messdaten

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung eines neuen Konzepts zur skalierbaren explorativen Analyse großer Zeitreihendaten. Hierzu werden zahlreiche datenintensive Methoden aus dem Bereich des Data-Mining und der Zeitreihenanalyse hinsichtlich ihrer Skalierbarkeit mit wachsendem Datenvolumen untersucht und neue Verfahren und Datenrepräsentationen vorgestellt, die eine Exploration sehr großer Zeitreihendaten erlauben, die mit herkömmlichen Methoden nicht effizient auswertbar sind und unter dem Begriff Big Data eingeordnet werden können. Methoden zur Verwaltung und Visualisierung großer multivariater Zeitreihen werden mit Methoden zur Detektion seltener und häufiger Muster – sog. Discords und Motifs – kombiniert und zu einem leistungsfähigen Explorationssystem namens ViAT (von engl. Visual Analysis of Time series) zusammengefasst. Um auch Analysen von Zeitreihendaten durchführen zu können, deren Datenvolumen hunderte von Terabyte und mehr umfasst, wurde eine datenparallele verteilte Verarbeitung auf Basis von Apache Hadoop entwickelt. Sie erlaubt die Ableitung datenreduzierter Metadaten, welche statistische Eigenschaften und neuartige Strukturbeschreibungen der Zeitreihen enthalten. Auf dieser Basis sind neue inhaltsbasierte Anfragen und Auswertungen sowie Suchen nach bekannten und zuvor unbekannten Mustern in den Daten möglich. Das Design der entwickelten neuen Methoden und deren Integration zu einem Gesamtsystem namens FraScaTi (von engl. Framework for Scalable management and analysis of Time series data) wird vorgestellt. Das System wird evaluiert und im Anwendungsfeld der Stromnetzanalyse erprobt, welches von der Skalierbarkeit und den neuartigen Analysemöglichkeiten profitiert. Hierzu wird eine explorative Analyse hochfrequenter Stromnetz-Messdaten durchgeführt, deren Ergebnisse im Kontext des Anwendungsbereichs präsentiert und diskutiert werden