958 research outputs found

    Discovery of functional elements in 12 Drosophila genomes using evolutionary signatures

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    Sequencing of multiple related species followed by comparative genomics analysis constitutes a powerful approach for the systematic understanding of any genome. Here, we use the genomes of 12 Drosophila species for the de novo discovery of functional elements in the fly. Each type of functional element shows characteristic patterns of change, or 'evolutionary signatures', dictated by its precise selective constraints. Such signatures enable recognition of new protein-coding genes and exons, spurious and incorrect gene annotations, and numerous unusual gene structures, including abundant stop-codon readthrough. Similarly, we predict non-protein-coding RNA genes and structures, and new microRNA (miRNA) genes. We provide evidence of miRNA processing and functionality from both hairpin arms and both DNA strands. We identify several classes of pre- and post-transcriptional regulatory motifs, and predict individual motif instances with high confidence. We also study how discovery power scales with the divergence and number of species compared, and we provide general guidelines for comparative studies

    Comparative genomics of small RNA regulatory pathway components in vector mosquitoes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Small RNA regulatory pathways (SRRPs) control key aspects of development and anti-viral defense in metazoans. Members of the Argonaute family of catalytic enzymes degrade target RNAs in each of these pathways. SRRPs include the microRNA, small interfering RNA (siRNA) and PIWI-type gene silencing pathways. Mosquitoes generate viral siRNAs when infected with RNA arboviruses. However, in some mosquitoes, arboviruses survive antiviral RNA interference (RNAi) and are transmitted via mosquito bite to a subsequent host. Increased knowledge of these pathways and functional components should increase understanding of the limitations of anti-viral defense in vector mosquitoes. To do this, we compared the genomic structure of SRRP components across three mosquito species and three major small RNA pathways.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>Ae. aegypti, An. gambiae </it>and <it>Cx. pipiens </it>genomes encode putative orthologs for all major components of the miRNA, siRNA, and piRNA pathways. <it>Ae. aegypti </it>and <it>Cx. pipiens </it>have undergone expansion of Argonaute and PIWI subfamily genes. Phylogenetic analyses were performed for these protein families. In addition, sequence pattern recognition algorithms MEME, MDScan and Weeder were used to identify upstream regulatory motifs for all SRRP components. Statistical analyses confirmed enrichment of species-specific and pathway-specific cis-elements over the rest of the genome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Analysis of Argonaute and PIWI subfamily genes suggests that the small regulatory RNA pathways of the major arbovirus vectors, <it>Ae. aegypti and Cx. pipiens</it>, are evolving faster than those of the malaria vector <it>An. gambiae </it>and <it>D. melanogaster</it>. Further, protein and genomic features suggest functional differences between subclasses of PIWI proteins and provide a basis for future analyses. Common UCR elements among SRRP components indicate that 1) key components from the miRNA, siRNA, and piRNA pathways contain NF-kappaB-related and Broad complex transcription factor binding sites, 2) purifying selection has occurred to maintain common pathway-specific elements across mosquito species and 3) species-specific differences in upstream elements suggest that there may be differences in regulatory control among mosquito species. Implications for arbovirus vector competence in mosquitoes are discussed.</p

    miRNAs in insects infected by animal and plant viruses

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    Viruses vectored by insects cause severe medical and agricultural burdens. The process of virus infection of insects regulates and is regulated by a complex interplay of biomolecules including the small, non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs). Considered an anomaly upon its discovery only around 25 years ago, miRNAs as a class have challenged the molecular central dogma which essentially typifies RNAs as just intermediaries in the flow of information from DNA to protein. miRNAs are now known to be common modulators or fine-tuners of gene expression. While recent years has seen an increased emphasis on understanding the role of miRNAs in host-virus associations, existing literature on the interaction between insects and their arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) is largely restricted to miRNA abundance profiling. Here we analyse the commonalities and contrasts between miRNA abundance profiles with different host-arbovirus combinations and outline a suggested pipeline and criteria for functional analysis of the contribution of miRNAs to the insect vector-virus interaction. Finally, we discuss the potential use of the model organism, , in complementing research on the role of miRNAs in insect vector-virus interaction

    Computational RNomics of Drosophilids

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    Recent experimental and computational studies have provided overwhelming evidence for a plethora of diverse transcripts that are unrelated to protein-coding genes. One subclass consists of those RNAs that require distinctive secondary structure motifs to exert their biological function and hence exhibit distinctive patterns of sequence conservation characteristic for positive selection on RNA secondary structure. The deep-sequencing of 12 drosophilid species coordinated by the NHGRI provides an ideal data set of comparative computational approaches to determine those genomic loci that code for evolutionarily conserved RNA motifs. This class of loci includes the majority of the known small ncRNAs as well as structured RNA motifs in mRNAs. We report here on a genome-wide survey using RNAz

    Statistics and Evolution of Functional Genomic Sequence

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    In this thesis, three separate problems of genomics are addressed, utilizing methods related to the field of statistical mechanics. The goal of the project discussed in the first chapter is the elucidation of post-transcriptional gene regulation imposed by microRNAs, a recently discovered class of tiny non-coding RNAs. A probabilistic algorithm for the computational identification of genes regulated by microRNAs is introduced, which was developed based on experimental data and statistical analysis of whole genome data. In particular, the application of this algorithm to multiple-alignments of groups of related species allows for the specific and sensitive detection of genes targeted by microRNAs on a genome-wide level. Examination of clade-specific predictions and cross-clade comparison yields deeper insights into microRNA biology and first clues about long-term evolution of microRNA regulation, which are discussed in detail. Modeling evolutionary dynamics of microsatellites, an abundant class of repetitive sequence in eukaryotic genomes, was the objective of the second project and is discussed in chapter two. Inspired by the putative functionality of some of these elements and the difficulty of constructing correct sequence alignments that reflect the evolutionary relationships between microsatellites, a neutral model for microsatellite evolution is developed and tested in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster by comparing evolutionary rates predicted by the model to independent measurements of these rates from multiple alignments of three closely relates Drosophila species. The model is applied separately to genomic sequence categories of different functional annotations in order to assess the varying influence of selective constraint among these categories. In the last chapter, a general population genetic model is introduced that allows for the determination of transcription factor binding site stability as a function of selection strength, mutation rate and effective population size at arbitrary values of these parameters. The analytical solution of this model indicates the probability of a binding site to be functional. The model is used to compute the population fraction of functional binding sites at fixed selection pressure across a variety of different taxa. The results lead to the conclusion that a decreasing effective population size, such as observed at the evolutionary transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, could result in loss of binding site stability. An extension to our model serves us to assess the compensatory effect of the emergence of multiple binding sites for the same transcription factor in order to maintain the existing regulatory relationship

    Identification of microRNAs In the Lyme Disease Vector \u3ci\u3eIxodes scapularis\u3c/i\u3e

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs involved in many biological processes, including the immune pathways that control bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections. Pathogens probably modify host miRNAs to facilitate successful infection, so they might be useful targets for vaccination strategies. There are few data on differentially expressed miRNAs in the black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis after infection with Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease in the United States. Small RNA sequencing and qRT-PCR analysis were used to identify and validate differentially expressed I. scapularis salivary miRNAs. Small RNA-seq yielded 133,465,828 (≥18 nucleotides) and 163,852,135 (≥18 nucleotides) small RNA reads from Borrelia-infected and uninfected salivary glands for downstream analysis using the miRDeep2 algorithm. As such, 254 miRNAs were identified across all datasets, 25 of which were high confidence and 51 low confidence known miRNAs. Further, 23 miRNAs were differentially expressed in uninfected and infected salivary glands: 11 were upregulated and 12 were downregulated upon pathogen infection. Gene ontology and network analysis of target genes of differentially expressed miRNAs predicted roles in metabolic, cellular, development, cellular component biogenesis, and biological regulation processes. Several Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways, including sphingolipid metabolism; valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation; lipid transport and metabolism; exosome biogenesis and secretion; and phosphate-containing compound metabolic processes, were predicted as targets of differentially expressed miRNAs. A qRT-PCR assay was utilized to validate the differential expression of miRNAs. This study provides new insights into the miRNAs expressed in I. scapularis salivary glands and paves the way for their functional manipulation to prevent or treat B. burgdorferi infection

    Strong Purifying Selection at Synonymous Sites in D. melanogaster

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    Synonymous sites are generally assumed to be subject to weak selective constraint. For this reason, they are often neglected as a possible source of important functional variation. We use site frequency spectra from deep population sequencing data to show that, contrary to this expectation, 22% of four-fold synonymous (4D) sites in D. melanogaster evolve under very strong selective constraint while few, if any, appear to be under weak constraint. Linking polymorphism with divergence data, we further find that the fraction of synonymous sites exposed to strong purifying selection is higher for those positions that show slower evolution on the Drosophila phylogeny. The function underlying the inferred strong constraint appears to be separate from splicing enhancers, nucleosome positioning, and the translational optimization generating canonical codon bias. The fraction of synonymous sites under strong constraint within a gene correlates well with gene expression, particularly in the mid-late embryo, pupae, and adult developmental stages. Genes enriched in strongly constrained synonymous sites tend to be particularly functionally important and are often involved in key developmental pathways. Given that the observed widespread constraint acting on synonymous sites is likely not limited to Drosophila, the role of synonymous sites in genetic disease and adaptation should be reevaluated

    Infection with a Virulent Strain of Wolbachia Disrupts Genome Wide-Patterns of Cytosine Methylation in the Mosquito Aedes aegypti

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    BACKGROUND Cytosine methylation is one of several reversible epigenetic modifications of DNA that allow a greater flexibility in the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Methylation in the simplest models dampens gene expression by modifying regions of DNA critical for transcription factor binding. The capacity to methylate DNA is variable in the insects due to diverse histories of gene loss and duplication of DNA methylases. Mosquitoes like Drosophila melanogaster possess only a single methylase, DNMT2. DESCRIPTION Here we characterise the methylome of the mosquito Aedes aegypti and examine its relationship to transcription and test the effects of infection with a virulent strain of the endosymbiont Wolbachia on the stability of methylation patterns. CONCLUSION We see that methylation in the A. aegypti genome is associated with reduced transcription and is most common in the promoters of genes relating to regulation of transcription and metabolism. Similar gene classes are also methylated in aphids and honeybees, suggesting either conservation or convergence of methylation patterns. In addition to this evidence of evolutionary stability, we also show that infection with the virulent wMelPop Wolbachia strain induces additional methylation and demethylation events in the genome. While most of these changes seem random with respect to gene function and have no detected effect on transcription, there does appear to be enrichment of genes associated with membrane function. Given that Wolbachia lives within a membrane-bound vacuole of host origin and retains a large number of genes for transporting host amino acids, inorganic ions and ATP despite a severely reduced genome, these changes might represent an evolved strategy for manipulating the host environments for its own gain. Testing for a direct link between these methylation changes and expression, however, will require study across a broader range of developmental stages and tissues with methods that detect splice variants.This research was supported by The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Clues of in vivo nuclear gene regulation by mitochondrial short non-coding RNAs.

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    Gene expression involves multiple processes, from transcription to translation to the mature, functional peptide, and it is regulated at multiple levels. Small RNA molecules are known to bind RNA messengers affecting their fate in the cytoplasm (a process generically termed \u2018RNA interference\u2019). Such small regulatory RNAs are well-known to be originated from the nuclear genome, while the role of mitochondrial genome in RNA interference was largely overlooked. However, evidence is growing that mitochondrial DNA does provide the cell a source of interfering RNAs. Small mitochondrial highly transcribed RNAs (smithRNAs) have been proposed to be transcribed from the mitochondrion and predicted to regulate nuclear genes. Here, for the first time, we show in vivo clues of the activity of two smithRNAs in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum. Moreover, we show that smithRNAs are present and can be annotated in representatives of the three main bilaterian lineages; in some cases, they were already described and assigned to a small RNA category (e.g., piRNAs) given their biogenesis, while in other cases their biogenesis remains unclear. If mitochondria may affect nuclear gene expression through RNA interference, this opens a plethora of new possibilities for them to interact with the nucleus and makes metazoan mitochondrial DNA a much more complex genome than previously thought

    MicroRNA Identification Based on Bioinformatics Approaches

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