3,240 research outputs found

    Development of Physics Applied to Medicine in the UK, 1945–90

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    Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.First published by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2006.©The Trustee of the Wellcome Trust, London, 2006.All volumes are freely available online at: www.history.qmul.ac.uk/research/modbiomed/wellcome_witnesses/Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 5 July 2005. Introduction by Dr Jeff Hughes.Organized with the assistance of Professor John Clifton (UCL) and chaired by Professor Peter Williams (Manchester), this seminar examined the early developments of medical physics in the UK between 1945 and 1990. Participants discussed a range of themes including medical physics before and during the war, the role of the King's Fund and the formation of the Hospital Physicists' Association (HPA), expansion of medical physics outside radiotherapy and to non-radiation physics (ultrasound, medical instrumentation, bioengineering, use of digital computers), developing regional services and links with industry. The seminar finished with a discussion on the changing scene in the 1980s, covering topics such as funding, academic and undergraduate medical physics, imaging, CT, NMR and others. Participants included Mr Tom Ashton, Dr Barry Barber, Professors Roland Blackwell and Terence Burlin, Dr Joseph Blau, Mr Bob (John) Burns, Professors John Clifton, David Delpy, Philip Dendy and Jack Fowler, Dr Jean Guy, Mr John Haggith, Drs John Haybittle, Alan Jennings and John Law, Professors John Mallard and Joe McKie, Mr David Murnaghan, Professor Angela Newing, Dr Sydney Osborn, Professor Rodney Smallwood, Dr Adrian Thomas, Dr Peter Tothill, Mr Theodore Tulley, Professors Peter Wells and John West, and Mr John Wilkinson. Christie D A, Tansey E M. (eds) (2006) Development of physics applied to medicine in the UK, 1945–90, Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 28. London: The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL.The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL is funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is a registered charity, no. 210183

    Human Computation and Convergence

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    Humans are the most effective integrators and producers of information, directly and through the use of information-processing inventions. As these inventions become increasingly sophisticated, the substantive role of humans in processing information will tend toward capabilities that derive from our most complex cognitive processes, e.g., abstraction, creativity, and applied world knowledge. Through the advancement of human computation - methods that leverage the respective strengths of humans and machines in distributed information-processing systems - formerly discrete processes will combine synergistically into increasingly integrated and complex information processing systems. These new, collective systems will exhibit an unprecedented degree of predictive accuracy in modeling physical and techno-social processes, and may ultimately coalesce into a single unified predictive organism, with the capacity to address societies most wicked problems and achieve planetary homeostasis.Comment: Pre-publication draft of chapter. 24 pages, 3 figures; added references to page 1 and 3, and corrected typ

    2013 IMSAloquium, Student Investigation Showcase

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    This year, we are proudly celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of IMSA’s Student Inquiry and Research (SIR) Program. Our first IMSAloquium, then called Presentation Day, was held in 1989 with only ten presentations; this year we are nearing two hundred.https://digitalcommons.imsa.edu/archives_sir/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Early Development of Total Hip Replacement

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    Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone. First published by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2007. ©The Trustee of the Wellcome Trust, London, 2007. All volumes are freely available online at: www.history.qmul.ac.uk/research/modbiomed/wellcome_witnesses/Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone,Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone,Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone,Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone,Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone,Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 14 March 2006. Introduction by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone,Total hip replacement effectively began in the UK in 1938 and has led to widely used, commercially successful, mass-produced devices that relieve pain for an ever increasing period. The Witness Seminar, chaired by Mr Alan Lettin, discussed the remarkable postwar collaboration of British surgeons, engineers and manufacturing firms in the development of efficient alloys, surgical procedures, instruments and the implementation of clean, bacteria-reduced air in enclosed operating theatres, as illustrated by successful prostheses and techniques developed in Norwich (Kenneth McKee), Wrightington (Sir John Charnley), Stanmore (John Scales), Redhill (Peter Ring), and Exeter (Robin Ling and Clive Lee). Early failures - such as loosening from infection, osteolysis, and wear debris - stimulated the search for improved materials and fixation methods, as well as the addition of antibiotics to bone cement to reduce infection. National hip registers that record the survival of different implants were adopted in Europe in the 1970s (2003 in the UK), and they pinpoint the successful devices, as measured by survival and low rates of revision. An introduction to the volume by Dr Francis Neary and Professor John Pickstone, and appendices on materials by Professor Alan Swanson; on international standards by Mr Victor Wheble; and of details of selected prosthesis supplement the transcript. Contributors include: Lady Charnley, the late Mr Harry Craven, Mr Graham Deane, Professor Duncan Dowson, Mr Reg Elson, Dr Alex Faulkner, Professor Michael Freeman, Mrs Phyllis Hampson, Mr Kevin Hardinge, Mr Mike Heywood-Waddington, Mr John Kirkup, Mr Krishna (Ravi) Kunzru, Miss Betty Lee, Mr Alan Lettin (chair), Mr John Older, Mr John Read, Mr Peter Ring, Mr Ian Stephen, Mr Malcolm Swann, Professor Alan Swanson, Sir Rodney Sweetnam, Mr Keith Tucker, Mr Victor Wheble and Professor Michael Wroblewski. Reynolds L A, Tansey E M. (eds) (2007) Early development of total hip replacement, Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 29. London: The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL.The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL is funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is a registered charity, no. 210183

    Development of Physics Applied to Medicine in the UK, 1945–90, vol. 28.

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    Organized with the assistance of Professor John Clifton (UCL) and chaired by Professor Peter Williams (Manchester), this seminar examined the early developments of medical physics in the UK between 1945 and 1990. Participants discussed a range of themes including medical physics before and during the war, the role of the King’s Fund and the formation of the Hospital Physicists’ Association (HPA), expansion of medical physics outside radiotherapy and to non-radiation physics (ultrasound, medical instrumentation, bioengineering, use of digital computers), developing regional services and links with industry. The seminar finished with a discussion on the changing scene in the 1980s, covering topics such as funding, academic and undergraduate medical physics, imaging, CT, NMR and others. Participants included Mr Tom Ashton, Dr Barry Barber, Professors Roland Blackwell and Terence Burlin, Dr Joseph Blau, Mr Bob (John) Burns, Professors John Clifton, David Delpy, Philip Dendy and Jack Fowler, Dr Jean Guy, Mr John Haggith, Drs John Haybittle, Alan Jennings and John Law, Professors John Mallard and Joe McKie, Mr David Murnaghan, Professor Angela Newing, Dr Sydney Osborn, Professor Rodney Smallwood, Dr Adrian Thomas, Dr Peter Tothill, Mr Theodore Tulley, Professors Peter Wells and John West, and Mr John Wilkinson

    Foot and Mouth Disease: The 1967 outbreak and its aftermath

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    The transcript of a Witness Seminar held by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, London, on 11 December 2001. First published by the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL, 2003. ©The Trustee of the Wellcome Trust, London, 2003.All volumes are freely available online at: www.history.qmul.ac.uk/research/modbiomed/wellcome_witnesses/Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 11 December 2001. Introduction by Dr Lise Wilkinson.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 11 December 2001. Introduction by Dr Lise Wilkinson.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 11 December 2001. Introduction by Dr Lise Wilkinson.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 11 December 2001. Introduction by Dr Lise Wilkinson.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 11 December 2001. Introduction by Dr Lise Wilkinson.Annotated and edited transcript of a Witness Seminar held on 11 December 2001. Introduction by Dr Lise Wilkinson.In 1967–68 Britain experienced the worst foot and mouth disease (FMD) epidemic of the twentieth century. Attributed to pig swill containing infected Argentine lamb, 2,228 outbreaks were recorded during a nine-month period, resulting in the slaughter of nearly 450,000 animals, statistics only surpassed by the 2001 FMD epidemic. Lord Soulsby led the discussion among veterinarians, virologists, academics and farmers. The edited, annotated and illustrated transcript considers MAFF’s State Veterinary Service procedures and organization and the subsequent investigations for the 1968 Northumberland Committee, with some comparisons with the 2001 outbreak; the contribution of the Animal Virus Research Institute and the International Vaccine Bank for FMD at Pirbright, Surrey; the hardship endured by the farmers during the outbreak; and political aspects of the historic slaughter policy and the debate over vaccination, both in Westminster and in Europe. Reynolds L A, Tansey E M. (eds) (2003) Foot and Mouth Disease: The 1967 outbreak and its aftermath, Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 18. London: Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL.The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL is funded by the Wellcome Trust, which is a registered charity, no. 210183

    Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute: Year Three Annual Report 2016

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    NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) is pleased to present the 2016 Annual Report. Each year brings new scientific discoveries, technological breakthroughs, and collaborations. The integration of basic research and development, industry and academic partnerships, plus the leveraging of existing technologies, has further opened a scientific window into human exploration. SSERVI sponsorship by the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate (HEOMD) continues to enable the exchange of insights between the human exploration and space science communities, paving a clearer path for future space exploration. SSERVI provides a unique environment for scientists and engineers to interact within multidisciplinary research teams. As a virtual institute, the best teaming arrangements can be made irrespective of the geographical location of individuals or laboratory facilities. The interdisciplinary science that ensues from virtual and in-person interactions, both within the teams and across team lines, provides answers to questions that many times cannot be foreseen. Much of this research would not be accomplished except for the catalyzing, collaborative environment enabled by SSERVI. The SSERVI Central Office, located at NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, California, provides the leadership, guidance and technical support that steers the virtual institute. At the start of 2016, our institute had nine U.S. teams, each mid-way through their five-year funding cycle, plus nine international partnerships. However, by the end of the year we were well into the selection of four new domestic teams, selected through NASA's Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) process, and a new international partnership. Understanding that human and robotic exploration is most successful as an international endeavor, international partnerships collaborate with SSERVI domestic teams on a no-exchange of funds basis, but they bring a richness to the institute that is priceless. The international partner teams interact with the domestic teams in a number of ways, including sharing students, scientific insights, and access to facilities. We are proud to introduce our newest partnership with the Astrophysics and Planetology Research Institute (IRAP) in Toulouse, France. In 2016, Principal Investigator Dr. Patrick Pinet assembled a group of French researchers who will contribute scientific and technological expertise related to SSERVI research. SSERVI's domestic teams compete for five-year funding opportunities through proposals to a NASA CAN every few years. Having overlapping proposal selection cycles allows SSERVI to be more responsive to any change in direction NASA might experience, while providing operational continuity for the institute. Allowing new teams to blend with the more seasoned teams preserves corporate memory and expands the realm of collaborative possibilities. A key component of SSERVI's mission is to grow and maintain an integrated research community focused on questions related to the Moon, Near-Earth asteroids, and the moons of Mars. The strong community response to CAN-2 demonstrated the health of that effort. NASA Headquarters conducted the peer-review of 22 proposals early in 2017 and, based on recommendations from the SSERVI Central Office and NASA SSERVI program officers, the NASA selecting officials determined the new teams in the spring of 2017. We are pleased to welcome the CAN-2 teams into the institute, and look forward to the collaborations that will develop with the current teams. The new teams are: The Network for Exploration and Space Science (NESS) team (Principal Investigator (PI) Prof. Jack Burns/U. Colorado); the Exploration Science Pathfinder Research for Enhancing Solar System Observations (ESPRESSO) team (PI Dr. Alex Parker/Southwest Research Institute); the Toolbox for Research and Exploration (TREX) team (PI Dr. Amanda Hendrix/ Planetary Science Institute); and the Radiation Effects on Volatiles and Exploration of Asteroids & Lunar Surfaces (REVEALS) team (PI Prof. Thomas Orlando/ Georgia Institute of Technology). In this report, you will find an overview of the 2016 leadership activities of the SSERVI Central Office, reports prepared by the U.S. teams from CAN-1, and achievements from several of the SSERVI international partners. Reflecting on the past year's discoveries and advancements serves as a potent reminder that there is still a great deal to learn about NASA's target destinations. Innovation in the way we access, sample, measure, visualize, and assess our target destinations is needed for further discovery. At the same time, let us celebrate how far we have come, and strongly encourage a new generation that will make the most of future opportunities

    Becoming-other in time: the Deleuzian subject in cinema

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    Through an engagement with Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of the cinema, this thesis explores how the notion of labyrinthine time is represented differently in movement- and time-images. Part I contrasts the different types of subject that are created in the narratives of the two types of image. This begins with an exploration of the philosophical conceptions of time behind the two images and the subjects they create. Chapter two focuses on the role of memory in the creation of these subjects, drawing on the works of Henri Bergson, and using films by Hitchcock and Fellini. The third chapter delves into the recent re-emergence of the debate over spectator positioning, and questions what Deleuze can offer this field. Here the thesis most comprehensively negotiates its place within the field of film studies, through its interaction with psychoanalytical theories of the subject, and the debate over what exactly constitutes suture. Part II focuses on the movement-image. In particular it explores characters' attempts to perform their present identities differently, by falsifying their past and taking a new direction through the labyrinth of time. Chapters four and five analyse the way in which this performativity is represented in, Sliding Doors, Run Lola Run, The Talented Mr Ripley and Memento. These recent films are seen to draw a broad distinction between female performativity, which is sanctioned, but only for a brief while, and male performativity, which is represented as getting away with murder. Movement-images are thus found to uphold a very traditional gender binary, by reterritorializing the labyrinth's subversive potential into a legitimizing straight line and its marginalized, labyrinthine other. This is a conclusion that had already been suggested in chapter three

    Silicon Intern. Ore, LLC v. Monsanto Co. Clerk\u27s Record v. 4 Dckt. 39409

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