302 research outputs found

    thermogram Breast Cancer Detection : a comparative study of two machine learning techniques

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    Breast cancer is considered one of the major threats for women’s health all over the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that 1 in every 12 women could be subject to a breast abnormality during her lifetime. To increase survival rates, it is found that it is very effective to early detect breast cancer. Mammography-based breast cancer screening is the leading technology to achieve this aim. However, it still can not deal with patients with dense breast nor with tumor size less than 2 mm. Thermography-based breast cancer approach can address these problems. In this paper, a thermogram-based breast cancer detection approach is proposed. This approach consists of four phases: (1) Image Pre-processing using homomorphic filtering, top-hat transform and adaptive histogram equalization, (2) ROI Segmentation using binary masking and K-mean clustering, (3) feature extraction using signature boundary, and (4) classification in which two classifiers, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), were used and compared. The proposed approach is evaluated using the public dataset, DMR-IR. Various experiment scenarios (e.g., integration between geometrical feature extraction, and textural features extraction) were designed and evaluated using different measurements (i.e., accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity). The results showed that ELM-based results were better than MLP-based ones with more than 19%

    ConfidentCare: A Clinical Decision Support System for Personalized Breast Cancer Screening

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    Breast cancer screening policies attempt to achieve timely diagnosis by the regular screening of apparently healthy women. Various clinical decisions are needed to manage the screening process; those include: selecting the screening tests for a woman to take, interpreting the test outcomes, and deciding whether or not a woman should be referred to a diagnostic test. Such decisions are currently guided by clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), which represent a one-size-fits-all approach that are designed to work well on average for a population, without guaranteeing that it will work well uniformly over that population. Since the risks and benefits of screening are functions of each patients features, personalized screening policies that are tailored to the features of individuals are needed in order to ensure that the right tests are recommended to the right woman. In order to address this issue, we present ConfidentCare: a computer-aided clinical decision support system that learns a personalized screening policy from the electronic health record (EHR) data. ConfidentCare operates by recognizing clusters of similar patients, and learning the best screening policy to adopt for each cluster. A cluster of patients is a set of patients with similar features (e.g. age, breast density, family history, etc.), and the screening policy is a set of guidelines on what actions to recommend for a woman given her features and screening test scores. ConfidentCare algorithm ensures that the policy adopted for every cluster of patients satisfies a predefined accuracy requirement with a high level of confidence. We show that our algorithm outperforms the current CPGs in terms of cost-efficiency and false positive rates

    Various Deep Learning Techniques Involved In Breast Cancer Mammogram Classification – A Survey

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    The most common and rapidly spreading disease in the world is breast cancer. Most cases of breast cancer are observed in females. Breast cancer can be controlled with early detection. Early discovery helps to manage a lot of cases and lower the death rate. On breast cancer, numerous studies have been conducted. Machine learning is the method that is utilized in research the most frequently. There have been a lot of earlier machine learning-based studies. Decision trees, KNN, SVM, naive bays, and other machine learning algorithms perform better in their respective fields. However, a newly created method is now being utilized to categorize breast cancer. Deep learning is a recently developed method. The limitations of machine learning are solved through deep learning. Convolution neural networks, recurrent neural networks, deep belief networks, and other deep learning techniques are frequently utilized in data science. Deep learning algorithms perform better than machine learning algorithms. The best aspects of the images are extracted. CNN is employed in our study to categorize the photos. Basically, CNN is the most widely used technique to categorize images, on which our research is based

    Analysis of Mammographic Images for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Breast cancer is the main reason for death among women. Radiographic images obtained from mammography equipment are one of the most frequently used techniques for helping in early detection of breast cancer. The motivation behind this study is to focus the tumour types of breast cancer images .It is methodology to anticipated a sickness in view of the visual conclusion of breast disease tumour types with precision, particularly when numerous feature are related. Breast Cancer (BC) is one such sample where the phenomenon is very complex furthermore numerous feature of tumour types are included. In the present investigation, various pattern recognition techniques were used for the classification of breast cancer using mammograms image processing techniques .The pattern recognition techniques for tumour image enhancements, segmentation, texture based image feature extraction and subsequent classification of breast cancer mammogram image was successfully performed. When two machine learning techniques such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) were used to classify 120 images, it was observed from the results that Artificial Neural Network classifiers demonstrated the h classification rate 91.31% and the SVM with both Radial Basis Function (RBF) and linear kernel classifiers demonstrated the highest classification rate of 92.11% and RBF classification rate is 92.85%

    Analysis of Mammographic Images for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Breast cancer is the main reason for death among women. Radiographic images obtained from mammography equipment are one of the most frequently used techniques for helping in early detection of breast cancer. The motivation behind this study is to focus the tumour types of breast cancer images .It is methodology to anticipated a sickness in view of the visual conclusion of breast disease tumour types with precision, particularly when numerous feature are related. Breast Cancer (BC) is one such sample where the phenomenon is very complex furthermore numerous feature of tumour types are included. In the present investigation, various pattern recognition techniques were used for the classification of breast cancer using mammograms image processing techniques .The pattern recognition techniques for tumour image enhancements, segmentation, texture based image feature extraction and subsequent classification of breast cancer mammogram image was successfully performed. When two machine learning techniques such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM) were used to classify 120 images, it was observed from the results that Artificial Neural Network classifiers demonstrated the h classification rate 91.31% and the SVM with both Radial Basis Function (RBF) and linear kernel classifiers demonstrated the highest classification rate of 92.11% and RBF classification rate is 92.85%

    Hyperparameter-Optimized Machine Learning Techniques for Mammogram Classification

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    Computer technology has employed Machine Learning models in a variety of applications to improve performance. The hyperparameter of a machine learning model must be adapted to overcome learning limitations and increase its performance. In this research, the hyperparameters of machine learning classifiers are tuned to identify cases of benign or malignant breast abnormalities. An experimental investigation was conducted using the Wisconsin Diagnosis Breast Cancer (WDBC) Dataset. A fusion model, Bayesian Optimization Hyper Band-Naïve Bayes (BOHB-NB) is employed, which is combined with conventional classification approaches like Logistic Regression (LR), Naive Bayes (NB), and Support Vector Machine (SVM).  The proposed methods are compared to cutting-edge models like SVM, NB, LR, K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Random Forest, and Decision Tree using a wide range of parametric measures, such as Precision, Recall, Specificity, F-measure, Accuracy, True Positivity Rate (TPR), and False Positivity Rate (FPR). The results show that the proposed methods outperform the leading models

    Evaluation of Machine Learning Models for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Via Histogram of Oriented Gradients Method and Histopathology Images

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    Breast cancer is the main death rate from malignant growth worldwide and the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer in females. Machine learning systems have been developed to assist in the accurate detection of cancer. There are numerous methods for cancer detection. But histopathological images are thought to be more precise. In this study, we used the HOG features extractor to extract statistical features from histopathology images of invasive ductal carcinoma. We chose the following images at random from the histopathology images: 100, 200, 400, 1000, and 2000. These statistical features were then used to train several algorithms, including the decision tree, quadratic discriminant analysis, extra randomized trees, gradient boosting, gaussian process classifier, naive bayes, nearest centroid, multilayer perceptron, and support vector machine, to identify whether or not the images depict cancerous or noncancerous growth. The algorithms' performance was evaluated depending on the specificity, accuracy, sensitivity, precision, F1_score, and AUC. The algorithms used worked best when the number of images was set to 100. As the number of images went up, their effectiveness went down

    Interpretable Radiomic Signature for Breast Microcalcification Detection and Classification

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    Breast microcalcifications are observed in 80% of mammograms, and a notable proportion can lead to invasive tumors. However, diagnosing microcalcifications is a highly complicated and error-prone process due to their diverse sizes, shapes, and subtle variations. In this study, we propose a radiomic signature that effectively differentiates between healthy tissue, benign microcalcifications, and malignant microcalcifications. Radiomic features were extracted from a proprietary dataset, composed of 380 healthy tissue, 136 benign, and 242 malignant microcalcifications ROIs. Subsequently, two distinct signatures were selected to differentiate between healthy tissue and microcalcifications (detection task) and between benign and malignant microcalcifications (classification task). Machine learning models, namely Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and XGBoost, were employed as classifiers. The shared signature selected for both tasks was then used to train a multi-class model capable of simultaneously classifying healthy, benign, and malignant ROIs. A significant overlap was discovered between the detection and classification signatures. The performance of the models was highly promising, with XGBoost exhibiting an AUC-ROC of 0.830, 0.856, and 0.876 for healthy, benign, and malignant microcalcifications classification, respectively. The intrinsic interpretability of radiomic features, and the use of the Mean Score Decrease method for model introspection, enabled models' clinical validation. In fact, the most important features, namely GLCM Contrast, FO Minimum and FO Entropy, were compared and found important in other studies on breast cancer