15 research outputs found

    Stateful Testing: Finding More Errors in Code and Contracts

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    Automated random testing has shown to be an effective approach to finding faults but still faces a major unsolved issue: how to generate test inputs diverse enough to find many faults and find them quickly. Stateful testing, the automated testing technique introduced in this article, generates new test cases that improve an existing test suite. The generated test cases are designed to violate the dynamically inferred contracts (invariants) characterizing the existing test suite. As a consequence, they are in a good position to detect new errors, and also to improve the accuracy of the inferred contracts by discovering those that are unsound. Experiments on 13 data structure classes totalling over 28,000 lines of code demonstrate the effectiveness of stateful testing in improving over the results of long sessions of random testing: stateful testing found 68.4% new errors and improved the accuracy of automatically inferred contracts to over 99%, with just a 7% time overhead.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Exploiting GPU Architectures for Dynamic Invariant Mining

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    Dynamic mining of invariants is a class of approaches to extract logic formulas from the execution traces of a system under verification (SUV), with the purpose of expressing stable conditions in the behaviour of the SUV. The mined formulas represent likely invariants for the SUV, which certainly hold on the considered traces, but there is no guarantee that they are true in general. A large set of representative execution traces must be analysed to increase the probability that mined invariants are generally true. However, this becomes extremely time-consuming for current sequential approaches when long execution traces and large set of SUV variables are considered. To overcome this limitation, the paper presents a parallel approach for invariant mining that exploits GPU architectures for processing an execution trace composed of millions of clock cycles in few seconds

    Feedback-Driven Dynamic Invariant Discovery

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    Program invariants can help software developers identify program properties that must be preserved as the software evolves, however, formulating correct invariants can be challenging. In this work, we introduce iDiscovery, a technique which leverages symbolic execution to improve the quality of dynamically discovered invariants computed by Daikon. Candidate invariants generated by Daikon are synthesized into assertions and instrumented onto the program. The instrumented code is executed symbolically to generate new test cases that are fed back to Daikon to help further re ne the set of candidate invariants. This feedback loop is executed until a x-point is reached. To mitigate the cost of symbolic execution, we present optimizations to prune the symbolic state space and to reduce the complexity of the generated path conditions. We also leverage recent advances in constraint solution reuse techniques to avoid computing results for the same constraints across iterations. Experimental results show that iDiscovery converges to a set of higher quality invariants compared to the initial set of candidate invariants in a small number of iterations

    Mangrove: an Inference-based Dynamic Invariant Mining for GPU Architectures

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    Likely invariants model properties that hold in operating conditions of a computing system. Dynamic mining of invariants aims at extracting logic formulas representing such properties from the system execution traces, and it is widely used for verification of intellectual property (IP) blocks. Although the extracted formulas represent likely invariants that hold in the considered traces, there is no guarantee that they are true in general for the system under verification. As a consequence, to increase the probability that the mined invariants are true in general, dynamic mining has to be performed to large sets of representative execution traces. This makes the execution-based mining process of actual IP blocks very time-consuming due to the trace lengths and to the large sets of monitored signals. This article presents extit{Mangrove}, an efficient implementation of a dynamic invariant mining algorithm for GPU architectures. Mangrove exploits inference rules, which are applied at run time to filter invariants from the execution traces and, thus, to sensibly reduce the problem complexity. Mangrove allows users to define invariant templates and, from these templates, it automatically generates kernels for parallel and efficient mining on GPU architectures. The article presents the tool, the analysis of its performance, and its comparison with the best sequential and parallel implementations at the state of the art

    Abstract Contract Synthesis and Verification in the Symbolic K Framework

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    [EN] In this article, we propose a symbolic technique that can be used for automatically inferring software contracts from programs that are written in a non-trivial fragment of C, called KERNELC, that supports pointer-based structures and heap manipulation. Starting from the semantic definition of KERNELC in the K semantic framework, we enrich the symbolic execution facilities recently provided by K with novel capabilities for contract synthesis that are based on abstract subsumption. Roughly speaking, we define an abstract symbolic technique that axiomatically explains the execution of any (modifier) C function by using other (observer) routines in the same program. We implemented our technique in the automated tool KINDSPEC 2.1, which generates logical axioms that express pre- and post-condition assertions which define the precise input/output behavior of the C routines. Thanks to the integrated support for symbolic execution and deductive verification provided by K, some synthesized axioms that cannot be guaranteed to be correct by construction due to abstraction can finally be verified in our setting with little effort.This work has been partially supported by the EC H2020-EU grant agreement No. 952215 (TAILOR), the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MCIU under grant RTI2018-094403-B-C32, by Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2019/098.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Pardo, D.; Villanueva, A. (2020). Abstract Contract Synthesis and Verification in the Symbolic K Framework. Fundamenta Informaticae. 177(3-4):235-273. https://doi.org/10.3233/FI-2020-1989S2352731773-

    Inferring Specifications in the K Framework

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    [EN] Despite its many unquestionable benefits, formal specifications are not widely used in industrial software development. In order to reduce the time and effort required to write formal specifications, in this paper we propose a technique for automatically discovering specifications from real code. The proposed methodology relies on the symbolic execution capabilities recently provided by the K framework that we exploit to automatically infer formal specifications from programs that are written in a non trivial fragment of C, called KERNELC. Roughly speaking, our symbolic analysis of KERNELC programs explains the execution of a (modifier) function by using other (observer) routines in the program. We implemented our technique in the automated tool KINDSPEC 2.0, which generates axioms that describe the precise input/output behavior of C routines that handle pointer- based structures (i.e., result values and state change). We describe the implementation of our system and discuss the differences w.r.t. our previous work on inferring specifications from C code.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish MINECO ref. TIN2013-45732-C4 (DAMAS), and by Generalitat Valenciana ref. PROMETEOII/2015/013. D. Pardo is supported by FPU-ME grant FPU14/01830.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Pardo Pont, D.; Villanueva, A. (2015). Inferring Specifications in the K Framework. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. 1-16. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/74186S11

    Automatic Inference of Specifications in the K Framework

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    [EN] Despite its many unquestionable benefits, formal specifications are not widely used in industrial software development. In order to reduce the time and effort required to write formal specifications, in this paper we propose a technique for automatically discovering specifications from real code. The proposed methodology relies on the symbolic execution capabilities recently provided by the K framework that we exploit to automatically infer formal specifications from programs that are written in a non–trivial fragment of C, called KERNELC. Roughly speaking, our symbolic analysis of KERNELC programs explains the execution of a (modifier) function by using other (observer) routines in the program. We implemented our technique in the automated tool KINDSPEC 2.0, which generates axioms that describe the precise input/output behavior of C routines that handle pointerbased structures (i.e., result values and state change). We describe the implementation of our system and discuss the differences w.r.t. our previous work on inferring specifications from C code.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and Spanish MINECO under grants TIN2015-69175-C4-1-R and TIN2013-45732-C4-1-P, and by Generalitat Valenciana ref. PROMETEOII/2015/013.Alpuente Frasnedo, M.; Pardo Pont, D.; Villanueva García, A. (2015). Automatic Inference of Specifications in the K Framework. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. (200):1-17. https://doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.200.1S11720

    System-level functional and extra-functional characterization of SoCs through assertion mining

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    Virtual prototyping is today an essential technology for modeling, verification, and re-design of full HW/SW platforms. This allows a fast prototyping of platforms with a higher and higher complexity, which precludes traditional verification approaches based on the static analysis of the source code. Consequently, several technologies based on the analysis of simulation traces have proposed to efficiently validate the entire system from both the functional and extra-functional point of view. From the functional point of view, different approaches based on invariant and assertion mining have been proposed in literature to validate the functionality of a system under verification (SUV). Dynamic mining of invariants is a class of approaches to extract logic formulas with the purpose of expressing stable conditions in the behavior of the SUV. The mined formulas represent likely invariants for the SUV, which certainly hold on the considered traces. A large set of representative execution traces must be analyzed to increase the probability that mined invariants are generally true. However, this is extremely time-consuming for current sequential approaches when long execution traces and large set of SUV's variables are considered. Dynamic mining of assertions is instead a class of approaches to extract temporal logic formulas with the purpose of expressing temporal relations among the variables of a SUV. However, in most cases, existing tools can only mine assertions compliant with a limited set of pre-defined templates. Furthermore, they tend to generate a huge amount of assertions, while they still lack an effective way to measure their coverage in terms of design behaviors. Moreover, the security vulnerability of a firmware running on a HW/SW platforms is becoming ever more critical in the functional verification of a SUV. Current approaches in literature focus only on raising an error as soon as an assertion monitoring the SUV fails. No approach was proposed to investigate the issue that this set of assertions could be incomplete and that different, unusual behaviors could remain not investigated. From the extra-functional point of view of a SUV, several approaches based on power state machines (PSMs) have been proposed for modeling and simulating the power consumption of an IP at system-level. However, while they focus on the use of PSMs as the underlying formalism for implementing dynamic power management techniques of a SoC, they generally do not deal with the basic problem of how to generate a PSM. In this context, the thesis aims at exploiting dynamic assertion mining to improve the current approaches for the characterization of functional and extra-functional properties of a SoC with the final goal of providing an efficient and effective system-level virtual prototyping environment. In detail, the presented methodologies focus on: efficient extraction of invariants from execution traces by exploiting GP-GPU architectures; extraction of human-readable temporal assertions by combining user-defined assertion templates, data mining and coverage analysis; generation of assertions pinpointing the unlike execution paths of a firmware to guide the analysis of the security vulnerabilities of a SoC; and last but not least, automatic generation of PSMs for the extra-functional characterization of the SoC