641 research outputs found

    Fine-grain morphological analyzer and part-of-speech tagger for Arabic text

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    Morphological analyzers and part-of-speech taggers are key technologies for most text analysis applications. Our aim is to develop a part-of-speech tagger for annotating a wide range of Arabic text formats, domains and genres including both vowelized and non-vowelized text. Enriching the text with linguistic analysis will maximize the potential for corpus re-use in a wide range of applications. We foresee the advantage of enriching the text with part-of-speech tags of very fine-grained grammatical distinctions, which reflect expert interest in syntax and morphology, but not specific needs of end-users, because end-user applications are not known in advance. In this paper we review existing Arabic Part-of-Speech Taggers and tag-sets, and illustrate four different Arabic PoS tag-sets for a sample of Arabic text from the Quran. We describe the detailed fine-grained morphological feature tag set of Arabic, and the fine-grained Arabic morphological analyzer algorithm. We faced practical challenges in applying the morphological analyzer to the 100-million-word Web Arabic Corpus: we had to port the software to the National Grid Service, adapt the analyser to cope with spelling variations and errors, and utilise a Broad-Coverage Lexical Resource combining 23 traditional Arabic lexicons. Finally we outline the construction of a Gold Standard for comparative evaluation

    A standard tag set expounding traditional morphological features for Arabic language part-of-speech tagging

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    The SALMA Morphological Features Tag Set (SALMA, Sawalha Atwell Leeds Morphological Analysis tag set for Arabic) captures long-established traditional morphological features of grammar and Arabic, in a compact yet transparent notation. First, we introduce Part-of-Speech tagging and tag set standards for English and other European languages, and then survey Arabic Part-of-Speech taggers and corpora, and long-established Arabic traditions in analysis of morphology. A range of existing Arabic Part-of-Speech tag sets are illustrated and compared; and we review generic design criteria for corpus tag sets. For a morphologically-rich language like Arabic, the Part-of-Speech tag set should be defined in terms of morphological features characterizing word structure. We describe the SALMA Tag Set in detail, explaining and illustrating each feature and possible values. In our analysis, a tag consists of 22 characters; each position represents a feature and the letter at that location represents a value or attribute of the morphological feature; the dash ‘-’ represents a feature not relevant to a given word. The first character shows the main Parts of Speech, from: noun, verb, particle, punctuation, and Other (residual); these last two are an extension to the traditional three classes to handle modern texts. ‘Noun’ in Arabic subsumes what are traditionally referred to in English as ‘noun’ and ‘adjective’. The characters 2, 3, and 4 are used to represent subcategories; traditional Arabic grammar recognizes 34 subclasses of noun (letter 2), 3 subclasses of verb (letter 3), 21 subclasses of particle (letter 4). Others (residuals) and punctuation marks are represented in letters 5 and 6 respectively. The next letters represent traditional morphological features: gender (7), number (8), person (9), inflectional morphology (10) case or mood (11), case and mood marks (12), definiteness (13), voice (14), emphasized and non-emphasized (15), transitivity (16), rational (17), declension and conjugation (18). Finally there are four characters representing morphological information which is useful in Arabic text analysis, although not all linguists would count these as traditional features: unaugmented and augmented (19), number of root letters (20), verb root (21), types of nouns according to their final letters (22). The SALMA Tag Set is not tied to a specific tagging algorithm or theory, and other tag sets could be mapped onto this standard, to simplify and promote comparisons between and reuse of Arabic taggers and tagged corpora

    Open-source resources and standards for Arabic word structure analysis: Fine grained morphological analysis of Arabic text corpora

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    Morphological analyzers are preprocessors for text analysis. Many Text Analytics applications need them to perform their tasks. The aim of this thesis is to develop standards, tools and resources that widen the scope of Arabic word structure analysis - particularly morphological analysis, to process Arabic text corpora of different domains, formats and genres, of both vowelized and non-vowelized text. We want to morphologically tag our Arabic Corpus, but evaluation of existing morphological analyzers has highlighted shortcomings and shown that more research is required. Tag-assignment is significantly more complex for Arabic than for many languages. The morphological analyzer should add the appropriate linguistic information to each part or morpheme of the word (proclitic, prefix, stem, suffix and enclitic); in effect, instead of a tag for a word, we need a subtag for each part. Very fine-grained distinctions may cause problems for automatic morphosyntactic analysis – particularly probabilistic taggers which require training data, if some words can change grammatical tag depending on function and context; on the other hand, finegrained distinctions may actually help to disambiguate other words in the local context. The SALMA – Tagger is a fine grained morphological analyzer which is mainly depends on linguistic information extracted from traditional Arabic grammar books and prior knowledge broad-coverage lexical resources; the SALMA – ABCLexicon. More fine-grained tag sets may be more appropriate for some tasks. The SALMA –Tag Set is a theory standard for encoding, which captures long-established traditional fine-grained morphological features of Arabic, in a notation format intended to be compact yet transparent. The SALMA – Tagger has been used to lemmatize the 176-million words Arabic Internet Corpus. It has been proposed as a language-engineering toolkit for Arabic lexicography and for phonetically annotating the Qur’an by syllable and primary stress information, as well as, fine-grained morphological tagging

    A Computational Lexicon and Representational Model for Arabic Multiword Expressions

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    The phenomenon of multiword expressions (MWEs) is increasingly recognised as a serious and challenging issue that has attracted the attention of researchers in various language-related disciplines. Research in these many areas has emphasised the primary role of MWEs in the process of analysing and understanding language, particularly in the computational treatment of natural languages. Ignoring MWE knowledge in any NLP system reduces the possibility of achieving high precision outputs. However, despite the enormous wealth of MWE research and language resources available for English and some other languages, research on Arabic MWEs (AMWEs) still faces multiple challenges, particularly in key computational tasks such as extraction, identification, evaluation, language resource building, and lexical representations. This research aims to remedy this deficiency by extending knowledge of AMWEs and making noteworthy contributions to the existing literature in three related research areas on the way towards building a computational lexicon of AMWEs. First, this study develops a general understanding of AMWEs by establishing a detailed conceptual framework that includes a description of an adopted AMWE concept and its distinctive properties at multiple linguistic levels. Second, in the use of AMWE extraction and discovery tasks, the study employs a hybrid approach that combines knowledge-based and data-driven computational methods for discovering multiple types of AMWEs. Third, this thesis presents a representative system for AMWEs which consists of multilayer encoding of extensive linguistic descriptions. This project also paves the way for further in-depth AMWE-aware studies in NLP and linguistics to gain new insights into this complicated phenomenon in standard Arabic. The implications of this research are related to the vital role of the AMWE lexicon, as a new lexical resource, in the improvement of various ANLP tasks and the potential opportunities this lexicon provides for linguists to analyse and explore AMWE phenomena

    A morphological-syntactical analysis approach for Arabic textual tagging

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    Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging is the process of labeling or classifying each word in written text with its grammatical category or part-of-speech, i.e. noun, verb, preposition, adjective, etc. It is the most common disambiguation process in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). POS tagging systems are often preprocessors in many NLP applications. The Arabic language has a valuable and an important feature, called diacritics, which are marks placed over and below the letters of the word. An Arabic text is partiallyvocalisedl when the diacritical mark is assigned to one or maximum two letters in the word. Diacritics in Arabic texts are extremely important especially at the end of the word. They help determining not only the correct POS tag for each word in the sentence, but also in providing full information regarding the inflectional features, such as tense, number, gender, etc. for the sentence words. They add semantic information to words which helps with resolving ambiguity in the meaning of words. Furthermore, diacritics ascribe grammatical functions to the words, differentiating the word from other words, and determining the syntactic position of the word in the sentence. 1. Vocalisation (also referred as diacritisation or vowelisation). This thesis presents a rule-based Part-of-Speech tagging system called AMT - short for Arabic Morphosyntactic Tagger. The main function of the AMT system is to assign the correct tag to each word in an untagged raw partially-vocalised Arabic corpus, and to produce a POS tagged corpus without using a manually tagged or untagged lexicon (dictionary) for training. Two different techniques were used in this work, the pattem-based technique and the lexical and contextual technique. The rules in the pattem-based technique technique are based on the pattern of the testing word. A novel algorithm, Pattern-Matching Algorithm (PMA), has been designed and introduced in this work. The aim of this algorithm is to match the testing word with its correct pattern in pattern lexicon. The lexical and contextual technique on the other hand is used to assist the pattembased technique technique to assign the correct tag to those words not have a pattern to follow. The rules in the lexical and contextual technique are based on the character(s), the last diacritical mark, the word itself, and the tags of the surrounding words. The importance of utilizing the diacritic feature of the Arabic language to reduce the lexical ambiguity in POS tagging has been addressed. In addition, a new Arabic tag set and a new partially-vocalised Arabic corpus to test AMT have been compiled and presented in this work. The AMT system has achieved an average accuracy of 91 %

    Computational Sociolinguistics: A Survey

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    Language is a social phenomenon and variation is inherent to its social nature. Recently, there has been a surge of interest within the computational linguistics (CL) community in the social dimension of language. In this article we present a survey of the emerging field of "Computational Sociolinguistics" that reflects this increased interest. We aim to provide a comprehensive overview of CL research on sociolinguistic themes, featuring topics such as the relation between language and social identity, language use in social interaction and multilingual communication. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for synergy between the research communities involved, by showing how the large-scale data-driven methods that are widely used in CL can complement existing sociolinguistic studies, and how sociolinguistics can inform and challenge the methods and assumptions employed in CL studies. We hope to convey the possible benefits of a closer collaboration between the two communities and conclude with a discussion of open challenges.Comment: To appear in Computational Linguistics. Accepted for publication: 18th February, 201
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