7 research outputs found

    Unitats estructurals en la construcció de la coherència

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    El treball es va presentar el gener de 2008 durant una sessió del Seminari del Grup de Pragmàtica i Anàlisi del Discurs (GrEPAD) de la Universitat de Barcelona.La multidimensionalitat de la coherència discursiva planteja, entre d’altres problemes, la dificultat d’identificar les unitats d’anàlisi rellevants per al seu estudi, atès que és un fenomen sensible a la pragmàtica, la semàntica i la gramàtica. Aquest treball aborda aquest problema a través de l’anàlisi de cinc textos argumentatius orals que són homogenis pel que fa al gènere (recomanació d’una novel·la) i heterogenis pel que fa a la situació comunicativa, i que tenen una estructura discursiva complexa que integra formes diverses d’establiment de la coherència

    Natural Language Generation as an Intelligent Activity (Proposal for Dissertation Research)

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    In this proposal, I outline a generator conceived of as part of a general intelligent agent. The generator\u27s task is to provide the overall system with the ability to use communication in language to serve its purposes, rather than to simply encode information in language. This requires that generation be viewed as a kind of goal-directed action that is planned and executed in a dynamically changing environment. In addition, the generator must not be dependent on domain or problem-specific information but rather on a general knowledge base .that it shares with the overall system. These requirements have specific consequences for the design of the generator and the representation it uses. In particular, the text planner and the low-level linguistic component must be able to interact and negotiate over decisions that involve both high-level and low-level constraints. Also, the knowledge representation must allow for the varying perspective that an intelligent agent will have on the things it talks about; the generator must be able to appropriately vary how it describes things as the system\u27s perspective on them changes. The generator described here will demonstrate how these ideas work in practice and develop them further

    Generating referring expressions in a domain of objects and processes

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    This thesis presents a collection of algorithms and data structures for the generation of pronouns, anaphoric definite noun phrases, and one-anaphoric phrases. After a close analysis of the particular kinds of referring expressions that appear in a particular domain -that of cookery recipes -the thesis presents an appropriate ontology and a corresponding representation language. This ontology is then integrated into a wider framework for language generation as a whole, whereupon we show how the representation language can be successfully used to produce appropriate referring expressions for a range of complex object types.Amongst the more important ideas explored in the thesis are the following:• We introduce the notion of a generalized physical object as a way of representing singular entities, mass entities, and entities which are sets.• We adopt the view that planning operators are essentially underspecified events, and use this, in conjunction with a simple model of the hearer, to allow us to determine the appropriate level of detail at which a given plan should be described.• We make use of a discourse model that distinguishes local and global focus, and is closely tied to a notion of discourse structure; and we introduce a notion of DISCRIMINATORY POWER as a means to choosing the content of a referring expression.• We present a model of the generation of referring expressions that makes use of two levels of intermediate representation, and integrate this model with the use of a linguistically- founded grammar for noun phrases.The thesis ends by making some suggestions for further extensions to the work reported here

    Second Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation and Robotics (SOAR 1988)

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    Papers presented at the Second Annual Workshop on Space Operation Automation and Robotics (SOAR '88), hosted by Wright State University at Dayton, Ohio, on July 20, 21, 22, and 23, 1988, are documented herein. During the 4 days, approximately 100 technical papers were presented by experts from NASA, the USAF, universities, and technical companies. Panel discussions on Human Factors, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Space Systems were held but are not documented herein. Technical topics addressed included knowledge-based systems, human factors, and robotics

    Discourse structure and the proper treatment of interruptions

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    This paper reports on the development of a computational theory of discourse The theory is based on the thesis that discourse structure is a composite of three structures the structure of the sequence of utterances, the structure of intentions conveyed, and the attentional state. The distinction among these components is essential to provide adequate explanations of such discourse phenomena as clue words, referring expressions and interruptions. We illustrate the use of the theory for four types of interruptions and discuss aspects of interruptions previously overlooked 1