59 research outputs found

    Spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis – perception, join costs and feature transformations

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    This thesis explores the problem of determining an objective measure to represent human perception of spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis. Such measures are used as join costs to quantify the compatibility of speech units for concatenation in unit selection synthesis. No previous study has reported a spectral measure that satisfactorily correlates with human perception of discontinuity. An analysis of the limitations of existing measures and our understanding of the human auditory system were used to guide the strategies adopted to advance a solution to this problem. A listening experiment was conducted using a database of concatenated speech with results indicating the perceived continuity of each concatenation. The results of this experiment were used to correlate proposed measures of spectral continuity with the perceptual results. A number of standard speech parametrisations and distance measures were tested as measures of spectral continuity and analysed to identify their limitations. Time-frequency resolution was found to limit the performance of standard speech parametrisations.As a solution to this problem, measures of continuity based on the wavelet transform were proposed and tested, as wavelets offer superior time-frequency resolution to standard spectral measures. A further limitation of standard speech parametrisations is that they are typically computed from the magnitude spectrum. However, the auditory system combines information relating to the magnitude spectrum, phase spectrum and spectral dynamics. The potential of phase and spectral dynamics as measures of spectral continuity were investigated. One widely adopted approach to detecting discontinuities is to compute the Euclidean distance between feature vectors about the join in concatenated speech. The detection of an auditory event, such as the detection of a discontinuity, involves processing high up the auditory pathway in the central auditory system. The basic Euclidean distance cannot model such behaviour. A study was conducted to investigate feature transformations with sufficient processing complexity to mimic high level auditory processing. Neural networks and principal component analysis were investigated as feature transformations. Wavelet based measures were found to outperform all measures of continuity based on standard speech parametrisations. Phase and spectral dynamics based measures were found to correlate with human perception of discontinuity in the test database, although neither measure was found to contribute a significant increase in performance when combined with standard measures of continuity. Neural network feature transformations were found to significantly outperform all other measures tested in this study, producing correlations with perceptual results in excess of 90%

    Intonation Modelling for Speech Synthesis and Emphasis Preservation

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    Speech-to-speech translation is a framework which recognises speech in an input language, translates it to a target language and synthesises speech in this target language. In such a system, variations in the speech signal which are inherent to natural human speech are lost, as the information goes through the different building blocks of the translation process. The work presented in this thesis addresses aspects of speech synthesis which are lost in traditional speech-to-speech translation approaches. The main research axis of this thesis is the study of prosody for speech synthesis and emphasis preservation. A first investigation of regional accents of spoken French is carried out to understand the sensitivity of native listeners with respect to accented speech synthesis. Listening tests show that standard adaptation methods for speech synthesis are not sufficient for listeners to perceive accentedness. On the other hand, combining adaptation with original prosody allows perception of accents. Addressing the need of a more suitable prosody model, a physiologically plausible intonation model is proposed. Inspired by the command-response model, it has basic components, which can be related to muscle responses to nerve impulses. These components are assumed to be a representation of muscle control of the vocal folds. A motivation for such a model is its theoretical language independence, based on the fact that humans share the same vocal apparatus. An automatic parameter extraction method which integrates a perceptually relevant measure is proposed with the model. This approach is evaluated and compared with the standard command-response model. Two corpora including sentences with emphasised words are presented, in the context of the SIWIS project. The first is a multilingual corpus with speech from multiple speaker; the second is a high quality speech synthesis oriented corpus from a professional speaker. Two broad uses of the model are evaluated. The first shows that it is difficult to predict model parameters; however the second shows that parameters can be transferred in the context of emphasis synthesis. A relation between model parameters and linguistic features such as stress and accent is demonstrated. Similar observations are made between the parameters and emphasis. Following, we investigate the extraction of atoms in emphasised speech and their transfer in neutral speech, which turns out to elicit emphasis perception. Using clustering methods, this is extended to the emphasis of other words, using linguistic context. This approach is validated by listening tests, in the case of English

    Speech wave-form driven motion synthesis for embodied agents

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    The main objective of this thesis is to synthesise motion from speech, especially in conversation. Based on previous research into different acoustic features or the combination of them were investigated, no one has investigated in estimating head motion from waveform directly, which is the stem of the speech. Thus, we study the direct use of speech waveform to generate head motion. We claim that creating a task-specific feature from waveform to generate head motion leads to better performance than using standard acoustic features to generate head motion overall. At the same time, we completely abandon the handcrafted feature extraction process, leading to more effectiveness. However, there are a few problems if we would like to apply speech waveform, 1) high dimensional, where the dimension of the waveform data is much higher than those common acoustic features and thus making the training of the model more difficult, and 2) irrelevant information, which refers to the full information in the original waveform implicating potential cumbrance for neural network training. To resolve these problems, we applied a deep canonical correlated constrainted auto-encoder (DCCCAE) to compress the waveform into low dimensional and highly correlated embedded features with head motion. The estimated head motion was evaluated both objectively and subjectively. In objective evaluation, the result confirmed that DCCCAE enables the creation of a more correlated feature with the head motion than standard AE and other popular spectral features such as MFCC and FBank, and is capable of being used in achieving state-of-the-art results for predicting natural head motion with the advantage of the DCCCAE. Besides investigating the representation learning of the feature, we also explored the LSTM-based regression model for the proposed feature. The LSTM-based models were able to boost the overall performance in the objective evaluation and adapt better to the proposed feature than MFCC. MUSHRA-liked subjective evaluation results suggest that the animations generated by models with the proposed feature were chosen to be better than the other models by the participants of MUSHRA-liked test. A/B test further that the LSTM-based regression model adapts better to the proposed feature. Furthermore, we extended the architecture to estimate the upper body motion as well. We submitted our result to GENEA2020 and our model achieved a higher score than BA in both aspects (human-likeness and appropriateness) according to the participant’s preference, suggesting that the highly correlated feature pair and the sequential estimation helped in improving the model generalisation

    Synthesis of listener vocalizations : towards interactive speech synthesis

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    Spoken and multi-modal dialogue systems start to use listener vocalizations, such as uh-huh and mm-hm, for natural interaction. Generation of listener vocalizations is one of the major objectives of emotionally colored conversational speech synthesis. Success in this endeavor depends on the answers to three questions: Where to synthesize a listener vocalization? What meaning should be conveyed through the synthesized vocalization? And, how to realize an appropriate listener vocalization with the intended meaning? This thesis addresses the latter question. The investigation starts with proposing a three-stage approach: (i) data collection, (ii) annotation, and (iii) realization. The first stage presents a method to collect natural listener vocalizations from German and British English professional actors in a recording studio. In the second stage, we explore a methodology for annotating listener vocalizations -- meaning and behavior (form) annotation. The third stage proposes a realization strategy that uses unit selection and signal modification techniques to generate appropriate listener vocalizations upon user requests. Finally, we evaluate naturalness and appropriateness of synthesized vocalizations using perception studies. The work is implemented in the open source MARY text-to-speech framework, and it is integrated into the SEMAINE project\u27s Sensitive Artificial Listener (SAL) demonstrator.Dialogsysteme nutzen zunehmend Hörer-Vokalisierungen, wie z.B. a-ha oder mm-hm, fĂŒr natĂŒrliche Interaktion. Die Generierung von Hörer-Vokalisierungen ist eines der zentralen Ziele emotional gefĂ€rbter, konversationeller Sprachsynthese. Ein Erfolg in diesem Unterfangen hĂ€ngt von den Antworten auf drei Fragen ab: Wo bzw. wann sollten Vokalisierungen synthetisiert werden? Welche Bedeutung sollte in den synthetisierten Vokalisierungen vermittelt werden? Und wie können angemessene Hörer-Vokalisierungen mit der intendierten Bedeutung realisiert werden? Diese Arbeit widmet sich der letztgenannten Frage. Die Untersuchung erfolgt in drei Schritten: (i) Korpuserstellung; (ii) Annotation; und (iii) Realisierung. Der erste Schritt prĂ€sentiert eine Methode zur Sammlung natĂŒrlicher Hörer-Vokalisierungen von deutschen und britischen Profi-Schauspielern in einem Tonstudio. Im zweiten Schritt wird eine Methodologie zur Annotation von Hörer-Vokalisierungen erarbeitet, die sowohl Bedeutung als auch Verhalten (Form) umfasst. Der dritte Schritt schlĂ€gt ein Realisierungsverfahren vor, die Unit-Selection-Synthese mit Signalmodifikationstechniken kombiniert, um aus Nutzeranfragen angemessene Hörer-Vokalisierungen zu generieren. Schließlich werden NatĂŒrlichkeit und Angemessenheit synthetisierter Vokalisierungen mit Hilfe von Hörtests evaluiert. Die Methode wurde im Open-Source-Sprachsynthesesystem MARY implementiert und in den Sensitive Artificial Listener-Demonstrator im Projekt SEMAINE integriert

    Proceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference

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    The 7th International Conference of the Gruppo di Studi sulla Comunicazione Parlata, dedicated to the memory of Claire Blanche-Benveniste, chose as its main theme Speech and Corpora. The wide international origin of the 235 authors from 21 countries and 95 institutions led to papers on many different languages. The 89 papers of this volume reflect the themes of the conference: spoken corpora compilation and annotation, with the technological connected fields; the relation between prosody and pragmatics; speech pathologies; and different papers on phonetics, speech and linguistic analysis, pragmatics and sociolinguistics. Many papers are also dedicated to speech and second language studies. The online publication with FUP allows direct access to sound and video linked to papers (when downloaded)

    Predicting Head Pose From Speech

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    Speech animation, the process of animating a human-like model to give the impression it is talking, most commonly relies on the work of skilled animators, or performance capture. These approaches are time consuming, expensive, and lack the ability to scale. This thesis develops algorithms for content driven speech animation; models that learn visual actions from data without semantic labelling, to predict realistic speech animation from recorded audio. We achieve these goals by _rst forming a multi-modal corpus that represents the style of speech we want to model; speech that is natural, expressive and prosodic. This allows us to train deep recurrent neural networks to predict compelling animation. We _rst develop methods to predict the rigid head pose of a speaker. Predicting the head pose of a speaker from speech is not wholly deterministic, so our methods provide a large variety of plausible head pose trajectories from a single utterance. We then apply our methods to learn how to predict the head pose of the listener while in conversation, using only the voice of the speaker. Finally, we show how to predict the lip sync, facial expression, and rigid head pose of the speaker, simultaneously, solely from speec

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications (MAVEBA) came into being in 1999 from the particularly felt need of sharing know-how, objectives and results between areas that until then seemed quite distinct such as bioengineering, medicine and singing. MAVEBA deals with all aspects concerning the study of the human voice with applications ranging from the neonate to the adult and elderly. Over the years the initial issues have grown and spread also in other aspects of research such as occupational voice disorders, neurology, rehabilitation, image and video analysis. MAVEBA takes place every two years always in Firenze, Italy. This edition celebrates twenty years of uninterrupted and succesfully research in the field of voice analysis

    Products and Services

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    Todayñ€ℱs global economy offers more opportunities, but is also more complex and competitive than ever before. This fact leads to a wide range of research activity in different fields of interest, especially in the so-called high-tech sectors. This book is a result of widespread research and development activity from many researchers worldwide, covering the aspects of development activities in general, as well as various aspects of the practical application of knowledge

    Mathematical linguistics

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    but in fact this is still an early draft, version 0.56, August 1 2001. Please d
