80,746 research outputs found

    Using simulation gaming to validate a mathematical modeling platform for resource allocation in disasters

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    The extraordinary conditions of a disaster require the mobilisation of all available resources, inducing the rush of humanitarian partners into the affected area This phenomenon called the proliferation of actors, causes serious problems during the disaster response phase including the oversupply, duplicated efforts, lack of planning In an attempt to reduce the partner proliferation problem a framework called PREDIS (PREdictive model for DISaster response partner selection) is put forward to configure the humanitarian network within early hours after disaster strike when the information is scarce To verify this model a simulation game is designed using two sets of real decision makers (experts and non-experts) in the disaster Haiyan scenario The result shows that using the PREDIS framework 100% of the experts could make the same decisions less than six hours comparing to 72 hours Also between 71% and 86% of the times experts and non-experts decide similarly using the PREDIS framewor

    Disaster scenario simulation of the 2010 cloudburst in Leh, Ladakh, India

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    Leh district in the Ladakh region of north-western India experienced a disaster when a cloudburst generated debris flows, killed hundreds of people, destroyed houses, and damaged the hospital, communication infrastructure, the bus station, and vital roads. A simulation of the Leh cloudburst disaster analysed the disaster itself, disaster risk reduction plans in the region, gaps in existing response mechanisms and reducing hazard impacts in the future. The participant group comprised academic researchers and industry experts in natural hazards, social vulnerability, engineering, historical and social sciences, education, journalism, disaster management and disaster risk reduction. Many of the participants had extensive local knowledge of Ladakh or comparable neighbouring Himalayan regions. Following the disaster, Leh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC), produced a District Disaster Management Plan (DDMP), which addressed many of the gaps identified in the simulation. Most importantly, the document outlined a civil protection mechanism to respond to future hazardous events. This was utilised to assess future disaster response in the simulation scenario. From analysis of the scenario simulation, the role of the army was found to be key in minimizing the impact of the 2010 disaster, although in the future, the army may coordinate with the civil protection body as set out in the DDMP. Participants identified the lack of a local formalized civil protection plan as a major vulnerability, and the most vulnerable populations as the migrant communities. The group also discussed evidence of resilience among the population such as the role of monasteries and spirituality in psychological recovery and the impact of the initial local response. From broader discussion of the simulation scenario, it was possible to identify aspects of resilience for further study in a wider research project, such as identifying hazardous slopes from satellite mapping, informing the fieldwork program, designing social questionnaires to understand risk perception and formulating questions to guide focus-group discussions on community resilience


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya pemahaman tanggap bencana pada peserta didik. Lemahnya pemahaman tanggap bencana pada peserta didik dan kurangnya pengaruh metode dalam pembelajaran, melatar belakangi penelitian dengan menggunakan eksperimen pembelajaran melalui metode simulasi dan metode diskusi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemahaman tanggap bencana pada peserta didik. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan quasi experiment. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas XI IPS 1 dengan metode simulasi dan XI IPS 2 dengan metode diskusi. Analisis data menggunakan statistik berupa Uji-T yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji normalitas dan homogenitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) terdapat pengaruh metode simulasi terhadap pemahaman tanggap bencana peserta didik, (2) terdapat pengaruh metode diskusi terhadap pemahaman tanggap bencana peserta didik, (3) tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman tanggap bencana pada peserta didik yang menggunakan metode simulasi pada kelas eksperimen dan metode diskusi pada kelas kontrol, namun jika dilihat berdasarkan selisih antara nilai rata-rata posttest dan pretest pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol terdapat adanya pengaruh besarnya peningkatan (gain) terhadap pemahaman tanggap bencana karena pada kelas eksperimen peserta didik sudah paham tentang tanggap bencana daripada kelas kontrol yang harus diberikan perlakuan terlebih dahulu untuk memahami pemahaman tanggap bencana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode simulasi dan metode diskusi mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pemahaman tanggap bencana peserta didik pada mata pelajaran geografi, akan tetapi dalam proses pembelajaran dengan metode simulasi mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih baik dalam meningkatkan pemahaman tanggap bencana pada peserta didik dibandingkan dengan metode diskusi. Dengan demikian metode tersebut direkomendasikan dalam pembelajaran geografi pada materi mitigasi bencana dengan waktu yang lebih lama.;--This research is motivated by the importance of understanding disaster response in students. Weak understanding of disaster response in students and the lack of influence of methods in learning, the background of research using learning experiments through simulation methods and discussion methods. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of understanding disaster response on students. The research method uses quantitative methods with quasi experiment. The research sample consisted of two classes, namely class XI IPS 1 with simulation methods and XI IPS 2 with discussion methods. Data analysis using statistics in the form of T-Tests that have previously been tested for normality and homogeneity. The results showed: (1) there was an effect of the simulation method on students 'understanding of disaster response, (2) there was an effect of the discussion method on students' understanding of disaster response, (3) there was no significant effect on the understanding of disaster response in students using the method of simulation in the experimental class and the discussion method in the control class, but if viewed based on the difference between the average value of the posttest and pretest in the experimental class and the control class there is an influence of the increase in gain on the response of the disaster because in the experimental class students already understand about the response disaster rather than the control class that must be given advance treatment to understand understanding of disaster response. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the simulation method and the discussion method have an influence on students' understanding of disaster response in geography subjects, but in the learning process the simulation method has a better influence on improving the understanding of disaster response in students compared to the discussion method. Thus the method is recommended in learning geography on disaster mitigation materials with longer time

    Using internet simulation games to train prehospital providers for mass casualty response

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    During a disaster emergency medical services (EMS) plays a critical role in supporting mass casualty response. However, the processes and procedures used in a disaster are different than those which the prehospital providers encounter during routine emergency response. With limited time and resources, new approaches to training should be considered. This thesis presents research on EMS training, disaster response, distance learning, and instructional technology. Survey and interview results are analyzed providing a foundation for the development of a proposed software model using Internet simulation games to train prehospital providers for mass casualty response

    Knowledge as a Service Framework for Disaster Data Management

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    Each year, a number of natural disasters strike across the globe, killing hundreds and causing billions of dollars in property and infrastructure damage. Minimizing the impact of disasters is imperative in today’s society. As the capabilities of software and hardware evolve, so does the role of information and communication technology in disaster mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery. A large quantity of disaster-related data is available, including response plans, records of previous incidents, simulation data, social media data, and Web sites. However, current data management solutions offer few or no integration capabilities. Moreover, recent advances in cloud computing, big data, and NoSQL open the door for new solutions in disaster data management. In this paper, a Knowledge as a Service (KaaS) framework is proposed for disaster cloud data management (Disaster-CDM), with the objectives of 1) storing large amounts of disaster-related data from diverse sources, 2) facilitating search, and 3) supporting their interoperability and integration. Data are stored in a cloud environment using a combination of relational and NoSQL databases. The case study presented in this paper illustrates the use of Disaster-CDM on an example of simulation models

    Implementing Telemedicine in Medical Emergency Response: Concept of Operation for a Regional Telemedicine Hub

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    A regional telemedicine hub, providing linkage of a telemedicine command center with an extended network of clinical experts in the setting of a natural or intentional disaster, may facilitate future disaster response and improve patient outcomes. However, the health benefits derived from the use of telemedicine in disaster response have not been quantitatively analyzed. In this paper, we present a general model of the application of telemedicine to disaster response and evaluate a concept of operations for a regional telemedicine hub, which would create distributed surge capacity using regional telemedicine networks connecting available healthcare and telemedicine infrastructures to external expertise. Specifically, we investigate (1) the scope of potential use of telemedicine in disaster response; (2) the operational characteristics of a regional telemedicine hub using a new discrete-event simulation model of an earthquake scenario; and (3) the benefit that the affected population may gain from a coordinated regional telemedicine network

    Evidence-Based Contingency Planning to Enhance Local Resilience to Flood Disasters

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    The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 addresses the importance of “Enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response and to ‘Build Back Better’ in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction” as the fourth priority action. One of the practical tools to achieve effective preparedness for flood disaster response is evidence-based contingency planning, which is based on scientific approaches such as flood simulation and quantitative risk assessment. This method, however, is not always feasible to disaster-prone areas in Asia due to the lack of data on natural and social conditions. This chapter proposes a method with six steps for local communities to conduct contingency planning by assuming the dynamic change of inundation using flood simulation, assessing flood risk with key indicators, deciding response strategies against the identified flood risk and developing a contingency plan beforehand. This method was first applied to one of the Asian flood-prone areas, Calumpit Municipality in the Pampanga River basin of the Philippines, to verify its effectiveness in areas where the availability of natural and socio-economic data is limited

    An IoE Blockchain-Based Network Knowledge Management Model for Resilient Disaster Frameworks

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    The disaster area is a constantly changing environment, which can make it challenging to distribute supplies effectively. The lack of accurate information about the required goods and potential bottlenecks in the distribution process can be detrimental. The success of a response network is dependent on collaboration, coordination, sovereignty, and equal distribution of relief resources. To facilitate these interactions and improve knowledge of supply chain operations, a reliable and dynamic logistic system is essential. This study proposes the integration of blockchain technology, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the Internet of Everything (IoE) into the disaster management structure. The proposed disaster response model aims to reduce response times and ensure the secure and timely distribution of goods. The hyper-connected disaster supply network is modeled through a concrete implementation on the Network Simulation (NS2) platform. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method yields significant improvements in several key performance metrics. Specifically, it achieved more than a 30% improvement in the successful migration of tasks, a 17% reduction in errors, a 15% reduction in delays, and a 9% reduction in energy consumption

    Best Practice for Casualty Simulation - Role-playing Actor, High Fidelity Mannequin Simulation, or Virtual Reality?

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    Objective: The purpose of this systemic review of the literature is to determine the best practice with regards to simulating casualties during a disaster response exercise. Methods: MEDLINE was searched from 1950 till present for the key terms of disaster, simulation, and emergency preparedness. Articles were included which met the following criteria: English language, human subjects, original research using any research design (with or without intervention), and primary focus of disaster preparedness using simulation, virtual reality, or role playing actors. Results: Of the 386 articles reviewed only 18 met inclusion criteria. The literature is primarily descriptive in nature with regards to simulation in disaster preparedness. Seven articles (38%) were analytical in study design with the rest being observational or descriptive. The populations varied widely among the included articles ranging from participants at a formal training class to medical students to residents and finally nurses and full trained physicians. The majority of studies including the analytical ones used convenience sampling. These articles were assigned a level of evidence and best practice recommendations and conclusions were then determined. Conclusions: The results show that virtual reality and high-fidelity mannequin based simulation are at least equivalent to the traditional full scale exercise. In addition, both modalities have the advantage of allowing invasive procedures to be performed as well as giving a more realistic time frame experience for the participant. These modalities can be incorporated into future disaster response drills in order to complement each individual modalities strengths and weaknesses

    Virtual Communication Stack: Towards Building Integrated Simulator of Mobile Ad Hoc Network-based Infrastructure for Disaster Response Scenarios

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    Responses to disastrous events are a challenging problem, because of possible damages on communication infrastructures. For instance, after a natural disaster, infrastructures might be entirely destroyed. Different network paradigms were proposed in the literature in order to deploy adhoc network, and allow dealing with the lack of communications. However, all these solutions focus only on the performance of the network itself, without taking into account the specificities and heterogeneity of the components which use it. This comes from the difficulty to integrate models with different levels of abstraction. Consequently, verification and validation of adhoc protocols cannot guarantee that the different systems will work as expected in operational conditions. However, the DEVS theory provides some mechanisms to allow integration of models with different natures. This paper proposes an integrated simulation architecture based on DEVS which improves the accuracy of ad hoc infrastructure simulators in the case of disaster response scenarios.Comment: Preprint. Unpublishe