46,134 research outputs found

    Statistical properties for directional alignment and chasing of players in football games

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    Focusing on motion of two interacting players in football games, two velocity vectors for the pair of one player and the nearest opponent player exhibit strong alignment. Especially, we find that there exists a characteristic interpersonal distance r≃500 r\simeq 500 cm below which the circular variance for their alignment decreases rapidly. By introducing the order parameter ϕ(t) \phi(t) in order to measure degree of alignment of players' velocity vectors, we also find that the angle distribution between the nearest players' velocity vectors becomes wrapped Cauchy (ϕ≲0.7 \phi \lesssim 0.7 ) and the mixture of von Mises and wrapped Cauchy distributions (ϕ≳0.7 \phi \gtrsim 0.7 ), respectively. To understand these findings, we construct a simple model for the motion of the two interacting players with the following rules: chasing between the players and the reset of the chasing. We numerically show that our model successfully reproduce the results obtained from the actual data. Moreover, from the numerical study, we find that there is another characteristic distance r≃1000 r\simeq 1000 cm below which player's chasing starts.Comment: 16pages, 12 figures, 3 table

    On high-dimensional sign tests

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    Sign tests are among the most successful procedures in multivariate nonparametric statistics. In this paper, we consider several testing problems in multivariate analysis, directional statistics and multivariate time series analysis, and we show that, under appropriate symmetry assumptions, the fixed-pp multivariate sign tests remain valid in the high-dimensional case. Remarkably, our asymptotic results are universal, in the sense that, unlike in most previous works in high-dimensional statistics, pp may go to infinity in an arbitrary way as nn does. We conduct simulations that (i) confirm our asymptotic results, (ii) reveal that, even for relatively large pp, chi-square critical values are to be favoured over the (asymptotically equivalent) Gaussian ones and (iii) show that, for testing i.i.d.-ness against serial dependence in the high-dimensional case, Portmanteau sign tests outperform their competitors in terms of validity-robustness.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/15-BEJ710 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    A framework for quantification and physical modeling of cell mixing applied to oscillator synchronization in vertebrate somitogenesis

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    In development and disease, cells move as they exchange signals. One example is found in vertebrate development, during which the timing of segment formation is set by a ‘segmentation clock’, in which oscillating gene expression is synchronized across a population of cells by Delta-Notch signaling. Delta-Notch signaling requires local cell-cell contact, but in the zebrafish embryonic tailbud, oscillating cells move rapidly, exchanging neighbors. Previous theoretical studies proposed that this relative movement or cell mixing might alter signaling and thereby enhance synchronization. However, it remains unclear whether the mixing timescale in the tissue is in the right range for this effect, because a framework to reliably measure the mixing timescale and compare it with signaling timescale is lacking. Here, we develop such a framework using a quantitative description of cell mixing without the need for an external reference frame and constructing a physical model of cell movement based on the data. Numerical simulations show that mixing with experimentally observed statistics enhances synchronization of coupled phase oscillators, suggesting that mixing in the tailbud is fast enough to affect the coherence of rhythmic gene expression. Our approach will find general application in analyzing the relative movements of communicating cells during development and disease.Fil: Uriu, Koichiro. Kanazawa University; JapónFil: Bhavna, Rajasekaran. Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics; Alemania. Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems; AlemaniaFil: Oates, Andrew C.. Francis Crick Institute; Reino Unido. University College London; Reino UnidoFil: Morelli, Luis Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigación en Biomedicina de Buenos Aires - Instituto Partner de la Sociedad Max Planck; Argentina. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology; Alemania. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; Argentin

    Random Spin-orbit Coupling in Spin Triplet Superconductors: Stacking Faults in Sr_2RuO_4 and CePt_3Si

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    The random spin-orbit coupling in multicomponent superconductors is investigated focusing on the non-centrosymmetric superconductor CePt_3Si and the spin triplet superconductor Sr_2RuO_4. We find novel manifestations of the random spin-orbit coupling in the multicomponent superconductors with directional disorders, such as stacking faults. The presence of stacking faults is indicated for the disordered phase of CePt_3Si and Sr_2RuO_4. It is shown that the d-vector of spin triplet superconductivity is locked to be d = k_y x - k_x y with the anisotropy \Delta T_c/T_c0 \sim \bar{\alpha}^2/T_c0 W_z, where \bar{\alpha}, T_c0, and W_z are the mean square root of random spin-orbit coupling, the transition temperature in the clean limit, and the kinetic energy along the c-axis, respectively. This anisotropy is much larger (smaller) than that in the clean bulk Sr_2RuO_4 (CePt_3Si). These results indicate that the helical pairing state d = k_y x - k_x y in the eutectic crystal Sr_2RuO_4-Sr_3Ru_2O_7 is stabilized in contrast to the chiral state d = (k_x \pm i k_y) z in the bulk Sr_2RuO_4. The unusual variation of T_c in CePt_3Si is resolved by taking into account the weak pair-breaking effect arising from the uniform and random spin-orbit couplings. These superconductors provide a basis for discussing recent topics on Majorana fermions and non-Abelian statistics.Comment: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 79 (2010) 08470

    Directed expected utility networks

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    A variety of statistical graphical models have been defined to represent the conditional independences underlying a random vector of interest. Similarly, many different graphs embedding various types of preferential independences, such as, for example, conditional utility independence and generalized additive independence, have more recently started to appear. In this paper, we define a new graphical model, called a directed expected utility network, whose edges depict both probabilistic and utility conditional independences. These embed a very flexible class of utility models, much larger than those usually conceived in standard influence diagrams. Our graphical representation and various transformations of the original graph into a tree structure are then used to guide fast routines for the computation of a decision problem’s expected utilities. We show that our routines generalize those usually utilized in standard influence diagrams’ evaluations under much more restrictive conditions. We then proceed with the construction of a directed expected utility network to support decision makers in the domain of household food security

    Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space

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    We consider the Poisson cylinder model in Rd{\mathbb R}^d, d≥3d\ge 3. We show that given any two cylinders c1{\mathfrak c}_1 and c2{\mathfrak c}_2 in the process, there is a sequence of at most d−2d-2 other cylinders creating a connection between c1{\mathfrak c}_1 and c2{\mathfrak c}_2. In particular, this shows that the union of the cylinders is a connected set, answering a question appearing in a previous paper. We also show that there are cylinders in the process that are not connected by a sequence of at most d−3d-3 other cylinders. Thus, the diameter of the cluster of cylinders equals d−2d-2.Comment: 30 page

    Probing anisotropies of gravitational-wave backgrounds with a space-based interferometer: geometric properties of antenna patterns and their angular power

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    We discuss the sensitivity to anisotropies of stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds (GWBs) observed via space-based interferometer. In addition to the unresolved galactic binaries as the most promising GWB source of the planned Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), the extragalactic sources for GWBs might be detected in the future space missions. The anisotropies of the GWBs thus play a crucial role to discriminate various components of the GWBs. We study general features of antenna pattern sensitivity to the anisotropies of GWBs beyond the low-frequency approximation. We show that the sensitivity of space-based interferometer to GWBs is severely restricted by the data combinations and the symmetries of the detector configuration. The spherical harmonic analysis of the antenna pattern functions reveals that the angular power of the detector response increases with frequency and the detectable multipole moments with effective sensitivity h_{eff} \sim 10^{-20} Hz^{-1/2} may reach ℓ∼\ell \sim 8-10 at f∼f∗=10f \sim f_*=10 mHz in the case of the single LISA detector. However, the cross correlation of optimal interferometric variables is blind to the monopole (\ell=0) intensity anisotropy, and also to the dipole (\ell=1) in some case, irrespective of the frequency band. Besides, all the self-correlated signals are shown to be blind to the odd multipole moments (\ell=odd), independently of the frequency band.Comment: RevTex4, 22 pages, 6 figures (low resolution), typos correcte
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