44 research outputs found

    Efficient Data Dissemination and Collection Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Improving the performance of wireless sensor networks using directional antennas

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    Over the last decades, lots of new applications have emerged thanks to the availability of small devices capable of wireless communications that form Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). These devices allow sensing, processing, and communication of multiple physical variables while keeping a low power consumption. During the last years, most of the research efforts were spent on the development and optimization of wireless communication protocols, aiming to maximize the reliability of the network while achieving the lowest possible power consumption. In this thesis, we study how to improve the performance of these WSNs by using directional antennas. Directional antennas can provide a higher gain and reduce the interference with other nodes by concentrating the radiated power in a certain direction. We present the different kinds of directional antennas available for WSNs, and we select the 6-element SPIDA antenna as a case of study. We present an electromagnetic model of this antenna, and we incorporate it into the COOJA network simulator. We report the first complete characterization of this antenna, including the radiation pattern and S11 parameters. The characterization shows that the antenna has a maximum gain of 6.8 dBi, a Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) of 113° and a module of S11 parameter of -7.5 dB at the central frequency (fc = 2.4525 GHz). We also present a novel way to optimize the antenna without changing its design by isolating multiple director elements. We show that with this technique, the performance of the antenna can be improved in terms of maximum gain, narrower HPBW, and a lower module of the S11 parameter without making any changes in the antenna itself. We evaluate the impact of supporting directional communications in the different layers of the network stack. We analyze the different challenges that arise and propose optimizations to overcome them in order to take advantage of the benefits of directional communication. We present an analysis of the state-of-the-art in neighbor discovery protocols for WSNs with directional antennas, and we propose, implement end evaluate two novel fully directional protocols: Q-SAND and DANDi. We compare both of them with SAND, a fully directional neighbor discovery protocol. DANDi is a fully directional asynchronous and dynamic neighbor discovery protocol where the contention resolution relies on a collision detection mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, DANDi is the fastest neighbor discovery protocol for WSN with directional antennas, with the additional advantage of being able to discover every reliable communication link in a network without requiring any prior information of the network topology. We combine the directional neighbor discovery protocol with MAC and routing optimizations in order fully take advantage of the benefits of using directional antennas. We focus on convergecast, a typical data collection application where every node sends packets periodically to a sink node. We present DirMAC, a novel MAC protocol that fully supports directional communication, together with four different heuristics to optimize the performance of the protocols. One of these heuristics has the added major benefit of being completely distributed and with no need for offline processing. Our evaluation shows that optimizations at both the MAC and routing layers are needed in order to reap the benefits of using directional antennas for convergecast. Our results show that the performance of the network can be greatly improved in terms of packet delivery rate, energy consumption, and energy per received packet, and that we obtain the largest performance improvements in networks with dense traffic. Simulations with different node densities show that when using directional antennas the PDR increases up to 29%, while energy consumption and energy per received packet decreases by up to 55% and 46% respectively. Experiments with real nodes validate these results showing a significant performance increase when using directional antennas in our scenarios, with a reduction in the RDC and EPRP of 25% and 15% respectively, while maintaining a PDR of 100%.Durante las últimas décadas, la disponibilidad de pequeños dispositivos con comunicación inalámbrica ha permitido el desarrollo de muchas nuevas aplicaciones. Estos dispositivos forman Redes de Sensores Inalámbricos (RSI, o WSN por sus siglas en inglés) que permiten sensar, procesar y comunicar datos provenientes de variables físicas, mientras que mantienen un bajo consumo energético. En los últimos años, la mayor parte de los esfuerzos de la comunidad científica estuvieron concentrados en el desarrollo y optimización de los protocolos de comunicación inalámbricos, buscando maximizar la confiabilidad de la red y minimizar el consumo energético. En esta tesis estudiamos cómo mejorar el rendimiento de las RSI usando antenas direccionales. Las antenas direccionales pueden proporcionar una mayor ganancia y reducir la interferencia con otros nodos al concentrar la potencia radiada en una cierta dirección. Comenzamos presentando los distintos tipos de antenas direccionales disponibles para las RSI, y seleccionamos la antena SPIDA de 6 elementos como caso de estudio. Luego presentamos un modelo electromagnético de la antena, que incorporamos al simulador de red COOJA. Construimos un primer prototipo con el que realizamos la primera caracterización completa de ésta antena, incluyendo el patrón de radiación y el parámetro S11. La caracterización muestra que la antena tiene una ganancia máxima de 6,8 dBi, un ancho de haz a mitad de potencia (HPBW por sus siglas en inglés) de 113° y un módulo del parámetro S11 de -7,5 dB en la frecuencia central (fc = 2,4525 GHz). También mostramos una forma innovadora de optimizar la antena sin cambiar su diseño utilizando varios elementos directores al mismo tiempo. Mostramos que con esta técnica se puede mejorar el rendimiento de la antena en términos de ganancia máxima, ancho de haz a mitad de potencia, y módulo del parámetro S11. Luego evaluamos el impacto de usar comunicaciones direccionales en las diferentes capas del stack de red. Analizamos los diferentes desafíos que surgen y proponemos optimizaciones para sortearlos. Presentamos un análisis del estado del arte en protocolos de descubrimiento de vecinos en RSI con antenas direccionales, y proponemos, implementamos y evaluamos dos protocolos direccionales : Q-SAND y DANDi. DANDi es un protocolo de descubrimiento de vecinos direccional, asíncrono y dinámico, donde la contienda por el canal se resuelve con un mecanismo basado en la detección de colisiones. Hasta donde sabemos, DANDi es el protocolo de descubrimiento de vecinos más rápido para RSI con antenas direccionales, con la ventaja adicional de que permite descubrir todos los enlaces de comunicación confiables de una red sin requerir ningún conocimiento previo de la topología. Luego combinamos los protocolos de descubrimiento de vecinos con optimizaciones en las capas de ruteo y acceso al medio para construir una aplicación de recolección de datos, donde cada nodo envía paquetes periódicamente a un nodo centralizador. Presentamos DirMAC, un protocolo de acceso al medio innovador que soporta comunicaciones direccionales, junto con cuatro heurísticas que permiten optimizar el rendimiento de los protocolos (una de ellas con la ventaja adicional que es totalmente distribuida). Los resultados muestran que usar antenas direccionales en este tipo de aplicaciones permite mejorar sustancialmente el rendimiento de la red, mostrando las mayores mejoras en redes con alto tráfico. Las simulaciones con diferentes densidades de nodos muestran que al usar antenas direccionales se puede aumentar el ratio de entrega de paquetes en hasta 29%, mientras que el consumo energético y la energía por paquete recibido bajan en hasta 55% y 46% respectivamente. Los experimentos en nodos reales validan estos resultados, mostrando una reducción en el consumo energético y en la energía por paquete recibido de 25% y 15% respectivamente, mientras que mantienen un ratio de entrega de paquetes de 100%

    Efficient flooding for wireless mesh networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-116).Flooding in wireless mesh networks involves distributing some data from one node to rest of the nodes in the network. This dissertation proposes UFlood, a flooding protocol for wireless mesh networks that targets large file transfers, such as software updates, where achieving high throughput (minimizing the time to complete the flood to all nodes) and low airtime (lower the time each node spends in transmitting packets, and thus lower the impact on other wireless traffic) are both important. The central challenge in good flooding performance is the choice of senders for each transmission opportunity. At each time during a flood, some parts of the network will have received more data than others. The set of best sending nodes lies along the boundaries between these regions, and evolves with time in ways that are difficult to predict. UFlood's key new idea is a distributed heuristic to dynamically choose the senders likely to lead to all nodes receiving the flooded data in the least time. The mechanism takes into account which data nearby receivers already have as well as inter-node channel quality. The mechanism includes a novel bit-rate selection algorithm that trades off the speed of high bit-rates against the larger number of nodes likely to receive low bit-rates. Unusually, UFlood uses both random network coding to increase the usefulness of each transmission and detailed feedback about what data each receiver already has; the feedback is critical in deciding which node's coded transmission will have the most benefit to receivers. The required feedback is potentially voluminous, but UFlood includes novel techniques to reduce its cost. The dissertation concludes that careful choice of senders allows UFlood to achieve 150% higher throughput than MORE, a known high-throughput flooding protocol, using 65% less time transmitting. UFlood uses 54% lower airtime than MNP, an existing flooding protocol to minimize airtime, and achieves 300% higher throughput.by Jayashree Subramanian.Ph.D

    Network coded wireless architecture

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-197).Wireless mesh networks promise cheap Internet access, easy deployment, and extended range. In their current form, however, these networks suffer from both limited throughput and low reliability; hence they cannot meet the demands of applications such as file sharing, high definition video, and gaming. Motivated by these problems, we explore an alternative design that addresses these challenges. This dissertation presents a network coded architecture that significantly improves throughput and reliability. It makes a simple yet fundamental switch in network design: instead of routers just storing and forwarding received packets, they mix (or code) packets' content before forwarding. We show through practical systems how routers can exploit this new functionality to harness the intrinsic characteristics of the wireless medium to improve performance. We develop three systems; each reveals a different benefit of our network coded design. COPE observes that wireless broadcast naturally creates an overlap in packets received across routers, and develops a new network coding algorithm to exploit this overlap to deliver the same data in fewer transmissions, thereby improving throughput. ANC pushes network coding to the signal level, showing how to exploit strategic interference to correctly deliver data from concurrent senders, further increasing throughput. Finally, MIXIT presents a symbol-level network code that exploits wireless spatial diversity, forwarding correct symbols even if they are contained in corrupted packets to provide high throughput reliable transfers. The contributions of this dissertation are multifold. First, it builds a strong connection between the theory of network coding and wireless system design. Specifically, the systems presented in this dissertation were the first to show that network coding can be cleanly integrated into the wireless network stack to deliver practical and measurable gains. The work also presents novel algorithms that enrich the theory of network coding, extending it to operate over multiple unicast flows, analog signals, and soft-information.(cont.) Second, we present prototype implementations and testbed evaluations of our systems. Our results show that network coding delivers large performance gains ranging from a few percent to several-fold depending on the traffic mix and the topology. Finally, this work makes a clear departure from conventional network design. Research in wireless networks has largely proceeded in isolation, with the electrical engineers focusing on the physical and lower layers, while the computer scientists worked up from the network layer, with the packet being the only interface. This dissertation pokes a hole in this contract, disposing of artificial abstractions such as indivisible packets and point-to-point links in favor of a more natural abstraction that allows the network and the lower layers to collaborate on the common objectives of improving throughput and reliability using network coding as the building block. At the same time, the design maintains desirable properties such as being distributed, low-complexity, implementable, and integrable with the rest of the network stack.by Sachin Rajsekhar Katti.Ph.D


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    Integrated Data and Energy Communication Network: A Comprehensive Survey

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    OAPA In order to satisfy the power thirsty of communication devices in the imminent 5G era, wireless charging techniques have attracted much attention both from the academic and industrial communities. Although the inductive coupling and magnetic resonance based charging techniques are indeed capable of supplying energy in a wireless manner, they tend to restrict the freedom of movement. By contrast, RF signals are capable of supplying energy over distances, which are gradually inclining closer to our ultimate goal – charging anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, transmitters capable of emitting RF signals have been widely deployed, such as TV towers, cellular base stations and Wi-Fi access points. This communication infrastructure may indeed be employed also for wireless energy transfer (WET). Therefore, no extra investment in dedicated WET infrastructure is required. However, allowing RF signal based WET may impair the wireless information transfer (WIT) operating in the same spectrum. Hence, it is crucial to coordinate and balance WET and WIT for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), which evolves to Integrated Data and Energy communication Networks (IDENs). To this end, a ubiquitous IDEN architecture is introduced by summarising its natural heterogeneity and by synthesising a diverse range of integrated WET and WIT scenarios. Then the inherent relationship between WET and WIT is revealed from an information theoretical perspective, which is followed by the critical appraisal of the hardware enabling techniques extracting energy from RF signals. Furthermore, the transceiver design, resource allocation and user scheduling as well as networking aspects are elaborated on. In a nutshell, this treatise can be used as a handbook for researchers and engineers, who are interested in enriching their knowledge base of IDENs and in putting this vision into practice

    Congestion and medium access control in 6LoWPAN WSN

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    In computer networks, congestion is a condition in which one or more egressinterfaces are offered more packets than are forwarded at any given instant [1]. In wireless sensor networks, congestion can cause a number of problems including packet loss, lower throughput and poor energy efficiency. These problems can potentially result in a reduced deployment lifetime and underperforming applications. Moreover, idle radio listening is a major source of energy consumption therefore low-power wireless devices must keep their radio transceivers off to maximise their battery lifetime. In order to minimise energy consumption and thus maximise the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, the research community has made significant efforts towards power saving medium access control protocols with Radio Duty Cycling. However, careful study of previous work reveals that radio duty cycle schemes are often neglected during the design and evaluation of congestion control algorithms. This thesis argues that the presence (or lack) of radio duty cycle can drastically influence the performance of congestion control mechanisms. To investigate if previous findings regarding congestion control are still applicable in IPv6 over low power wireless personal area and duty cycling networks; some of the most commonly used congestion detection algorithms are evaluated through simulations. The research aims to develop duty cycle aware congestion control schemes for IPv6 over low power wireless personal area networks. The proposed schemes must be able to maximise the networks goodput, while minimising packet loss, energy consumption and packet delay. Two congestion control schemes, namely DCCC6 (Duty Cycle-Aware Congestion Control for 6LoWPAN Networks) and CADC (Congestion Aware Duty Cycle MAC) are proposed to realise this claim. DCCC6 performs congestion detection based on a dynamic buffer. When congestion occurs, parent nodes will inform the nodes contributing to congestion and rates will be readjusted based on a new rate adaptation scheme aiming for local fairness. The child notification procedure is decided by DCCC6 and will be different when the network is duty cycling. When the network is duty cycling the child notification will be made through unicast frames. On the contrary broadcast frames will be used for congestion notification when the network is not duty cycling. Simulation and test-bed experiments have shown that DCCC6 achieved higher goodput and lower packet loss than previous works. Moreover, simulations show that DCCC6 maintained low energy consumption, with average delay times while it achieved a high degree of fairness. CADC, uses a new mechanism for duty cycle adaptation that reacts quickly to changing traffic loads and patterns. CADC is the first dynamic duty cycle pro- tocol implemented in Contiki Operating system (OS) as well as one of the first schemes designed based on the arbitrary traffic characteristics of IPv6 wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, CADC is designed as a stand alone medium access control scheme and thus it can easily be transfered to any wireless sensor network architecture. Additionally, CADC does not require any time synchronisation algorithms to operate at the nodes and does not use any additional packets for the exchange of information between the nodes (For example no overhead). In this research, 10000 simulation experiments and 700 test-bed experiments have been conducted for the evaluation of CADC. These experiments demonstrate that CADC can successfully adapt its cycle based on traffic patterns in every traffic scenario. Moreover, CADC consistently achieved the lowest energy consumption, very low packet delay times and packet loss, while its goodput performance was better than other dynamic duty cycle protocols and similar to the highest goodput observed among static duty cycle configurations

    On secure communication in integrated internet and heterogeneous multi-hop wireless networks.

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    Integration of the Internet with a Cellular Network, WMAN, WLAN, and MANET presents an exceptional promise by having co-existence of conventional WWANs/WMANs/WLANs with wireless ad hoc networks to provide ubiquitous communication. We call such integrated networks providing internet accessibility for mobile users as heterogeneous multi-hop wireless networks where the Internet and wireless infrastructure such as WLAN access points (APs) and base stations (BSs) constitute the backbone for various emerging wireless networks (e.g., multi-hop WLAN and ad hoc networks. Earlier approaches for the Internet connectivity either provide only unidirectional connectivity for ad hoc hosts or cause high overhead as well as delay for providing full bi-directional connections. In this dissertation, a new protocol is proposed for integrated Internet and ad hoc networks for supporting bi-directional global connectivity for ad hoc hosts. In order to provide efficient mobility management for mobile users in an integrated network, a mobility management protocol called multi-hop cellular IP (MCIP) has been proposed to provide a micro-mobility management framework for heterogeneous multi-hop network. The micro-mobility is achieved by differentiating the local domain from the global domain. At the same time, the MCIP protocol extends Mobile IP protocol for providing macro-mobility support between local domains either for single hop MSs or multi-hop MSs. In the MCIP protocol, new location and mobility management approaches are developed for tracking mobile stations, paging, and handoff management. This dissertation also provides a security protocol for integrated Internet and MANET to establish distributed trust relationships amongst mobile infrastructures. This protocol protects communication between two mobile stations against the attacks either from the Internet side or from wireless side. Moreover, a secure macro/micro-mobility protocol (SM3P) have been introduced and evaluated for preventing mobility-related attacks either for single-hop MSs or multi-hop MSs. In the proposed SM3P, mobile IP security has been extended for supporting macro-mobility across local domains through the process of multi-hop registration and authentication. In a local domain, a certificate-based authentication achieves the effective routing and micro-mobility protection from a range of potential security threats