9 research outputs found

    Indoor 3D Video Monitoring Using Multiple Kinect Depth-Cameras

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    Utasszámlálás a városi közösségi közlekedésben: mire lehet alkalmas több adat és a „free WiFi”?

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    A városi közösségi közlekedés szakembereinek körében évtizedek óta téma a járművek kihasználtságának mérése. A manuális, azaz a megfigyeléses forgalomszámlálás mellett egyre több közlekedési társaság alkalmaz automatikus módszereket azért, hogy folyamatosan adatokat kaphasson az utasszámról. A technikai fejlődésének köszönhetően a fel és leszállások számlálására és a helymeghatározáshoz egyre megbízhatóbb automatikus adatgyűjtő rendszerek állnak rendelkezésünkre. Ez megnyitotta az utasszámlálás piacát az adatfeldolgozással foglalkozó szervezetek és szakemberek előtt, és kitágította a vizsgálható kérdések halmazát: meg tudjuk-e mérni az utazások célját és hosszát Tudjuk-e követni az átszállási mintázatokat? Cikkünkben bemutatjuk az utasszámlálásra rendelkezésre álló technológiákat kezdve a manuális utasszámlálástól az infravörös érzékelőn keresztül az utasmédián át egészen a wifi rendszerekig. Ezek közvetlenül vagy közvetve mind alkalmasak úgynevezett keresztmetszeti mérésekre, a járművek terheltségének kielégítő pontosságú becslésére, de álláspontunk szerint jelenleg csak az utasmédia és a WiFi lehet alkalmas célforgalmi mátrixok készítésére. Hipotézisünk szerint a járművekre szerelt „free WiFi” routereken futó úgynevezett „probe request” küldő és „probe response” címzettként szereplő egyedi MAC címek gyűjtésével és leszűrésével következtethetünk a járművön tartózkodó utasok számára, a fel és leszállások helyére és időpontjára, amennyiben azt összekapcsoljuk a jármű által gyűjtött ATM adatokkal. Kísérletünkben a WiFi mérés jóságának tesztelésére egy ugyanabban az időben végzett manuális mérés adatait használtuk kontrollnak. A kísérletünk eredményei azt mutatják, hogy magas korreláció van a gyűjtött adatok és a manuális forgalomszámlás között. A WiFi adatok alapján kapott becslés általában alacsonyabb értéket ad az utasok valós számához képest, aminek alapvető magyarázó változója, hogy nem minden utas rendelkezik, vagy kapcsolja be a WiFi képes eszközét. A WiFi alapú a mérési módszernek további fejlesztési és kutatási kérdése a zajok kiszűrése, és a személyes adatok védelmének biztosítása

    A new algorithm for estimating pedestrian flows during massive touristic events, optimized for an existing camera setup

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    In questa tesi presento un nuovo algoritmo per l'analisi di filmati che permette di calcolare il flusso di persone che attraversano un passaggio anche in presenza di condizioni sfavorevoli della telecamera. Il lavoro di tesi si è concentrato sull'analisi di una serie di sequenze video precedentemente estratte da una telecamera di sicurezza rivolta verso il Ponte della Costituzione a Venezia, con lo scopo di stimare il flusso pedonale sul ponte. La scarsa qualità dei video dovuta alla bassa risoluzione ed il posizionamento non ottimale della telecamera, che provoca numerose sovrapposizioni, causano il fallimento di molte tecniche di computer vision esistenti, perciò è stato necessario creare una nuova soluzione. È stata inoltre effettuata una verifica dell'algoritmo attraverso un programma che lo implementa, analizzando sia dati artificiali che reali

    Sistema de contagem de pessoas na biblioteca da FEUP utilizando visão computacional

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    A atual situação pandémica veio colocar um conjunto de restrições ao número de pessoas que podem estar em simultâneo no interior de um edifício. A biblioteca da FEUP é um exemplo desta situação, onde para além de ter de existir um limite máximo ao número total de utilizadores no edifício, terá também que existir um limite para o número de utilizadores utilizadores por piso, para assim garantir as regras de distanciamento social. Torna-se assim necessário dispor nestes casos de sistemas que permitam controlar o acesso dos utilizadores ao edifício e em particular contabilizar quantos utilizadores estão em cada zona. A imprevisibilidade do movimento dos utilizadores impede que as tarefas de contagem possam ser realizadas utilizando sensores de presença do "tipo tradicionais". As propostas mais recentes mostram que em cenários teste tipo a utilização de sistemas de visão é a forma mais eficaz de cumprir este objetivo. Embora já existam várias soluções comerciais para o efeito, têm duas importantes desvantagens: um elevado custo e baixa interoperabilidade com outros sistemas (i.e., sistemas fechados e proprietários). Pretende-se nesta dissertação desenvolver um sistema de controlo de acessos para a Biblioteca da FEUP baseado em visão, de baixo custo e focado na contagem dos utilizadores. A solução passará por desenvolver um sistema integrado, com câmaras em cada piso (junto aos pórticos da entrada) que permita contabilizar, em tempo-real, o número de utilizadores em cada piso e disponibilizar esta informação sob a forma de uma Web Dashboard acessível a toda comunidade da FEUP

    Detection and Localisation Using Light

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    Visible light communication (VLC) systems have become promising candidates to complement conventional radio frequency (RF) systems due to the increasingly saturated RF spectrum and the potentially high data rates that can be achieved by VLC systems. Furthermore, people detection and counting in an indoor environment has become an emerging and attractive area in the past decade. Many techniques and systems have been developed for counting in public places such as subways, bus stations and supermarkets. The outcome of these techniques can be used for public security, resource allocation and marketing decisions. This thesis presents the first indoor light-based detection and localisation system that builds on concepts from radio detection and ranging (radar) making use of the expected growth in the use and adoption of visible light communication (VLC), which can provide the infrastructure for our light detection and localisation (LiDAL) system. Our system enables active detection, counting and localisation of people, in addition to being fully compatible with existing VLC systems. In order to detect human (targets), LiDAL uses the visible light spectrum. It sends pulses using a VLC transmitter and analyses the reflected signal collected by an optical receiver. Although we examine the use of the visible spectrum here, LiDAL can be used in the infrared spectrum and other parts of the light spectrum. We introduce LiDAL with different transmitter-receiver configurations and optimum detectors considering the fluctuation of the received reflected signal from the target in the presence of Gaussian noise. We design an efficient multiple input multiple output (MIMO) LiDAL system with wide field of view (FOV) single photodetector receiver, and also design a multiple input single output (MISO) LiDAL system with an imaging receiver to eliminate ambiguity in target detection and localisation. We develop models for the human body and its reflections and consider the impact of the colour and texture of the cloth used as well as the impact of target mobility. A number of detection and localisation methods are developed iii for our LiDAL system including cross correlation, a background subtraction method and a background estimation method. These methods are considered to distinguish a mobile target from the ambient reflections due to background obstacles (furniture) in a realistic indoor environment

    Entropy in Image Analysis III

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    Image analysis can be applied to rich and assorted scenarios; therefore, the aim of this recent research field is not only to mimic the human vision system. Image analysis is the main methods that computers are using today, and there is body of knowledge that they will be able to manage in a totally unsupervised manner in future, thanks to their artificial intelligence. The articles published in the book clearly show such a future

    Innovation and new venture creation

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    [SPA] Crear lo "nuevo" para resolver problemas es una hazaña incierta. Aun así, el ser humano ha innovado y aplicado el ingenio durante milenios, llegando a crear nuevas herramientas, puentes y empresas, a pesar de la falta de recursos o de claridad en los objetivos. En este sentido, el problema de la asimetría de información (cómo se desplegará el futuro) y de la asimetría de recursos (de qué medios se dispondrá) motivó esta tesis. En particular, el problema de cómo los emprendedores crean nuevos emprendimientos e innovan bajo la incertidumbre y sin objetivos iniciales claros. Esta tesis pretende contribuir a la comprensión de la innovación y la creación de nuevos emprendimientos utilizando una lógica no predictiva (effectuation) y métodos ágiles (utilizados por las aceleradoras de startups) como principios orientadores de esta discusión. Effectuation es una lógica común aplicada por los emprendedores expertos para resolver los problemas típicos de la innovación y creación de nuevas empresas. Se trata de una heurística de control no predictiva que los emprendedores ponen en práctica a través de cinco principios de acción effectual al abordar las incertidumbres y sorpresas en la creación de nuevos productos, servicios o mercados: 1) Principio de "pájaro en mano": construyen un nuevo emprendimiento no necesariamente con un objetivo en mente, sino partiendo de sus propios medios y recursos (quiénes son, qué saben, a quienes conocen), 2) Principio de "pérdida asequible": no hacen grandes apuestas con la expectativa de obtener grandes beneficios, sino que evalúan las oportunidades en función de las desventajas aceptables, 3) Principio de "colcha loca": reducen la incertidumbre formando asociaciones y obteniendo compromisos iniciales en las primeras fases de sus nuevas empresas, 4) Principio de la “limonada”: aprovechan las contingencias en lugar de rechazarlas, permaneciendo flexibles y adaptando sus proyectos según sea necesario, 5) Principio del “piloto en el avión”: se centran en controlar lo que sea controlable en su entorno, entendiendo que el futuro no se encuentra ni se predice, sino que se hace a través de la acción humana. Las aceleradoras y los métodos ágiles activan los principios effectual a través de herramientas y prescripciones que reducen sistemáticamente las inversiones mientras se crea un nuevo emprendimiento. Las aceleradoras promueven ampliamente los métodos ágiles (por ejemplo, el modelo de desarrollo de clientes, los sprints de diseño, el ciclo de innovación rápida) para construir prototipos y primeras versiones de productos y servicios mientras se descubren los clientes y partners iniciales. Además, reduce el riesgo para los inversores en todas las fases de crecimiento de las startups al validar la idea del emprendimiento y aclarar qué recursos serán necesarios. En este sentido, esta tesis examinó si, y en qué medida, los emprendedores construyen nuevas empresas utilizando effectuation y métodos ágiles mediante la creación de tres innovaciones reales con aplicaciones en el mundo real. Los tres casos eran pruebas de concepto implementadas en contextos del mundo real con el objetivo explícito de lanzar Productos Mínimos Viables (Minimum Viable Products, MVP) pero bajo incertidumbre y con ambigüedad de objetivos sobre su funcionalidad. Las tres aplicaciones eran soluciones tecnológicas a problemas de congestión del tráfico, pandemias y confianza en las transacciones digitales. La aplicación 1, "Lemur", es una aplicación edge para el control del tráfico; la aplicación 2, "Dolphin", un sistema de geolocalización basado en sensores e Internet de las Cosas (Internet of Things, IoT) aplicado para el control de pandemias y la aplicación 3, "Crypto Degrees", una solución basada en blockchain para verificar títulos universitarios. En todas las etapas del desarrollo de cada aplicación, los equipos implicados la abordaron de forma emprendedora/eficaz, afrontando las incertidumbres y emprendiendo acciones para comprometerse con múltiples partes interesadas al tiempo que apalancaban las contingencias. Tras implementar las tres soluciones y analizar sus resultados e impacto, los tres casos validaron las predicciones teóricas de que, aplicando principios effectual de forma ágil, se pueden crear nuevos emprendimientos de forma emprendedora e innovadora. [ENG] Creating the "new" to solve problems is an uncertain feat. Still, humans have innovated and applied Ingenium for millennia, eventually creating new tools, bridges, and ventures, despite a lack of resources or clarity of objectives. In this sense, the problem of information asymmetry (how the future will deploy) and resource asymmetry (what means will be available) motivated this thesis. In particular, the problem of how entrepreneurs create new ventures and innovate under uncertainty and without clear initial goals. This thesis aims to contribute to understanding innovation and the creation of new ventures using a non-predictive logic (effectuation) and agile methods (used by startup accelerators) as guiding principles of this discussion. Effectuation is a common logic applied by expert entrepreneurs to solve the typical problems of starting new ventures and innovating. It is a non-predictive control heuristics entrepreneurs operationalize through five principles of effectual action while addressing the uncertainties and contingencies in creating new products, services or markets: 1) Bird-in-hand principle: they build a new venture not necessarily with a goal in mind, but starting with their own means and resources (who they are, what they know, who they know), 2) Affordable loss principle: they do not place large bets with the expectation of high returns, but rather assess opportunities based on acceptable downsides, 3) Crazy quilt principle: they reduce uncertainty by forming partnerships and gaining initial commitments early in their new ventures, 4) Lemonade principle: they leverage contingencies instead of rejecting them, remaining flexible and adapting their projects as required, 5) Pilot in the plane principle: they focus on controlling whatever is controllable in their environment, understanding that the future is not found or predicted, but it is made through human action. Accelerators and agile methods activate the effectual principles through tools and prescriptions that systematically reduce investments while creating a new venture. Accelerators extensively promote "agile" methods (e.g., customer development model, design sprints, rapid innovation cycle) to build prototypes and early versions Effectuation is a common logic applied by expert entrepreneurs to solve the typical problems of starting new ventures and innovating. It is a non-predictive control heuristics entrepreneurs operationalize through five principles of effectual action while addressing the uncertainties and contingencies in creating new products, services or markets: 1) Bird-in-hand principle: they build a new venture not necessarily with a goal in mind, but starting with their own means and resources (who they are, what they know, who they know), 2) Affordable loss principle: they do not place large bets with the expectation of high returns, but rather assess opportunities based on acceptable downsides, 3) Crazy quilt principle: they reduce uncertainty by forming partnerships and gaining initial commitments early in their new ventures, 4) Lemonade principle: they leverage contingencies instead of rejecting them, remaining flexible and adapting their projects as required, 5) Pilot in the plane principle: they focus on controlling whatever is controllable in their environment, understanding that the future is not found or predicted, but it is made through human action. Accelerators and agile methods activate the effectual principles through tools and prescriptions that systematically reduce investments while creating a new venture. Accelerators extensively promote "agile" methods (e.g., customer development model, design sprints, rapid innovation cycle) to build prototypes and early versions of products and services while discovering the initial customers and partners. Additionally, it reduces the risk for investors across all startup growth phases by validating the venture idea and clarifying what resources will be required. In this sense, this thesis examined whether and to what extent entrepreneurs build new ventures using effectuation and agile methods by creating three actual innovations with real-world applications. The three cases were proofs of concept implemented in real-world contexts with the explicit goal of launching Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) but under uncertainty and with ambiguity of objectives about its functionality. The three applications were technological solutions to problems of traffic congestion, pandemics, and trust in digital transactions. Application 1, "Lemur," is an edge application for traffic control; application 2, "Dolphin," an Internet of Things (IoT)-based geolocation system applied for pandemic control and application 3, "Crypto Degrees," a blockchainbased solution to verify university degrees. In all stages of each application development, the teams involved approached it in an entrepreneurial/effectual way, facing uncertainties and engaging in actions to engage with multiple stakeholders while leveraging contingencies. After implementing the three solutions and analyzing their results and impact, the three cases validated the theoretical predictions that by applying effectual principles in an agile form, new ventures can be created in an entrepreneurial, innovative way.Escuela Internacional de Doctorado de la Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaUniversidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicacione