34 research outputs found

    Image enhancement techniques applied to solar feature detection

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    This dissertation presents the development of automatic image enhancement techniques for solar feature detection. The new method allows for detection and tracking of the evolution of filaments in solar images. Series of H-alpha full-disk images are taken in regular time intervals to observe the changes of the solar disk features. In each picture, the solar chromosphere filaments are identified for further evolution examination. The initial preprocessing step involves local thresholding to convert grayscale images into black-and-white pictures with chromosphere granularity enhanced. An alternative preprocessing method, based on image normalization and global thresholding is presented. The next step employs morphological closing operations with multi-directional linear structuring elements to extract elongated shapes in the image. After logical union of directional filtering results, the remaining noise is removed from the final outcome using morphological dilation and erosion with a circular structuring element. Experimental results show that the developed techniques can achieve excellent results in detecting large filaments and good detection rates for small filaments. The final chapter discusses proposed directions of the future research and applications to other areas of solar image processing, in particular to detection of solar flares, plages and sunspots

    Adaptive Weighted Morphology Detection Algorithm of Plane Object in Docking Guidance System

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    In this paper, we presented an image segmentation algorithm based on adaptive weighted mathematical morphology edge detectors. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been demonstrated on the Lena image. The input of the proposed algorithm is a grey level image. The image was first processed by the mathematical morphological closing and dilation residue edge detector to enhance the edge features and sketch out the contour of the image, respectively. Then the adaptive weight SE operation was applied to the edge-extracted image to fuse edge gaps and hill up holds. Experimental results show it can not only primely extract detail edge, but also superbly preserve integer effect comparative to classical edge detection algorithm

    Spatially-Variant Directional Mathematical Morphology Operators Based on a Diffused Average Squared Gradient Field

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    International audienceThis paper proposes an approach for mathematical morphology operators whose structuring element can locally adapt its orientation across the pixels of the image. The orientation at each pixel is extracted by means of a diffusion process of the average squared gradient field. The resulting vector field, the average squared gradient vector flow, extends the orientation information from the edges of the objects to the homogeneous areas of the image. The provided orientation field is then used to perform a spatially variant filtering with a linear structuring element. Results of erosion, dilation, opening and closing spatially-variant on binary images prove the validity of this theoretical sound and novel approach

    Detection of Seagrass Scars Using Sparse Coding and Morphological Filter

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    We present a two-step algorithm for the detection of seafloor propeller seagrass scars in shallow water using panchromatic images. The first step is to classify image pixels into scar and non-scar categories based on a sparse coding algorithm. The first step produces an initial scar map in which false positive scar pixels may be present. In the second step, local orientation of each detected scar pixel is computed using the morphological directional profile, which is defined as outputs of a directional filter with a varying orientation parameter. The profile is then utilized to eliminate false positives and generate the final scar detection map. We applied the algorithm to a panchromatic image captured at the Deckle Beach, Florida using the WorldView2 orbiting satellite. Our results show that the proposed method can achieve \u3e90% accuracy on the detection of seagrass scars

    Trajectory-Based Morphological Operators: A Model for Efficient Image Processing

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    Mathematical morphology has been an area of intensive research over the last few years. Although many remarkable advances have been achieved throughout these years, there is still a great interest in accelerating morphological operations in order for them to be implemented in real-time systems. In this work, we present a new model for computing mathematical morphology operations, the so-called morphological trajectory model (MTM), in which a morphological filter will be divided into a sequence of basic operations. Then, a trajectory-based morphological operation (such as dilation, and erosion) is defined as the set of points resulting from the ordered application of the instant basic operations. The MTM approach allows working with different structuring elements, such as disks, and from the experiments, it can be extracted that our method is independent of the structuring element size and can be easily applied to industrial systems and high-resolution images

    Parsimonious Path Openings and Closings

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    International audiencePath openings and closings are morphological tools used to preserve long, thin and tortuous structures in gray level images. They explore all paths from a defined class, and filter them with a length criterion. However, most paths are redundant, making the process generally slow. Parsimonious path openings and closings are introduced in this paper to solve this problem. These operators only consider a subset of the paths considered by classical path openings, thus achieving a substantial speed-up, while obtaining similar results. Moreover, a recently introduced one dimensional (1-D) opening algorithm is applied along each selected path. Its complexity is linear with respect to the number of pixels, independent of the size of the opening. Furthermore, it is fast for any input data accuracy (integer or floating point) and works in stream. Parsimonious path openings are also extended to incomplete paths, i.e. paths containing gaps. Noise-corrupted paths can thus be processed with the same approach and complexity. These parsimonious operators achieve a several orders of magnitude speed-up. Examples are shown for incomplete path openings, where computing times are brought from minutes to tens of milliseconds, while obtaining similar results

    A Novel Adaptive Approach to Process Binary Fingerprint Images Using Directional Morphological Operations

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    Abstract⎯An adaptive algorithm for removing false ridges, bridges and filling gaps in binary fingerprint images based on morphological operations is presented. A novel procedure for structuring elements design based on the specific fingerprint characteristic is described. Using the images from FVC2000 database, we have compared our method proposed here with the approach proposed by other ones. The Experimental results have demonstrated the efficiency of our method. Index Terms⎯Binary fingerprint image, interrupted ridges, morphological operation, structure element

    GSWO: A Programming Model for GPU-enabled Parallelization of Sliding Window Operations in Image Processing

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    Sliding Window Operations (SWOs) are widely used in image processing applications. They often have to be performed repeatedly across the target image, which can demand significant computing resources when processing large images with large windows. In applications in which real-time performance is essential, running these filters on a CPU often fails to deliver results within an acceptable timeframe. The emergence of sophisticated graphic processing units (GPUs) presents an opportunity to address this challenge. However, GPU programming requires a steep learning curve and is error-prone for novices, so the availability of a tool that can produce a GPU implementation automatically from the original CPU source code can provide an attractive means by which the GPU power can be harnessed effectively. This paper presents a GPUenabled programming model, called GSWO, which can assist GPU novices by converting their SWO-based image processing applications from the original C/C++ source code to CUDA code in a highly automated manner. This model includes a new set of simple SWO pragmas to generate GPU kernels and to support effective GPU memory management. We have implemented this programming model based on a CPU-to-GPU translator (C2GPU). Evaluations have been performed on a number of typical SWO image filters and applications. The experimental results show that the GSWO model is capable of efficiently accelerating these applications, with improved applicability and a speed-up of performance compared to several leading CPU-to- GPU source-to-source translators