19 research outputs found

    Directed Subset Feedback Vertex Set Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Given a graph GG and an integer kk, the Feedback Vertex Set (FVS) problem asks if there is a vertex set TT of size at most kk that hits all cycles in the graph. The fixed-parameter tractability status of FVS in directed graphs was a long-standing open problem until Chen et al. (STOC '08) showed that it is FPT by giving a 4kk!nO(1)4^{k}k!n^{O(1)} time algorithm. In the subset versions of this problems, we are given an additional subset SS of vertices (resp., edges) and we want to hit all cycles passing through a vertex of SS (resp. an edge of SS). Recently, the Subset Feedback Vertex Set in undirected graphs was shown to be FPT by Cygan et al. (ICALP '11) and independently by Kakimura et al. (SODA '12). We generalize the result of Chen et al. (STOC '08) by showing that Subset Feedback Vertex Set in directed graphs can be solved in time 2O(k3)nO(1)2^{O(k^3)}n^{O(1)}. By our result, we complete the picture for feedback vertex set problems and their subset versions in undirected and directed graphs. Besides proving the fixed-parameter tractability of Directed Subset Feedback Vertex Set, we reformulate the random sampling of important separators technique in an abstract way that can be used for a general family of transversal problems. Moreover, we modify the probability distribution used in the technique to achieve better running time; in particular, this gives an improvement from 22O(k)2^{2^{O(k)}} to 2O(k2)2^{O(k^2)} in the parameter dependence of the Directed Multiway Cut algorithm of Chitnis et al. (SODA '12).Comment: To appear in ACM Transactions on Algorithms. A preliminary version appeared in ICALP '12. We would like to thank Marcin Pilipczuk for pointing out a missing case in the conference version which has been considered in this version. Also, we give an single exponential FPT algorithm improving on the double exponential algorithm from the conference versio

    On Directed Feedback Vertex Set parameterized by treewidth

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    We study the Directed Feedback Vertex Set problem parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. We prove that unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails, the problem cannot be solved in time 2o(tlogt)nO(1)2^{o(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)} on general directed graphs, where tt is the treewidth of the underlying undirected graph. This is matched by a dynamic programming algorithm with running time 2O(tlogt)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t\log t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}. On the other hand, we show that if the input digraph is planar, then the running time can be improved to 2O(t)nO(1)2^{\mathcal{O}(t)}\cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}.Comment: 20

    A Linear Time Parameterized Algorithm for Node Unique Label Cover

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    The optimization version of the Unique Label Cover problem is at the heart of the Unique Games Conjecture which has played an important role in the proof of several tight inapproximability results. In recent years, this problem has been also studied extensively from the point of view of parameterized complexity. Cygan et al. [FOCS 2012] proved that this problem is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) and Wahlstr\"om [SODA 2014] gave an FPT algorithm with an improved parameter dependence. Subsequently, Iwata, Wahlstr\"om and Yoshida [2014] proved that the edge version of Unique Label Cover can be solved in linear FPT-time. That is, there is an FPT algorithm whose dependence on the input-size is linear. However, such an algorithm for the node version of the problem was left as an open problem. In this paper, we resolve this question by presenting the first linear-time FPT algorithm for Node Unique Label Cover

    Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Directed Multiway Cut Parameterized by the Size of the Cutset

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    Given a directed graph GG, a set of kk terminals and an integer pp, the \textsc{Directed Vertex Multiway Cut} problem asks if there is a set SS of at most pp (nonterminal) vertices whose removal disconnects each terminal from all other terminals. \textsc{Directed Edge Multiway Cut} is the analogous problem where SS is a set of at most pp edges. These two problems indeed are known to be equivalent. A natural generalization of the multiway cut is the \emph{multicut} problem, in which we want to disconnect only a set of kk given pairs instead of all pairs. Marx (Theor. Comp. Sci. 2006) showed that in undirected graphs multiway cut is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) parameterized by pp. Marx and Razgon (STOC 2011) showed that undirected multicut is FPT and directed multicut is W[1]-hard parameterized by pp. We complete the picture here by our main result which is that both \textsc{Directed Vertex Multiway Cut} and \textsc{Directed Edge Multiway Cut} can be solved in time 22O(p)nO(1)2^{2^{O(p)}}n^{O(1)}, i.e., FPT parameterized by size pp of the cutset of the solution. This answers an open question raised by Marx (Theor. Comp. Sci. 2006) and Marx and Razgon (STOC 2011). It follows from our result that \textsc{Directed Multicut} is FPT for the case of k=2k=2 terminal pairs, which answers another open problem raised in Marx and Razgon (STOC 2011)

    Fixed-parameter tractability of multicut parameterized by the size of the cutset

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    Given an undirected graph GG, a collection {(s1,t1),...,(sk,tk)}\{(s_1,t_1),..., (s_k,t_k)\} of pairs of vertices, and an integer pp, the Edge Multicut problem ask if there is a set SS of at most pp edges such that the removal of SS disconnects every sis_i from the corresponding tit_i. Vertex Multicut is the analogous problem where SS is a set of at most pp vertices. Our main result is that both problems can be solved in time 2O(p3)...nO(1)2^{O(p^3)}... n^{O(1)}, i.e., fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the size pp of the cutset in the solution. By contrast, it is unlikely that an algorithm with running time of the form f(p)...nO(1)f(p)... n^{O(1)} exists for the directed version of the problem, as we show it to be W[1]-hard parameterized by the size of the cutset

    Covering Small Independent Sets and Separators with Applications to Parameterized Algorithms

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    We present two new combinatorial tools for the design of parameterized algorithms. The first is a simple linear time randomized algorithm that given as input a dd-degenerate graph GG and an integer kk, outputs an independent set YY, such that for every independent set XX in GG of size at most kk, the probability that XX is a subset of YY is at least (((d+1)kk)k(d+1))1\left({(d+1)k \choose k} \cdot k(d+1)\right)^{-1}.The second is a new (deterministic) polynomial time graph sparsification procedure that given a graph GG, a set T={{s1,t1},{s2,t2},,{s,t}}T = \{\{s_1, t_1\}, \{s_2, t_2\}, \ldots, \{s_\ell, t_\ell\}\} of terminal pairs and an integer kk, returns an induced subgraph GG^\star of GG that maintains all the inclusion minimal multicuts of GG of size at most kk, and does not contain any (k+2)(k+2)-vertex connected set of size 2O(k)2^{{\cal O}(k)}. In particular, GG^\star excludes a clique of size 2O(k)2^{{\cal O}(k)} as a topological minor. Put together, our new tools yield new randomized fixed parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms for Stable ss-tt Separator, Stable Odd Cycle Transversal and Stable Multicut on general graphs, and for Stable Directed Feedback Vertex Set on dd-degenerate graphs, resolving two problems left open by Marx et al. [ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2013]. All of our algorithms can be derandomized at the cost of a small overhead in the running time.Comment: 35 page