1,130 research outputs found

    Erasure Techniques in MRD codes

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    This book is organized into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the basic algebraic structures essential to make this book a self contained one. Algebraic linear codes and their basic properties are discussed in chapter two. In chapter three the authors study the basic properties of erasure decoding in maximum rank distance codes. Some decoding techniques about MRD codes are described and discussed in chapter four of this book. Rank distance codes with complementary duals and MRD codes with complementary duals are introduced and their applications are discussed. Chapter five introduces the notion of integer rank distance codes. The final chapter introduces some concatenation techniques.Comment: 162 pages; Published by Zip publishing in 201

    Coding theory, information theory and cryptology : proceedings of the EIDMA winter meeting, Veldhoven, December 19-21, 1994

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    Coding theory, information theory and cryptology : proceedings of the EIDMA winter meeting, Veldhoven, December 19-21, 1994

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    Architectures for soft-decision decoding of non-binary codes

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    En esta tesis se estudia el dise¿no de decodificadores no-binarios para la correcci'on de errores en sistemas de comunicaci'on modernos de alta velocidad. El objetivo es proponer soluciones de baja complejidad para los algoritmos de decodificaci'on basados en los c'odigos de comprobaci'on de paridad de baja densidad no-binarios (NB-LDPC) y en los c'odigos Reed-Solomon, con la finalidad de implementar arquitecturas hardware eficientes. En la primera parte de la tesis se analizan los cuellos de botella existentes en los algoritmos y en las arquitecturas de decodificadores NB-LDPC y se proponen soluciones de baja complejidad y de alta velocidad basadas en el volteo de s'¿mbolos. En primer lugar, se estudian las soluciones basadas en actualizaci'on por inundaci 'on con el objetivo de obtener la mayor velocidad posible sin tener en cuenta la ganancia de codificaci'on. Se proponen dos decodificadores diferentes basados en clipping y t'ecnicas de bloqueo, sin embargo, la frecuencia m'axima est'a limitada debido a un exceso de cableado. Por este motivo, se exploran algunos m'etodos para reducir los problemas de rutado en c'odigos NB-LDPC. Como soluci'on se propone una arquitectura basada en difusi'on parcial para algoritmos de volteo de s'¿mbolos que mitiga la congesti'on por rutado. Como las soluciones de actualizaci 'on por inundaci'on de mayor velocidad son sub-'optimas desde el punto de vista de capacidad de correci'on, decidimos dise¿nar soluciones para la actualizaci'on serie, con el objetivo de alcanzar una mayor velocidad manteniendo la ganancia de codificaci'on de los algoritmos originales de volteo de s'¿mbolo. Se presentan dos algoritmos y arquitecturas de actualizaci'on serie, reduciendo el 'area y aumentando de la velocidad m'axima alcanzable. Por 'ultimo, se generalizan los algoritmos de volteo de s'¿mbolo y se muestra como algunos casos particulares puede lograr una ganancia de codificaci'on cercana a los algoritmos Min-sum y Min-max con una menor complejidad. Tambi'en se propone una arquitectura eficiente, que muestra que el 'area se reduce a la mitad en comparaci'on con una soluci'on de mapeo directo. En la segunda parte de la tesis, se comparan algoritmos de decodificaci'on Reed- Solomon basados en decisi'on blanda, concluyendo que el algoritmo de baja complejidad Chase (LCC) es la soluci'on m'as eficiente si la alta velocidad es el objetivo principal. Sin embargo, los esquemas LCC se basan en la interpolaci'on, que introduce algunas limitaciones hardware debido a su complejidad. Con el fin de reducir la complejidad sin modificar la capacidad de correcci'on, se propone un esquema de decisi'on blanda para LCC basado en algoritmos de decisi'on dura. Por 'ultimo se dise¿na una arquitectura eficiente para este nuevo esquemaGarcía Herrero, FM. (2013). Architectures for soft-decision decoding of non-binary codes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/33753TESISPremiad

    Recent Results on the Implementation of a Burst Error and Burst Erasure Channel Emulator Using an FPGA Architecture

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    The behaviour of a transmission channel may be simulated using the performance abilities of current generation multiprocessing hardware, namely, a multicore Central Processing Unit (CPU), a general purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPU), or a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). These were investigated by Cullinan et al. in a recent paper (published in 2012) where these three devices capabilities were compared to determine which device would be best suited towards which specific task. In particular, it was shown that, for the application which is objective of our work (i.e., for a transmission channel simulation), the FPGA is 26.67 times faster than the GPU and 10.76 times faster than the CPU. Motivated by these results, in this paper we propose and present a direct hardware emulation. In particular, a Cyclone II FPGA architecture is implemented to simulate a burst error channel behaviour, in which errors are clustered together, and a burst erasure channel behaviour, in which the erasures are clustered together. The results presented in the paper are valid for any FPGA architecture that may be considered for this scope

    The 1992 4th NASA SERC Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the fourth annual NASA Symposium on VLSI Design, co-sponsored by the IEEE, are presented. Each year this symposium is organized by the NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at the University of Idaho and is held in conjunction with a quarterly meeting of the NASA Data System Technology Working Group (DSTWG). One task of the DSTWG is to develop new electronic technologies that will meet next generation electronic data system needs. The symposium provides insights into developments in VLSI and digital systems which can be used to increase data systems performance. The NASA SERC is proud to offer, at its fourth symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories, the electronics industry, and universities. These speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design

    Toward an architecture for quantum programming

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    It is becoming increasingly clear that, if a useful device for quantum computation will ever be built, it will be embodied by a classical computing machine with control over a truly quantum subsystem, this apparatus performing a mixture of classical and quantum computation. This paper investigates a possible approach to the problem of programming such machines: a template high level quantum language is presented which complements a generic general purpose classical language with a set of quantum primitives. The underlying scheme involves a run-time environment which calculates the byte-code for the quantum operations and pipes it to a quantum device controller or to a simulator. This language can compactly express existing quantum algorithms and reduce them to sequences of elementary operations; it also easily lends itself to automatic, hardware independent, circuit simplification. A publicly available preliminary implementation of the proposed ideas has been realized using the C++ language.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, A4paper. Final version accepted by EJPD ("swap" replaced by "invert" for Qops). Preliminary implementation available at: http://sra.itc.it/people/serafini/quantum-computing/qlang.htm

    All-optical logic circuits based on the polarization properties of non-degenerate four-wave mixing

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    This thesis investigates a new class of all-optical logic circuits that are based on the polarization properties of non-degenerate Four-Wave Mixing. Such circuits would be used in conjunction with a data modulation format where the information is coded on the states of polarization of the electric field. Schemes to perform multiple triple-product logic functions are discussed and it is shown that higher-level Boolean operations involving several bits can be implemented without resorting to the standard 2-input gates that are based on some form of switching. Instead, an entire hierarchy of more complex Boolean functions can be derived based on the selection rules of multi-photon scattering processes that can form a new class of primitive building blocks for digital circuits. Possible applications of these circuits could involve some front-end signal processing to be performed all-optically in shared computer back-planes. As a simple illustration of this idea, a circuit performing error correction on a (3,1) Hamming Code is demonstrated. Error-free performance (Bit Error Rate of < 10^-9) at 2.5 Gbit/s is achieved after single-error correction on the Hamming word with 50 percent errors. The bit-rate is only limited by the bandwidth of available resources. Since Four-Wave Mixing is an ultrafast nonlinearity, these circuits offer the potential of computing at several terabits per second. Furthermore, it is shown that several Boolean functions can be performed in parallel in the same set of devices using different multi-photon scattering processes. The main objective of this thesis is to motivate a new paradigm of thought in digital circuit design. Challenges pertaining to the feasibility of these ideas are discusse