63 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithms for active vibration control of flexible manipulator

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    Flexible manipulator systems offer numerous advantages over their rigid counterparts including light weight, faster system response, among others. However, unwanted vibration will occur when flexible manipulator is subjected to disturbances. If the advantages of flexible manipulator are not to be sacrificed, an accurate model and efficient control system must be developed. This thesis presents the development of a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller tuning method using evolutionary algorithms (EA) for a single-link flexible manipulator system. Initially, a single link flexible manipulator rig, constrained to move in horizontal direction, was designed and fabricated. The input and output experimental data of the hub angle and endpoint acceleration of the flexible manipulator were acquired. The dynamics of the system was later modeled using a system identification (SI) method utilizing EA with linear auto regressive with exogenous (ARX) model structure. Two novel EAs, Genetic Algorithm with Parameter Exchanger (GAPE) and Particle Swarm Optimization with Explorer (PSOE) have been developed in this study by modifying the original Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithms. These novel algorithms were introduced for the identification of the flexible manipulator system. Their effectiveness was then evaluated in comparison to the original GA and PSO. Results indicated that the identification of the flexible manipulator system using PSOE is better compared to other methods. Next, PID controllers were tuned using EA for the input tracking and the endpoint vibration suppression of the flexible manipulator structure. For rigid motion control of hub angle, an auto-tuned PID controller was implemented. While for vibration suppression of the endpoint, several PID controllers were tuned using GA, GAPE, PSO and PSOE. The results have shown that the conventional auto-tuned PID was effective enough for the input tracking of the rigid motion. However, for end-point vibration suppression, the result showed the superiority of PID-PSOE in comparison to PID-GA, PID-GAPE and PID-PSO. The performance of the best simulated controller was validated experimentally later. Through experimental validation, it was found that the PID-PSOE was capable to suppress the vibration of the single-link flexible manipulator with highest attenuation of 31.3 dB at the first mode of the vibration. The outcomes of this research revealed the effectiveness of the PID controller tuned using PSOE for the endpoint vibration suppression of the flexible manipulator amongst other evolutionary methods

    Evolutionary optimisation and real-time self-tuning active vibration control of a flexible beam system

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    Active vibration control has long been recognised as a solution for flexible beam structure to achieve sufficient vibration suppression. The flexible beam dynamic model is derived according to the Euler Bernoulli beam theory. The resonance frequencies of the beam are investigated analytically and the validity was experimentally verified. This thesis focuses on two main parts: proportional-integralderivative (PID) controller tuning methods based on evolutionary algorithms (EA) and real-time self-tuning control using iterative learning algorithm and poleplacement methods. Optimisation methods for determining the optimal values of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller parameters for active vibration control of a flexible beam system are presented. The main objective of tuning the PID controller is to obtain a fast and stable system using EA such as genetic algorithm (GA) and differential evolution (DE) algorithms. The PID controller is tuned offline based on the identified model obtained using experimental input-output data. Experimental results have shown that PID parameters tuned by EA outperformed conventional tuning method in term of better transient response. However, in term of vibration attenuation, the performance between DE, GA and Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) method produced about the same value. For real-time selftuning control, successful design and implementation has been accomplished. Two techniques, self-tuning using iterative learning algorithm and self-tuning poleplacement control were implemented to adapt the controller parameters to meet the desired performances. In self-tuning using iterative learning algorithm, its learning mechanism will automatically find new control parameters. Whereas the self tuning pole-placement control uses system identification in real time and then the control parameters are calculated online. It is observed that self-tuning using iterative learning algorithm does not require accurate model of the plant and control the vibration based on the reference error, but it is unable to maintain its transient performance due to the change of physical parameters. Meanwhile, self-tuning poleplacement controller has shown its ability to maintain its transient performance as it was designed based on the desired closed loop poles where the control system can track changes in the plant and disturbance characteristics at every sampling time. Overall results revealed the effectiveness of both control schemes in suppressing the unwanted vibration over conventional fixed gain controllers

    Evolutionary swarm algorithm for modelling and control of horizontal flexible plate structures

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    Numerous advantages offered by the horizontal flexible structure have attracted increasing industrial applications in many engineering fields particularly in the airport baggage conveyor system, micro hand surgery and semiconductor manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, the horizontal flexible structure is often subjected to disturbance forces as vibration is easily induced in the system. The vibration reduces the performance of the system, thus leading to the structure failure when excessive stress and noise prevail. Following this, it is crucial to minimize unwanted vibration so that the effectiveness and the lifetime of the structure can be preserved. In this thesis, an intelligent proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller has been developed for vibration suppression of a horizontal flexible plate structure. Initially, a flexible plate experimental rig was designed and fabricated with all clamped edges boundary conditions at horizontal position. Then, the data acquisition and instrumentation systems were integrated into the experimental rig. Several experimental procedures were conducted to acquire the input-output vibration data of the system. Next, the dynamics of the system was modeled using linear auto regressive with exogenous, which is optimized with three types of evolutionary swarm algorithm, namely, the particle swarm optimization (PSO), artificial bee colony (ABC) and bat algorithm (BAT) model structure. Their effectiveness was then validated using mean squared error, correlation tests and pole zero diagram stability. Results showed that the PSO algorithm has superior performance compared to the other algorithms in modeling the system by achieving lowest mean squared error of 6103947.4 , correlation of up to 95 % confidence level and good stability. Next, five types of PID based controllers were chosen to suppress the unwanted vibration, namely, PID-Ziegler Nichols (ZN), PID-PSO, PID-ABC, Fuzzy-PID and PID-Iterative Learning Algorithm (ILA). The robustness of the controllers was validated by exerting different types of disturbances on the system. Amongst all controllers, the simulation results showed that PID tuned by ABC outperformed other controllers with 47.60 dB of attenuation level at the first mode (the dominant mode) of vibration, which is equivalent to 45.99 % of reduction in vibration amplitude. By implementing the controllers experimentally, the superiority of PID-ABC based controller was further verified by achieving an attenuation of 23.83 dB at the first mode of vibration and 21.62 % of reduction in vibration amplitude. This research proved that the PID controller tuned by ABC is superior compared to other tuning algorithms for vibration suppression of the horizontal flexible plate structure

    Active vibration control of transverse vibrating segmented marine riser

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    Vortex induced vibration (VIV) could be regarded as a fluid-structure interaction vibration type where the bluff structure vibrates due to fluid flowing around the body. The separation of boundary layer has created vortex layer that staggers the structure in cross-flow direction. VIV suppression work has attracted numerous researchers to build a passive device that could reduce the vibration. However, such device requires an intricate design which incurs high expense and indirectly contributes to higher chance of VIV occurrence due to the additional mass to the system. This research proposed a method to overcome those shortcomings by introducing an active flow control concept to the system. Since the vibration originates from unhindered flowing fluid, the approach is to avoid the development of the vortex by attaching a single control rod to the system as an actuator. The actuator injects momentum to the boundary layer thus preventing the VIV phenomenon. Both simulation and experimental works were implemented in this study. The input-output data of the system were measured directly from the experimental rig. For system identification, three methods were employed which were least square (LS), recursive least square (RLS) and differential evolutionary (DE) algorithms. It was found that the DE methods were stable, had considerably lower mean squared error (MSE) and the transfer function itself represented the natural frequency of the system. The study was continued by tuning the proportionalintegral- derivative (PID) based controllers to the simulated system plant in offline mode. The PID based controllers were tuned using heuristic and Ziegler-Nichols (ZN) methods. The best performance was recorded. However, it was observed that once the disturbance of the system changed, the performance of the PID tuned using heuristic and ZN were deteriorated. To overcome this drawback, adaptive tuning algorithms were introduced, namely ZN-Fuzzy-PID and ZN-Fuzzy-Iterative Learning Algorithm-PID (ZN-Fuzzy-ILA-PID) based controllers. In simulation, it was found that the ZN-Fuzzy-ILA-PD controller outperformed other controllers with 57.82 dB of attenuation level. In experimental works, dynamic response comparison was made between the bare pipe, fixed single and double control rods. It was observed that the fixed single and double control rods could not effectively attenuate the system, but amplified the vibration instead. Further experimental work was conducted by varying the rotating speed of the actuator at various disturbances. The result shows that at 100 % actuator rotating speed with 33 Hz disturbance flow to the system, the vibration was successfully reduced with attenuation level of 20.71 dB. However, by changing the disturbance, the actuator performance was reduced. Therefore, the controller was adaptively tuned using the fuzzy and iterative learning (ILA) schemes. It was observed that the maximum vibration attenuation was achieved by ZN-Fuzzy-ILA-PD controller with 13.8 dB of attenuation level at changing disturbance. Overall results show that by adopting the single rotating control rod, the vibration of VIV could be successfully attenuated

    Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering

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    Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science, involved in the research, design, and application of intelligent computer. Traditional methods for modeling and optimizing complex structure systems require huge amounts of computing resources, and artificial-intelligence-based solutions can often provide valuable alternatives for efficiently solving problems in the civil engineering. This paper summarizes recently developed methods and theories in the developing direction for applications of artificial intelligence in civil engineering, including evolutionary computation, neural networks, fuzzy systems, expert system, reasoning, classification, and learning, as well as others like chaos theory, cuckoo search, firefly algorithm, knowledge-based engineering, and simulated annealing. The main research trends are also pointed out in the end. The paper provides an overview of the advances of artificial intelligence applied in civil engineering


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    The gradient flexible plate structure has been widely used in engineering industries. However, the gradient flexible plate is susceptible to vibrational disturbances and affecting its durability and performance over time. Hence, the unwanted vibration needs to be controlled and can be accomplished by developing an accurate model. Despite that, the accurate model is hard to be obtained especially in estimating the model parameters. Thus, the research presents the development of dynamic modelling for gradient flexible plate structure (GFPS). A slanted GFPS with orientation angle of 30° and all edges clamped was developed and fabricated to represent the actual dynamics of the system. Then, data acquisition and instrumentation system were integrated to the rig to collect the input-output vibration data. The research utilised parametric system identification based on autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) model structure. First, evolutionary algorithms, namely particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and grey wolf optimisation (GWO) were used in developing GFPS dynamic model and their performances were compared. It was discovered that GWO model outperformed PSO model. However, the computational time of GWO is slower compared to PSO. Thus, a hybrid of grey wolf and particle swarm optimisation (GWO-PSO) were proposed to further improve the system modelling. It was found out that the hybrid GWO-PSO model outperformed PSO and GWO models by achieving the lowest mean squared error, correlation up to 95 % confidence level, and good stability. The obtained GWO-PSO models which is model order 2 and model order 4 were verified by using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) based controller. Their performances were measured in terms of model robustness based on vibration suppression. The final result confirmed that model order 2 of GWO-PSO is the optimum model to represent GFPS system modelling with 71.08% vibration attenuation

    Study and Development of Mechatronic Devices and Machine Learning Schemes for Industrial Applications

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    Obiettivo del presente progetto di dottorato è lo studio e sviluppo di sistemi meccatronici e di modelli machine learning per macchine operatrici e celle robotizzate al fine di incrementarne le prestazioni operative e gestionali. Le pressanti esigenze del mercato hanno imposto lavorazioni con livelli di accuratezza sempre più elevati, tempi di risposta e di produzione ridotti e a costi contenuti. In questo contesto nasce il progetto di dottorato, focalizzato su applicazioni di lavorazioni meccaniche (e.g. fresatura), che includono sistemi complessi quali, ad esempio, macchine a 5 assi e, tipicamente, robot industriali, il cui utilizzo varia a seconda dell’impiego. Oltre alle specifiche problematiche delle lavorazioni, si deve anche considerare l’interazione macchina-robot per permettere un’efficiente capacità e gestione dell’intero impianto. La complessità di questo scenario può evidenziare sia specifiche problematiche inerenti alle lavorazioni (e.g. vibrazioni) sia inefficienze più generali che riguardano l’impianto produttivo (e.g. asservimento delle macchine con robot, consumo energetico). Vista la vastità della tematica, il progetto si è suddiviso in due parti, lo studio e sviluppo di due specifici dispositivi meccatronici, basati sull’impiego di attuatori piezoelettrici, che puntano principalmente alla compensazione di vibrazioni indotte dal processo di lavorazione, e l’integrazione di robot per l’asservimento di macchine utensili in celle robotizzate, impiegando modelli di machine learning per definire le traiettorie ed i punti di raggiungibilità del robot, al fine di migliorarne l’accuratezza del posizionamento del pezzo in diverse condizioni. In conclusione, la presente tesi vuole proporre soluzioni meccatroniche e di machine learning per incrementare le prestazioni di macchine e sistemi robotizzati convenzionali. I sistemi studiati possono essere integrati in celle robotizzate, focalizzandosi sia su problematiche specifiche delle lavorazioni in macchine operatrici sia su problematiche a livello di impianto robot-macchina. Le ricerche hanno riguardato un’approfondita valutazione dello stato dell’arte, la definizione dei modelli teorici, la progettazione funzionale e l’identificazione delle criticità del design dei prototipi, la realizzazione delle simulazioni e delle prove sperimentali e l’analisi dei risultati.The aim of this Ph.D. project is the study and development of mechatronic systems and machine learning models for machine tools and robotic applications to improve their performances. The industrial demands have imposed an ever-increasing accuracy and efficiency requirement whilst constraining the cost. In this context, this project focuses on machining processes (e.g. milling) that include complex systems such as 5-axes machine tool and industrial robots, employed for various applications. Beside the issues related to the machining process itself, the interaction between the machining centre and the robot must be considered for the complete industrial plant’s improvement. This scenario´s complexity depicts both specific machining problematics (e.g. vibrations) and more general issues related to the complete plant, such as machine tending with an industrial robot and energy consumption. Regarding the immensity of this area, this project is divided in two parts, the study and development of two mechatronic devices, based on piezoelectric stack actuators, for the active vibration control during the machining process, and the robot machine tending within the robotic cell, employing machine learning schemes for the trajectory definition and robot reachability to improve the corresponding positioning accuracy. In conclusion, this thesis aims to provide a set of solutions, based on mechatronic devices and machine learning schemes, to improve the conventional machining centre and the robotic systems performances. The studied systems can be integrated within a robotic cell, focusing on issues related to the specific machining process and to the interaction between robot-machining centre. This research required a thorough study of the state-of-the-art, the formulation of theoretical models, the functional design development, the identification of the critical aspects in the prototype designs, the simulation and experimental campaigns, and the analysis of the obtained results

    Adaptive Model Predictive Vibration Control of a Cantilever Beam with Real-Time Parameter Estimation

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