30 research outputs found

    Sub-Femto-Farad Resolution Electronic Interfaces for Integrated Capacitive Sensors: A Review

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    Capacitance detection is a universal transduction mechanism used in a wide variety of sensors and applications. It requires an electronic front-end converting the capacitance variation into another more convenient physical variable, ultimately determining the performance of the whole sensor. In this paper we present a comprehensive review of the different signal conditioning front-end topologies targeted in particular at sub-femtofarad resolution. Main design equations and analysis of the limits due to noise are reported in order to provide the designer with guidelines for choosing the most suitable topology according to the main design specifications, namely energy consumption, area occupation, measuring time and resolution. A data-driven comparison of the different solutions in literature is also carried out revealing that resolution, measuring time, area occupation and energy/conversion lower than 100 aF, 1 ms 0.1 mm2, and 100 pJ/conv. can be obtained by capacitance to digital topologies, which therefore allow to get the best compromise among all design specifications

    Investigation and design of key circuit blocks in a 10 bit SAR ADC at 100 MS/s

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    The work in this thesis is based on the investigation and design of key circuit blocks in a high speed, high resolution SAR ADC in TSMC’s 28nm technology. The research carried out analyses the circuit limitations of the switched capacitor DAC and the settling problems of the reference voltage associated with a switched capacitor scheme. The switched capacitor DAC is a critical block for overall ADC performance and various trade-offs are weighed up before discussing the layout of the split capacitor DAC implemented in the project, from unit capacitor up to top level routing. It also investigates the main sources of error using this topology and implements effective ways of mitigating these errors. The schematic design of DAC switches is also carried out and the results section discusses the top level linearity performance of the DAC. This work also focuses on detailed analysis and implementation of a reference buffer circuit solution that is capable of supplying a reference voltage that is highly accurate and can settle in enough time for the high speed and high resolution specifications required by the SAR ADC. Various solutions were comprehensively investigated for this problem and the design of the chosen flipped voltage follower topology was implemented in schematic and layout. It was subsequently simulated at schematic and extracted parasitics level to verify its functionality and determine its overall performance. Finally, the work done in each block is verified in the context of the whole ADC by top level schematic and extracted layout simulation

    Biosensors and CMOS Interface Circuits

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    abstract: Analysing and measuring of biological or biochemical processes are of utmost importance for medical, biological and biotechnological applications. Point of care diagnostic system, composing of biosensors, have promising applications for providing cheap, accurate and portable diagnosis. Owing to these expanding medical applications and advances made by semiconductor industry biosensors have seen a tremendous growth in the past few decades. Also emergence of microfluidics and non-invasive biosensing applications are other marker propellers. Analyzing biological signals using transducers is difficult due to the challenges in interfacing an electronic system to the biological environment. Detection limit, detection time, dynamic range, specificity to the analyte, sensitivity and reliability of these devices are some of the challenges in developing and integrating these devices. Significant amount of research in the field of biosensors has been focused on improving the design, fabrication process and their integration with microfluidics to address these challenges. This work presents new techniques, design and systems to improve the interface between the electronic system and the biological environment. This dissertation uses CMOS circuit design to improve the reliability of these devices. Also this work addresses the challenges in designing the electronic system used for processing the output of the transducer, which converts biological signal into electronic signal.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Electrical Engineering 201

    Analysis and Design of Silicon based Integrated Circuits for Radio Frequency Identification and Ranging Systems at 24GHz and 60GHz Frequency Bands

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    This scientific research work presents the analysis and design of radio frequency (RF) integrated circuits (ICs) designed for two cooperative RF identification (RFID) proof of concept systems. The first system concept is based on localizable and sensor-enabled superregenerative transponders (SRTs) interrogated using a 24GHz linear frequency modulated continuous wave (LFMCW) secondary radar. The second system concept focuses on low power components for a 60GHz continuous wave (CW) integrated single antenna frontend for interrogating close range passive backscatter transponders (PBTs). In the 24GHz localizable SRT based system, a LFMCW interrogating radar sends a RF chirp signal to interrogate SRTs based on custom superregenerative amplifier (SRA) ICs. The SRTs receive the chirp and transmit it back with phase coherent amplification. The distance to the SRTs are then estimated using the round trip time of flight method. Joint data transfer from the SRT to the interrogator is enabled by a novel SRA quench frequency shift keying (SQ-FSK) based low data rate simplex communication. The SRTs are also designed to be roll invariant using bandwidth enhanced microstrip patch antennas. Theoretical analysis is done to derive expressions as a function of system parameters including the minimum SRA gain required for attaining a defined range and equations for the maximum number of symbols that can be transmitted in data transfer mode. Analysis of the dependency of quench pulse characteristics during data transfer shows that the duty cycle has to be varied while keeping the on-time constant to reduce ranging errors. Also the worsening of ranging precision at longer distances is predicted based on the non-idealities resulting from LFMCWchirp quantization due to SRT characteristics and is corroborated by system level measurements. In order to prove the system concept and study the semiconductor technology dependent factors, variants of 24GHz SRA ICs are designed in a 130nm silicon germanium (SiGe) bipolar complementary metal oxide technology (BiCMOS) and a partially depleted silicon on insulator (SOI) technology. Among the SRA ICs designed, the SiGe-BiCMOS ICs feature a novel quench pulse shaping concept to simultaneously improve the output power and minimum detectable input power. A direct antenna drive SRA IC based on a novel stacked transistor cross-coupled oscillator topology employing this concept exhibit one of the best reported combinations of minimum detected input power level of −100 dBm and output power level of 5.6 dBm, post wirebonding. The SiGe stacked transistor with base feedback capacitance topology employed in this design is analyzed to derive parameters including the SRA loop gain for design optimization. Other theoretical contributions include the analysis of the novel integrated quench pulse shaping circuit and formulas derived for output voltage swing taking bondwire losses into account. Another SiGe design variant is the buffered antenna drive SRA IC having a measured minimum detected input power level better than −80 dBm, and an output power level greater than 3.2 dBm after wirebonding. The two inputs and outputs of this IC also enables the design of roll invariant SRTs. Laboratory based ranging experiments done to test the concepts and theoretical considerations show a maximum measured distance of 77m while transferring data at the rate of 0.5 symbols per second using SQ-FSK. For distances less than 10m, the characterized accuracy is better than 11 cm and the precision is better than 2.4 cm. The combination of the maximum range, precision and accuracy are one of the best reported among similar works in literature to the author’s knowledge. In the 60GHz close range CW interrogator based system, the RF frontend transmits a continuous wave signal through the transmit path of a quasi circulator (QC) interfaced to an antenna to interrogate a PBT. The backscatter is received using the same antenna interfaced to the QC. The received signal is then amplified and downconverted for further processing. To prove this concept, two optimized QC ICs and a downconversion mixer IC are designed in a 22nm fully depleted SOI technology. The first QC is the transmission lines based QC which consumes a power of 5.4mW, operates at a frequency range from 56GHz to 64GHz and occupies an area of 0.49mm2. The transmit path loss is 5.7 dB, receive path gain is 2 dB and the tunable transmit path to receive path isolation is between 20 dB and 32 dB. The second QC is based on lumped elements, and operates in a relatively narrow bandwidth from 59.6GHz to 61.5GHz, has a gain of 8.5 dB and provides a tunable isolation better than 20 dB between the transmit and receive paths. This QC design also occupies a small area of 0.34mm² while consuming 13.2mW power. The downconversion is realized using a novel folded switching stage down conversion mixer (FSSDM) topology optimized to achieve one of the best reported combination of maximum voltage conversion gain of 21.5 dB, a factor of 2.5 higher than reported state-of-the-art results, and low power consumption of 5.25mW. The design also employs a unique back-gate tunable intermediate frequency output stage using which a gain tuning range of 5.5 dB is attained. Theoretical analysis of the FSSDM topology is performed and equations for the RF input stage transconductance, bandwidth, voltage conversion gain and gain tuning are derived. A feasibility study for the components of the 60GHz integrated single antenna interrogator frontend is also performed using PBTs to prove the system design concept.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Scope and Functional Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Objectives and Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Features and Fundamentals of RFIDs and Superregenerative Amplifiers 9 2.1 RFID Transponder Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.1.1 Chipless RFID Transponders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.1.2 Semiconductor based RFID Transponders . . . . . . . . . . 11 Passive Transponders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Active Transponders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2 RFID Interrogator Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2.1 Interferometer based Interrogator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.2.2 Ultra-wideband Interrogator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.2.3 Continuous Wave Interrogators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.3 Coupling Dependent Range and Operating Frequencies . . . . . . . 25 2.4 RFID Ranging Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Received Signal Strength based Ranging . . . . . 28 Phase based Ranging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Time based Ranging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.5 Architecture Selection for Proof of Concept Systems . . . . . . . . 32 2.6 Superregenerative Amplifier (SRA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.6.1 Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.6.2 Modes of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.6.3 Frequency Domain Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.7 Semiconductor Technologies for RFIC Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.7.1 Silicon Germanium BiCMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.7.2 Silicon-on-Insulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 3 24GHz Superregenerative Transponder based Identification and Rang- ing System 51 3.1 System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.1.1 SRT Identification and Ranging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3.1.2 Power Link Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3.1.3 Non-idealities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.1.4 SRA Quench Frequency Shift Keying for data transfer . . . 61 3.1.5 Knowledge Gained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 3.2 RFIC Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.2.1 Low Power Direct Antenna Drive CMOS SRA IC . . . . . . 66 Circuit analysis and design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.2.2 Direct Antenna Drive SiGe SRA ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Stacked Transistor Cross-coupled Quenchable Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Resonator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Output Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Stacked Transistor Cross-coupled Pair and Loop Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Quench Waveform Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3.2.3 Antenna Diversity SiGe SRA IC with Integrated Quench Pulse Shaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Circuit Analysis and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Crosscoupled Pair and Sampling Current 94 Common Base Input Stage . . . . . . . . 95 Cascode Output Stage . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Quench Pulse Shaping Circuit . . . . . . 96 Power Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 3.2.4 Knowledge Gained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 3.3 Proof of Principle System Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 3.3.1 Superregenerative Transponders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Bandwidth Enhanced Microstrip Patch Antennas 108 3.3.2 FMCW Radar Interrogator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 3.3.3 Chirp Z-transform Based Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4 60GHz Single Antenna RFID Interrogator based Identification System 121 4.1 System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 4.2 RFIC Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 4.2.1 Quasi-circulator ICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Transmission Lines based Quasi-Circulator IC . . 126 Lumped Elements WPD based Quasi-Circulator . 130 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Knowledge Gained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 4.2.2 Folded Switching Stage Downconversion Mixer IC . . . . . 138 FSSDM Circuit Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Cascode Transconductance Stage . . . . . . . . . . 138 Folded Switching Stage with LC DC Feed . . . . . 142 LO Balun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Backgate Tunable IF Stage and Offset Correction 146 Voltage Conversion Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Knowledge Gained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 4.3 Proof of Principle System Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 5 Experimental Tests 157 5.1 24GHz System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5.1.1 Ranging Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 5.1.2 Roll Invariance Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 5.1.3 Joint Ranging and Data Transfer Experiments . . . . . . . 158 5.2 60GHz System Detection Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 6 Summary and Future Work 167 Appendices 171 A Derivation of Parameters for CB Amplifier with Base Feedback Capac- itance 173 B Definitions 177 C 24GHz Experiment Setups 179 D 60 GHz Experiment Setups 183 References 185 List of Original Publications 203 List of Abbreviations 207 List of Symbols 213 List of Figures 215 List of Tables 223 Curriculum Vitae 22

    HfO2, Al2O3, and ZnO based Metal-Insulator-Metal photovoltaic structures for solar cell applications

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    Currently, the solar cell market is dominated by silicon-based solar cell since the bandgap of the silicon is an appropriate match to solar spectrum and silicon is most abundant material on the earth. However, the efficiency of the silicon-based solar cells is limited hence the research and development are concentrated on alternative methods. The Metal-Insulator-Metal(MIM) diode consists of an insulator layer sandwiched between two metals. The current generation mechanism is based on the photovoltaic effect that enables to form Metal-Insulator-Metal solar cells. The technological development allows leading investigations about developing highly efficient MIM diode promising broad applications. MIM diodes have several advantages such as low cost, potentially having high conversion efficiency, integrated circuit (IC) compatibility. Therefore, the feasibility of MIM diodes for solar cell application is explored. In the MIM diode, insulator layers are an integral part of the devices, preponderantly determining the performance parameters. MIM diodes with different material selections based on three insulators (HfO2, Al2O3, and ZnO) and three metals (Au, Cr, and Ni) are evaluated to compare performance parameters, with conversion efficiency being prioritized. Based on the responsivities of the devices, the HfO2-based MIM diode gives the highest efficiency under visible light due to the fact that hot electron and leading electrons tunnel through thin energy barrier more asymmetric than the other MIM diodes enabling more number of hot electrons tunneling through. Hence insulating layer is a critical parameter in terms of tunneling probability of hot electrons and optimizing conversion efficiency. At the end of this study, Metal Insulator Metal structure is combined with a converter module that charges a battery that demonstrates the feasibility of MIM solar cel

    Design of CMOS transimpedance amplifiers for remote antenna units in fiber-wireless systems.

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    La memoria de la tesis doctoral: Diseño de Amplificadores de Transimpedancia para Unidades de Antena Remota en Sistemas Fibra-Inalámbrico, se presenta en la modalidad de compendio de Publicaciones. A continuación, se expone un resumen del contexto, motivation y objetivos de la tesis.A lo largo de las últimas décadas, los avances tecnológicos y el esfuerzo por desarrollar nuevos sistemas de comunicaciones han crecido al ritmo que la demanda de información aumentaba a nivel mundial. Desde la aparición de Internet, el tráfico global de datos ha incrementado de forma exponencial y se han creado infinidad de aplicaciones y contenidos desde entonces.Con la llegada de la fibra óptica se produjo un avance muy significativo en el campo de las comunicaciones, ya que la fibra de vidrio y sus características fueron la clave para crear redes de largo alcance y alta velocidad. Por otro lado, los avances en las tecnologías de fabricación de circuitos integrados y de dispositivos fotónicos de alta velocidad han encabezado el desarrollo de los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticos, logrando incrementar la tasa de transmisión de datos hasta prácticamente alcanzar el ancho de banda de la fibra óptica.Para conseguir una mayor eficiencia en las comunicaciones y aumentar la tasa de transferencia, se necesitan métodos de modulación complejos que aprovechen mejor el ancho de banda disponible. No obstante, esta mayor complejidad de la modulación de los datos requiere sistemas con mejores prestaciones en cuanto a rango dinámico y linealidad. Estos esquemas de modulación se emplean desde hace tiempo en los sistemas de comunicaciones inalámbricos, donde el ancho de banda del canal, el aire, es extremadamente limitado y codiciado.Actualmente, los sistemas inalámbricos se enfrentan a una saturación del espectro que supone un límite a la tasa de transmisión de datos. Pese a los esfuerzos por extender el rango frecuencial a bandas superiores para aumentar el ancho de banda disponible, se espera un enorme aumento tanto en el número de dispositivos, como en la cantidad de datos demandados por usuario.Ante esta situación se han planteado distintas soluciones para superar estas limitaciones y mejorar las prestaciones de los sistemas actuales. Entre estas alternativas están los sistemas mixtos fibra-inalámbrico utilizando sistemas de antenas distribuidas (DAS). Estos sistemas prometen ser una solución económica y muy efectiva para mejorar la accesibilidad de los dispositivos inalámbricos, aumentando la cobertura y la tasa de transferencia de las redes a la vez que disminuyen las interferencias. El despliegue de los DAS tendrá un gran efecto en escenarios tales como edificios densamente poblados, hospitales, aeropuertos o edificios de oficinas, así como en áreas residenciales, donde un gran número de dispositivos requieren una cada vez mayor interconectividad.Dependiendo del modo de transmisión de los datos a través de la fibra, los sistemas mixtos fibra-inalámbrico se pueden categorizar de tres formas distintas: Banda base sobre fibra (BBoF), radiofrecuencia sobre fibra (RFoF) y frecuencia intermedia sobre fibra (IFoF). Actualmente, el esquema BBoF es el más utilizado para transmisiones de larga y media distancia. No obstante, utilizar este esquema en un DAS requiere unidades de antena remota (RAU) complejas y costosas, por lo que no está claro que esta configuración pueda ser viable en aplicaciones de bajo coste que requieran de un gran número de RAUs. Los sistemas RFoF e IFoF presentan esquemas más simples, sin necesidad de integrar un modulador/demodulador, puesto que la señal se procesa en una estación base y no en las propias RAUs.El desarrollo de esta tesis se enmarca en el estudio de los distintos esquemas de DAS. A lo largo de esta tesis se presentan varias propuestas de amplificadores de transimpedancia (TIA) adecuadas para su implementación en cada uno de los tres tipos de RAU existentes. La versatilidad y el amplio campo de aplicación de este circuito integrado, tanto en comunicaciones como en otros ámbitos, han motivado el estudio de la implementación de este bloque específico en las diferentes arquitecturas de RAU y en otros sistemas, tales como un receptor de televisión por cable (CATV) o una interfaz de un microsensor inercial capacitivo.La memoria de tesis se ha dividido en tres capítulos. El Capítulo 1 se ha empleado para introducir el concepto de los DAS, proporcionando el contexto y la motivación del diseño de las RAU, partiendo desde los principios básicos de operación de los dispositivos fotónicos y electrónicos y presentando las distintas arquitecturas de RAU. El Capítulo 2 supone el núcleo principal de la tesis. En este capítulo se presenta el estudio y diseño de los diferentes TIAs, que han sido optimizados respectivamente para cada una de las configuraciones de RAU, así como para otras aplicaciones. En un tercer capítulo se recogen los resultados más relevantes y se exponen las conclusiones de este trabajo.Tras llevar a cabo la descripción y comparación de las topologías existentes de TIA, se ha llegado a las siguientes conclusiones, las cuales nos llevan a elegir la topología shunt-feedback como la más adecuada para el diseño: - El compromiso entre ancho de banda, transimpedancia, consumo de potencia y ruido es menos restrictivo en los TIAs de lazo cerrado. - Los TIAs de lazo cerrado tienen un mayor número de grados de libertad para acometer su diseño. - Esta topología presenta una mejor linealidad gracias al lazo de realimentación. Si la respuesta frecuencial del núcleo del amplificador se ajusta de manera adecuada, el TIA shunt-feedback puede presentar una respuesta frecuencial plana y estable.En esta tesis, se ha propuesto una nueva técnica de reducción de ruido, aplicable en receptores ópticos con fotodiodos con un área activa grande (~1mm2). Esta estrategia, que se ha llamado la técnica del fotodiodo troceado, consiste en la fabricación del fotodiodo, no como una estructura única, sino como un array de N sub-fotodiodos, que ocuparían la misma área activa que el original. Las principales conclusiones tras hacer un estudio teórico y realizar un estudio de su aplicación en una de las topologías de TIA propuestas son: - El ruido equivalente a la entrada es menor cuanto mayor es el número de sub-fotodiodos, dado que la contribución al ruido que depende con el cuadrado de la frecuencia (f^2) decrece con una dependencia proporcional a N. - Con una aplicación simple de la técnica, replicando el amplificador de tensión del TIA N veces y utilizando N resistencias de realimentación, cada una con un valor N veces el original, la sensibilidad del receptor aumenta aproximadamente en un factor √N y la estabilidad del sistema no se ve afectada. - Al dividir el fotodiodo en N sub-fotodiodos, la capacidad parásita de cada uno de ellos es N veces menor a la original. Con esta nueva capacidad parásita, el diseño del TIA se puede optimizar, consiguiendo una sensibilidad mucho mejor que con un único fotodiodo para el mismo valor de consumo de potencia.Las principales conclusiones respecto a los diseños de los distintos TIAs para comunicaciones son las siguientes: TIA para BBoF: - El TIA propuesto, alcanza, con un consumo de tan solo 2.9 mW, un ancho de banda de 1 GHz y una sensibilidad de -11 dBm, superando las características de trabajos anteriores en condiciones similares (capacidad del fotodiodo, tecnología y tasa de transmisión). - La técnica del fotodiodo troceado se ha aplicado a este circuito, consiguiendo una mejora de hasta 7.9 dBm en la sensibilidad para un diseño optimizado de 16 sub-fotodiodos, demostrando, en una simulación a nivel de transistor, que la técnica propuesta funciona correctamente. TIA para RFoF: - El diseño propuesto logra una figura de mérito superior a la de trabajos previos, gracias a la combinación de su bajo consumo de potencia y su mayor transimpedancia. - Además, mientras que en la mayoría de trabajos previos no se integra un control de ganancia en el TIA, esta propuesta presenta una transimpedancia controlable desde 45 hasta 65 dBΩ. A través de un sistema de control simultáneo de la transimpedancia y de la ganancia en lazo abierto del amplificador de voltaje, se consigue garantizar una respuesta frecuencial plana y estable en todos los estados de transimpedancia, que le otorga al diseño una superior versatilidad y flexibilidad. TIA para CATV: - Se ha adaptado una versión del TIA para RFoF para demostrar la capacidad de adaptación de esta estructura en una implementación en un receptor CATV con un rango de control de transimpedancia de 18 dB. - Con la implementación del control de ganancia en el TIA, no es necesario el uso de un atenuador variable en el receptor, simplificando así el número de etapas del mismo. - Gracias al control de transimpedancia, el TIA logra rangos de entrada similares a los publicados en trabajos anteriores basados en una tecnología mucho menos accesible como GaAs PHEMT. TIA para IFoF Se ha fabricado un chip en una tecnología CMOS de 65 nm que opera a 1.2 V de tensión de alimentación y se ha realizado su caracterización eléctrica y óptica. - El TIA presenta una programabilidad de su transimpedancia con un control lineal en dB entre 60 y 76 dBΩ mediante un código termómetro de 4 bits. - El ancho de banda se mantiene casi constante en todo el rango de transimpedancia, entre 500 y 600 MHz.Como conclusión general tras comparar el funcionamiento de los TIAs para las distintas configuraciones de RAU, vale la pena mencionar que el TIA para IFoF consigue una figura de mérito muy superior a la de otros trabajos previos diseñados para RFoF. Esto se debe principalmente a la mayor transimpedancia y al muy bajo consumo de potencia del TIA para IFoF propuesto. Además, se consigue una mejor linealidad, ya que, para una transmisión de 54 Mb/s con el estándar 802.11a, se consigue un EVM menor de 2 % en un rango de entrada de 10 dB, comparado con los entre 3 y 5 dB reportados en trabajos previos. El esquema IFoF presenta un gran potencial y ventajas frente al RFoF, lo que lo coloca como una buena alternativa para disminuir los costes y mejorar el rendimiento de los sistemas de antenas distribuidas.Por último, cabe destacar que el diseño de TIA propuesto y fabricado para IFoF contribuye en gran medida al desarrollo y validación de una RAU completa. Se ha demostrado la capacidad de la estructura propuesta para alcanzar un bajo ruido, alta linealidad, simplicidad en la programabilidad de la transimpedancia y adaptabilidad de la topología para diferentes requisitos, lo cual es de un gran interés en el diseño de receptores ópticos.Por otra parte, una versión del TIA para su uso en una interfaz de sensores MEMS capacitivos se ha propuesto y estudiado. Consiste en un convertidor capacidad-voltaje basado en una versión del TIA para RFoF, con el objetivo de conseguir un menor ruido y proveer de una adaptabilidad para diferentes sensores capacitivos. Los resultados más significativos y las conclusiones de este diseño se resumen a continuación: - El TIA presenta un control de transimpedancia con un rango de 34 dB manteniendo el ancho de banda constante en 1.2 MHz. También presenta un control independiente del ancho de banda, desde 75 kHz hasta 1.2 MHz, manteniendo la transimpedancia fija en un valor máximo. - Con un consumo de potencia de tan solo 54 μW, el TIA alcanza una sensibilidad máxima de 1 mV/fF, que corresponde a una sensibilidad de 4.2 mV/g y presenta un ruido de entrada de tan solo 100 µg/√("Hz" ) a 50 kHz en la configuración de máxima transimpedancia.La principal conclusión que destaca de este diseño es su versatilidad y flexibilidad. El diseño propuesto permite adaptar fácilmente la respuesta de la interfaz a una amplia gama de dispositivos sensores, ya que se puede ajustar el ancho de banda para ajustarse a distintas frecuencias de operación, así como la transimpedancia puede ser modificada para conseguir distintas sensibilidades. Este doble control independiente de ancho de banda y transimpedancia le proporcionan una adaptabilidad completa al TIA.<br /

    Fully electronic method of measuring post-release gap and gradient/residual stress of a MEMS cantilever

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    Smartphones and other wireless devices have become ubiquitous over the past decade, and the RF front-end inside of them has become more complex and disproportionately consumes more power compared to other components. Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) have a huge potential to reduce these problems while simultaneously offering superior performance compared to current leading-edge technology. However, MEMS technology has difficulty transitioning from the lab to large-scale manufacturing due to the unpredictability of device lifetime and manufacturability issues. This can be mitigated by investigating how critical material or physical parameters (gap, stress, Young\u27s modulus, material thickness, etc.) vary from manufacturing uncertainties and how they change during a device\u27s repeated use. State-of-the-art methods used to measure these parameters are limited by the fact that they must be made optically, which is slow and hampered by opaque packaging used to protect the device. ^ This work presents a method of extracting the post-release gap and either the residual gradient stress for nickel-electroplated MEMS cantilevers, or the residual mean stress of a gold-electroplated MEMS cantilevers using fully electronic methods. The device structure consists of a cantilever beam anchored onto an insulating substrate with two equally-sized contact pads distributed length-wise underneath the beam. ^ The extraction algorithm relies on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) models to simulate the capacitance between the cantilever and the two contacts for a range of gaps and tip deflections. The tip deflections relate either a range of radii of curvature for residual gradient stress extraction, or a range of beam deflection angles with respect to the substrate for residual mean stress extraction. The simulated capacitances are used to create a look-up table to match the measured capacitances to a unique gap and tip deflection. ^ The optically-measured physical parameters, and the electronic capacitive measurement of a calibration device are used in conjunction with the mesh to calculate parasitic capacitance values. With parasitics known, an arbitrary number of subsequent devices can be measured electronically and their corresponding gap and tip deflection extracted. The extracted data is validated with optical measurements from both a confocal laser microscope, and a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). In addition, the sensitivity of the algorithm to uncertainties in physical parameters are examined. This include: uncertainties in the dielectric constant of the substrate, the thickness and dielectric constant of the material covering the two contacts, the cantilever thickness, and the thickness of the gold comprising the contacts. The statistical variation of these parameters was quantified and then the sensitivity of the model to these variations is examined. The uncertainties created predictable, but small uncertainties in the final extracted parameters of interest. ^ The extracted gap and tip deflection is then used to compute the range of the cantilever\u27s radius of curvature, or its deflection angle, which in turn is used to find the residual gradient and residual mean stress, respectively. ^ A total of eight nickel-electroplated devices and five gold-electroplated devices were measured and characterized for gap and residual gradient and residual mean stress. Good agreement was found between the optically and electronically measured values even when accounting for all known uncertainties. ^ This methodology has been demonstrated to be suitable for a foundry mass production line due to its potential high speed of measurement and accuracy, and minimal reliance on optical observations

    Integrated Circuits Parasitic Capacitance Extraction Using Machine Learning and its Application to Layout Optimization

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    The impact of parasitic elements on the overall circuit performance keeps increasing from one technology generation to the next. In advanced process nodes, the parasitic effects dominate the overall circuit performance. As a result, the accuracy requirements of parasitic extraction processes significantly increased, especially for parasitic capacitance extraction. Existing parasitic capacitance extraction tools face many challenges to cope with such new accuracy requirements that are set by semiconductor foundries (\u3c 5% error). Although field-solver methods can meet such requirements, they are very slow and have a limited capacity. The other alternative is the rule-based parasitic capacitance extraction methods, which are faster and have a high capacity; however, they cannot consistently provide good accuracy as they use a pre-characterized library of capacitance formulas that cover a limited number of layout patterns. On the other hand, the new parasitic extraction accuracy requirements also added more challenges on existing parasitic-aware routing optimization methods, where simplified parasitic models are used to optimize layouts. This dissertation provides new solutions for interconnect parasitic capacitance extraction and parasitic-aware routing optimization methodologies in order to cope with the new accuracy requirements of advanced process nodes as follows. First, machine learning compact models are developed in rule-based extractors to predict parasitic capacitances of cross-section layout patterns efficiently. The developed models mitigate the problems of the pre-characterized library approach, where each compact model is designed to extract parasitic capacitances of cross-sections of arbitrary distributed metal polygons that belong to a specific set of metal layers (i.e., layer combination) efficiently. Therefore, the number of covered layout patterns significantly increased. Second, machine learning compact models are developed to predict parasitic capacitances of middle-end-of-line (MEOL) layers around FINFETs and MOSFETs. Each compact model extracts parasitic capacitances of 3D MEOL patterns of a specific device type regardless of its metal polygons distribution. Therefore, the developed MEOL models can replace field-solvers in extracting MEOL patterns. Third, a novel accuracy-based hybrid parasitic capacitance extraction method is developed. The proposed hybrid flow divides a layout into windows and extracts the parasitic capacitances of each window using one of three parasitic capacitance extraction methods that include: 1) rule-based; 2) novel deep-neural-networks-based; and 3) field-solver methods. This hybrid methodology uses neural-networks classifiers to determine an appropriate extraction method for each window. Moreover, as an intermediate parasitic capacitance extraction method between rule-based and field-solver methods, a novel deep-neural-networks-based extraction method is developed. This intermediate level of accuracy and speed is needed since using only rule-based and field-solver methods (for hybrid extraction) results in using field-solver most of the time for any required high accuracy extraction. Eventually, a parasitic-aware layout routing optimization and analysis methodology is implemented based on an incremental parasitic extraction and a fast optimization methodology. Unlike existing flows that do not provide a mechanism to analyze the impact of modifying layout geometries on a circuit performance, the proposed methodology provides novel sensitivity circuit models to analyze the integrity of signals in layout routes. Such circuit models are based on an accurate matrix circuit representation, a cost function, and an accurate parasitic sensitivity extraction. The circuit models identify critical parasitic elements along with the corresponding layout geometries in a certain route, where they measure the sensitivity of a route’s performance to corresponding layout geometries very fast. Moreover, the proposed methodology uses a nonlinear programming technique to optimize problematic routes with pre-determined degrees of freedom using the proposed circuit models. Furthermore, it uses a novel incremental parasitic extraction method to extract parasitic elements of modified geometries efficiently, where the incremental extraction is used as a part of the routing optimization process to improve the optimization runtime and increase the optimization accuracy

    Low Frequency Bio-Electrical Impedance Mammography and Dielectric Measurement

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    Assessment of electrical impedance of biological tissues at low frequencies offers a great potential for a safe, simple, and low-cost medical breast imaging techniques such as mammography. As such, in this dissertation a mammography method which uses tissue electrical impedance to detect breast malignancies was developed. The dissertation also introduces a new technique for measuring the dielectric properties of biological tissues at low frequencies. The impedance mammography technique introduced in this study is founded on the assumption that dielectric values of breast malignancies are significantly higher than the dielectric values of normal breast tissues. While previous studies have shown that this assumption is valid at high frequencies (50MHz-20GHz), less research efforts have been dedicated to ascertain the validity of such assumption at low frequencies (in silico and tissue mimicking phantom studies. Results of this investigation suggest that imaging the electrical impedance properties of biological tissues through the proposed electrical impedance mammography can be potentially employed for breast cancer detection in a reliable and safe manner