4 research outputs found

    Robust Face Recognition Using Enhanced Local Binary Pattern

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    Face recognition is an emerging research area in recognition of the people. A novel feature extraction technique was introduced for robust face recognition. Enhanced Local binary pattern (EnLBP) divided the image into sub regions. For each sub region, the salient features are extracted by obtaining the mean value of each sub region. In LBP, each pixel was replaced by applying LBP into each sub region. In this paper, the mean value of sub region was replaced for the sub region. It reduced the dimension of the image and extracts the salient information on each sub region. The extracted features are compared with similarity measures to recognize the person. EnLBP reduces the operation time and computational complexity of the system. The experimental results were carried out in the standard benchmark database LFW-a. The proposed system achieved a higher recognition rate than other local descriptors

    Appliance identification using a histogram post-processing of 2D local binary patterns for smart grid applications

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    Identifying domestic appliances in the smart grid leads to a better power usage management and further helps in detecting appliance-level abnormalities. An efficient identification can be achieved only if a robust feature extraction scheme is developed with a high ability to discriminate between different appliances on the smart grid. Accordingly, we propose in this paper a novel method to extract electrical power signatures after transforming the power signal to 2D space, which has more encoding possibilities. Following, an improved local binary patterns (LBP) is proposed that relies on improving the discriminative ability of conventional LBP using a post-processing stage. A binarized eigenvalue map (BEVM) is extracted from the 2D power matrix and then used to post-process the generated LBP representation. Next, two histograms are constructed, namely up and down histograms, and are then concatenated to form the global histogram. A comprehensive performance evaluation is performed on two different datasets, namely the GREEND and WITHED, in which power data were collected at 1 Hz and 44000 Hz sampling rates, respectively. The obtained results revealed the superiority of the proposed LBP-BEVM based system in terms of the identification performance versus other 2D descriptors and existing identification frameworks.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures and 5 table

    Face Analysis Using Row and Correlation Based Local Directional Pattern

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    Face analysis, which includes face recognition and facial expression recognition, has been attempted by many researchers and gave ideal solutions. The problem is still active and challenging due to an increase in the complexity of the problem viz. due to poor lighting, face occlusion, low-resolution images, etc. Local pattern descriptor methods introduced to overcome these critical issues and improve the recognition rate. These methods extract the discriminant information from the local features of the face image for recognition. In this paper, the local descriptor based two methods, namely row-based local directional pattern and correlation-based local directional pattern proposed by extending an existing descriptor -- local directional pattern (LDP). Further, the two feature vectors obtained by these methods concatenated to form a hybrid descriptor. Experimentation has carried out on benchmark databases and results infer that the proposed hybrid descriptor outperforms the other descriptors in face analysis

    Desarrollo de un sistema computacional para el an谩lisis de procesos emocionales a trav茅s de las t茅cnicas de reconocimiento facial y de potenciales relacionados a eventos

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    Objetivo: Establecer una metodolog铆a basada en las t茅cnicas de reconocimiento facial y de potenciales relacionados a eventos para los procesos de orientaci贸n vocacional de universitarios. Metodolog铆a: Para la realizaci贸n de este trabajo se consider贸 la metodolog铆a de desarrollo de software Proceso Unificado Racional (RUP), la cual incluy贸 las fases de Inicio, Elaboraci贸n, Construcci贸n y Transici贸n. Estas fases contemplan los an谩lisis de requerimientos, dise帽o y construcci贸n de la herramienta para el an谩lisis de emociones, las pruebas con estudiantes, el an谩lisis de pruebas y la entrega final del software. El sistema de an谩lisis de emociones se construy贸 a trav茅s de Reconocimiento Facial de Emociones RFE (Affectiva), evaluaci贸n de Electroencefalograf铆a EEG (Emotiv), sistema de gesti贸n de protocolos, aplicaci贸n en formato digital de la prueba de Kuder y evaluaci贸n autom谩tica de las respuestas brindadas por los encuestados seg煤n 谩rea de inter茅s. Resultados: Se consolid贸 una metodolog铆a basada en RFE y EEG para el an谩lisis de emociones en procesos de orientaci贸n vocacional de estudiantes universitarios. Se automatiz贸 la aplicaci贸n de la prueba de Kuder. Se realiz贸 el desarrollo de la herramienta computacional para la presentaci贸n de protocolos, el seguimiento de emociones con RFE y EEG. Se valid贸 la herramienta con 25 sujetos de prueba, los cuales respondieron la prueba de Kuder y fueron evaluados mediante la herramienta mientras observaban protocolos de estimulaci贸n asociados con sus 谩reas de inter茅s y de no inter茅s. Se analizaron los datos adquiridos y se encontr贸 la efectividad de la herramienta encontr谩ndose un porcentaje de afinidad con la prueba de orientaci贸n vocacional con un acierto cercano al 85%, especificidad del 87% y sensibilidad del 88%, resultados de valor para un ambiente de alta variabilidad. Conclusiones: Fue posible consolidar una metodolog铆a basada en el an谩lisis de RFE y EEG para complementar las pruebas de orientaci贸n vocacional. Se utiliz贸 como medio de referencia la prueba de Kuder que permiti贸 validar la capacidad del m茅todo a la hora de identificar emociones al tiempo que se observan protocolos de estimulaci贸n asociados con 谩reas de desempe帽o vocacional. La metodolog铆a propuesta puede ser usada como complemento en los procesos de orientaci贸n vocacional y como una prueba r谩pida para encontrar afinidad entre el evaluado y las diferentes 谩reas de inter茅s.Objective: To establish a methodology based on facial recognition techniques and event-related potentials for the vocational orientation processes of university students. Methodology: For the realization of this work, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) software development methodology was considered, which included the phases of Initiation, Elaboration, Construction and Transition. These phases contemplate the requirements analysis, design and construction of the emotion analysis tool, student testing, test analysis and final delivery of the software. The emotion analysis system was built through Facial Recognition of Emotions RFE (Affectiva), Electroencephalography EEG evaluation (Emotiv), protocol management system and automatic Kuder test evaluation. Results: A methodology based on RFE and EEG was consolidated for the analysis of emotions in vocational orientation processes of university students. The application of the Kuder test was automated. A computational tool was developed for the presentation of protocols, monitoring of emotions with RFE and EEG. The tool was validated with 25 test subjects, who responded to the Kuder test and were evaluated using the tool while observing stimulation protocols associated with their areas of interest and non-interest. The acquired data were analyzed and the effectiveness of the tool was found, finding a percentage of affinity with the vocational orientation test with a hit rate close to 85%, specificity of 87% and sensitivity of 88%, results of value for an environment of high variability.Conclusions: It was possible to consolidate a methodology based on RFE and EEG analysis to complement vocational orientation tests. The Kuder test was used as a reference medium, which allowed validating the ability of the method to identify emotions while observing stimulation protocols associated with areas of vocational performance. The proposed methodology can be used as a complement in vocational orientation processes and as a quick test to find affinity between the evaluated and the different areas of interest