75 research outputs found

    Graph Analytics Methods In Feature Engineering

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    High-dimensional data sets can be difficult to visualize and analyze, while data in low-dimensional space tend to be more accessible. In order to aid visualization of the underlying structure of a dataset, the dimension of the dataset is reduced. The simplest approach to accomplish this task of dimensionality reduction is by a random projection of the data. Even though this approach allows some degree of visualization of the underlying structure, it is possible to lose more interesting underlying structure within the data. In order to address this concern, various supervised and unsupervised linear dimensionality reduction algorithms have been designed, such as Principal Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis. These methods can be powerful, but often miss important non-linear structure in the data. In this thesis, manifold learning approaches to dimensionality reduction are developed. These approaches combine both linear and non-linear methods of dimension reduction

    A Multilevel Road Alignment Model for Spatial-Query-by-Sketch

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    A sketch map represents an individual’s perception of a specific location. However, the information in sketch maps is often distorted and incomplete. Nevertheless, the main roads of a given location often exhibit considerable similarities between the sketch maps and metric maps. In this work, a shape-based approach was outlined to align roads in the sketch maps and metric maps. Specifically, the shapes of main roads were compared and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in three levels pertaining to an individual road, composite road, and road scene. An experiment was performed in which for eight out of nine maps sketched by our participants, accurate road maps could be obtained automatically taking as input the sketch and the metric map. The experimental results indicate that accurate matches can be obtained when the proposed road alignment approach Shape-based Spatial-Query-by-Sketch (SSQbS) is applied to incomplete or distorted roads present in sketch maps and even to roads with an inconsistent spatial relationship with the roads in the metric maps. Moreover, highly similar matches can be obtained for sketches involving fewer roads

    Courbure discrète : théorie et applications

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    International audienceThe present volume contains the proceedings of the 2013 Meeting on discrete curvature, held at CIRM, Luminy, France. The aim of this meeting was to bring together researchers from various backgrounds, ranging from mathematics to computer science, with a focus on both theory and applications. With 27 invited talks and 8 posters, the conference attracted 70 researchers from all over the world. The challenge of finding a common ground on the topic of discrete curvature was met with success, and these proceedings are a testimony of this wor

    Automatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite Imagery

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    Recent advances in the availability of very high-resolution (VHR) satellite data together with efficient data acquisition and large area coverage have led to an upward trend in their applications for automatic 3-D building model reconstruction which require large-scale and frequent updates, such as disaster monitoring and urban management. Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generated from stereo satellite imagery suffer from mismatches, missing values, or blunders, resulting in rough building shape representations. To handle 3-D building model reconstruction using such low-quality DSMs, we propose a novel automatic multistage hybrid method using DSMs together with orthorectified panchromatic (PAN) and pansharpened data (PS) of multispectral (MS) satellite imagery. The algorithm consists of multiple steps including building boundary extraction and decomposition, image-based roof type classification, and initial roof parameter computation which are prior knowledge for the 3-D model fitting step. To fit 3-D models to the normalized DSM (nDSM) and to select the best one, a parameter optimization method based on exhaustive search is used sequentially in 2-D and 3-D. Finally, the neighboring building models in a building block are intersected to reconstruct the 3-D model of connecting roofs. All corresponding experiments are conducted on a dataset including four different areas of Munich city containing 208 buildings with different degrees of complexity. The results are evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively. According to the results, the proposed approach can reliably reconstruct 3-D building models, even the complex ones with several inner yards and multiple orientations. Furthermore, the proposed approach provides a high level of automation by limiting the number of primitive roof types and by performing automatic parameter initialization

    Designing of objects using smooth cubic splines

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    Contribuciones sobre métodos óptimos y subóptimos de aproximaciones poligonales de curvas 2-D

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    Esta tesis versa sobre el an álisis de la forma de objetos 2D. En visión articial existen numerosos aspectos de los que se pueden extraer información. Uno de los más usados es la forma o el contorno de esos objetos. Esta característica visual de los objetos nos permite, mediante el procesamiento adecuado, extraer información de los objetos, analizar escenas, etc. No obstante el contorno o silueta de los objetos contiene información redundante. Este exceso de datos que no aporta nuevo conocimiento debe ser eliminado, con el objeto de agilizar el procesamiento posterior o de minimizar el tamaño de la representación de ese contorno, para su almacenamiento o transmisión. Esta reducción de datos debe realizarse sin que se produzca una pérdida de información importante para representación del contorno original. Se puede obtener una versión reducida de un contorno eliminando puntos intermedios y uniendo los puntos restantes mediante segmentos. Esta representación reducida de un contorno se conoce como aproximación poligonal. Estas aproximaciones poligonales de contornos representan, por tanto, una versión comprimida de la información original. El principal uso de las mismas es la reducción del volumen de información necesario para representar el contorno de un objeto. No obstante, en los últimos años estas aproximaciones han sido usadas para el reconocimiento de objetos. Para ello los algoritmos de aproximaci ón poligonal se han usado directamente para la extracci ón de los vectores de caracter ísticas empleados en la fase de aprendizaje. Las contribuciones realizadas por tanto en esta tesis se han centrado en diversos aspectos de las aproximaciones poligonales. En la primera contribución se han mejorado varios algoritmos de aproximaciones poligonales, mediante el uso de una fase de preprocesado que acelera estos algoritmos permitiendo incluso mejorar la calidad de las soluciones en un menor tiempo. En la segunda contribución se ha propuesto un nuevo algoritmo de aproximaciones poligonales que obtiene soluciones optimas en un menor espacio de tiempo que el resto de métodos que aparecen en la literatura. En la tercera contribución se ha propuesto un algoritmo de aproximaciones que es capaz de obtener la solución óptima en pocas iteraciones en la mayor parte de los casos. Por último, se ha propuesto una versi ón mejorada del algoritmo óptimo para obtener aproximaciones poligonales que soluciona otro problema de optimización alternativo.This thesis focus on the analysis of the shape of objects. In computer vision there are several sources from which we can extract information. One of the most important source of information is the shape or contour of objects. This visual characteristic can be used to extract information, analyze the scene, etc. However, the contour of the objects contains redundant information. This redundant data does not add new information and therefore, must be deleted in order to minimize the processing burden and reducing the amount of data to represent that shape. This reduction of data should be done without losing important information to represent the original contour. A reduced version of a contour can be obtained by deleting some points of the contour and linking the remaining points by using line segments. This reduced version of a contour is known as polygonal approximation in the literature. Therefore, these polygonal approximation represent a compressed version of the original information. The main use of polygonal approximations is to reduce the amount of information needed to represent the contour of an object. However, in recent years polygonal approximations have been used to recognize objects. For this purpose, the feature vectors have been extracted from the polygonal approximations. The contributions proposed in this thesis have focused on several aspects of polygonal approximations. The rst contribution has improved several algorithms to obtain polygonal approximations, by adding a new stage of preprocessing which boost the whole method. The quality of the solutions obtained has also been improved and the computation time reduced. The second contribution proposes a novel algorithm which obtains optimal polygonal approximations in a shorter time than the optimal methods found in the literature. The third contribution proposes a new method which may obtain the optimal solution after few iterations in most cases. Finally, an improved version of the optimal polygonal approximation algorithm has been proposed to solve an alternative optimization problem