3 research outputs found

    Et helhetlig pasientforløp: Hvordan kan sykepleiere sikre god kvalitet på pasientforløpet ved bruk av PLO?

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    Et av målene til samhandlingsreformen er at elektronisk kommunikasjon skal være den foretrukne måten å kommunisere på. PLO (Pleie- og omsorgsmeldinger) er tatt i bruk for at informasjonsutveksling og samhandling mellom spesialisthelsetjenesten og kommunehelsetjenesten skal sikre god kvalitet gjennom pasientforløpet. Forskning viser at bruk av PLO-meldinger er en integrert del av arbeidsoppgavene til sykepleiere. Likevel viser forskningen at telefonen ofte er brukt som supplerende verktøy i utveksling av pasientinformasjon. Dette er en litteraturstudie som har fokus på hvordan sykepleiere kan sikre god kvalitet på pasientforløpet ved bruk av PLO-meldinger. Problemstillingen blir drøftet opp mot funn i forskningsartiklene, relevant pensumlitteratur og egne erfaringer gjennom praksisperiodene. Funn i forskningsartiklene tyder på at kommunikasjon med bruk av PLO-meldinger er blitt mer effektiv. Videre hevdes det at det er utfordringer knyttet til kvaliteten i innholdet til PLO-meldingene. Konklusjonen på oppgaven er at det trengs mer fokus på kompetanseheving for å øke kvaliteten på informasjonsutvekslingen

    Nurses’ experiences of transitions of older patients from hospitals to community care. A nation-wide survey in Norway

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    Moving older patients from hospitals to community services is a critical phase of integrated care. Yet there has been little large-scale research on the quality of these transitions. We investigated how Norwegian nurses working in community care services (N = 4,312) and at in-patient wards at hospitals (N = 2,421) experienced the quality of transitions of older patients from hospitals to community care. We tested hypotheses derived from qualitative research and consistent with predictions, we found that compared to hospital nurses, the nurses working in community care experienced lower quality of patient transitions and were less satisfied with information exchange on patients’ condition and needs. Further, when comparing groups of community nurses, we confirmed the hypothesis that nurses in home nursing were more dissatisfied with the quality of transitions and information exchange than nurses in nursing homes. We conclude that hospital nurses should have more face-to-face or telephone contact with community nurses, and specifically with home nurses. Further, we suggest that means are implemented to promote a mutual understanding of the older patients’ pathway from one service to the other, and to improve co-ordination across the services

    Digitalized Discharge Planning between Hospitals and Municipal Health Care

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    The use of digitalized collaboration between levels of care is expected to improve coordination in patients' transitions. The aim of this study was to investigate how safe and effective e-messages were regarding discharge planning between hospital nurses and the municipal level of administration. A nationwide survey was conducted among 2 431 Norwegian nurses working in inpatient wards in general hospitals. A majority (86%) of the nurses used e-messages as their main mode of communication with the administration when older patients were discharged. Most nurses (73%) found that e-messages were effective in their collaboration, and that e-messages ensured safe discharge for older patients (65%). More than half of the nurses reported being satisfied with the collaboration with the administration. E-messages supported hospital nurses in their discharge planning for older patients. However, they sometimes needed to use the telephone to exchange additional and more detailed information.publishedVersionThis article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0)