169 research outputs found

    Hardware Implementation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Vibrating Beam Gyroscope

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    Obtaining the approximation of rotation rate form a Z-Axis MEMS gyroscope is a challenging problem. Currently, most commercially available MEMS gyroscopes are operating in an open-loop for purposes of simplicity and cost reduction. However, MEMS gyroscopes are still fairly expensive and are not robust during operation. The purpose of this research was to develop a high-performance and low-cost MEMS gyroscope using analog Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) system. By designing and implementing analog ADRC both above requirements were satisfied. Analog ADRC provides the fastest response time possible (because the circuit is analog), eliminates both internal and external disturbances, and increases the bandwidth of the gyroscope beyond its natural frequency. On the other hand, the overall design is extremely economical, given that the system is built using pure active and passive analog components. This work, besides achieving high-performance and providing low-cost solution, furnishes two novel designs concepts. First, Active Disturbance Rejection Controller can now be build using pure analog circuit, which has never been done before. Second, it is the first time that the advanced controller has been successfully implemented in hardware to control an inertial rate sensor like gyroscope. This work provides a novel solution to applications that require high-performance and low-cost inertial sensor

    Hardware Implementation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Vibrating Beam Gyroscope

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    Obtaining the approximation of rotation rate form a Z-Axis MEMS gyroscope is a challenging problem. Currently, most commercially available MEMS gyroscopes are operating in an open-loop for purposes of simplicity and cost reduction. However, MEMS gyroscopes are still fairly expensive and are not robust during operation. The purpose of this research was to develop a high-performance and low-cost MEMS gyroscope using analog Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) system. By designing and implementing analog ADRC both above requirements were satisfied. Analog ADRC provides the fastest response time possible (because the circuit is analog), eliminates both internal and external disturbances, and increases the bandwidth of the gyroscope beyond its natural frequency. On the other hand, the overall design is extremely economical, given that the system is built using pure active and passive analog components. This work, besides achieving high-performance and providing low-cost solution, furnishes two novel designs concepts. First, Active Disturbance Rejection Controller can now be build using pure analog circuit, which has never been done before. Second, it is the first time that the advanced controller has been successfully implemented in hardware to control an inertial rate sensor like gyroscope. This work provides a novel solution to applications that require high-performance and low-cost inertial sensor

    CMOS systems and circuits for sub-degree per hour MEMS gyroscopes

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    The objective of our research is to develop system architectures and CMOS circuits that interface with high-Q silicon microgyroscopes to implement navigation-grade angular rate sensors. The MEMS sensor used in this work is an in-plane bulk-micromachined mode-matched tuning fork gyroscope (M² – TFG ), fabricated on silicon-on-insulator substrate. The use of CMOS transimpedance amplifiers (TIA) as front-ends in high-Q MEMS resonant sensors is explored. A T-network TIA is proposed as the front-end for resonant capacitive detection. The T-TIA provides on-chip transimpedance gains of 25MΩ, has a measured capacitive resolution of 0.02aF /√Hz at 15kHz, a dynamic range of 104dB in a bandwidth of 10Hz and consumes 400μW of power. A second contribution is the development of an automated scheme to adaptively bias the mechanical structure, such that the sensor is operated in the mode-matched condition. Mode-matching leverages the inherently high quality factors of the microgyroscope, resulting in significant improvement in the Brownian noise floor, electronic noise, sensitivity and bias drift of the microsensor. We developed a novel architecture that utilizes the often ignored residual quadrature error in a gyroscope to achieve and maintain perfect mode-matching (i.e.0Hz split between the drive and sense mode frequencies), as well as electronically control the sensor bandwidth. A CMOS implementation is developed that allows mode-matching of the drive and sense frequencies of a gyroscope at a fraction of the time taken by current state of-the-art techniques. Further, this mode-matching technique allows for maintaining a controlled separation between the drive and sense resonant frequencies, providing a means of increasing sensor bandwidth and dynamic range. The mode-matching CMOS IC, implemented in a 0.5μm 2P3M process, and control algorithm have been interfaced with a 60μm thick M2−TFG to implement an angular rate sensor with bias drift as low as 0.1°/hr ℃ the lowest recorded to date for a silicon MEMS gyro.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Farrokh Ayazi; Committee Member: Jennifer Michaels; Committee Member: Levent Degertekin; Committee Member: Paul Hasler; Committee Member: W. Marshall Leac

    Hardware Implementation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Vibrating Beam Gyroscope

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    Obtaining the approximation of rotation rate form a Z-Axis MEMS gyroscope is a challenging problem. Currently, most commercially available MEMS gyroscopes are operating in an open-loop for purposes of simplicity and cost reduction. However, MEMS gyroscopes are still fairly expensive and are not robust during operation. The purpose of this research was to develop a high-performance and low-cost MEMS gyroscope using analog Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) system. By designing and implementing analog ADRC both above requirements were satisfied. Analog ADRC provides the fastest response time possible (because the circuit is analog), eliminates both internal and external disturbances, and increases the bandwidth of the gyroscope beyond its natural frequency. On the other hand, the overall design is extremely economical, given that the system is built using pure active and passive analog components. This work, besides achieving high-performance and providing low-cost solution, furnishes two novel designs concepts. First, Active Disturbance Rejection Controller can now be build using pure analog circuit, which has never been done before. Second, it is the first time that the advanced controller has been successfully implemented in hardware to control an inertial rate sensor like gyroscope. This work provides a novel solution to applications that require high-performance and low-cost inertial sensor

    Thin-Film AlN-on-Silicon Resonant Gyroscopes: Design, Fabrication, and Eigenmode Operation

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    Resonant MEMS gyroscopes have been rapidly adopted in various consumer, industrial, and automotive applications thanks to the significant improvements in their performance over the past decade. The current efforts in enhancing the performance of high-precision resonant gyroscopes are mainly focused on two seemingly contradictory metrics, larger bandwidth and lower noise level, to push the technology towards navigation applications. The key enabling factor for the realization of low-noise high-bandwidth resonant gyroscopes is the utilization of a strong electromechanical transducer at high frequencies. Thin-film piezoelectric-on-silicon technology provides a very efficient transduction mechanism suitable for implementation of bulk-mode resonant gyroscopes without the need for submicron capacitive gaps or large DC polarization voltages. More importantly, in-air operation of piezoelectric devices at moderate Q values allows for the cointegration of mode-matched gyroscopes and accelerometers on a common substrate for inertial measurement units. This work presents the design, fabrication, characterization, and method of mode matching of piezoelectric-on-silicon resonant gyroscopes. The degenerate in-plane flexural vibration mode shapes of the resonating structure are demonstrated to have a strong gyroscopic coupling as well as a large piezoelectric transduction coefficient. Eigenmode operation of resonant gyroscopes is introduced as the modal alignment technique for the piezoelectric devices independently of the transduction mechanism. Controlled displacement feedback is also employed as the frequency matching technique to accomplish complete mode matching of the piezoelectric gyroscopes.Ph.D

    Interface Circuit for a Multiple-Beam Tuning-Fork Gyroscope with High Quality Factors

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    This research work presents the design, theoretical analysis, fabrication, interface electronics, and experimental results of a Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) based Multiple-Beam Tuning-Fork Gyroscope (MB-TFG). Based on a numerical model of Thermo-Elastic Damping (TED), a Multiple-Beam Tuning-Fork Structure (MB-TFS) is designed with high Quality factors (Qs) in its two operation modes. A comprehensive theoretical analysis of the MB-TFG design is conducted to relate the design parameters to its operation parameters and further performance parameters. In conjunction with a mask that defines the device through trenches to alleviate severe fabrication effect on anchor loss, a simple one-mask fabrication process is employed to implement this MB-TFG design on SOI wafers. The fabricated MB-TFGs are tested with PCB-level interface electronics and a thorough comparison between the experimental results and a theoretical analysis is conducted to verify the MB-TFG design and accurately interpret the measured performance. The highest measured Qs of the fabricated MB-TFGs in vacuum are 255,000 in the drive-mode and 103,000 in the sense-mode, at a frequency of 15.7kHz. Under a frequency difference of 4Hz between the two modes (operation frequency is 16.8kHz) and a drive-mode vibration amplitude of 3.0μm, the measured rate sensitivity is 80μVpp/°/s with an equivalent impedance of 6MΩ. The calculated overall rate resolution of this device is 0.37/°hr/√Hz, while the measured Angle Random Walk (ARW) and bias instability are 6.67°/\u27√hr and 95°/hr, respectively

    Degree-per-hour mode-matched micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscopes

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    The objective of this research dissertation is to design and implement two novel micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscopes, which attempt to incorporate all the necessary attributes of sub-deg/hr noise performance requirements in a single framework: large resonant mass, high drive-mode oscillation amplitudes, large device capacitance (coupled with optimized electronics), and high-Q resonant mode-matched operation. Mode-matching leverages the high-Q (mechanical gain) of the operating modes of the gyroscope and offers significant improvements in mechanical and electronic noise floor, sensitivity, and bias stability. The first micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscope presented in this work is the resonating star gyroscope (RSG): a novel Class-II shell-type structure which utilizes degenerate flexural modes. After an iterative cycle of design optimization, an RSG prototype was implemented using a multiple-shell approach on (111) SOI substrate. Experimental data indicates sub-5 deg/hr Allan deviation bias instability operating under a mode-matched operating Q of 30,000 at 23ºC (in vacuum). The second micromachined silicon vibratory gyroscope presented in this work is the mode-matched tuning fork gyroscope (M2-TFG): a novel Class-I tuning fork structure which utilizes in-plane non-degenerate resonant flexural modes. Operated under vacuum, the M2-TFG represents the first reported high-Q perfectly mode-matched operation in Class-I vibratory microgyroscope. Experimental results of device implemented on (100) SOI substrate demonstrates sub-deg/hr Allan deviation bias instability operating under a mode-matched operating Q of 50,000 at 23ºC. In an effort to increase capacitive aspect ratio, a new fabrication technology was developed that involved the selective deposition of doped-polysilicon inside the capacitive sensing gaps (SPD Process). By preserving the structural composition integrity of the flexural springs, it is possible to accurately predict the operating-mode frequencies while maintaining high-Q operation. Preliminary characterization of vacuum-packaged prototypes was performed. Initial results demonstrated high-Q mode-matched operation, excellent thermal stability, and sub-deg/hr Allan variance bias instability.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. Farrokh Ayazi; Committee Member: Dr. Mark G. Allen; Committee Member: Dr. Oliver Brand; Committee Member: Dr. Paul A. Kohl; Committee Member: Dr. Thomas E. Michael

    Characterization of MEMS Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscopes

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    A MEMS Gyroscope is a micromachined inertial sensor that can measure the angle of orientation or the angular rate of rotation. These devices have the potential to be used in high precision navigation, safety and consumer electronics applications. Due to their complexity, MEMS Gyroscopes are prone to have imperfections that inhibit their full potential. By deeply characterizing these sensors, it is possible to validate fabrication methodologies, apply control circuit mechanisms, and design alternative mechanical structures that improve the performance. In this project, a streamlined methodology for testing and characterizing these devices is presented and executed. Analysis to the obtained results is given. Aditionally, a prototype circuit was designed to operate the sensors in a closed-loop mode. Two families of gyroscopes with different thickness were characterized - 40 m and 100 m. The devices presented low sensitivity thresholds due to the presence of a large quadrature error. A phase sensitive demodulation solution was provided to eliminate this noise source. The 40 m presented an overall better performance. A Python Script to extract key noise performance parameters was also displayed.Giroscópios MEMS são micro sensores inerciais que conseguem medir o ângulo de orientação ou a variação ângular de uma rotação. Estes dispositivos têm o potencial de ser usados em aplicações de alta precisão para sistemas de navegação, segurança e para eletrónica comercial. Devido à sua complexidade, os Giroscópios MEMS são propensos a imperfeições que inibem o seu potencial máximo. Através da caracterização extensa destes sensores, é possível validar as metodologias de fabricação, aplicar circuitos de controlo e projetar estruturas mecânicas alternativas que melhorem a sua performance. Neste projeto é apresentada uma metodologia substanciada para testar e caracterizar estes dispositivos. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados. Adicionalmente, foi desenhado um protótipo de um circuito que opera os sensores em circuito fechado. Duas famílias de giroscópios com diferentes espessuras foram caracterizadas - 40 m e 100 m. Os dispositivos apresentaram baixos graus de sensibilidade devido a uma forte influência do erro de quadratura. Foi aplicada uma demodulação sensível à fase para melhoramento da performance. Um programa em Python para extrair parâmetros de ruído na resposta é apresentado

    Characterization, Control and Compensation of MEMS Rate and Rate-Integrating Gyroscopes.

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    Inertial sensing has important applications in navigation, safety, and entertainment. Areas of active research include improved device structures, control schemes, tuning methods, and detection paradigms. A powerful and flexible characterization and control system built on commercial programmable hardware is especially needed for studying mode-matched gyroscopes and rate-integrated gyroscopes. A gyroscope can be operated in a mode-matched rate-mode for increased sensitivity or rate-integrating mode for greatly increased dynamic range and bandwidth, however control is challenging and the performance is sensitive to the matching of the modes. This thesis proposes a system built on open and inexpensive software-defined radio (SDR) hardware and open source software for gyroscope characterization and control. The characterization system measures ring-down of devices with damping times and automatically tunes the vibration modes from over 40 Hz mismatch to better than 100 mHz in 3 minutes. When used for rate-gyroscope operation the system provides an FPGA implementation of rate gyroscope control with amplitude, rate and quadrature closed-loop control in the SDR hardware which demonstrates 400% improvement in noise and stability over open-loop operation. The system also operates in a RIG mode with hybrid software/firmware control and demonstrates continuous operation for several hours, unlike previous systems which are limited by the gyroscope ring-down time. The hybrid mode also has a simulation module for development of advanced gyroscope control algorithms. Advanced controls proposed for RIG operation show over 1000% improvement in effective frequency and damping mismatch in simulation and 25% reduction in drift due to damping mismatch in a test RIG. By tuning the compensation, the drift can be reduced by almost 90%, with worst case drift decreased to -41 deg/s and RMS drift to -21 deg/s. Harmonic analysis of the anisotropy in a rate-integrating gyroscope measured with this control system is presented to guide development of new error models which will further improve performance.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/96121/1/jagregor_1.pd