93 research outputs found

    Hari Panicker and Deepti Nair

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    Wycinanki: Production of a Non-Photorealistic Rendered Short Film

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    Animals have traditionally occupied a special role in human culture and media, and are also often the focus of today\u27s computer-animated films. The computer graphics (CG) short, Wycinanki, examines the human-animal bond through the story of a woman who rescues animals in Poland. Additionally, Wycinanki draws on the cultural history of its protagonist with its unique paper-cut render style. The goal of this film is to engage viewers and enhance the staying power of the film\u27s message via a compelling story and visuals. A significant amount of environment and character development and testing was necessary to translate the 2D art of papercutting into an effective animated CG short. The final render pipeline, while incorporating varying graphics programs and approaches, resulted in efficient renders and composites that satisfied the visual demands of the story

    Library Perspectives, Issue 60, Spring 2019

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    This issue includes items about the Terrell Main Library naming ceremony, author Susan Orlean, the Woodbury Papercut Gift, artist Alexandra Bell, the Neumann Jazz Symposium, and much more.https://digitalcommons.oberlin.edu/perspectives/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Wholetoning: Synthesizing Abstract Black-and-White Illustrations

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    Black-and-white imagery is a popular and interesting depiction technique in the visual arts, in which varying tints and shades of a single colour are used. Within the realm of black-and-white images, there is a set of black-and-white illustrations that only depict salient features by ignoring details, and reduce colour to pure black and white, with no intermediate tones. These illustrations hold tremendous potential to enrich decoration, human communication and entertainment. Producing abstract black-and-white illustrations by hand relies on a time consuming and difficult process that requires both artistic talent and technical expertise. Previous work has not explored this style of illustration in much depth, and simple approaches such as thresholding are insufficient for stylization and artistic control. I use the word wholetoning to refer to illustrations that feature a high degree of shape and tone abstraction. In this thesis, I explore computer algorithms for generating wholetoned illustrations. First, I offer a general-purpose framework, “artistic thresholding”, to control the generation of wholetoned illustrations in an intuitive way. The basic artistic thresholding algorithm is an optimization framework based on simulated annealing to get the final bi-level result. I design an extensible objective function from our observations of a lot of wholetoned images. The objective function is a weighted sum over terms that encode features common to wholetoned illustrations. Based on the framework, I then explore two specific wholetoned styles: papercutting and representational calligraphy. I define a paper-cut design as a wholetoned image with connectivity constraints that ensure that it can be cut out from only one piece of paper. My computer generated papercutting technique can convert an original wholetoned image into a paper-cut design. It can also synthesize stylized and geometric patterns often found in traditional designs. Representational calligraphy is defined as a wholetoned image with the constraint that all depiction elements must be letters. The procedure of generating representational calligraphy designs is formalized as a “calligraphic packing” problem. I provide a semi-automatic technique that can warp a sequence of letters to fit a shape while preserving their readability

    Ángel mortal : Novela gráfica

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    El cómic desde su nacimiento ha sido acogido por las culturas populares, pero en la medida que estaba “bajo tierra”, en lo underground, solo era utilizado como una fuente de ideas a tal punto de que los mismos autores se mantenían al margen de otros artistas y otras artes, dada la estigmatización del título que tenía un creador de cómics. En este proyecto se da una mirada a la historia del cómic y de cómo forma parte de esta investigación; desde sus inicios, sus primeros autores y obras más representativas que dieron pie a la evolución del nombre y contenido del mismo término, dando paso al de Novela Gráfica, los impactos que se han generado y demostrar el cambio significativo que ha traído consigo este nuevo nombre. En función a la creación de la novela gráfica Ángel Mortal –objetivo central del proyecto-, se cuenta con varios autores que desde su disciplina y con sus teorías, brindan importante aporte conceptual. En el libro de “La Novela Gráfica” de Santiago García pasaremos un recuento visto desde el punto de vista comercial y comunicativo hasta la magnificencia de obras literarias llevadas a representaciones gráficas. Will Eisner en “El cómic y el Arte Secuencial” aporta a la realización de proyecto dando un uso adecuado a los fundamentos y bases necesarias, desde la creación del Guion, hasta la Visualización de cada una de las viñetas de forma tal que sea una Composición agradable para el Lector. “La creación de personajes para novela gráfica” de Alexander Danner ofrece un panorama sobre los diferentes puntos de vista que se deben tener en cuenta al momento de realizar la obra. Así pues en este proyecto se lleva a cabo la investigación necesaria para la elaboración de los personajes apoyados en nuestro cotidiano, buscados de acuerdo a intereses para el desarrollo de la novela

    Metamorphosis of a butterfly: Neo-liberal subjectivation and queer autonomy in Xiyadie's papercutting art

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    © 2019 Intellect Ltd Article. Celebrated as ‘China’s Tom of Finland’, Xiyadie is probably one of the best-known queer artists living in China today. His identity as a gay man from rural China and his method of using the Chinese folk art of papercutting for queer artistic expression make him a unique figure in contemporary Chinese art. As the first academic article on the artist and his works, this article examines Xiyadie’s transformation of identity in life and his representation of queer experiences through the art of papercutting. Using a critical biographical approach, in tandem with an analysis of his representative artworks, I examine the transformation of Xiyadie’s identity from a folk artist to a queer artist. In doing so, I delineate the transformation and reification of human subjectivity and creativity under transnational capitalism. Meanwhile, I also seek possible means of desubjectivation and human agency under neo-liberal capitalism by considering the role of art in this picture. This article situates Xiyadie’s life and artworks in a postsocialist context where class politics gave way to identity politics in cultural production. It calls for a reinvigoration of Marxist and socialist perspectives for a nuanced critical understanding of contemporary art production and social identities

    Bits & Pieces

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    Perancangan Visual Promosi Museum R.A Kartini Rembang

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    Museum R.A. Kartini merupakan museum sejarah. Museum memiliki fungsi sebagai tempat wisata edukatif yang dapat memberikan informasi kepada pengunjungnya. Di Indonesia, Museum R.A. Kartini terdapat di dua lokasi berbeda yaitu Rembang dan Jepara. Namun masih banyak masyarakat yang hanya mengetahui bahwa Museum R.A. kartini hanya berlokasi di Kabupaten Jepara. Oleh karena itu dilakukan perancangan visual promosi Museum R.A. Kartini Rembang agar masyarakat mengetahui keberadaan Museum R.A Kartini Rembang

    A motivação e a experiência de fluxo no ensino de artes visuais

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    Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino SecundárioO presente relatório visa contribuir para a compreensão da motivação intrínseca e da experiência fluxo (Csikszentmihaly, 1975) no ensino das artes visuais. O conceito de fluxo, que caracteriza a experiência de envolvimento profundo num desafio, e a teoria da autodeterminação de Deci e Ryan (1985), que caracteriza a motivação como um continuum, são os dois principais modelos teóricos utilizados neste estudo. O desafio pedagógico onde se enquadra o estudo é o projeto coletivo “Ilustra’mar”. A partir desta atividade, pretende-se analisar a variação da motivação intrínseca dos alunos e como esta influencia o seu desempenho, permitindo que estes experienciem o fluxo, o que implica o prazer na aprendizagem. A metodologia assenta na análise dos dados, comparando os resultados obtidos nos dois questionários entregues aos alunos no inicio e no fim da atividade, cruzados com os dados da observação participante e os dados da avaliação final dos trabalhos dos alunos. Do cruzamento e análise da informação apurou-se que a participação no desafio “Ilustra’mar” possibilitou aos alunos a identificação um numero significativo de componentes identificados por Csikszentmihaly para definir uma experiência de fluxo: equilíbrio entre desafios e habilidades, objetivos claros, concentração na atividade, controlo da situação e distorção do tempo. Foi ainda possível observar que o estudo teve repercussões positivas no comportamento e motivação intrínseca dos alunos para a disciplina de Educação Visual no 9ºano.The present report aims to contribute to the understanding of inherent motivation and the flow experience (Csikszentmihaly, 1975) in the teaching of the visual arts. The concept of flow, that characterizes the experience of deep involvement in a challenge, and the self-determination theory by Deci and Ryan (1985), that characterizes the motivation as a continuum, are the two major theoretical models used in this study. The pedagogical challenge, in which the study is framed, is the collective project “Ilustra’mar”. For this activity, it is intended to analyze the variation of the inherent motivation of the students and how it influences their performances, allowing them to experience the flow, which implies the pleasure in learning. The methodology is determined upon data analysis, by comparing the results obtained in the two questionnaires handed to the students, both at the beginning and ending of the activity and cross-checking them with data about participant observation and data related to the final evaluation of the students’ works. From the cross-check and analysis of the information, it came clear that the participation in the challenge “Ilustra’mar” made possible to the students to identify a significant number of components, previously identified by Csikszentmihaly to define a flow experience: equilibrium between challenges and skills, clear objectives, focus on the activity, control of the situation and distortion of the sense time. Nevertheless, it was possible to verify that this study had positive repercussions in the behaviour and intrinsic motivation of the students who attend the 9th form in the Visual Education discipline

    The Preservation of Memory

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