47 research outputs found

    Patterns within Patterns within the Smart Living Experience

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    Modern technology is increasingly being employed to create a “smart” living experience. These “smart” technology entities are producing copious of amounts data, which in turn rely on increased storage, distribution and computation capacity to manage the data. Depending on the scenario, the diversity of piecemeal solutions almost reflects the diversity of problems they address. But some solutions can be reapplied. In the field of computing, design patterns can provide a general, reusable solution to commonly recurring problems within a given context through software design. This work seeks to determine the core elements of a technology-independent design pattern format and an open software framework can be developed to capture, share and redeploy existing successful and reusable strategies for commonly encountered smart environment use cases. Applying in areas such as assistive technology, energy management and environmental monitoring. The underpinning notion of this paper is to introduce “how, where and why” a rule set based in “design pattern” format could contribute to describe a general “understanding” of given cases in the smart environment domain, as well as allow different processes to collaborate with each other

    Real World Bayesian Optimization Using Robots to Clean Liquid Spills

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    Developing robots that can contribute to cleaning could have a significant impact on the lives of many. Cleaning wet liquid spills is a particularly challenging task for a robotic system, and has several high impact applications. This is a hard task to physically model due to the complex interactions between cleaning materials and the surface. As such, to the authors' knowledge there has been no prior work in this area. A new method for finding optimal control parameters for the cleaning of liquid spills is required by developing a robotic system which iteratively learns to clean through physical experimentation. The robot creates a liquid spill, cleans and assesses performance and uses Bayesian optimization to find the optimal control parameters for a given size of liquid spill. The automation process enabled the experiment to be repeated more than 400 times over 20 hours to find the optimal wiping control parameters for many different conditions. We then show that these solutions can be extrapolated for different spill conditions. The optimized control parameters showed reliable and accurate performances, which in some cases, outperformed humans at the same task.This work was supported by BEKO PLC and Symphony Kitchens. We are especially thankful for the valuable inputs from Dr Graham Anderson and Dr Natasha Conway

    Patterns and Pattern Sites in HCI: An Analysis

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    Interest in patterns and pattern languages in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) continues. However, many of the questions and concerns in this area have yet to be addressed. These questions and concerns include lack of empirical evidence to support the claimed benefits, lack of a standard pattern format, and lack of an organizing principle. This paper describes an analysis of the design of pattern websites and their respective patterns. A systematic online search using multiple search engines and multiple search phrases was conducted in attempt to further understand the current state of affairs, including pattern format and organizing principles. The results suggest that the community has yet to adopt a standard pattern format. Although, the essence of Alexander’s patterns was found in most patterns. The findings highlight the progress that we, as a community, have made in some areas, but remind us that there is work to do in other areas

    Exploring Design Patterns as Evaluation Tools in Human Computer Interaction Education

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    In Human Computer Interaction (HCI), interest in design patterns and pattern languages has continued for decades. There are many potential benefits of design patterns and pattern languages described in the literature including reuse of quality solutions, providing a lingua franca, and their application as both design and evaluation tools. However, there is still a lack of empirical evidence in this area. Many of the questions and concerns raised in this area have yet to be addressed. Dearden and Finlay in their 2006 critical review provide an agenda that includes exploring appropriate ways to use pattern languages in education and design. This work explores the use of design patterns in HCI education and the use of design patterns as evaluation tools. The results of this exploration suggest that design patterns may be an effective tool to educate novice designers and design patterns may useful in evaluating designs

    A Wideband Reconfigurable Antenna with 360° Beam Steering for 802.11ac WLAN Applications

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    © 1963-2012 IEEE. A novel 360° beam steering patch antenna with parasitic elements is presented in this paper. The designed antenna consists of a radiating patch and six parasitic elements, each of which is connected through a group of shorting vias controlled by p-i-n diode switches. By switching on the desired groups of the shorting vias, the electric field distribution inside substrate cavity appears at the desired beam direction. Rotationally switching on the groups of the shorting vias, the performance of 360° beam scanning is realized. To further understand operating mechanism, the antenna is modeled with equivalent circuit in terms of the on and off status of a sector of the antenna, which can be used as a design guide for shorting-vias-controlled reconfigurable microstrip patch antennas. The fabricated antenna achieves a bandwidth of 14.5%, a peak gain of 10 dBi, and the efficiency of 80.5%. The achieved beamwidths are 42° and 97° in azimuth and elevation planes, respectively. With an ability of being steered around zenith axis at six directions, the scanned beam range covers the entire 360°. The physical dimension is only 2.5 λg for the size and 0.5λg for the profile. This antenna operates from 5.1 to 5.9 GHz and has significant meaning in the IEEE 802.11ac wireless local area network applications due to its capabilities of generating 360° steered beams

    Computer Simulation of Human-Robot Collaboration in the Context of Industry Revolution 4.0

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    The essential role of robot simulation for industrial robots, in particular the collaborative robots is presented in this chapter. We begin by discussing the robot utilization in the industry which includes mobile robots, arm robots, and humanoid robots. The author emphasizes the application of collaborative robots in regard to industry revolution 4.0. Then, we present how the collaborative robot utilization in the industry can be achieved through computer simulation by means of virtual robots in simulated environments. The robot simulation presented here is based on open dynamic engine (ODE) using anyKode Marilou. The author surveys on the use of dynamic simulations in application of collaborative robots toward industry 4.0. Due to the challenging problems which related to humanoid robots for collaborative robots and behavior in human-robot collaboration, the use of robot simulation may open the opportunities in collaborative robotic research in the context of industry 4.0. As developing a real collaborative robot is still expensive and time-consuming, while accessing commercial collaborative robots is relatively limited; thus, the development of robot simulation can be an option for collaborative robotic research and education purposes

    A game theoretical randomized method for large-scale systems partitioning

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, a game theory-based partitioning algorithm for large-scale systems (LSS) is proposed. More specifically, a game over nodes is introduced in a model predictive control framework. The Shapley value of this game is used to rank the communication links of the control network based on their impact on the overall system performance. A randomized method to estimate the Shapley value of each node and also an efficient redistribution of the resulting value to the links involved are considered to relieve the combinatorial explosion issues related to LSS. Once the partitioning solution is obtained, a sensitivity analysis is proposed to give a measure of its performance. Likewise, a greedy fine tuning procedure is considered to increase the optimality of the partitioning results. The full Barcelona drinking water network (DWN) is analyzed as a real LSS case study showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison with other partitioning schemes available in the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Implementation of a Smart Antenna System for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) nodes are usually equipped with omnidirectional antennas, so the transmission energy is irradiated uniformly throughout the space surrounding the node and a sensible amount of energy is wasted if the sender requires to communicate only with a subset of the nodes in its physical proximity. In several applications, the network nodes are randomly deployed, therefore the whole wireless architecture should be characterized by a highly-dynamic and reconfigurable topology for guaranteeing an energy-efficient transmission. The integration of smart antenna system (SAS) in wireless sensor networks is a challenging and very attractive technical solution to improve the system capacity, the quality of service, and the power control. In this paper, we create a view of ground with nodes by using MATLAB, firstly nodes composed with Omnidirectional Antenna System (OAS) and secondly nodes composed of SAS, then we compare active communication using (SAS) and active communication using (OAS). The energy efficiency to bring by smart antenna system is described