16 research outputs found

    Управління цифровою трансформацією освіти: сучасний науковий дискурс

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    The article considers the scientific method of implementation and management of digital transformation of higher education, including technological, methodological and economic aspects. The problem field of introduction of new digital models and introduction of managerial experience is considered.Recent research proves the separation of digital transformation as a new area of scientific interest for management development researchers, as well as a new research paradigm. This transformation is undoubtedly interesting and promising, as it contains many aspects and components. The main reasons for slow implementation are the complexity of the problem, the lack of data for decision-making and the uncertainty of economic impact in the future. In the educational environment, this process is slower, perhaps due to fears that such transformation processes will disrupt the traditional academic model that has developed over many years and has been relevant and effective in an era of industrial growth for many years.The relevance of further research is confirmed by the fact that the process of forming a digital market for educational services is not complete. On the one hand, transformation significantly depends on the systematic process of education reform, the availability of clear institutional and public policies. On the other hand, the success of the continued existence and development of educational institutions in the post-pandemic environment will depend on changes in the standard academic paradigm and the introduction of new digital services in combination with quality academic education. Building and implementing new forms and models of education will require managers to take a comprehensive approach and rethink existing norms and standards of governance. JEL classification: O32, O33У статті досліджено наукову рецепцію щодо впровадження та управління цифровою трансформацією вищої освіти, включно з технологічними, методологічними та економічними аспектами. Розглянуто проблеми імплементації нових цифрових освітніх моделей та їх взаємодію з процесами управління вищими навчальними закладами. На основі аналізу теоретичного доробку вітчизняних і закордонних учених актуалізується виокремлення цифрової трансформації як нової сфери наукової парадигми сучасних досліджень у контексті управлінських стратегій та практик вищої школи. Комплексно розглянуто недоліки та переваги цифрової трансформації освітнього середовища. Доведено, що трансформаційні процеси впливають на традиційну академічну модель управління освітнім середовищем, яка складалася роками і довела свою актуальність та ефективність в епоху індустріального зростання. Визначено, що суттєвою проблемою є брак досліджень щодо змін цінностей, корпоративної культури компанії внаслідок цифрової трансформації. Аналізується проблема формування критеріїв/факторів передумов цифрової трансформації закладів вищої освіти, а також їх зв’язок з управлінськими компетенціями та функціоналом. Наведено дані провідних консалтингових компаній світу щодо управління освітніми закладами в період глобалізації та зміни парадигми навчання. За результатами дослідження зроблено висновок, що подальша інноваційність і конкурентоспроможність навчального закладу будуть тісно пов’язані з впровадженням цифрових технологій, які підтримують та трансформують методологію навчального процесу, впливають на ефективність управління навчальним закладом, уможливлюють експериментування з різними формами та моделями освіти – і управління цими процесами відіграватиме ключову роль у системі функціонування сучасного інноваційного освітнього закладу. JEL classification: O32, O3

    Conceptual basis of the digital transformation of education: European and American discourse

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    Застосування цифрових технологій в освіті на сьогодні є однією з найбільш важливих і стійких тенденцій розвитку світового освітнього процесу. Цифрові технології дозволяють інтенсифікувати освітній процес, зробити його мобільним, диференційованим та пристосованим до реалій сучасності. Більш того, цифрові технології здатні забезпечити неперервність навчання в умовах непрогнозованих впливів (наприклад, пандемій). Саме тому ця тема є актуальною у колі європейських та американських освітян. У статті уточнюється значення термінів «оцифрування», «цифровізація», «цифрова трансформація». Незважаючи на те, що терміни є вузькоспеціалізованими та принципово різними, вони часто використовуються як синоніми або у дуже загальному значенні без врахування семантичних особливостей та сутнісних характеристик. Автор також окреслює концептуальні засади цифрової трансформації освіти у поглядах європейських та американських дослідників. Зроблено висновок, що концептуальними засадами цифрової трансформації є системна зміна, яка враховує трансформацію організаційної культури, впровадження нових способів прийняття рішень на основі цифрових даних, підвищення цифрових компетенцій усіх працівників освітнього закладу, використання інструментів підтримки та розвитку дидактичних інновацій, проведення наукової діяльності чи налагодження відносин з учнями за допомогою нових каналів спілкування.The use of digital technologies in education today is one of the most important and sustainable trends in the global educational process. The education sector, modernized by digital technologies, is becoming much more efficient. Digital technologies allow to intensify the educational process, make it mobile, differentiated and adapted to modern realities. Moreover, digital technologies are able to ensure continuity of learning in the face of unpredictable impacts (military conflicts, diseases or pandemics). That is why this topic is relevant among European and American educators. The article clarifies the meaning of the terms "digitization", "digitization", "digital transformation". Although the terms are narrowly specialized and fundamentally different, they are often used as synonyms. The author also outlines the theoretical and conceptual framework of the digital transformation of education in the views of European and American researchers. The modern concept of digital transformation of education is based on the approach to the consideration of digital technologies as a reflection of the modern paradigm of social development when competitiveness and efficiency appear as vital qualities. Today, almost every sector of the social sphere is leveraging the Internet and digital technology. Thanks to technology and digitalization, we are approaching the latest industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0. It also affects education, which is undergoing an evolutionary process (from Education 1.0 to Education 4.0). The driving force of students is recognized as important in the digital transformation of education. Today's students have changed radically, they think and process information fundamentally different than their predecessors, and prefer teaching methods that are more active and specific to them. It is concluded that the digital transformation of education involves a fundamentally new format of the educational environment. The use of digital technologies is a mechanism for ensuring efficiency and increasing productivity in the educational process, and the digital transformation of education appears as a key factor in improving the education system

    Planning for Digital Transformation: Implications for Institutional Enterprise Architecture

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) and its management have received considerable attention from the academic and practical audience. Despite a very wide treatment on EA, research on EA in the academic sector has not received similar attention till date. There is also a growing interest on digital transformation with evidences suggesting that academic institutions have increased their investment into digital technology which prompts a need to reflect on how this technology affects these institutions and the educational processes. In the dissertation, we propose to link these concerns based on three research issues, through which we explore the objectives an academic institute wants to achieve in planning for digital transformation and the necessary institutional readiness factors of a digital enterprise architecture, and then propose a design framework to support the endeavour. The dissertation employs both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. Implications for research and practice are also delineated at the end


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    After the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the world of education, including universities, had to find a solution on how education could continue to run well. During the pandemic, lectures are conducted online. However, after the conditions improved, the lectures were shifted to hybrid learning. The aim of this study was as a self-reflection through the experiences and perspectives of EFL students regarding the application of hybrid learning as an adjustment to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses photo voice as a research methodology involving 5 EFL students from 4 different classes. The results showed that, according to participants, hybrid learning was not the right solution for lectures for one semester. Internet disturbances and the unpreparedness of lecturers in implementing hybrid learning are the causes

    Toward Regional Development: Digital Transformation of Higher Education Institutions

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    This paper presents the findings of a study on digital maturity in higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Empirical research was conducted in 2020. Teachers from eight public higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina were included in the sample. The findings revealed that digital transformation has been ongoing in these institutions for some time, that some results have been achieved, but that digital maturity has not yet been attained. The findings also revealed barriers that must be overcome in order to accelerate digitalization and reap the anticipated benefits


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    Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 memaksa sistem pendidikan secara keseluruhan untuk melakukan transisi darurat dari pembelajaran tatap muka ke pendidikan jarak jauh, yang dikenal sebagai Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Transisi ini memungkinkan institusi untuk melanjutkan pengajaran mereka meskipun secara tidak langsung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman mahasiswa Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia selama ERT yang dimulai karena pandemi COVID-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan survei online berdasarkan model Community of Inquiry (COI) untuk mengevaluasi pengalaman belajar online, meliputi kehadiran kognitif, sosial, dan kehadiran pengajaran. Responden survei terdiri dari 245 mahasiswa yang terdiri dari Angkatan 2019, 2020, dan 2021. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menghadapi tantangan pribadi seperti manajemen waktu yang buruk, kurangnya motivasi, dan keterbatasan akses keuangan untuk koneksi internet. Selain itu, pembelajaran online juga membatasi interaksi sosial dan umpan balik instan dari dosen. Temuan dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang pengalaman mahasiswa dalam lingkungan ini, serta memberikan wawasan yang berguna dalam desain dan integrasi intervensi serupa di masa depan. Penelitian ini juga memiliki kelebihan dalam mengidentifikasi faktor yang memengaruhi kinerja mahasiswa pada pembelajaran praktikum online di masa ERT. Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic forced the education system as a whole to make an emergency transition from face-to-face learning to distance education, known as Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). This transition allows institutions to continue their teaching even if indirectly. This study aims to explore the experiences of students of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education at the Indonesian University of Education during the ERT which began due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method used is a quantitative method using an online survey based on the Community of Inquiry (COI) model to evaluate online learning experiences, including cognitive, social, and teaching presence. The survey respondents consisted of 245 students consisting of Classes of 2019, 2020, and 2021. The study results show that students face personal challenges such as poor time management, lack of motivation, and limited financial access to internet connections. In addition, online learning also limits social interaction and instant feedback from lecturers. The findings from this study can be used to gain a better understanding of students' experiences in this environment, as well as provide useful insights in the design and integration of similar interventions in the future. This research also has advantages in identifying factors that influence student performance in online practicum learning during the ERT period


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    It is seen that changing information and communication technologies affect and even transform things in almost every area of the digital age that we have in conjunction with Industry 4.0 and globalization. These rapid changes and transformations in the world affect education both as a structure and as learning environments. One of these values has been the digital transformation. As the increasing use of technology in every day and learning environments, now most of the students are born to a digital world. In this context, this study was designed with a phenomenological research design as the qualitative approach in order to determine academics' views on digital transformation in education in terms of program and management processes. The working group consists of 20 faculty members working at 9 different universities in the Department of Educational Sciences. The data were collected with a semi-structured interview form. Results reveal that in the digital transformation process, managers must first create a vision to generate and managed accordingly for an effective learning environment. According to another result, it is possible that school shareholders are involved in this transformation process by letting them access the place and time by supporting content and infrastructure which is technologically appropriate. It is recommended that educational administrators and program specialists be ready for this transformation and have the qualities to manage this transformation.


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    The new generation is rapidly adapting to the digital era, where government and private services are being transformed into electronic services, commonly known as Eservices. Cities are leveraging digitalization to streamline their business processes and business services. This digitalization has improved service delivery time and quality for individuals. With digitalization, business processes align with technology, enhancing performance and customer satisfaction. However, there are challenges associated with digitalization, particularly people working in various municipality departments who find it challenging to adapt to digitization. Employees may take time to adjust to the new techniques and technologies, which may hamper the actions of the municipality departments. Therefore, the main objective of this research proposal is to investigate the benefits of digital transformation in different departments of local municipalities. In this research, we will use qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection through surveys. The study will be conducted in the Transport Department of Abu Dhabi Municipality, targeting the employees and customers in the Abu Dhabi and Al Ain centers. The results indicate that around 86% of the respondents believe that service delivery has improved due to digital transformation, with 96% of the participants considering digital transformation essential. Customer satisfaction is closely linked to the development of online service, and a considerable percentage of respondents confirm that service delivery time and efficiency have significantly improved due to digital transformation. Finally, a reference framework for digital transformation will be presented, and discuss the result outcomes based on this reference framework

    Digital transformation in higher education: a framework for maturity assessment

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    Literature in digital transformation maturity is scarce. Digital transformation in higher education, especially after COVID-19 is seen as inevitable. This research explores digital transformation maturity and challenges within Higher Education. The significance of this study stems from the role digital transformation plays in today’s knowledge economy. This study proposes a new framework based on Deloitte’s 2019 digital transformation assessment framework with Petkovic 2014 mega and major higher education process mapping. The study triangulates the findings of multiple research instruments, including survey, interviews, case study, and direct observation. The research findings show a significant variance between the respondents’ perception of digital transformations maturity levels, and the core requirements of digital transformation maturity. The findings also show the lack of holistic vision, digital transformation competency, and data structure and processing as the leading challenges of digital transformation