44 research outputs found

    Technological Ecosystems in Health Sector

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    [EN]Presentation about the technological ecosystems applied to the health sector related to dementia and other mental disorders. This presentation was made in the INTERDEM meeting in Budapest, April 21, 2016

    Digital Humanities Data Processing

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    The editorial of this first issue of volume 9, corresponding to 2016, is devoted to digital humanities data processing

    Technological Ecosystems

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    Sensor Technologies for Caring People with Disabilities

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    Today, the population uses technology for every daily activity involving business, education, communication, entertainment, etc. Technologymay also help us to take care of peoplewho suffer some kind of disability. Complex technological ecosystems with pervasive and intelligent capabilities get along with us, facilitating the vigilance of those who need special attention or assisted living cares due to their health limitations. The advances in sensor research have enriched the powerful of these ecosystems to achieve more sophisticated monitoring and alarm systems, also taking into account the balance between the level of assistance and the people’s privacy. The Special Issue on “Sensor Technologies for Caring People with Disabilities” aims to present recent developments on sensor technologies for caring people with disabilities, focusing on the different configurations that can be used and novel applications in the field

    Collaborative Production Model of Educational Resources for Human-Computer Interaction Community in Latino America

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    Today, human-computer interaction (HCI) shows great activity, dynamism, and academic presence throughout the world, having special relevance in the Latin American region. The region is not only vast for its geographical space but also diverse and multicultural, where researchers and academics from this area or community have proposed and made known the benefits of the HCI that they can bring to today’s society. However, some problems arise and need to be addressed in the HCI area in the Latin American region, such as the lack of training strategies and the availability of content and educational resources in Spanish. In order to mitigate this problem, the current work proposes a collaborative production model of educative resources for human-computer interaction developed in Latin America. The model preconizes a series of strategies and technological services to support the collaborative production and access of HCI educative resources such as videos, slides, handouts, textbooks, user experience analysis, and usability tests. The proposed model is tested throughout two real case studies conducted by teachers and researchers from different Latin American universities in order to produce and use the HCI educative resources for under- and postgraduate courses

    Looking into the future: Learning services-based technological ecosystems

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    La gran distancia existente entre la tecnología y las metodologías docentes provoca que los nuevos avances tecnológicos no tengan fácil su integración en los contextos y prácticas metodológicas implantados, y que las tecnologías educativas maduras y los métodos educativos aplicados no respondan a las demandas de la sociedad ni al potencial transformador de la tecnología para la mejora del aprendizaje. Esta contribución plantea la necesidad de ofrecer un entorno tecnológico para el soporte de servicios de aprendizaje, el ecosistema educativo, que rompa con las limitaciones tecnológicas y de proceso de las actuales plataformas tecnológicas para conseguir una mejora de los procesos educativos. La propuesta de ecosistema educativo se concreta en 6 líneas de actuación: 1) arquitectura para la implantación de ecosistemas de servicios de aprendizaje; 2) toma de decisiones basadas en analíticas de aprendizaje; 3) sistemas de gestión de conocimiento adaptativos; 4) formación gamificada; 5) porfolios semánticos para la recogida de evidencias de aprendizaje; 6) metodologías educativas que hagan un uso efectivo de los avances tecnológicos en pro de la mejora del aprendizaje.The existing distance between technology and learning methods have two consequences: on the one hand, it makes the fit of new technological advances and existing educational methods and practices difficult; on the other hand, mature educational technologies and methods might not give an adequate answer to actual society needs and demands, and they may not fully use their transforming potential to improve learning processes. This study discusses the need for a new technological environment supporting learning services: the educational ecosystem. The educational ecosystems must be able to break the technological constraints of existing learning platforms and achieve an effective improvement of learning processes. Our proposal of educational ecosystems pivots around six specific lines of action: 1) an arquitecture that gives support to learning service-based ecosystems; 2) learning analytics for educational decision making; 3) adaptive knowledge systems; 4) gamifications; 5) semantic porfolios to collect learning evidences; 6) learning methods that make and effective use of technology for the improvement of learning processes

    Los cambios organizacionales y la nube en el entorno turístico: estudio de caso

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    En los últimos años, la dependencia de las tecnologías de la información en la comercialización de destinos turísticos ha ido en aumento. La posibilidad de comercializar los destinos turísticos requiere de una infraestructura tecnológica poderosa y capaz de dar respuesta a las necesidades de cientos de miles de usuarios concurrentes. Así mismo, las necesidades de almacenamiento, procesamiento y comunicaciones se han disparado en base a estas necesidades. Una tecnología impulsora de estos nuevos servicios ha sido el cloud computing.La adopción y uso del cloud estáplanteando importantes cambios organizacionales en el sector turístico y abre nuevas posibilidades a nuevos establecimientos y a establecimientos independientes que pueden competir mejor con una infraestructura TIC a costes reducidos. Este artículo presenta un estudio del caso, que ha sido planteado en cinco establecimientos hoteleros independientes de la ciudad de Sevilla. La elección se ha hecho en base al carácter independiente de los establecimientos entrevistados y la elección de la ciudad por su infraestructura en fibra óptica, que está plenamente desplegada desde hace años.Esta investigación hapermitido conocer cuáles pueden ser las variables de influencia en el proceso de adopción y uso de la nube en el sector turístico. A su vez, este artículo detalla la importancia y la dependenciaque estas aplicaciones, bajo modalidad SaaS (Software as a Service), tienen para los establecimientos y como estos pueden aumentar o disminuir sus costes en infraestructura TIC en función de la estacionalidad y ocupación.Por último, se expone la importancia que otorgan estos establecimientos a la confianza y a la seguridad de los datos, así como que relevancia tienen para las organizaciones turísticas entrevistadas. En resumen, presentamos un artículo de naturaleza exploratoria que servirá para determinar las principales variables de influencia en futuros estudios sobre la adopción y uso de la nube en el sector turísticoIn recent years, the dependency of information technology in marketing of tourist destinations has been on the rise. The possibility of marketing the tourist destinations requires a technological infrastructure powerful and able to give response to the needs of hundreds of thousandsof concurrent users. Likewise, the needs of storage, processing and communications have exploded on the basis of these needs. A technology driving these new services has been cloud computing.The adoption and use of cloud is considering significant organizational changes in the tourism sector and opens new possibilities to new establishments and independent establishments that can compete better with an ICT infrastructure to reduced costs. This article presents a case study, which has been raised in five hotels that are independent of the city of Seville. The choice has been made on the basis of the independent character of the establishments interviewed and the choice of the city for its infrastructure in optical fibre, which is fully deployed for years.This investigation has allowed to know what may be the variables of influence on the process of adoption and use of the cloud in the tourism sector. In turn, this article details the importance and the dependence on these applications, under mode SaaS (Software as a Service), have for the establishments and how these can increase or decrease its costs in ICT infrastructure in function of seasonality and occupancy.Finally, it exposes the importance they attached to these establishments to trust and data security, as well as the relevance for the tourism organizations interviewed. In summary, we present an article, of exploratory nature, which will determine the main variables of influence on future studies on the adoption and use of the cloud in the tourism sector

    Los ecosistemas de turismo inteligente basados en Cloud Computing

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    La adopción y uso del cloud computing está planteando importantes cambios organizacionales en el sector turístico y abre nuevas posibilidades a nuevos establecimientos o establecimientos independientes que pueden competir mejor con una infraestructura TIC a costes competitivos. El estudio del caso que planteamos basado en establecimientos hoteleros independientes permite conocer cuáles pueden ser las variables de influencia en el proceso de adopción y uso de la nube en el sector turístico. Este estudio detalla a su vez la importancia y dependencia que estas aplicaciones bajo modalidad SaaS tienen para los establecimientos y como estos pueden aumentar o disminuir sus costes en infraestructura TIC en función de la estacionalidad y ocupación. Por último, el estudio pone de relieve la importancia que la confianza y la seguridad de los datos tienen para las organizaciones turísticas.The adoption and use of cloud computing is raising important organizational changes in the tourism sector and opens new possibilities for new establishments or independent establishments can compete better with IT infrastructure at competitive costs. The case study we propose based on independent hotel establishments can know what might be the variables influencing the process of adoption and use of cloud in the tourism sector. This study details turn the importance and dependence that these applications are under SaaS for establishments and how they can increase or decrease their costs in IT infrastructure in terms of seasonality and occupation. Finally, the study highlights the importance of trust and data security are for tourist organizations