54 research outputs found

    Museums and Digital Culture: New perspectives and research

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    This richly illustrated book offers new perspectives and research on how digital culture is transforming museums in the 21st century, as they strive to keep pace with emerging technologies driving cultural and social change, played out not only in today’s pervasive networked environment of the Internet and Web, but in everyday life, from home to work and on city streets. In a world where digital culture has redefined human information behavior as life in code and digits, increasingly it dominates human activity and communication. These developments have radically changed the expectations of the museum visitor, real and virtual, the work of museum professionals and, most prominently, the nature of museum exhibitions, while digital art and life in a digitally saturated world is changing our ways of seeing, doing, our senses and aesthetics. Overall, this book creates a new picture of the 21st-century museum field. As museums become shared spaces with their communities, local, national and global and move from collection-centered to user-/visitor-centered institutions, they are assuming new roles and responsibilities tied to new goals for engaging their audience, conveying meaning through collections, creating learning experiences and importantly, connecting to daily digital life and culture integral to the museum ecosystem. Our studies of recent exhibitions at museums leading change are used to exemplify new directions, while they point to a reimagined vision for museums of the future at the heart of which is the integration of digital culture and visitor experience and participation in real and virtual space

    The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication

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    Museums today find themselves within a mediatised society, where everyday life is conducted in a data-full and technology-rich context. In fact, museums are themselves mediatised: they present a uniquely media-centred environment, in which communicative media is a constitutive property of their organisation and of the visitor experience. The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication explores what it means to take mediated communication as a key concept for museum studies and as a sensitising lens for media-related museum practice on the ground. Including contributions from experts around the world, this original and innovative Handbook shares a nuanced and precise understanding of media, media concepts and media terminology, rehearsing new locations for writing on museum media and giving voice to new subject alignments. As a whole, the volume breaks new ground by reframing mediated museum communication as a resource for an inclusive understanding of current museum developments. The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication will appeal to both students and scholars, as well as to practitioners involved in the visioning, design and delivery of mediated communication in the museum. It teaches us not just how to study museums, but how to go about being a museum in today’s world

    Return to Baguia: an ethnographic museum collection on the edge of living memory

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    The question of what significance ethnographic museum collections might hold for source communities in the current era, particularly when collections sit on the edge of living memory, is explored in this thesis through a case-study of the Baguia Collection and its virtual return to the Makasae people of Baguia Sub-district, Timor-Leste, in 2014. The Baguia Collection was acquired by Dr Alfred BĂźhler on behalf of the Museum der Kulturen Basel, Switzerland, in 1935 using salvage ethnology methodologies. This diasporic collection now exists in Switzerland as a record of BĂźhler's accomplishments and of Swiss ethnographic history, and as a time capsule of Makasae heritage. This research explores an initial phase of engagement between the residents of Baguia and the Baguia Collection. Makasae responses to this Collection, which consists of 691 material culture objects and over 300 historical photos, raise issues pertinent to contemporary museology practice as it seeks to identify appropriate relational processes in collaborating with source communities. The research findings support proposals for the flexible, pro-technological access and digital return of museum collections to source communities, yet considers the inherent limitations and complexities in this methodology as well. I argue that the Baguia Collection has shared heritage values and that digital access arrangements will enhance the restitution of cultural knowledge and its subsequent inter-generational transmission in Baguia while also providing the Museum der Kulturen Basel with more updated and relevant information about the Collection. My project demonstrates that access to digital images of the Collection has enabled residents of Baguia to assert their cultural authority over the Collection, and that with further digital access they would activate the Collection to meet their own development agendas. By animating the Collection through 'acts of transfer' the Baguia community illustrated the potential for the Collection to become a source of metacultural production that reinvigorates contemporary Makasae identity and develops Makasae social and cultural capital, while ultimately enhancing their capacity to aspire

    Networked Learning 2020:Proceedings for the Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning

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    Cartoon Contracts and the Proactive Visualization of Law

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    Contracts have always relied on text first, foremost, and usually exclusively. Yet, this approach leaves many users of contracts in the dark as to the actual meaning of the transactional documents and instruments they enter into. The average contract routinely uses language that only lawyers, law-trained readers, and highly literate persons can truly understand. There is a movement in the law in the United States and many other nations called the visualization of law movement that attempts to bridge these gaps in contractual communication by using highly visual instruments. In appropriate circumstances, even cartoons and comic book forms of sequential narrative have been used to communicate contract terms to all parties, but particularly to contractors who are illiterate or less-than-fully literate in the language of the instrument. The goal of this Article is to apply the lens of visual legal rhetoric and visual literacy to the current visualization movement in Proactive Law and Legal Design in their efforts to promote visual, non-verbal communication in contracts through cartoon, comic book, and highly pictorial legal instruments. The lens will be applied to evaluate and critique five aspects of proactive visual legal instruments: • Immediate Visual Context • Immediate Verbal Context • Visual Cultural Context • Mise en Scène and Arrangement • Visual Rhetoric, Ethics and Professionalism This Article analyzes whether highly visual contracts and legal instruments fulfill the potential for greater access to and understanding of contract terms particularly with audiences whose language skills and cultural experience might make the comprehension and acceptance of purely verbal contracts more difficult. When visuals can overcome barriers in communication that words alone cannot, contracts and other legal instruments can be made more universal in their application, interpretation, performance, and enforcement

    Cartoon Contracts and the Proactive Visualization of Law

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    Contracts have always relied on text first, foremost, and usually exclusively. Yet, this approach leaves many users of contracts in the dark as to the actual meaning of the transactional documents and instruments they enter into. The average contract routinely uses language that only lawyers, law-trained readers, and highly literate persons can truly understand. There is a movement in the law in the United States and many other nations called the visualization of law movement that attempts to bridge these gaps in contractual communication by using highly visual instruments. In appropriate circumstances, even cartoons and comic book forms of sequential narrative have been used to communicate contract terms to all parties, but particularly to contractors who are illiterate or lessthan-fully literate in the language of the instrument. The goal of this Article is to apply the lens of visual legal rhetoric and visual literacy to the current visualization movement in Proactive Law and Legal Design in their efforts to promote visual, non-verbal communication in contracts through cartoon, comic book, and highly pictorial legal instruments. The lens will be applied to evaluate and critique five aspects of proactive visual legal instruments: • Immediate Visual Context • Immediate Verbal Context • Visual Cultural Context • Mise en Scène and Arrangement • Visual Rhetoric, Ethics and Professionalism This Article analyzes whether highly visual contracts and legal instruments fulfill the potential for greater access to and understanding of contract terms particularly with audiences whose language skills and cultural experience might make the comprehension and acceptance of purely verbal contracts more difficult. When visuals can overcome barriers in communication that words alone cannot, contracts and other legal instruments can be made more universal in their application, interpretation, performance, and enforcement

    Journal of Social Theory in Art Education (2017) Full Issue

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    Leadership in a transitioning higher education landscape from traditional to digitalisation of teaching and learning : a case of open, distance and elearning in Uganda

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    Abstracts in English, Zulu and AfrikaansIntegration of technology into teaching and learning is not new in Uganda, but the rapid rate and pace of technological advancement, especially regarding the emerging educational technologies, corresponding pedagogical and leadership requirements, is. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the problem by necessitating all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to go online. The main objective of this study was to explore the lived experiences and adaptations of leaders in a transitioning HE landscape to develop a framework that would aid leadership reinvention from traditional face to face to Digitalisation Teaching and Learning (DTL). Using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and specifically the idiographic approach, qualitative data was collected through interviews of seven purposively selected senior managers in the Ugandan higher education sector. The study was also guided by the Complexity leadership theory, Distance Education System Theory and Bridges transition framework. The findings established that while there had existed various digital strategies pre-COVID-19 amongst all HEIs in Uganda, HE leadership struggled iteratively to leverage them in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic for a complete transition. Three master themes, twelve themes and thirteen subthemes emerged. Master theme 1- ‘Digital experiences’ comprised four themes including visioning for digital strategies pre-COVID-19, leveraging existing digital strategies, rethinking institutional strategies post-COVID-19 and the neutral state of transition. Master theme 2- virtual institutional landscape characterised by four themes including new channels of institutional social interaction, mechanisms of institutional culture, operations and practices, leadership roles and power structures and knowledge and social competencies. Master theme 3- ‘Institutional adaptability’ that comprised four themes including mobilisation of workforce, financial resource mobilisation, institutionalisation of DTL and, DTL gaps and mitigations. This study concluded that, while HE was metamorphosing into a virtual landscape, the existing traditional face to face structural setup of HE and inadequate strategic leadership representation is a major barrier to DTL and undermines the positionality and competitiveness of the Ugandan HE sector in the global village. Therefore, the need for leadership’s acceptance and recognition of the transitioning HE landscape, piloting and adoption of the developed leadership transitioning framework is paramount. The insights of this study contribute to a more integrative view of the interplay of leadership amidst DTL in HE.Integrasie van tegnologie in onderrig en opleiding is nie nuut in Uganda nie, maar die vinnige tempo en pas van tegnologiese vooruitgang, veral met betrekking tot die opkomende opvoedkundige tegnologieë, ooreenstemmende pedagogiese en leierskapvereistes, is. Die COVID-19-pandemie het die probleem vererger deur alle Hoër Onderwysinstellings (HOI's) te noodsaak om aanlyn te gaan. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die geleefde ervarings en aanpassings van leiers in 'n oorgangs HO-landskap te verken om 'n raamwerk te ontwikkel wat leierskap herontdekking van tradisionele aangesig tot aangesig tot Digitalisering Onderrig en Opleiding (DOO) sal help. Deur gebruik te maak van Interpretatiewe Fenomenologiese Analise en spesifiek die idiografiese benadering, is kwalitatiewe data ingesamel deur onderhoude van sewe doelbewus geselekteerde senior bestuurders in die Ugandese hoëronderwyssektor. Die studie is gelei deur Kompleksiteit-leierskapsteorie, Afstandsonderrigstelselteorie en Bridges-oorgangsraamwerk. Die bevindings het vasgestel hoewel daar verskeie digitale strategieë voor COVID-19 onder alle HOI's in Uganda bestaan het, HO-leierskap gesukkel het om dit te benut in die aangesig van COVID-19-pandemie vir 'n volledige oorgang. Drie meestertemas, twaalf temas en dertien subtemas het na vore gekom; Meestertema 1- 'Digitale ervarings' bestaan uit vier temas, visie vir digitale strategieë voor COVID-19, benutting van bestaande digitale strategieë, heroorweging van institusionele strategieë na COVID-19 en neutrale toestand van oorgang; Meestertema 2- virtuele institusionele landskap gekenmerk deur vier temas, nuwe kanale van institusionele sosiale interaksie, meganismes van institusionele kultuur, bedrywighede en praktyke, leierskaprolle en magstrukture, kennis en sosiale bevoegdhede; Meestertema 3- 'Institusionele aanpasbaarheid' wat uit vier temas bestaan het, mobilisering van arbeidsmag, finansiële hulpbronmobilisering, institusionalisering van DOO, DOO-gapings en versagtings. Die gevolgtrekking; terwyl HO in 'n virtuele landskap te verander, die bestaande tradisionele van aangesig tot aangesig strukturele opset van HO en onvoldoende strategiese leierskapverteenwoordiging 'n groot hindernis vir DOO is en die posisionaliteit en mededingendheid van die Ugandese HO-sektor in die globale dorpie ondermyn. Daarom is die behoefte aan leierskap se aanvaarding en erkenning van die HO-oorgangslandskap, loodsing en aanneming van die ontwikkelde leierskapoorgangsraamwerk uiters belangrik. Insigte van hierdie studie dra by tot 'n meer integrerende siening van die wisselwerking van leierskap te midde van DOO in HO.Ukufakwa kobuchwepheshe ekufundiseni nasekufundeni akuyonto intsha e-Uganda, kodwa ke izinga elikhawulezileyo kunye nesantya sokuphuhla kwamalinge ezobuchwepheshe, ingakumbi ngokuphathelele kwiinkqubo zobuchwepheshe obungenelela kwezemfundo, izidingo ezingqamene nazo kwezophando kwanobunkokheli, zintsha zona. Ubhubhane oyiCOVID-19 uyandisile le ngxaki ngokuthi anyanzelise onke amaZiko eMfundo Ephakamileyo ukuba asebenze ngokwezobuchwepheshe. Eyona njongo yolu phando kukugocagoca amava aphilwe ziinkokheli kwakunye neendlela ezithe zaziqhelanisa ngazo ekufakeni isimo seMfundo Ephakamileyo ukuze kube nokuqulunqwa isikhokelo esiya kuncedisa ekuguqulweni kweenkqubo zokukhokela ziphume kula ndlela iqhelekileyo yobuso ngobuso ziye Ekufundiseni Nasekufundeni Ngokwezobuchwepheshe. Kusetyenziswe inkqubo Yokuhlalutywa Kweemeko Ecacisayo, ingakumbi inkqubo yokudiza iinyaniso ezithile ngokobunzululwazi, kuye kwaqokelelwa neenkcukacha eluntwini ngokuthi kudliwane iindlebe nabaphathi abasixhenxe abakhethwe ngononophelo olumandla kwicandelo lemfundo ephakamileyo e-Uganda. Uphando olu luye lwakhokelwa ziingcamango ezigxile kwiiNkqubo yezobunkokheli, yiNkqubo Yeengcamango ngeMfundo Ephakamileyo Yomgama kwaneyesikhokelo seenguqu kwiBhulorho. Iziphumo zifumanise ukuba njengokuba ibikho kakade nje imigaqo-nkqubo eyahlukeneyo yezobuchwepheshe kuwo onke amaziko emfundo ephakamileyo e-Uganda ngaphambi kokuqhambuka kweCOVID-19, iinkokheli zezemfundo ephakamileyo ziye zaminxwa yimingeni emandla xa bezigagene neCOVID-19 ukuze kube nokungenwa ngokugqibeleleyo kwiinguqu. Kwathi kwaqhambuka imixholo ephambili emithathu, ishumi elinambini lemixholo kunye neshumi elinesithathu lemixholwana; uMxholo ophambili 1- ‘amava Ezobuchwepheshe’ eyayibandakanya imixholo emine equka ukuvezwa kweembono zemigaqo-nkqubo yezobuchwepheshe ngaphambi kweCOVID-19, ukusetyenziswa kwemigaqo-nkqubo yezobuchwepheshe esele ikho, ukucingwa ngokutsha kwemigaqo-nkqubo yezobuchwepheshe yamaziko emfundo emva kweCOVID-19 kwanesimo esingakhethe cala seenguqu; umxholo oPhambili 2 - isimo samaziko esiphawulwa imixholo emine equka imijelo emitsha yokunxibelelana koluntu lweziko, iinkqubo zenkcubeko yeziko, intsebenzo neenkqubo, iindima zeenkokheli kwanezimo zamagunya, ulwazi kunye nezakhono zoluntu; nomxholo oPhambili 3 - ‘Ukuqhelaniseka kweziko’ obekubandakanye imixholo emine ebiquka ukuxhotyiswa kwabasebenzi, ukuvulelwa kwezibonelelo eziyimali, ukuqhelaniswa kokufundisa nokufunda kumaqonga ezobuchwepheshe, imisantsa kwakunye nokuncitshiswa kwefuthe. Olu phando luvalelise ngelithi ngelixa imfundo ephakamileyo ibisiya isiba liqonga lezobuchwepheshe, le meko isabhudlayo neqhelekileyo yokufunda nokufundisa ubuso ngobuso kwimfundo ephakamileyo ndawonye nabameli abangaxhobisekanga ngokwezomgaqo-nkqubo zingumqobo omkhulu ekufundiseni nasekufundeni kumaqonga ezobuchwepheshe, zisengela phantsi isimo nesakhono sokukhuphisana kwicandelo lemfundo ephakamileyo yase-Uganda kwiqonga lehlabathi. Ngoko ke, sibalulekile isidingo sokuba iinkokheli zamkele ze zinakane iinguqu kwiqonga lemfundo ephakamileyo, zizame, zamkele isikhokelo esiqulunqiweyo seenguqu kubunkokheli. Oondoqo bolu phando ligalelo kwimbono ehlanganyelweyo yokusebenzisana kweenkokheli phantsi kwefuthe lokufundisa nokufunda kusetyenziswa iqonga lezobuchwepheshe kwicandelo lemfundo ephakamileyo.Educational Leadership and ManagementPh. D. (Education management
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