1,473 research outputs found

    Passivity-based harmonic control through series/parallel damping of an H-bridge rectifier

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    Nowadays the H-bridge is one of the preferred solutions to connect DC loads or distributed sources to the single-phase grid. The control aims are: sinusoidal grid current with unity power factor and optimal DC voltage regulation capability. These objectives should be satisfied, regardless the conditions of the grid, the DC load/source and the converter nonlinearities. In this paper a passivity-based approach is thoroughly investigated proposing a damping-based solution for the error dynamics. Practical experiments with a real converter validate the analysis.

    Discussion of the technology and research in fuel injectors common rail system

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    Common rail is one of the most important components in a diesel and gasoline direct injection system. It features a high-pressure (100 bar) fuel rail feeding solenoid valves, as opposed to a low-pressure fuel pump feeding unit injectors. Third-generation common rail diesels now feature piezoelectric injectors for increased precision, with fuel pressures up to 2,500 bar. The purpose of this review paper is to investigate the technology and research in fuel injectors common rail system. This review paper focuses on component of common rail injection system, pioneer of common rail injection, characteristics of common rail injection system, method to reduce smoke and NOx emission simultaneously and impact of common rail injection system. Based on our research, it can be concluded that common rail injection gives many benefit such as good for the engine performance, safe to use, and for to reduce the emission of the vehicle. Fuel injection common rail system is the modern technology that must be developed. Nowadays, our earth is polluting by vehicle output such as smoke. If the common rail system is developed, it can reduce the pollution and keep our atmosphere clean and safe

    Experimental evaluation of an interleaved boost topology optimized for peak power tracking control

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    This paper provides an experimental evaluation of a four phase Floating Interleaved Boost Converter for a photovoltaic power system application. This converter offers improved efficiency and voltage gain, while having lower input current ripple than other DC-DC boost converters. A dual loop, discrete, linear feedback was developed to regulate inductor currents and output capacitor voltages. Maximum Power Point Tracking capability was included. Results of all control functions were used to validate the control development, and point to areas for further improvement

    A GaN-Based Four-Switch Buck-Boost Converter Using Ripple Correlation Control for Maximum Power Point Tracking in Dynamic Deep Space Environments

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    As the demand for high-performance power conversion in spacecraft continues to grow and spacecraft mass and volume budgets become increasingly tight, it is essential to design DC-DC converters with higher efficiency and power density. Although photovoltaic (PV) efficiency has increased over time, solar irradiance and temperatures can fluctuate dramatically in deep space. This causes significant variations in the maximum power point (MPP) of the PV array, which can decrease the overall system efficiency unless accounted for. Thus, it is imperative to track the MPP of the PV panels to maintain optimal efficiency. This paper presents the experimental development of a four-switch, GaN-based buck-boost converter with an implementation of the Ripple Correlation Control (RCC) MPPT algorithm for dynamic deep space environments. Due to the use of GaN HEMTs, the experimental system achieves better efficiency and power density compared to the previous state of the art implementations. A simulation of the prototype buck-boost converter was implemented in SaberRD (Synopsis), and a digital design of the RCC-based MPPT controller utilizing the StateAMS tool is presented. The simulation results show that this controller swiftly and precisely converged to the MPP of the source PV panels in a dynamic solar irradiance condition

    Power factor-corrected transformerless three-phase PWM converter for UPS applications

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    This thesis describes the research of a new transformerless three phase PWM converter for uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) applications. The removal of the bulky three phase transformer in larger power UPS can provide a significant saving in weight and cost of the overall system. The converter consists of a new four-wire rectifier coupled with a four-wire inverter via a dc bus. The supply and load neutral may be connected together without any neutral current flowing into the utility regardless of the load on the inverter. This allows the load to be at the same potential as the utility. The rectifier, inverter and complete UPS and control system are described in detail and simulation results are used extensively to back up the theory. An experimental prototype of the four-wire rectifier provides further confirmation of the principles. A further proposal to digitize the system is given. This would reduce the size of the required control circuit and simplify the hardware requirements

    Analysis of suitable converter for the implementation of drive system in solar photovoltaic panels

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    Introduction. Photovoltaic (PV) systems gained immense attraction in the recent years since it produces electricity without causing environmental pollution through direct conversion of solar irradiance into electricity. Solar PV panels produce DC power. The magnitude of this DC power varies with temperature and irradiance of the sun rays. The DC supply from solar panels can be regulated using DC-DC converter and then can further be converted into the desired AC voltage by means of a voltage source inverter before being fed to an induction motor (IM). The speed and torque of an IM, fed from PV arrays, can vary due to the variation in the output power of the panels. Goal of this work is to improve the dynamic performance and reduce the torque ripple of Cuk converter-inverter fed IM drive system. The novelty of the current work proposes interleaved Cuk converter between solar PV DC source and the inverter. Purpose. To provide continuous current using an interleaved Cuk converter to the IM drive and in turn to reduce the torque ripple in IM. Methodology. Introduced an interleaved Cuk converter which is a blend of Cuk converters connected in parallel with each other between solar PV arrays and IM drive system. Originality. Simulation results are obtained for Cuk converter and interleaved Cuk converter fed IM drive by means of MATLAB. The hardware setup for the same IM systems is developed. Practical value. Simulation and hardware results are coincided with each other and it is subject from the simulation and hardware results that the interleaved Cuk converter-inverter fed IM system produced results superior than the Cuk converter inverter fed IM drive system.Вступ. Фотоелектричні (ФЕ) системи набули величезної привабливості в останні роки, оскільки вони виробляють електроенергію, не викликаючи забруднення навколишнього середовища, за рахунок прямого перетворення сонячного випромінювання на електрику. Сонячні ФЕ панелі виробляють енергію постійного струму. Значення цієї потужності постійного струму залежить від температури та освітленості сонячних променів. Подача постійного струму від сонячних панелей може регулюватися за допомогою DC-DC перетворювача, а потім може бути перетворена в бажану змінну напругу за допомогою інвертора джерела напруги перед подачею на асинхронний двигун. Швидкість та обертаючий момент асинхронного двигуна, що живиться від ФЕ батарей, можуть змінюватися через зміну вихідної потужності панелей. Метою даної роботи є покращення динамічних характеристик та зменшення пульсацій обертаючого моменту системи приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача-інвертора. Новизна цієї роботи пропонує Cuk перетворювач, що чергується, між сонячним ФЕ джерелом постійного струму та інвертором. Мета. Забезпечення безперервності струму за допомогою Cuk перетворювача, що чергується, для приводу асинхронного двигуна і, у свою чергу, зменшення пульсації обертаючого моменту в асинхронному двигуні. Методологія. Представлений Cuk перетворювач, що чергується, який являє собою суміш Cuk перетворювачів, підключених паралельно один до одного між сонячними ФЕ батареями і системою приводу асинхронного двигуна. Оригінальність. Результати моделювання отримані для Cuk перетворювача і приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням Cuk перетворювача, що чергується, за допомогою MATLAB. Розроблено апаратну частину цих же асинхронних двигунів. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання та апаратного забезпечення збігаються один з одним, і з результатів моделювання та апаратного забезпечення випливає, що система асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача-інвертора, що чергується, дає результати, які перевищують результати, ніж система приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача

    Modeling, analysis and simulation of a high-efficiency battery control system

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    This paper explains step-by-step modeling and simulation of the full circuits of a battery control system and connected together starting from the AC input source to the battery control and storage system. The three-phase half-controlled rectifier has been designed to control and convert the AC power into DC power. In addition, two types of direct current converters have been used in this paper which are a buck and bidirectional DC/DC converters. These systems adjust the output voltage to be lower or higher than the input voltage. In the buck converters, the main switch operates in conduction or cut-off mode and is triggered by a Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) signal. The output and input voltage levels ratio are used to calculate the PWM signal’s duty cycle. Therefore, the duty cycle indicates the operation mode of the converter in steady-state operation. In this study, we analyze and control of a buck converter with the PWM signal. Besides, the bidirectional DC/DC converter has been achieved and optimized by PI control methods to control the battery charging and discharging modes. The simulation has been applied via the Matlab/Simulink environment. The results show the activity of each part of the designed circuits starting from the converters and the battery control system in charge and discharge modes

    Energy Harvesting From Exercise Machines: LT8705 DC-DC Conversion for Elliptical Trainers

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    Cal Poly’s Energy Harvesting from Exercise Machines (EHFEM) program aims to power the grid using human energy harvested from exercise machines in its gym. Doing so could save the school money and increase the total supply of power available on the grid. This document belongs to one of many groups attempting to design a suitable DC-DC conversion system for an elliptical trainer using an LT8705 Four-Switch Buck-Boost converter. Past teams have built other converters and developed system compatibility characteristics such as filtering, safety, and stability for interfacing components. These teams fall into one of two departments in EHFEM: DC-DC Conversion or Input Protection Circuitry

    Co-design of Security Aware Power System Distribution Architecture as Cyber Physical System

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    The modern smart grid would involve deep integration between measurement nodes, communication systems, artificial intelligence, power electronics and distributed resources. On one hand, this type of integration can dramatically improve the grid performance and efficiency, but on the other, it can also introduce new types of vulnerabilities to the grid. To obtain the best performance, while minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities, the physical power system must be designed as a security aware system. In this dissertation, an interoperability and communication framework for microgrid control and Cyber Physical system enhancements is designed and implemented taking into account cyber and physical security aspects. The proposed data-centric interoperability layer provides a common data bus and a resilient control network for seamless integration of distributed energy resources. In addition, a synchronized measurement network and advanced metering infrastructure were developed to provide real-time monitoring for active distribution networks. A hybrid hardware/software testbed environment was developed to represent the smart grid as a cyber-physical system through hardware and software in the loop simulation methods. In addition it provides a flexible interface for remote integration and experimentation of attack scenarios. The work in this dissertation utilizes communication technologies to enhance the performance of the DC microgrids and distribution networks by extending the application of the GPS synchronization to the DC Networks. GPS synchronization allows the operation of distributed DC-DC converters as an interleaved converters system. Along with the GPS synchronization, carrier extraction synchronization technique was developed to improve the system’s security and reliability in the case of GPS signal spoofing or jamming. To improve the integration of the microgrid with the utility system, new synchronization and islanding detection algorithms were developed. The developed algorithms overcome the problem of SCADA and PMU based islanding detection methods such as communication failure and frequency stability. In addition, a real-time energy management system with online optimization was developed to manage the energy resources within the microgrid. The security and privacy were also addressed in both the cyber and physical levels. For the physical design, two techniques were developed to address the physical privacy issues by changing the current and electromagnetic signature. For the cyber level, a security mechanism for IEC 61850 GOOSE messages was developed to address the security shortcomings in the standard