334 research outputs found

    Structural Entropy of Economic System

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    Результати дослідження містять методологічні підходи до оцінки структурних факторів, що впливають на розвиток економіки. Розкрито взаємозв'язок структурних деформацій та процесів ентропії, що впливають на стабільність економічної системи та економічну безпеку держави. Розкрито особливості та економічні параметри країн з перехідною економікою, в яких корінно змінюються галузева та технологічна структура економіки, пропорції платіжного балансу та торгового балансу; структура експорту товарів і послуг; структура зайнятості. У науковий обіг введено поняття "структурна ентропія", що характеризує звуження галузевої структури економіки та зменшення синергетичних можливостей для економічний розвиток. Розглянуто причини послаблення зв'язків між елементами економічної системи та впливу структурних деформацій на економічний розвиток країн з перехідною економікою. Проведено аналіз можливостей економічного розвитку цих країн у рамках регіональної інтеграції, проведено оцінку конвергенції країн, що входять до регіональних союзів. Обґрунтовано структурні умови економічної еволюції та конвергенції. Були розроблені рекомендації щодо формування інституційних та інноваційних механізмів для забезпечення позитивних структурних змін національної економіки. Пропозиції спрямовані на протидію структурним деформаціям та збільшення синергетичного потенціалуThe results of the study contain methodological approaches to assessing structural factors affecting the development of the economy. The interrelation of structural deformations and entropy processes affecting the stability of the economic system and the economic security of the state is revealed. The features and economic parameters of countries with economies in transition are revealed, in which the sectoral and technological structure of the economy, the proportions of the balance of payments and trade balance are radically changing; structure of exports of goods and services; employment structure. The concept of "structural entropy" has been introduced into scientific circulation, which characterizes the narrowing of the sectoral structure of the economy and a decrease in synergetic opportunities for economic development. The reasons for the weakening of links between the elements of the economic system and the impact of structural deformations on the economic development of countries with economies in transition are considered. The analysis of the possibilities of economic development of these countries within the framework of regional integration is carried out, an assessment of the convergence of countries belonging to regional unions is carried out. The structural conditions of economic evolution and convergence are substantiated. Recommendations were developed for the formation of institutional and innovative mechanisms to ensure positive structural changes in the national economy. The proposals aimed at counteracting structural deformations and increasing the synergistic potential of systems are presented


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    The digitalization of Industry 4.0 is one of the key challenges facing industrial companies. Modern technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things, cloud computing and blockchain, big data collection and analytics, machine learning technologies, digital twins, and human-machine interaction have a wide range of effects for industrial companies and can fundamentally change the way they do business or lead to the creation of new ones.Industry 4.0 technology implementation projects are complex in nature, as they require the involvement of various specialists from a variety of professional fields. At the same time, the development of one or another area of activity within companies can be in different stages, which affects the success or failure of the implementation of certain areas of activity in the framework of projects for the introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies.Thus, within the framework of the study, the goal is to develop a method that allows you to assess the readiness of industrial enterprises to implement digital technologies.At the first stage of the study, a list of directions and aspects of digital transformation was developed. At the second stage, using interviews with experts, the degrees of significance of each of the proposed aspects were calculated. In conclusion, the assessment of digital maturity was carried out on a sample of industrial enterprises using a combination of previously obtained expert assessments and surveys within enterprises.Внедрение цифровых технологий индустрии 4.0 – один из ключевых вызовов, стоящих перед промышленными компаниями. Современные технологии, такие как промышленный интернет вещей, облачные вычисления и блокчейн, сбор и аналитика больших данных, технологии машинного обучения, цифровые двойники, а также человеко-машинное взаимодействие, порождают широкий спектр эффектов для промышленных компаний и способны кардинальным образом изменить их способы ведения бизнеса или привести к созданию новых.Проекты по внедрению технологий индустрии 4.0 носят комплексный характер, поскольку требуют вовлечения различных специалистов из множества профессиональных областей. При этом развитие того или иного направления деятельности внутри компаний может находиться на различных стадиях, что оказывает влияние на успешность или неудачу реализации отдельных направлений деятельности в рамках проектов по внедрению технологий индустрии 4.0.Таким образом, в рамках исследования поставлена цель разработать метод, позволяющий оценить готовность промышленных предприятий к внедрению цифровых технологий.На первом этапе исследования разработан перечень направлений и аспектов цифровой трансформации. На втором этапе при помощи интервью с экспертами рассчитаны степени значимости каждого из предложенных аспектов. В завершение проведена оценка цифровой зрелости на выборке промышленных предприятий с использованием объединения ранее полученных экспертных оценок и опросов внутри предприятий

    Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Innovation at Regional Level

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    During the last period, innovation represented the core topic of a wide number of studies and analyses due to the potential impact it could have on the development level of a country or a region. This aspect is relatively easy to explain: innovation represents an important source of regional/national competitiveness, a modern factor of growth and economic resilience, but also the fundamental objective of the current programming period and of the Europe 2020 Strategy. According to theory, innovation is a process that takes place predominantly at micro-economic level. Still, its approach at regional level gains increasingly more room within economic approaches starting from the premise that innovative performances of a company depend directly and to a large share on the endogenous local potential, but also on a combination of factors of influence, determined by the specifics and conditions of the area. The study intends to analyse from the theoretical and practical viewpoint the role of the innovation process within economic development and growth at regional and national level

    Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Innovation at Regional Level

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    During the last period, innovation represented the core topic of a wide number of studies and analyses due to the potential impact it could have on the development level of a country or a region. This aspect is relatively easy to explain: innovation represents an important source of regional/national competitiveness, a modern factor of growth and economic resilience, but also the fundamental objective of the current programming period and of the Europe 2020 Strategy. According to theory, innovation is a process that takes place predominantly at micro-economic level. Still, its approach at regional level gains increasingly more room within economic approaches starting from the premise that innovative performances of a company depend directly and to a large share on the endogenous local potential, but also on a combination of factors of influence, determined by the specifics and conditions of the area. The study intends to analyse from the theoretical and practical viewpoint the role of the innovation process within economic development and growth at regional and national level


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    The digitalization of Industry 4.0 is one of the key challenges facing industrial companies. Modern technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things, cloud computing and blockchain, big data collection and analytics, machine learning technologies, digital twins, and human-machine interaction have a wide range of effects for industrial companies and can fundamentally change the way they do business or lead to the creation of new ones.Industry 4.0 technology implementation projects are complex in nature, as they require the involvement of various specialists from a variety of professional fields. At the same time, the development of one or another area of activity within companies can be in different stages, which affects the success or failure of the implementation of certain areas of activity in the framework of projects for the introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies.Thus, within the framework of the study, the goal is to develop a method that allows you to assess the readiness of industrial enterprises to implement digital technologies.At the first stage of the study, a list of directions and aspects of digital transformation was developed. At the second stage, using interviews with experts, the degrees of significance of each of the proposed aspects were calculated. In conclusion, the assessment of digital maturity was carried out on a sample of industrial enterprises using a combination of previously obtained expert assessments and surveys within enterprises

    The bioeconomy : a knowledge-based innovation paradigm to foster sustainability transformations

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    Notwithstanding 40 years of global climate policies, carbon dioxide emissions are still increasing and global surface temperature is still rising until today with all its consequences to ecosystems and the fate of humanity on Earth. Current attempts to stop and reverse unsustainable developments that lead to the climate crisis and to other ecological and social disasters have proven rather ineffective. While there certainly are many reasons for this on the operative level, the dissertation is motivated by the assumption that countermeasures generally suffer from a lack of systemic framing of the wicked sustainability issues. What if solution approaches despite being brought forward to the best of decision makers knowledge and belief (only) are subject to a perceptual mistake in the way sustainable solutions are currently framed? I propose a change in perspective as decision making basis for improved sustainability governance. It is a call for getting to the systemic root causes of sustainability problems. To achieve a change in (unsustainable) outcomes, I argue, the logic on which they are produced must change. I conceptualize this change as a paradigmatic shift in knowledge-based innovation systems that becomes necessary to equip them with the requirements to foster sustainability transformations. To this end, I adduce the sustainable knowledge-based bioeconomy as an example of a new innovation paradigm. The knowledge base of innovation systems dedicated to sustainability is explored theoretically and empirically on a policy, an educational, and on a business level. The dissertation is composed of four studies published between 2017 and 2020. After an introduction to the topic and the presentation of the theoretical background, the first paper explores the paradigmatic changes necessary to align innovation systems to the normative implications of sustainability transformations. The types of knowledge required for transformations in the case of the shift towards a sustainable bioeconomy are dealt with in the second publication. The elaboration and refinement of the notion of dedicated knowledge provides a knowledge-theoretical basis for better informing policy makers aiming at the installation of a sustainable knowledge-based bioeconomy. In th ethird study, I analyze to what extent elements of transformative knowledge one integral part of dedicated knowledge are considered in the design of European academic bioeconomy curricula. The last paper spotlights the role of firms in contributing to a system-wide adoption of the dedication to sustainability. It closes an important gap between the macro-level of transformation theories and the powerful private actors contributing to its overall outcome from the micro-level. The final Chapter synthesizes and discusses the results of the dissertations publications by sketching the knowledge-based change of innovation paradigms that contribute to a transformation to sustainability. The results reveal that a reflection of dedicated transformation processes from a paradigmatic perspective offers theoretical insights that can and should inform public, academic, as well as corporate sustainability endeavors. The consideration of innovation paradigms prompts research to explicitly spell out the normative dimension of innovation processes in innovation systems. This is a decisive step to understanding and possibly informing actions aiming at deliberate change. As an example, I have framed the sustainable bioeconomy as a new paradigm that determines the rate and the direction of innovation in a dedicated innovation system. Once the sustainable bioeconomy paradigm is effective, I argue, it will spontaneously trigger a change in resources used without having it imposed from authorities. To get there, however, policies must take due consideration of the specific characteristics of the relevant knowledge flows, academia must be better trained to afford the required shift in perspectives and trigger transformation processes, and companies must reconsider the values they propose and deliver to their customers. The assemblage of publications spells out the theoretical underpinnings of the knowledge-based bioeconomy and its potential to serve as a new paradigm to spur sustainability transformations. More concretely, the dissertation reveals to what extent the role of knowledge and knowledge itself needs to be reconsidered and in which ways it must be expanded for achieving a systemic change towards more sustainable consumption and production patterns.Trotz der 40 Jahre globaler Klimapolitik steigen die Kohlendioxid-Emissionen bis heute. Und die Erderwärmung nimmt weiter zu. Mit allen Konsequenzen für Ökosysteme und für unser Leben auf der Erde. Offensichtlich sind die jetzigen Anstrengungen, die nicht-nachhaltigen Entwicklungen zu stoppen oder rückgängig zu machen, um die Klimakrise und andere ökologische und soziale Katastrophen zu verhindern, nicht wirksam genug. Natürlich gibt es dafür eine Vielzahl an Gründen. Die vorliegende Dissertation gründet auf der Annahme, dass es den Maßnahmen grundsätzlich an einer systemischen Problembetrachtung fehlt. Liegt den gut gemeinten politischen Initiativen möglicherweise ein fundamentaler Fehler in der Art und Weise wie wir nachhaltige Lösungen angehen zugrunde? Ich möchte hier zu einem Perspektivwechsel anregen mit dem Ziel, Entscheidungsträgern eine Grundlage für eine erfolgreiche Nachhaltigkeitspolitik zu bieten. Es ist ein Aufruf, den systemischen Problemen wirklich auf den Grund zu gehen. Um (nicht-nachhaltige) Ergebnisse zu verändern, muss sich die Logik, nach welcher sie entstehen, ändern. Aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln untersucht die Arbeit einen Paradigmenwechsel in wissensbasierten Innovationssystemen, der für ihren Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeitstransformation notwendig ist. Dazu betrachte ich die nachhaltige wissensbasierte Bioökonomie als ein Beispiel für ein neues Innovationsparadigma. Um die Voraussetzungen für die Durchsetzung eines solchen alternativen Paradigmas besser zu verstehen, wird die Bedeutung von Wissen und der Umgang damit gründlich untersucht. Denn Wissen gilt als ein wichtiger Ansatzpunkt, wenn es darum geht, einen Systemwandel zu erreichen. Aus diesem Grund beleuchte ich das so genannte dedizierte Wissen theoretisch und empirisch. Die Dissertation setzt sich zusammen aus vier Studien, die zwischen 2017 und 2020 veröffentlicht wurden und werden. Nach einer thematischen und theoretischen Einführung untersucht der erste Artikel die paradigmatischen Änderungen, die notwendig sind, um Innovationssysteme an den normativen Zielen einer Nachhaltigkeitstransformation auszurichten. Die für die Transformation notwendigen Wissensarten und zwar speziell für die nachhaltige Bioökonomie werden in der zweiten Publikation genauer untersucht. Die Erkenntnisse über das dedizierte Wissen liefert eine wissenstheoretische Grundlage für effektivere Bioökonomiepolitik. Ein spezielles Anwendungsgebiet für die Generierung und Verbreitung von dediziertem Wissen im Rahmen der Transformation zur Bioökonomie erforscht die dritte Studie. Hier werden europäische Bioökonomie-Studiengänge auf ihre Eignung zur Vermittlung von transformativem Wissens integraler Bestandteil dezidierten Wissens untersucht. Im letzten Artikel wird die Rolle von Unternehmen und ihr Beitrag zu systemweiten Veränderungen hin zu einer Dedikation zur Nachhaltigkeit beleuchtet. Die Publikation schließt die Lücke zwischen den Transformationstheorien auf dem Makrolevel und den einflussreichen Privatakteuren, die von der Mikroebene aus die Ergebnisse des Innovationssystems entscheidend mitbestimmen. Das Schlusskapitel fasst die Ergebnisse zusammen und diskutiert sie vor dem Hintergrund der wissensbasierten Veränderungen von Innovationsparadigmen. Die Betrachtung dedizierter Transformationsprozesse aus paradigmatischer Perspektive liefert theoretische Erkenntnisse, die für öffentliche, akademische wie auch privatwirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeitsanstrengungen von höchster Relevanz sind. Überlegungen zu Innovationsparadigmen verlangen es von Forschern, die normative Dimension von Innovationsprozessen in Innovationssystemen explizit zu machen. Dieser Schritt ist entscheidend, um den gewünschten Wandel zu verstehen und möglicherweise mitzugestalten. Als Beispiel dient die nachhaltige Bioökonomie als neues Paradigma, das die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung von Innovationen in einem dedizierten Innovationssystem bestimmt. Es ist zu erwarten, dass ein Paradigma der nachhaltigen Bioökonomie aus sich selbst heraus eine Rohstoffwende einleiten wird, ohne dass diese vom Gesetzgeber vorgeschrieben wird. Um dorthin zu gelangen, muss jedoch viel geschehen: Politik muss die spezifischen Eigenschaften der relevanten Wissensflüsse berücksichtigen, UniversitätsabsolventInnen müssen dazu ausgebildet werden, einen Perspektivwechsel vollziehen zu können, um die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation zu initiieren und Unternehmen müssen überdenken, welche Art von Werten sie der Gesellschaft feilbieten wollen. Die Gesamtheit der vorgestellten Studien klärt detailliert die theoretischen Grundlagen der wissensbasierten Bioökonomie und deren Potenzial, als neues Innovationsparadigma die Nachhaltigkeitstransformation zu befördern. Gleichzeitig verdeutlicht die Dissertation, welch große Bedeutung eine Neubewertung des Wissens und seiner Rolle in Innovationssystemen hat, um einen systemischen Wandel zu nachhaltigeren Produktions- und Konsummustern zu erreichen

    Environmental and economic impacts of energy transformation: concepts innovation and business models

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    Монографія присвячена дослідженню екологічних та соціально-економічних наслідків перетворення енергії. В першому розділі монографії авторами проаналізовано інноваційні, організаційні та економічні засади державного регулювання енергопостачання. У другому розділі монографії описано основи зеленої конкурентоспроможності підприємств енергетичного сектору та детермінанти конкурентного середовища енергетичних компаній.У третьому розділі монографії подано характеристику безпекових та інтеграційних процесів у пріоритетних сферах розгортання енергетичних мереж ЄС та країн-партнерів. У четвертому розділі монографії представлено принципи концепції розгортання розумних мереж, тенденції сталої трансформації та опис стійких бізнес-моделей трансформації енергетичного сектору. П’ятий розділ завершує монографію. У розділі описано концепцію оптимізації джерел фінансування інтелектуальних енергетичних мереж.Монография посвящена исследованию экологических и социально-экономических последствий преобразования энергии. В первой главе монографии авторами проанализированы инновационные, организационные и экономические основы государственного регулирования энергоснабжения. Во втором разделе монографии описаны основы зеленой конкурентоспособности предприятий энергетического сектора и детерминанты конкурентной среды энергетических компаний. В четвертой главе монографии представлены принципы концепции развертывания разумных сетей, тенденции устойчивой трансформации и описание устойчивых бизнес-моделей трансформации энергетического сектора. Пятая глава завершает монографию. В разделе описана концепция оптимизации источников финансирования интеллектуальных энергетических сетей.The monograph is devoted to the study of environmental and socio-economic consequences of energy conversion. In the first chapter of the monograph, the authors analyzed the innovative, organizational and economic principles of state regulation of energy supply. The second chapter of the monograph describes the basics of green competitiveness of energy sector enterprises and the determinants of the competitive environment of energy companies. The third chapter of the monograph describes the safety and integration processes in the priority areas of deployment of energy networks of the EU and partner countries. The fourth chapter of the monograph presents the principles of the concept of deployment of smart networks, the trends of sustainable transformation and the description of sustainable business models of the transformation of the energy sector. The fifth chapter concludes the monograph. The chapter describes the concept of optimizing sources of financing for intelligent energy networks

    Dedicated Business Models:

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    Purpose: The concept of dedicated business models is drafted to bridge the gap between the micro-level value frameworks of individual firms and the macro-level systemic requirements of sustainability transformations. Design: Three theoretical concepts are drawn on to describe the potential relations between firms’ strategies and the normative orientation of economic systems: Dedicated innovation systems to represent the macro-level and their innovation paradigms as the connection to the micro-level which is represented by business models employed by the individual firms. Then, the scientific literature is reviewed systematically and three propositions are developed that conceptualize dedicated business models. Findings: Business models that contribute to an increased dedication to sustainability in innovation systems take effect on the paradigmatic level and can be expected to feature: (i) an explicit commitment to sustainability-related values; (ii) the active creation and exploitation of new networks to gain access to untapped material, technological, intellectual, and institutional resources that promise higher levels of sustainability; and (iii) mechanisms to nurture and reinforce changed demands of consumers and suppliers in terms of sustainability principles. Limitations: The paucity of relevant literature limits the substantiation of the theoretical argument. It also lacks an empirical verification, which is beyond the scope of this conceptual paper. Originality: The study contributes to the growing scholarship on business models by highlighting their potential effect on innovation paradigms