28 research outputs found

    Frequent itemset mining in big data with effective single scan algorithms

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    © 2013 IEEE. This paper considers frequent itemsets mining in transactional databases. It introduces a new accurate single scan approach for frequent itemset mining (SSFIM), a heuristic as an alternative approach (EA-SSFIM), as well as a parallel implementation on Hadoop clusters (MR-SSFIM). EA-SSFIM and MR-SSFIM target sparse and big databases, respectively. The proposed approach (in all its variants) requires only one scan to extract the candidate itemsets, and it has the advantage to generate a fixed number of candidate itemsets independently from the value of the minimum support. This accelerates the scan process compared with existing approaches while dealing with sparse and big databases. Numerical results show that SSFIM outperforms the state-of-the-art FIM approaches while dealing with medium and large databases. Moreover, EA-SSFIM provides similar performance as SSFIM while considerably reducing the runtime for large databases. The results also reveal the superiority of MR-SSFIM compared with the existing HPC-based solutions for FIM using sparse and big databases

    Towards Name Disambiguation: Relational, Streaming, and Privacy-Preserving Text Data

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    In the real world, our DNA is unique but many people share names. This phenomenon often causes erroneous aggregation of documents of multiple persons who are namesakes of one another. Such mistakes deteriorate the performance of document retrieval, web search, and more seriously, cause improper attribution of credit or blame in digital forensics. To resolve this issue, the name disambiguation task 1 is designed to partition the documents associated with a name reference such that each partition contains documents pertaining to a unique real-life person. Existing algorithms for this task mainly suffer from the following drawbacks. First, the majority of existing solutions substantially rely on feature engineering, such as biographical feature extraction, or construction of auxiliary features from Wikipedia. However, for many scenarios, such features may be costly to obtain or unavailable in privacy sensitive domains. Instead we solve the name disambiguation task in restricted setting by leveraging only the relational data in the form of anonymized graphs. Second, most of the existing works for this task operate in a batch mode, where all records to be disambiguated are initially available to the algorithm. However, more realistic settings require that the name disambiguation task should be performed in an online streaming fashion in order to identify records of new ambiguous entities having no preexisting records. Finally, we investigate the potential disclosure risk of textual features used in name disambiguation and propose several algorithms to tackle the task in a privacy-aware scenario. In summary, in this dissertation, we present a number of novel approaches to address name disambiguation tasks from the above three aspects independently, namely relational, streaming, and privacy preserving textual data

    Towards Scalable Personalization

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    The ever-growing amount of online information calls for Personalization. Among the various personalization systems, recommenders have become increasingly popular in recent years. Recommenders typically use collaborative filtering to suggest the most relevant items to their users. The most prominent challenges underlying personalization are: scalability, privacy, and heterogeneity. Scalability is challenging given the growing rate of the Internet and its dynamics, both in terms of churn (i.e., users might leave/join at any time) and changes of user interests over time. Privacy is also a major concern as users might be reluctant to expose their profiles to unknown parties (e.g., other curious users), unless they have an incentive to significantly improve their navigation experience and sufficient guarantees about their privacy. Heterogeneity poses a major technical difficulty because, to be really meaningful, the profiles of users should be extracted from a number of their navigation activities (heterogeneity of source domains) and represented in a form that is general enough to be leveraged in the context of other applications (heterogeneity of target domains). In this dissertation, we address the above-mentioned challenges. For scalability, we introduce democratization and incrementality. Our democratization approach focuses on iteratively offloading the computationally expensive tasks to the user devices (via browsers or applications). This approach achieves scalability by employing the devices of the users as additional resources and hence the throughput of the approach (i.e., number of updates per unit time) scales with the number of users. Our incrementality approach deals with incremental similarity metrics employing either explicit (e.g., ratings) or implicit (e.g., consumption sequences for users) feedback. This approach achieves scalability by reducing the time complexity of each update, and thereby enabling higher throughput. We tackle the privacy concerns from two perspectives, i.e., anonymity from either other curious users (user-level privacy) or the service provider (system-level privacy). We strengthen the notion of differential privacy in the context of recommenders by introducing distance-based differential privacy (D2P) which prevents curious users from even guessing any category (e.g., genre) in which a user might be interested in. We also briefly introduce a recommender (X-REC) which employs uniform user sampling technique to achieve user-level privacy and an efficient homomorphic encryption scheme (X-HE) to achieve system-level privacy. We also present a heterogeneous recommender (X-MAP) which employs a novel similarity metric (X-SIM) based on paths across heterogeneous items (i.e., items from different domains). To achieve a general form for any user profile, we generate her AlterEgo profile in a target domain by employing an item-to-item mapping from a source domain (e.g., movies) to a target domain (e.g., books). Moreover, X-MAP also enables differentially private AlterEgos. While X-MAP employs user-item interactions (e.g., ratings), we also explore the possibility of heterogeneous recommendation by using content-based features of users (e.g., demography, time-varying preferences) or items (e.g., popularity, price)

    Privacy-Preserving Data Collection and Sharing in Modern Mobile Internet Systems

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    With the ubiquity and widespread use of mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, smartwatches, and IoT devices, large volumes of user data are generated and recorded. While there is great value in collecting, analyzing and sharing this data for improving products and services, data privacy poses a major concern. This dissertation research addresses the problem of privacy-preserving data collection and sharing in the context of both mobile trajectory data and mobile Internet access data. The first contribution of this dissertation research is the design and development of a system for utility-aware synthesis of differentially private and attack-resilient location traces, called AdaTrace. Given a set of real location traces, AdaTrace executes a four-phase process consisting of feature extraction, synopsis construction, noise injection, and generation of synthetic location traces. Compared to representative prior approaches, the location traces generated by AdaTrace offer up to 3-fold improvement in utility, measured using a variety of utility metrics and datasets, while preserving both differential privacy and attack resilience. The second contribution of this dissertation research is the design and development of locally private protocols for privacy-sensitive collection of mobile and Web user data. Motivated by the excessive utility loss of existing Local Differential Privacy (LDP) protocols under small user populations, this dissertation introduces the notion of Condensed Local Differential Privacy (CLDP) and a suite of protocols satisfying CLDP to enable the collection of various types of user data, ranging from ordinal data types in finite metric spaces (malware infection statistics), to non-ordinal items (OS versions and transaction categories), and to sequences of ordinal or non-ordinal items. Using cybersecurity data and case studies from Symantec, a major cybersecurity vendor, we show that proposed CLDP protocols are practical for key tasks including malware outbreak detection, OS vulnerability analysis, and inspecting suspicious activities on infected machines. The third contribution of this dissertation research is the development of a framework and a prototype system for evaluating privacy-utility tradeoffs of different LDP protocols, called LDPLens. LDPLens introduces metrics to evaluate protocol tradeoffs based on factors such as the utility metric, the data collection scenario, and the user-specified adversary metric. We develop a common Bayesian adversary model to analyze LDP protocols, and we formally and experimentally analyze Adversarial Success Rate (ASR) under each protocol. Motivated by the findings that numerous factors impact the ASR and utility behaviors of LDP protocols, we develop LDPLens to provide effective recommendations for finding the most suitable protocol in a given setting. Our three case studies with real-world datasets demonstrate that using the protocol recommended by LDPLens can offer substantial reduction in utility loss or in ASR, compared to using a randomly chosen protocol.Ph.D

    Proceedings of the ECAI Workshop on Formal Concept Analysis for Artificial Intelligence (FCA4AI)

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    International audienceFormal Concept Analysis (FCA) is aimed at data analysis and classification. FCA proposes various efficient tools for concept lattice design and visualization, and is related to many research fields and application domains, including several fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), e.g. knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning. In recent years, a series of work emerged for extending the possibilities of FCA w.r.t. knowledge processing, e.g. pattern structures and relational context analysis. Such extensions should allow FCA to deal with complex data from the knowledge discovery and the knowledge representation points of view. Moreover, these extensions of the capabilities of FCA offer new possibilities for AI activities in the framework of FCA. Accordingly, this workshop will be interested in two main issues: (i) how can FCA support AI activities and especially knowledge processing and (ii) how can FCA be extended for solving new and complex problems in AI

    Privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid äriprotsesside kaeveks

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    Protsessikaeve tehnikad võimaldavad organisatsioonidel analüüsida protsesside täitmise käigus tekkivaid logijälgi eesmärgiga leida parendusvõimalusi. Nende tehnikate eelduseks on, et nimetatud logijälgi koondavad sündmuslogid on andmeanalüütikutele analüüside läbi viimiseks kättesaadavad. Sellised sündmuslogid võivad sisaldada privaatset informatsiooni isikute kohta kelle jaoks protsessi täidetakse. Sellistel juhtudel peavad organisatsioonid rakendama privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid (PET), et võimaldada analüütikul sündmuslogi põhjal järeldusi teha, samas säilitades isikute privaatsust. Kuigi PET tehnikad säilitavad isikute privaatsust organisatsiooni siseselt, muudavad nad ühtlasi sündmuslogisid sellisel viisil, mis võib viia analüüsi käigus valede järeldusteni. PET tehnikad võivad lisada sündmuslogidesse sellist uut käitumist, mille esinemine ei ole reaalses sündmuslogis võimalik. Näiteks võivad mõned PET tehnikad haigla sündmuslogi anonüümimisel lisada logijälje, mille kohaselt patsient külastas arsti enne haiglasse saabumist. Käesolev lõputöö esitab privaatsust säilitavate lähenemiste komplekti nimetusega privaatsust säilitav protsessikaeve (PPPM). PPPM põhiline eesmärk on leida tasakaal võimaliku sündmuslogi analüüsist saadava kasu ja analüüsile kohaldatavate privaatsusega seonduvate regulatsioonide (näiteks GDPR) vahel. Lisaks pakub käesolev lõputöö lahenduse, mis võimaldab erinevatel organisatsioonidel protsessikaevet üle ühise andmete terviku rakendada, ilma oma privaatseid andmeid üksteisega jagamata. Käesolevas lõputöös esitatud tehnikad on avatud lähtekoodiga tööriistadena kättesaadavad. Nendest tööriistadest esimene on Amun, mis võimaldab sündmuslogi omanikul sündmuslogi anonüümida enne selle analüütikule jagamist. Teine tööriist on Libra, mis pakub täiendatud võimalusi kasutatavuse ja privaatsuse tasakaalu leidmiseks. Kolmas tööriist on Shareprom, mis võimaldab organisatsioonidele ühiste protsessikaartide loomist sellisel viisil, et ükski osapool ei näe teiste osapoolte andmeid.Process Mining Techniques enable organizations to analyze process execution traces to identify improvement opportunities. Such techniques need the event logs (which record process execution) to be available for data analysts to perform the analysis. These logs contain private information about the individuals for whom a process is being executed. In such cases, organizations need to deploy Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to enable the analyst to drive conclusions from the event logs while preserving the privacy of individuals. While PETs techniques preserve the privacy of individuals inside the organization, they work by perturbing the event logs in such a way that may lead to misleading conclusions of the analysis. They may inject new behaviors into the event logs that are impossible to exist in real-life event logs. For example, some PETs techniques anonymize a hospital event log by injecting a trace that a patient may visit a doctor before checking in inside the hospital. In this thesis, we propose a set of privacy-preserving approaches that we call Privacy-Preserving Process Mining (PPPM) approaches to strike a balance between the benefits an analyst can get from analyzing these event logs and the requirements imposed on them by privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR). Also, in this thesis, we propose an approach that enables organizations to jointly perform process mining over their data without sharing their private information. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been proposed as open-source tools. The first tool is Amun, enabling an event log publisher to anonymize their event log before sharing it with an analyst. The second tool is called Libra, which provides an enhanced utility-privacy tradeoff. The third tool is Shareprom, which enables organizations to construct process maps jointly in such a manner that no party learns the data of the other parties.https://www.ester.ee/record=b552434

    Anonymizing large transaction data using MapReduce

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    Publishing transaction data is important to applications such as marketing research and biomedical studies. Privacy is a concern when publishing such data since they often contain person-specific sensitive information. To address this problem, different data anonymization methods have been proposed. These methods have focused on protecting the associated individuals from different types of privacy leaks as well as preserving utility of the original data. But all these methods are sequential and are designed to process data on a single machine, hence not scalable to large datasets. Recently, MapReduce has emerged as a highly scalable platform for data-intensive applications. In this work, we consider how MapReduce may be used to provide scalability in large transaction data anonymization. More specifically, we consider how setbased generalization methods such as RBAT (Rule-Based Anonymization of Transaction data) may be parallelized using MapReduce. Set-based generalization methods have some desirable features for transaction anonymization, but their highly iterative nature makes parallelization challenging. RBAT is a good representative of such methods. We propose a method for transaction data partitioning and representation. We also present two MapReduce-based parallelizations of RBAT. Our methods ensure scalability when the number of transaction records and domain of items are large. Our preliminary results show that a direct parallelization of RBAT by partitioning data alone can result in significant overhead, which can offset the gains from parallel processing. We propose MR-RBAT that generalizes our direct parallel method and allows to control parallelization overhead. Our experimental results show that MR-RBAT can scale linearly to large datasets and to the available resources while retaining good data utility

    Secure Protocols for Privacy-preserving Data Outsourcing, Integration, and Auditing

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    As the amount of data available from a wide range of domains has increased tremendously in recent years, the demand for data sharing and integration has also risen. The cloud computing paradigm provides great flexibility to data owners with respect to computation and storage capabilities, which makes it a suitable platform for them to share their data. Outsourcing person-specific data to the cloud, however, imposes serious concerns about the confidentiality of the outsourced data, the privacy of the individuals referenced in the data, as well as the confidentiality of the queries processed over the data. Data integration is another form of data sharing, where data owners jointly perform the integration process, and the resulting dataset is shared between them. Integrating related data from different sources enables individuals, businesses, organizations and government agencies to perform better data analysis, make better informed decisions, and provide better services. Designing distributed, secure, and privacy-preserving protocols for integrating person-specific data, however, poses several challenges, including how to prevent each party from inferring sensitive information about individuals during the execution of the protocol, how to guarantee an effective level of privacy on the released data while maintaining utility for data mining, and how to support public auditing such that anyone at any time can verify that the integration was executed correctly and no participants deviated from the protocol. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned concerns by presenting secure protocols for privacy-preserving data outsourcing, integration and auditing. First, we propose a secure cloud-based data outsourcing and query processing framework that simultaneously preserves the confidentiality of the data and the query requests, while providing differential privacy guarantees on the query results. Second, we propose a publicly verifiable protocol for integrating person-specific data from multiple data owners, while providing differential privacy guarantees and maintaining an effective level of utility on the released data for the purpose of data mining. Next, we propose a privacy-preserving multi-party protocol for high-dimensional data mashup with guaranteed LKC-privacy on the output data. Finally, we apply the theory to the real world problem of solvency in Bitcoin. More specifically, we propose a privacy-preserving and publicly verifiable cryptographic proof of solvency scheme for Bitcoin exchanges such that no information is revealed about the exchange's customer holdings, the value of the exchange's total holdings is kept secret, and multiple exchanges performing the same proof of solvency can contemporaneously prove they are not colluding