252 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of two popular antennas designed using a Bacteria Foraging Algorithm

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    AbstractTwo popular antennas such as the Yagi-Uda Array (YUA) and the Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) with the same number of dipole elements are optimally designed using Bacteria Foraging Algorithm (BFA). BFA being one of the successful optimization algorithms, used to optimize many design parameters of these two antennas to get a number of desired performance parameters. A YUA is designed here, mainly to realize high directivity, input-impedance (Zin) close to 50Ω, high Front To Back Ratio (FTBR), high Front-to-maximum-Side-Lobe-Level (FSLL), low Half Power Beam Width (HPBW), and appreciable bandwidth, whereas a LPDA is designed here, mainly to achieve high bandwidth, average Zin close to 50Ω, high average FTBR, high average FSLL, low average HPBW, and appreciable average directivity. The successful design approaches, application and comparative study of these two antennas presented here can also be extended to other antennas

    Bacterial Foraging Based Channel Equalizers

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    A channel equalizer is one of the most important subsystems in any digital communication receiver. It is also the subsystem that consumes maximum computation time in the receiver. Traditionally maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) was the most popular form of equalizer. Owing to non-stationary characteristics of the communication channel MLSE receivers perform poorly. Under these circumstances ‘Maximum A-posteriori Probability (MAP)’ receivers also called Bayesian receivers perform better. Natural selection tends to eliminate animals with poor “foraging strategies” and favor the propagation of genes of those animals that have successful foraging strategies since they are more likely to enjoy reproductive success. After many generations, poor foraging strategies are either eliminated or shaped into good ones (redesigned). Logically, such evolutionary principles have led scientists in the field of “foraging theory” to hypothesize that it is appropriate to model the activity of foraging as an optimization process. This thesis presents an investigation on design of bacterial foraging based channel equalizer for digital communication. Extensive simulation studies shows that the performance of the proposed receiver is close to optimal receiver for variety of channel conditions. The proposed receiver also provides near optimal performance when channel suffers from nonlinearities

    Automatic Generation Control System: The Impact of Battery Energy Storage in Multi Area Network

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) are currently experiencing significant expansion, and the integration of these sources into power systems necessitates more complex auxiliary facilities. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) have been widely recognized in recent literature as an effective means of enhancing control capabilities. This study focuses on the implementation of an Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system with the integration of BESS in a multi-area network. Maintaining system frequency, especially during peak loads, poses challenges for AGC systems. The objective of this study is to investigate the utilization of BESS to enhance AGC for frequency control in power system networks. Additionally, the effectiveness of BESS in improving frequency control in multi-area networks is demonstrated through several case studies. The AGC and BESS simulations were conducted using MATLAB Simulink to evaluate the proposed frequency control method's effectiveness. &nbsp

    Automatic Generation Control System: The Impact of Battery Energy Storage in Multi Area Network

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) are currently experiencing significant expansion, and the integration of these sources into power systems necessitates more complex auxiliary facilities. Battery energy storage systems (BESS) have been widely recognized in recent literature as an effective means of enhancing control capabilities. This study focuses on the implementation of an Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system with the integration of BESS in a multi-area network. Maintaining system frequency, especially during peak loads, poses challenges for AGC systems. The objective of this study is to investigate the utilization of BESS to enhance AGC for frequency control in power system networks. Additionally, the effectiveness of BESS in improving frequency control in multi-area networks is demonstrated through several case studies. The AGC and BESS simulations were conducted using MATLAB Simulink to evaluate the proposed frequency control method's effectiveness. &nbsp

    A Comprehensive Survey on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Its Applications

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a heuristic global optimization method, proposed originally by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995. It is now one of the most commonly used optimization techniques. This survey presented a comprehensive investigation of PSO. On one hand, we provided advances with PSO, including its modifications (including quantum-behaved PSO, bare-bones PSO, chaotic PSO, and fuzzy PSO), population topology (as fully connected, von Neumann, ring, star, random, etc.), hybridization (with genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, Tabu search, artificial immune system, ant colony algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, harmonic search, and biogeography-based optimization), extensions (to multiobjective, constrained, discrete, and binary optimization), theoretical analysis (parameter selection and tuning, and convergence analysis), and parallel implementation (in multicore, multiprocessor, GPU, and cloud computing forms). On the other hand, we offered a survey on applications of PSO to the following eight fields: electrical and electronic engineering, automation control systems, communication theory, operations research, mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, medicine, chemistry, and biology. It is hoped that this survey would be beneficial for the researchers studying PSO algorithms

    Adaptive Control for Power System Voltage and Frequency Regulation

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    Variable and uncertain wind power output introduces new challenges to power system voltage and frequency stability. To guarantee the safe and stable operation of power systems, the control for voltage and frequency regulation is studied in this work. Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) can provide fast and efficient reactive power support to regulate system voltage. In the literature, various STATCOM control methods have been discussed, including many applications of proportional–integral (PI) controllers. However, these previous works obtain the PI gains via a trial and error approach or extensive studies with a tradeoff of performance and applicability. Hence, control parameters for the optimal performance at a given operating point may not be effective at a different operating point. To improve the controller’s performance, this work proposes a new control model based on adaptive PI control, which can self-adjust the control gains during disturbance, such that the performance always matches a desired response in relation to operating condition changes. Further, a new method called the flatness-based adaptive control (FBAC), for STATCOM is also proposed. By this method, the nonlinear STATCOM variables can easily and exactly be controlled by controlling the flat output without solving differential equations. Further, the control gains can be dynamically tuned to satisfy the time-varying operation condition requirement. In addition to the voltage control, frequency control is also investigated in this work. Automatic generation control (AGC) is used to regulate the system frequency in power systems. Various control methods have been discussed in order to design control gains and obtain good frequency response performances. However, the control gains obtained by existing control methods are usually fixed and designed for specific scenarios in the studied power system. The desired response may not be obtained when variable wind power is integrated into power systems. To address these challenges, an adaptive gain-tuning control (AGTC) for AGC with effects of wind resources is presented in this dissertation. By AGTC, the PI control parameters can be automatically and dynamically calculated during the disturbance to make AGC consistently provide excellent performance under variable wind power. Simulation result verifies the advantages of the proposed control strategy

    Molecular Approaches for Analyzing Organismal and Environmental Interactions

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    Our planet is undergoing rapid change due to the expanding human population and climate change, which leads to extreme weather events and habitat loss. It is more important than ever to develop methods which can monitor the impact we are having on the biodiversity of our planet. To influence policy changes in wildlife and resource management practices we need to provide measurable evidence of how we are affecting animal health and fitness and the ecosystems needed for their survival. We also need to pool our resources and work in interdisciplinary teams to find common threads which can help preserve biodiversity and vital habitats. This dissertation showcases how improved molecular biology assays and data analysis approaches can help monitor the fitness of animal populations within changing ecosystems. Chapter 1 details the development of a universal telomere assay for vertebrates. Recent work has shown the utility of telomere assays in tracking animal health. Telomere lengths can predict extinction events in animal populations, life span, and fitness consequences of anthropogenic activity. Telomere length assays are an improvement over other methods of measuring animal stress, such as cortisol levels, since they are stable during capture and sampling of animals. This dissertation provides a telomere length assay which can be used for any vertebrate. The assay was developed using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction platform which requires low DNA input and is rapid. This dissertation also demonstrates how this assay improves on current telomere assays developed for mice and can be used in a vertebrate not previously assayed for telomere lengths, the American kestrel. This work has the potential to propel research in vertebrate systems forward as it alleviates the need to develop new reference primers for each species of interest. This improved assay has shown promise in studies in mouse cell line studies, American kestrels, golden eagles, five species of passerine birds, osprey, northern goshawks and bighorn sheep. Chapter 2 presents a machine learning analysis, using a topic model approach, to integrate big data from remote sensing, leaf area index surveys, metabolomics and metagenomics to analyze community composition in cross-disciplinary datasets. Topic models were applied to understand community organization across a range of distinct, but connected, biological scales within the sagebrush steppe. The sagebrush steppe is home to several threatened species, including the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) and sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). It covers vast swaths of the western United States and is subject to habitat fragmentation and land use conversion for both farming and rangeland use. It is also threatened by increases in fire events which can dramatically alter the landscape. Restoration efforts have been hampered by a lack of resources and often by inadequate collaboration between stakeholders and scientists. This work brought together scientists from four disciplines: remote sensing, field ecology, metabolomics and metagenomics, to provide a framework for how studies can be designed and analyzed that integrate patterns of biodiversity from multiple scales, from the molecular to the landscape scale. A topic model approach was used which groups features (chemicals, bacterial and plant taxa, and light spectrum) into “communities” which in turn can be analyzed for their presence within individual samples and time points. Within the landscape, I found communities which contain encroaching plant species, such as juniper (Juniperus spp.) and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). Within plants, I found chemicals which are known toxins to herbivores. Within herbivores, I identified differences in bacterial taxonomical communities associated with changes in diet. This work will help to inform restoration efforts and provide a road map for designing interdisciplinary studies

    Artificial Neural Network Based Channel Equalization

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    The field of digital data communications has experienced an explosive growth in the last three decade with the growth of internet technologies, high speed and efficient data transmission over communication channel has gained significant importance. The rate of data transmissions over a communication system is limited due to the effects of linear and nonlinear distortion. Linear distortions occure in from of inter-symbol interference (ISI), co-channel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise. Nonlinear distortions are caused due to the subsystems like amplifiers, modulator and demodulator along with nature of the medium. Some times burst noise occurs in communication system. Different equalization techniques are used to mitigate these effects. Adaptive channel equalizers are used in digital communication systems. The equalizer located at the receiver removes the effects of ISI, CCI, burst noise interference and attempts to recover the transmitted symbols. It has been seen that linear equalizers show poor performance, where as nonlinear equalizer provide superior performance. Artificial neural network based multi layer perceptron (MLP) based equalizers have been used for equalization in the last two decade. The equalizer is a feed-forward network consists of one or more hidden nodes between its input and output layers and is trained by popular error based back propagation (BP) algorithm. However this algorithm suffers from slow convergence rate, depending on the size of network. It has been seen that an optimal equalizer based on maximum a-posterior probability (MAP) criterion can be implemented using Radial basis function (RBF) network. In a RBF equalizer, centres are fixed using K-mean clustering and weights are trained using LMS algorithm. RBF equalizer can mitigate ISI interference effectively providing minimum BER plot. But when the input order is increased the number of centre of the network increases and makes the network more complicated. A RBF network, to mitigate the effects of CCI is very complex with large number of centres. To overcome computational complexity issues, a single neuron based chebyshev neural network (ChNN) and functional link ANN (FLANN) have been proposed. These neural networks are single layer network in which the original input pattern is expanded to a higher dimensional space using nonlinear functions and have capability to provide arbitrarily complex decision regions. More recently, a rank based statistics approach known as Wilcoxon learning method has been proposed for signal processing application. The Wilcoxon learning algorithm has been applied to neural networks like Wilcoxon Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (WMLPNN), Wilcoxon Generalized Radial Basis Function Network (WGRBF). The Wilcoxon approach provides promising methodology for many machine learning problems. This motivated us to introduce these networks in the field of channel equalization application. In this thesis we have used WMLPNN and WGRBF network to mitigate ISI, CCI and burst noise interference. It is observed that the equalizers trained with Wilcoxon learning algorithm offers improved performance in terms of convergence characteristic and bit error rate performance in comparison to gradient based training for MLP and RBF. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out to validate the proposed technique. The performance of Wilcoxon networks is better then linear equalizers trained with LMS and RLS algorithm and RBF equalizer in the case of burst noise and CCI mitigations

    On Applications of New Soft and Evolutionary Computing Techniques to Direct and Inverse Modeling Problems

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    Adaptive direct modeling or system identification and adaptive inverse modeling or channel equalization find extensive applications in telecommunication, control system, instrumentation, power system engineering and geophysics. If the plants or systems are nonlinear, dynamic, Hammerstein and multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) types, the identification task becomes very difficult. Further, the existing conventional methods like the least mean square (LMS) and recursive least square (RLS) algorithms do not provide satisfactory training to develop accurate direct and inverse models. Very often these (LMS and RLS) derivative based algorithms do not lead to optimal solutions in pole-zero and Hammerstein type system identification problem as they have tendency to be trapped by local minima. In many practical situations the output data are contaminated with impulsive type outliers in addition to measurement noise. The density of the outliers may be up to 50%, which means that about 50% of the available data are affected by outliers. The strength of these outliers may be two to five times the maximum amplitude of the signal. Under such adverse conditions the available learning algorithms are not effective in imparting satisfactory training to update the weights of the adaptive models. As a result the resultant direct and inverse models become inaccurate and improper. Hence there are three important issues which need attention to be resolved. These are : (i) Development of accurate direct and inverse models of complex plants using some novel architecture and new learning techniques. (ii) Development of new training rules which alleviates local minima problem during training and thus help in generating improved adaptive models. (iii) Development of robust training strategy which is less sensitive to outliers in training and thus to create identification and equalization models which are robust against outliers. These issues are addressed in this thesis and corresponding contribution are outlined in seven Chapters. In addition, one Chapter on introduction, another on required architectures and algorithms and last Chapter on conclusion and scope for further research work are embodied in the thesis. A new cascaded low complexity functional link artificial neural network (FLANN) structure is proposed and the corresponding learning algorithm is derived and used to identify nonlinear dynamic plants. In terms of identification performance this model is shown to outperform the multilayer perceptron and FLANN model. A novel method of identification of IIR plants is proposed using comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization (CLPSO) algorithm. It is shown that the new approach is more accurate in identification and takes less CPU time compared to those obtained by existing recursive LMS (RLMS), genetic algorithm (GA) and PSO based approaches. The bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) and PSO are used to develop efficient learning algorithms to train models to identify nonlinear dynamic and MIMO plants. The new scheme takes less computational effort, more accurate and consumes less input samples for training. Robust identification and equalization of complex plants have been carried out using outliers in training sets through minimization of robust norms using PSO and BFO based methods. This method yields robust performance both in equalization and identification tasks. Identification of Hammerstein plants has been achieved successfully using PSO, new clonal PSO (CPSO) and immunized PSO (IPSO) algorithms. Finally the thesis proposes a distributed approach to identification of plants by developing two distributed learning algorithms : incremental PSO and diffusion PSO. It is shown that the new approach is more efficient in terms of accuracy and training time compared to centralized PSO based approach. In addition a robust distributed approach for identification is proposed and its performance has been evaluated. In essence the thesis proposed many new and efficient algorithms and structure for identification and equalization task such as distributed algorithms, robust algorithms, algorithms for ploe-zero identification and Hammerstein models. All these new methods are shown to be better in terms of performance, speed of computation or accuracy of results