6,426 research outputs found

    Does the Housing Market React to New Information on School Quality?

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    This paper analyzes housing market reactions to the release of previously unpublished information on school quality. Using the sharp discontinuity in the information environment allows us to study price changes within school catchment areas, thus controlling for neighborhood unobservables. We find a substantial housing market reaction to publication of school quality indicators, suggesting that households care about school quality, and may be willing to pay for better schools. The publication effect is robust to a number of sensitivity checks, but does not seem to be permanent as prices revert to prepublication levels after two to three months. We discuss this reversion in relation to the literature on behavioral finance and the concept of limited attention.valuation of school quality, hedonic methods, price reversion

    Equity in the Bureaucracy

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    Information content of insider trading in Germany - three empirical essays

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    This dissertation employs an empirical strategy to investigate the information content of insider trading. The analysis is based on the basic premise that insiders, while possessing private information, trade for many reasons and perform a variety of roles. By identifying information motivated trades (trades outside blackout periods) and examining their interest positive interaction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we show that legal insider trading contributes to market efficiency and fairness. Further, we find substantial abnormal returns (most in cases of purchases) that indicates valuable content of information in insider trades. MAR regulation though mitigates the informativeness of insider trading, the impact appears mostly for trades of firms with high level of litigation risk. In addition, the MAR effect on trades in alternative trading venues is weak. Last, in exploiting the predictability of aggregate insider trading, this work demonstrates that insider trades in aggregate deliver us a precise predictor for future market returns, at least three months before the market moves. The stock market price predictivity effect of aggregate insider trades is even higher when market transparency is stronger (in the period after MAR introduction). Following to the results of this work, insiders’ predictive ability becomes especially valuable during periods of significant market disruption such as during Covid-19 pandemic

    Public servants in parliament: theory and evidence onitsdeterminants in Germany

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    This paper addresses the personal linkages between the public service and the legislature that emerge because public servants pursue a political mandate. There are concerns that the representation of public servants in parliaments generates a conflict of interest. We present a cost-benefit calculus and analyze specific legal provisions for the German Laender to understand the selection of public servants into parliaments. We find that a legal incompatibility of a position in the public service and a political mandate decreases and a compensation for having to hold one's office in abeyance increases the fraction of public servants in Laender parliament

    Patents, spillovers, and the allocation of talent

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    Corporate social responsibility and the cost of equity capital

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    Während der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte habensogenannte „Sustainable and Responsible Investment― Finanzprodukte ein bemerkenswertes Wachstum erlebt. Zunehmend mehr Länder haben Gesetze erlassen, um Firmen zu verpflichten, auch nicht-finanzielle Leistungsindikatoren offenzulegen. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob Kapitalmärkte soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen („Corporate Social Responsibility―) belohnen. Diese Belohnung kann in Form von geringeren Kapitalkosten, insbesondere von Eigenkapitalkosten, erfolgen. Diese Magisterarbeit soll einen Beitrag leisten zur Erforschung der Vor- und Nachteile von Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),und eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen CSR und finanzieller Leistungsfähigkeit untersuchen. Zunächst gibt es einen Überblick über die externen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten eines Unternehmens und dessen Kapitalkosten. Es folgt die Definition von CSR, einschließlich einer Diskussion über die Verantwortung eines Unternehmens gegenüber seinen Kapitaleignern („Shareholders―) und Interessensgruppen („Stakeholders―), sowie einer Gegenüberstellung von Kosten und Nutzen. Des Weiteren wird eine umfangreiche Sammlung von themenbezogenen Studien betreffend CSR und Finanzleistung vorgestellt. Es folgt die empirische Studie mit einer Stichprobe von deutschen Unternehmen, welche einen möglichen negativen oder positiven Einfluss von besseren CSR-Ratings auf „Equity-Beta― bzw. Liquidität untersucht.Insgesamt sind vier lineare Regressionsanalysen und eine Varianzanalyse durchgeführt worden. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen eine statistisch signifikante und negative Korrelation zwischen CSR-Ratings und Equity-Beta, selbst wenn Firmengröße, Liquidität, Verschuldungsgrad sowie Industrieeffekte als Kontrollvariablen berücksichtigt werden. Da der Regressionskoeffizient allerdings nicht signifikant ist, wenn die Kontrollvariablen einbezogen werden, scheinen CSR-Ratings keine beeinflussende Wirkung auf Equity-Beta zu haben. Dasselbe Ergebnis zeigt sich für die gruppierten CSR-Ratings. Zusätzlich wird ein möglicher Zusammenhang zwischen CSR-Ratings und Liquidität untersucht. Ähnlich der Ergebnisse zu Equity-Beta, suggerieren die Resultate auch hier, dass CSR-Ratings keine Einflussgröße für die Liquidität von Aktien darstellen.During the last two decades a remarkably growing number of sustainable and responsible investment products have emerged. Increasingly more countries have adapted laws requiring non-financial performance indicators to be disclosed too. Hence, the question arises whether capital markets reward corporate social responsibility (CSR) of firms. These rewards can be in form of lower cost of capital, particularly cost of equity capital. This thesis contributes to the extensive literature examining the pros and cons of CSR and a possible relationship between CSR and financial performance. An overview of a firm’s external financing options and cost of capital is presented. CSR is defined, including a discussion of a firm’s responsibility towards its shareholders and stakeholder, and costs and benefits of CSR. Furthermore, an extensive list of related research regarding CSR performance and financial performance is depicted. An empirical study follows, comprising a sample of German firms to test whether higher ratings negatively influence equity beta and positively influence liquidity. Overall, four linear regressions and an ANOVA are performed. The results showed a statistically significant negative correlation between CSR ratings and equity beta, even when controlling for firm size, liquidity, leverage and industry effects. However, when introducing the control variables, the regression coefficient becomes non-significant. Hence, CSR ratings seem not to have an influencing effect on equity beta. The same holds true for grouped CSR ratings. In addition, a possible relationship between CSR ratings and liquidity is tested. Similar to the findings regarding equity beta, the results suggest no influencing power of CSR ratings on stock liquidity

    Impact of ESG on financial performance : Empirical evidence from the European market 2002–2019

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    There has recently been a growing interest in sustainability in the business landscape. The awareness of sustainability is also increasingly reflected in legislation, meaning that all responsible actions are no longer voluntary for companies. To sustain their competitive advantage, firms must adapt to the new legal requirements, and they are encouraged to pay more attention to their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. A growing body of research has investigated the impact of ESG on corporate financial performance (CFP). Although most studies find a nonnegative ESG-CFP relationship, the results have not been consistent. In addition, the prior ESG-CFP research has mainly focused on the US market and often neglected to investigate the potential interaction effects of industry and economic specific characteristics on the ESG-CFP relationship. This paper aims to contribute to the extant literature by examining the ESG-CFP relationship in the European market, paying special attention to the effect of environmentally sensitive industries and market crises. A panel regression analysis with an unbalanced panel data set is applied to analyze the data from over 900 European firms from 20 countries during 2002–2019. ESG data is obtained from the Asset4 database, and CFP is proxied by return on assets (ROA) and Tobin’s Q to measure the impact of ESG on both account and market-based performance. The results provide evidence of a positive valuation effect of ESG in the European market. The positive ESG-CFP relationship is particularly observed for non-sensitive firms when CFP is measured with Tobin’s Q, whereas some findings imply a negative relationship for firms operating in environmentally sensitive industries when ROA is used as a proxy. Furthermore, the results indicate that high-ESG especially pays off when the overall level of trust in corporations and markets suffers a negative shock. Consistent with the stakeholder and legitimacy theory, the findings support that ESG activities enhance stakeholder communication and trust, rewarded with a higher firm value. Also, the findings provide a silver lining for the firms: although firms must increasingly put effort into ESG practices to comply with the legal requirements, improvements in ESG do not negatively affect their market value. Moreover, the results imply that companies investing in ESG practices can better prepare for future market crises.Kiinnostus vastuullisuudesta ja kestävästä kehityksestä on kasvanut yritysmaailmassa viime vuosina. Tietoisuus vastuullisuuden merkityksestä heijastuu myös yhä enemmän lainsäädäntöön. Yritysvastuuseen liittyvät käytänteet ja raportointivaateet eivät ole enää kaikilta osin vapaaehtoisia yrityksille, joten kilpailuedun säilyttämiseksi yritysten on sopeuduttava uusiin lakisääteisiin vaatimuksiin. Tämä kannustaa yrityksiä kiinnittämään toiminnassaan yhä enemmän huomiota ympäristöasioihin, sosiaaliseen vastuuseen ja hyvään hallinnointitapaan (ESG). ESG:n vaikutusta yritysten taloudelliseen suoriutumiseen on tutkittu laajalti. Vaikka suuri osa tutkimuksista löytää ei-negatiivisen yhteyden, tulokset eivät ole olleet yhteneväisiä. Lisäksi aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on pääasiassa keskitytty Yhdysvaltain markkinoihin ja jätetty usein huomioimatta toimialan ja markkinaolosuhteiden mahdolliset interaktiovaikutukset. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä ESG:n vaikutuksista yrityksen taloudelliseen suoriutumiseen tutkimalla ESG:n vaikutusta Euroopan markkinoilla ja kiinnittämällä erityistä huomiota ympäristösensitiivisiin toimialoihin sekä markkinakriisien vaikutuksiin. Tutkimusmetodina käytetään paneeliregressiota, ja tutkimusaineisto kattaa yli 900 eurooppalaista yritystä 20:stä eri maasta vuosina 2002–2019. Tutkimuksessa käytetään Asset4-tietokannan ESG-dataa. Jotta ESG:n vaikutusta voidaan tutkia sekä tilinpäätös- että markkinaperusteiseen tulokseen, yrityksen taloudellista suoriutumista mitataan sekä koko pääoman tuottoasteella (ROA) että Tobinin Q:lla. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että ESG vaikuttaa pääasiassa positiivisesti yrityksen suoriutumiseen Euroopan markkinoilla. Positiivinen vaikutus havaitaan erityisesti ei-sensitiivisillä toimialoilla mitatessa yrityksen suoriutumista Tobinin Q:lla. Negatiivinen vaikutus havaitaan puolestaan ympäristösensitiivisillä aloilla, kun yrityksen suoriutumista mitataan ROA:lla. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, että ESG-panostukset kannattavat erityisesti markkinoiden kohdatessa negatiivisen shokin. Sidosryhmä- ja legitimiteettiteorian mukaisesti tulokset tukevat näkemystä, että ESG parantaa yrityksen sidosryhmäviestintää ja -luottamusta, mikä vaikuttaa positiivisesti yrityksen arvoon. Kaiken kaikkiaan tulokset osoittavat, että kiristyvän lainsäädännön takia yritysten kasvavat ESG-panostukset eivät vaikuta negatiivisesti yritysten markkina-arvoon, ja panostamalla ESG-käytäntöihin yritykset voivat varautua tuleviin markkinakriiseihin

    Dynamic Aspects in Corporate Governance and Corporate Leadership

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