48 research outputs found

    Identification and Classsification Cyber Bullying among University’s Students

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    The development of technology not only has a positive impact but also has a negative impact. One of them is the shift in bullying trends, from traditional bullying to cyberbullying. Based on a report, as many as 210.3 million internet users aged 13-17 years ranked third in using social media. Cyberbullying victims in Indonesia reach 41-50% and 80% of teenagers become victims of cyberbullying. This study aims to determine the incidence of cyberbullying in students. Using an analytical survey research method with a cross-sectional survey design. Data collection through Cyberbullying and Online Aggression Survey questionnaires and data processing is presented in the form of a frequency distribution. The results showed that 125 respondents (75%) who experienced cyberbullying with types of cyberbullying included flaming 32,14%; exclusion 62,75%; harassment 47,44%; flooding 50%; masquerade log in 42,34%; trolling 25,52%; denigration 19,89%; outing 25%; dan sexual harassment 15,3%. The incidence of cyberbullying in adolescents is still high and all types of cyberbullying have been experienced by adolescents

    Prevention of aggression and antisocial behaviour in adolescents

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    Background. The issue of preventing antisocial behavior in the juvenile is relevant nowadays as delinquent, unlawful behaviour in children and adolescents is a powerful risk factor of asocial development of the personality on the whole, and also the factor that negatively affects their entire future. The Objective is to analyze the causes and consequences of the asocial development in children and adolescents, to consider theoretical studies devoted to the prevention of antisocial behaviour and juvenile delinquency, neglected and homeless children and adolescents, and their rehabilitation and resocialization. Design. The paper studies the issue of adolescent aggression in modern Russian society. The paper recites a wide range of foreign and Russian research, analyses regulatory and legal documents and regional practices, and also employs the data of the author’s survey of Russian adolescents conducted in 2017. Research results. Family reshaping in terms of psychology and relationship between family members have a direct effect on deviant or antisocial behaviour in adolescents. A significant negative correlation between the school climate and the aggressiveness of schoolchildren was revealed. High positive intercorrelations within the indicators of the school climate were found to be high: school safety and teacher-student relations. Children who are not involved in bullying, assess the climate and school safety significantly higher than the children who are bullied. This pattern is typical for all participants in the persecution, regardless of their role, i.e. the victim, the aggressor or the observer. Conclusion. Based on the data reviewed, the recommendations given can be taken into account when establishing the state policy on preventing antisocial behaviour and the aggression in the juvenile. The significance of the joint school and family measures that can be an effective tool for preventing teenage aggression is drawn special attention to

    Estilos de comunicación familiar, autoconcepto escolar y familiar, y motivación de venganza en adolescentes

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    Durante la adolescencia el contexto familiar y escolar juegan un papel fundamental en el ajuste psicosocial del individuo. Investigaciones previas constatan que la existencia de problemas de comunicación familiar constituye uno de los factores familiares más relevantes en la implicación en comportamientos violentos en adolescentes. En el contexto escolar, también se ha identificado varios factores que pueden influir negativamente en el ajuste psicosocial del adolescente, como el autoconcepto escolar. El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar el rol de la comunicación familiar, el autoconcepto familiar y escolar en la motivación de venganza de los adolescentes. La muestra está constituida por 671 adolescentes de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 10 y 16 años (49.3% chicos, M=13.04; DT=1.80) escolarizados en seis centros públicos de Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Se calcula un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales con el programa EQS. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la comunicación abierta familiar, se relacionan de modo directo e indirecto con la motivación de venganza, a través del autoconcepto escolar y familiar. Finalmente, se discuten los resultados y sus posibles implicaciones

    Peran Kontrol Diri sebagai Mediator Hubungan Komunikasi Efektif Orang Tua Remaja dengan Agresivitas Remaja

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    Agresivitas merupakan salah satu permasalahan utama pada remaja dalam relasinya dengan pihak lain. Komunikasi efektif orang tua remaja serta kontrol diri merupakan dua dari sekian banyak faktor yang memengaruhi agresivitas remaja. Namun, masih terbatas penelitian yang meneliti pengaruh komunikasi efektif orang tua remaja terhadap perilaku agresif remaja, terutama yang dimediasi oleh kontrol diri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, mengetahui mediasi kontrol diri terhadap pengaruh komunikasi efektif orang tua remaja pada tingkat agresivitas. Partisipan penelitian ini 228 siswa SMA, usia remaja pertengahan (15-18 tahun). Data dikumpulkan dengan Skala Komunikasi Efektif Orang Tua Remaja, Skala Agresivitas, serta Skala Kontrol Diri. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis mediasi menggunakan program statistik JASP. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kontrol diri berperan sebagai mediator parsial dalam hubungan antara komunikasi efektif orang tua remaja dengan agresivitas remaja. Analisis tambahan menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi orang tua dengan anak remaja perempuan lebih cenderung terbuka dibandingkan dengan anak laki-laki. Hasil tersebut dapat menjadi penguat bahwa komunikasi efektif orang tua remaja peranannya cukup penting dalam tumbuh kembang seorang anak sejak dini sebab menunjang perkembangan kontrol diri serta perilaku dari anak

    Sex, age and cyber-victimization: A meta-analysis.

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    Cyberbulling is one of the biggest challenges the school faces. However, the lack of coherence between the data of the literature review makes it necessary to consider which elements are the ones that truly lead to the appearance of cyber-victimization. Through the meta-analysis methodology, it has been tried to clarify the role of sex (k = 41 samples, n = 176,658 adolescents) and age (k = 45 samples, n = 238,977 adolescents) in cyber-victimization. The effect size for the random model is small for both sex (r = 0.058; p < 0.00, 95% CI = 0.090; 3.45) and for age (r = 0.094; p = 0.004; 95% CI = 0.015; 2.910). Indications of significant differences in sex are observed, with women being the most affected. However, the results of the meta-regression have shown how the North American culture plays a key role in age as a moderating variable in relation to the rest of continental cultures. These results support the conclusion that age and sex represent variables that influence cyber-victimization. More specifically, there is a positive relationship between age and cybervictimization, so that the older the age, the higher the cybervictimization, but this is negatively mediated by the American culture. At the same time, some socio-contextual characteristics also seem to have effects on this aspect. Considering this, some important practical implications emerge related to the need to address the study, care and prevention of cyber-victimization as well as any form of violence that occurs inside and outside the classroom

    Parenting styles, cyberaggression, and cybervictimization among adolescents

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    Social concern about the negative effects of cyberbullying in children and adolescents’ psychosocial development is currently increasing. The importance of the family environment and factors in bullying has been highlighted, but little is known about the role of parenting styles in adolescents' engagement in cyberaggression and cybervictimization. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships of parenting styles (authoritative, indulgent, authoritarian, and neglectful) and cyberbullying (cybervictimization and cyberaggression) in adolescents, also considering sex and age. Participants were 2399 Spanish adolescents, 50.2% boys, aged between 12 and 18 years old (Mage = 14.69, SDage = 1.82). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA, 4 × 2 × 2) was performed, with parenting styles, sex, and age (12–14 years and 15–18 years) as independent variables and cybervictimization and cyberaggression as criteria. Possible interaction effects were also analyzed. Results showed main effects of parenting styles, sex, and age, as well as an interaction effect between sex and parenting styles. Girls suffered more cybervictimization than boys, whereas boys performed higher levels of cyberaggression than girls. Results suggested that authoritarian parenting style was a risk factor for cyberviolence. Girls from authoritarian families scored highest on cybervictimization. Boys from indulgent families were less involved in cybervictimization. These findings highlight the importance of establishing positive and open communication between parents and adolescents. The implications are discussed

    The Effect of Remote Learning, Family Condition, and Mental Resilience on Depression Symptoms of Early Childhood

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    The Covid-19 pandemic that attacked Indonesia and other countries of the world has changed human’ way of life. The Covid-19 pandemic greatly influences the field of education, where all learning activities turn to online mode, which results in students’ depression symptoms due to their unpreparedness. This study aims to analyze the impact of remote learning, family conditions, and mental resilience on depression symptoms in early childhood. This study used ex-post facto research (measurement after the event) because the research data for both independent variables and dependent variables occurred before this study was held. The study population was 80 children. The data collection method used was a questionnaire developed from the indicators of each variable. The analysis method used multiple regression. The data analysis used correlation and regression techniques, with regression analysis of three predictors and one criterion. The research findings showed that depression symptoms of early childhood are jointly influenced by remote learning, family condition, and mental resilience. However, two variables that do not affect the depression symptoms of early childhood are remote learning and mental resilience. It can be recommended that parents and parties involved in early childhood education give more attention to children. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-013 Full Text: PD

    Cybergossip, cyberaggression, problematic Internet use and family communication

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    La investigación sobre ciberconductas de riesgo infantil y juvenil se abre paso con estudios sobre factores que puedan influir en estos fenómenos, entre los que se destacan los relacionados con la convivencia escolar y familiar. En esta última, es relevante el nivel de confianza espontánea del hijo hacia su progenitor en el uso Internet. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar el efecto de la revelación filial en la ciberagresión, así como el rol mediador del uso problemático de Internet y el cibercotilleo, y el rol moderador del sexo y la edad. Un total de 866 escolares de primaria (53% chicas) de entre 10 y 13 años (M=11,21; D.T.=0,90) fueron encuestados mediante el uso de autoinformes. El tratamiento de datos siguió un modelo de mediación serial moderada a través de «Process». Los resultados evidenciaron los efectos de la revelación filial sobre la ciberagresión, así como la mediación del uso problemático de Internet y el cibercotilleo. A diferencia del sexo, la edad moderó los efectos del modelo de mediación. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de establecer un clima de confianza y comunicación en el entorno familiar para disminuir la implicación en las ciberconductas de riesgo, donde los menores se sientan comprendidos y apoyados por los progenitores, facilitando la comunicación espontánea sobre el uso de InternetResearch into risky online behaviour among children and adolescents is on the rise, with more studies being conducted into the factors which can influence this phenomenon, above all in relation to school and family life. In the latter sphere, one relevant factor is the degree of genuine trust children have in their parents when using the Internet. The main objective of this study is to verify the effects of child disclosure about cyberaggression, in addition to the mediating role of problematic Internet use and cybergossip, and the moderating role of gender and age. A total of 866 primary school children (53% girls) between 10 and 13 years old (M=11.21; SD=0.90) were surveyed using self-reporting. The data processing followed a moderated serial mediation model using “Process”. The results revealed the effects of child disclosure about cyberaggression and the mediation of problematic Internet use and cybergossip. Unlike gender, age moderated the effects of the mediation model. The results highlight the need to foster a climate of trust and communication in the family environment to reduce involvement in risky online behaviour, in which children feel understood and supported by their parents, which in turn encourages open communication about Internet us

    Cybergossip, cyberaggression, problematic Internet use and family communication

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    Research into risky online behaviour among children and adolescents is on the rise, with more studies being conducted into the factors which can influence this phenomenon, above all in relation to school and family life. In the latter sphere, one relevant factor is the degree of genuine trust children have in their parents when using the Internet. The main objective of this study is to verify the effects of child disclosure about cyberaggression, in addition to the mediating role of problematic Internet use and cybergossip, and the moderating role of gender and age. A total of 866 primary school children (53% girls) between 10 and 13 years old (M=11.21; SD=0.90) were surveyed using self-reporting. The data processing followed a moderated serial mediation model using “Process”. The results revealed the effects of child disclosure about cyberaggression and the mediation of problematic Internet use and cybergossip. Unlike gender, age moderated the effects of the mediation model. The results highlight the need to foster a climate of trust and communication in the family environment to reduce involvement in risky online behaviour, in which children feel understood and supported by their parents, which in turn encourages open communication about Internet use