5 research outputs found

    Reliability-aware memory design using advanced reconfiguration mechanisms

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    Fast and Complex Data Memory systems has become a necessity in modern computational units in today's integrated circuits. These memory systems are integrated in form of large embedded memory for data manipulation and storage. This goal has been achieved by the aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions to few nanometer (nm) sizes, though; such a progress comes with a drawback, making it critical to obtain high yields of the chips. Process variability, due to manufacturing imperfections, along with temporal aging, mainly induced by higher electric fields and temperature, are two of the more significant threats that can no longer be ignored in nano-scale embedded memory circuits, and can have high impact on their robustness. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is one of the most used embedded memories; generally implemented with the smallest device dimensions and therefore its robustness can be highly important in nanometer domain design paradigm. Their reliable operation needs to be considered and achieved both in cell and also in architectural SRAM array design. Recently, and with the approach to near/below 10nm design generations, novel non-FET devices such as Memristors are attracting high attention as a possible candidate to replace the conventional memory technologies. In spite of their favorable characteristics such as being low power and highly scalable, they also suffer with reliability challenges, such as process variability and endurance degradation, which needs to be mitigated at device and architectural level. This thesis work tackles such problem of reliability concerns in memories by utilizing advanced reconfiguration techniques. In both SRAM arrays and Memristive crossbar memories novel reconfiguration strategies are considered and analyzed, which can extend the memory lifetime. These techniques include monitoring circuits to check the reliability status of the memory units, and architectural implementations in order to reconfigure the memory system to a more reliable configuration before a fail happens.Actualmente, el diseño de sistemas de memoria en circuitos integrados busca continuamente que sean más rápidos y complejos, lo cual se ha vuelto de gran necesidad para las unidades de computación modernas. Estos sistemas de memoria están integrados en forma de memoria embebida para una mejor manipulación de los datos y de su almacenamiento. Dicho objetivo ha sido conseguido gracias al agresivo escalado de las dimensiones del transistor, el cual está llegando a las dimensiones nanométricas. Ahora bien, tal progreso ha conllevado el inconveniente de una menor fiabilidad, dado que ha sido altamente difícil obtener elevados rendimientos de los chips. La variabilidad de proceso - debido a las imperfecciones de fabricación - junto con la degradación de los dispositivos - principalmente inducido por el elevado campo eléctrico y altas temperaturas - son dos de las más relevantes amenazas que no pueden ni deben ser ignoradas por más tiempo en los circuitos embebidos de memoria, echo que puede tener un elevado impacto en su robusteza final. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) es una de las celdas de memoria más utilizadas en la actualidad. Generalmente, estas celdas son implementadas con las menores dimensiones de dispositivos, lo que conlleva que el estudio de su robusteza es de gran relevancia en el actual paradigma de diseño en el rango nanométrico. La fiabilidad de sus operaciones necesita ser considerada y conseguida tanto a nivel de celda de memoria como en el diseño de arquitecturas complejas basadas en celdas de memoria SRAM. Actualmente, con el diseño de sistemas basados en dispositivos de 10nm, dispositivos nuevos no-FET tales como los memristores están atrayendo una elevada atención como posibles candidatos para reemplazar las actuales tecnologías de memorias convencionales. A pesar de sus características favorables, tales como el bajo consumo como la alta escabilidad, ellos también padecen de relevantes retos de fiabilidad, como son la variabilidad de proceso y la degradación de la resistencia, la cual necesita ser mitigada tanto a nivel de dispositivo como a nivel arquitectural. Con todo esto, esta tesis doctoral afronta tales problemas de fiabilidad en memorias mediante la utilización de técnicas de reconfiguración avanzada. La consideración de nuevas estrategias de reconfiguración han resultado ser validas tanto para las memorias basadas en celdas SRAM como en `memristive crossbar¿, donde se ha observado una mejora significativa del tiempo de vida en ambos casos. Estas técnicas incluyen circuitos de monitorización para comprobar la fiabilidad de las unidades de memoria, y la implementación arquitectural con el objetivo de reconfigurar los sistemas de memoria hacia una configuración mucho más fiables antes de que el fallo suced

    Brain-Inspired Computing: Neuromorphic System Designs and Applications

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    In nowadays big data environment, the conventional computing platform based on von Neumann architecture encounters the bottleneck of the increasing requirement of computation capability and efficiency. The “brain-inspired computing” Neuromorphic Computing has demonstrated great potential to revolutionize the technology world. It is considered as one of the most promising solutions by achieving tremendous computing and power efficiency on a single chip. The neuromorphic computing systems represent great promise for many scientific and intelligent applications. Many designs have been proposed and realized with traditional CMOS technology, however, the progress is slow. Recently, the rebirth of neuromorphic computing is inspired by the development of novel nanotechnology. In this thesis, I propose neuromorphic computing systems with the ReRAM (Memristor) crossbar array. It includes the work in three major parts: 1) Memristor devices modeling and related circuits design in resistive memory (ReRAM) technology by investigating their physical mechanism, statistical analysis, and intrinsic challenges. A weighted sensing scheme which assigns different weights to the cells on different bit lines was proposed. The area/power overhead of peripheral circuitry was effectively reduced while minimizing the amplitude of sneak paths. 2) Neuromorphic computing system designs by leveraging memristor devices and algorithm scaling in neural network and machine learning algorithms based on the similarity between memristive effect and biological synaptic behavior. First, a spiking neural network (SNN) with a rate coding model was developed in algorithm level and then mapped to hardware design for supervised learning. In addition, to further speed and accuracy improvement, another neuromorphic system adopting analog input signals with different voltage amplitude and a current sensing scheme was built. Moreover, the use of a single memristor crossbar for each neural net- work layer was explored. 3) The application-specific optimization for further reliability improvement of the developed neuromorphic systems. In this thesis, the impact of device failure on the memristor-based neuromorphic computing systems for cognitive applications was evaluated. Then, a retraining and a remapping design in algorithm level and hardware level were developed to rescue the large accuracy loss

    Explorando a substituição de DRAM por NVM na memória principal através de simulação

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    Orientadores: Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo, Emílio de Camargo FrancesquiniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O sistema de memória dos computadores tem se baseado fortemente no uso de memórias voláteis para prover um bom desempenho. A tecnologia SRAM é utilizada como um intermediário que acelera o acesso à memória principal, comumente composta pela tecnologia DRAM. Memórias não-voláteis são colocadas como memórias secundárias. Pelo fato dos dados persistentes estarem armazenados no nível de memória mais distante do processador, eles normalmente são manipulados de maneira indireta através de cópias transientes. Tais cópias transientes, além de possívelmente estarem presentes em mais de um nível de memória volátil, podem não ter a mesma forma de suas formas persistentes, o que leva à necessidade de uma tradução entre essas formas. Tecnologias emergentes de memórias não-voláteis (NVMs) prometem possibilitar a existência de dados persistentes na memória principal, permitindo que os mesmos sejam manipulados diretamente, e potencialmente reduzindo a quantidade de cópias transientes. Infelizmente, NVMs ainda não estão amplamente disponíveis no mercado, e pesquisas em seu uso são normalmente feitas através de simulação. Neste documento é apresentado um simulador que tem como fim explorar o uso de NVMs na memória principal. Por enquanto, a tecnologia DRAM provê um tempo de acesso inferior ao das NVMs, restringindo o uso de NVMs na memória principal em questão de desempenho. São mostrados aqui dois cenários para o uso do simulador. No primeiro caso, há a utilização de uma memória principal composta apenas de NVM. Como NVM é mais lenta, são observados certos slowdowns de até 5,3, mas em alguns programas o desempenho é marginalmente afetado. Em um segundo caso, há a exploração da memória híbrida, onde DRAM e NVM coexistem na memória principal. Uma API, chamada NVMalloc, é fornecida para permitir que programas consigam utilizar a não volatilidade presente na memória principal. É mostrado que há casos onde a manipulação direta dos dados persistentes é vantajosa, mas existem outros em que ainda é preferível trabalhar com cópias transientes na DRAM. É esperado que esse simulador seja utilizado como um ponto de partida para futuras pesquisas sobre o uso de NVMsAbstract: Computer memory systems have relied on volatile memories to enhance their performance for quite a time by now. SRAM technology is used at the closest layer to the CPU to accelerate the access time to the main memory, which is traditionally composed by DRAM technology. Non-volatile memories are left as secondary memories, serving as an extension of the main memory and allowing data to be persisted. Persistent data, for residing in the farthest memory layer from the CPU, are commonly not manipulated directly. They are indirectly manipulated with their transient copies that may differ, in form, from their persistent form. These transient copies will also be scattered throughout the several volatile memories in the memory hierarchy, incurring in data replication. This scenario may change with the adoption of emerging non-volatile memories (NVMs), like phase change memory for example, that may allow persistent data to exist in the main memory. This might allow a direct manipulation of persistent data, accelerating their access time and probably reducing the usage of replications. Unfortunately, NVMs are still not broadly available on the market, and research on their usage is still mostly done through simulation. We present a simulator to explore the usage of NVMs in the main memory. We demonstrate the usage of the simulator in two scenarios, the first where DRAM is completely replaced for NVMs, and the second in which a hybrid architecture employing DRAM and NVM is explored. For now, DRAM provides faster access times when compared with NVMs. We show that the use of a main memory composed exclusively of NVMs may incur in slowdowns as high as 5.3, but may be negligible in some cases. In the hybrid main memory scenario, we showed that, although persistent data can be manipulated directly, there are cases in which is still better to work with transient copies, depending on the frequency of usage of the persistent data. To allow programs to make use of the non-volatility presented in main memory, we provide an API, called NVMalloc, that is able to allocate persistent memory in the main memory. We expect the simulator to be a starting point for future researches regarding the usage of NVMsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação1564396CAPE

    Dependable Embedded Systems

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    This Open Access book introduces readers to many new techniques for enhancing and optimizing reliability in embedded systems, which have emerged particularly within the last five years. This book introduces the most prominent reliability concerns from today’s points of view and roughly recapitulates the progress in the community so far. Unlike other books that focus on a single abstraction level such circuit level or system level alone, the focus of this book is to deal with the different reliability challenges across different levels starting from the physical level all the way to the system level (cross-layer approaches). The book aims at demonstrating how new hardware/software co-design solution can be proposed to ef-fectively mitigate reliability degradation such as transistor aging, processor variation, temperature effects, soft errors, etc. Provides readers with latest insights into novel, cross-layer methods and models with respect to dependability of embedded systems; Describes cross-layer approaches that can leverage reliability through techniques that are pro-actively designed with respect to techniques at other layers; Explains run-time adaptation and concepts/means of self-organization, in order to achieve error resiliency in complex, future many core systems

    Hardware/Software Co-Design of Ultra-Low Power Biomedical Monitors

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    Ongoing changes in world demographics and the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles are imposing a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery. Nowadays, chronic ailments such as cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes, represent the most common causes of death according to the World Health Organization. It is estimated that 63% of deaths worldwide are directly or indirectly related to these non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and by 2030 it is predicted that the health delivery cost will reach an amount comparable to 75% of the current GDP. In this context, technologies based on Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSNs) effectively alleviate this burden enabling the conception of wearable biomedical monitors composed of one or several devices connected through a Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN). Energy efficiency is of paramount importance for these devices, which must operate for prolonged periods of time with a single battery charge. In this thesis I propose a set of hardware/software co-design techniques to drastically increase the energy efficiency of bio-medical monitors. To this end, I jointly explore different alternatives to reduce the required computational effort at the software level while optimizing the power consumption of the processing hardware by employing ultra-low power multi-core architectures that exploit DSP application characteristics. First, at the sensor level, I study the utilization of a heartbeat classifier to perform selective advanced DSP on state-of-the-art ECG bio-medical monitors. To this end, I developed a framework to design and train real-time, lightweight heartbeat neuro-fuzzy classifiers, detail- ing the required optimizations to efficiently execute them on a resource-constrained platform. Then, at the network level I propose a more complex transmission-aware WBSN for activity monitoring that provides different tradeoffs between classification accuracy and transmission volume. In this work, I study the combination of a minimal set of WSNs with a smartphone, and propose two classification schemes that trade accuracy for transmission volume. The proposed method can achieve accuracies ranging from 88% to 97% and can save up to 86% of wireless transmissions, outperforming the state-of-the-art alternatives. Second, I propose a synchronization-based low-power multi-core architecture for bio-signal processing. I introduce a hardware/software synchronization mechanism that allows to achieve high energy efficiency while parallelizing the execution of multi-channel DSP applications. Then, I generalize the methodology to support bio-signal processing applications with an arbitrarily high degree of parallelism. Due to the benefits of SIMD execution and software pipelining, the architecture can reduce its power consumption by up 38% when compared to an equivalent low-power single-core alternative. Finally, I focused on the optimization of the multi-core memory subsystem, which is the major contributor to the overall system power consumption. First I considered a hybrid memory subsystem featuring a small reliable partition that can operate at ultra-low voltage enabling low-power buffering of data and obtaining up to 50% energy savings. Second, I explore a two-level memory hierarchy based on non-volatile memories (NVM) that allows for aggressive fine-grained power gating enabled by emerging low-power NVM technologies and monolithic 3D integration. Experimental results show that, by adopting this memory hierarchy, power consumption can be reduced by 5.42x in the DSP stage