885 research outputs found

    Event management evaluation indicators in enterprise management

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    Розроблено комплекс індикаторів оцінювання івент-менеджменту в управлінні підприємствами. У ході дослідження виокремлено напрями оцінювання івент-менеджменту в управлінні підприємством, сформовано показники за кожним із них, а також представлено детальну характеристику зазначених індикаторів із ідентифікуванням підходу до їх розрахунку. Серед найвагоміших напрямів оцінювання виокремлено три наступні: індикатори, що максимально зосереджують увагу на дотриманні обмежень щодо термінів в івент-менеджменті (рівень економії часу внаслідок упровадження чи вдосконалення івент-менеджменту та рівень відповідності фактичної тривалості реалізації івент-проекту (чи окремих робіт у його межах) його запланованій тривалості), індикатори, націлені на контроль якості івент-менеджменту (рівень формалізування управлінських процесів під час здійснення івент-менеджменту, рівень задоволеності персоналу івент-менеджментом, рівень ефективності управлінського інструментарію під час здійснення івент-менеджменту, рівень реагування на запити щодо проблем в івент-менеджменті, рівень невиконання завдань у зв’язку з проблемами в івент-менеджменті, рівень якості комунікацій у системах івент-менеджменту), а також індикатори, акцентовані на контролі бюджету в івент-менеджменті (рівень відповідності фактичного бюджету запланованому івент-проекту та величина чистої приведеної вартості формування чи вдосконалення системи івент-менеджменту на підприємстві). Сформований перелік індикаторів відображає прямі та непрямі вигоди і втрати від упровадження івент-менеджменту на підприємстві та його ефективного функціонування. Враховуючи конкретні цілі та завдання оцінювання, зрілість напряму дослідження, розміри компанії й те, на якій фазі життєвого циклу вона перебуває, підприємство зможе максимально чітко та ефективно обрати низку індикаторів, здатних задовільнити саме його запит. Наведений комплекс індикаторів слугуватиме невід’ємною часткою процесу побудови та розвитку якісної системи івент-менеджменту в управлінні підприємством.The article develops a set of indicators that will make it possible to evaluate event management in enterprise management as fully as possible. During the research, directions for evaluating event management in enterprise management were identified, indicators were formed according to each of the directions, a detailed description of these indicators was presented, and the technology for their calculation was investigated. Among the most critical areas of evaluation, the following three are singled out: indicators that focus as much as possible on compliance with time limits in event management (the level of time savings due to the implementation or improvement of event management and the level of compliance with the actual duration of the event project implementation (or individual works within its limits ) of its planned duration), the indicators are aimed at monitoring the quality of event management (the level of formalization of management processes during event management, the level of staff satisfaction with event management, the level of effectiveness of management tools during event management, the level of response to requests for problems in event management, the level of non-fulfillment of tasks due to issues in event management, the level of communication quality in event management systems), as well as indicators that are focused on budget control in event management (the level of compliance with the actual budget of the event project planned and the value of the net present value of the formation or improvement of the event management system at the enterprise). The formed list of ten indicators reflects direct and indirect benefits and losses from implementing event management at the enterprise and its effective functioning. Taking into account the specific goals and objectives of the assessment, the maturity of the research area, the size of the company, and the phase of the life cycle it is in, the company will be able to choose several indicators that can satisfy its request as clearly and efficiently as possible. This set of indicators will be an integral part of building and developing a high-quality event management system in enterprise management

    The Concept of Change Management in Today’s Business World

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    Companies are most likely to be successful in making change work to their advantage are the ones that no longer view change as a discrete event to be managed, but as a constant opportunity to evolve the business. The purpose of this study is to critically evaluate the concept of change management in today’s business world. Focus of the debate should be on existing literature. Keywords: Change management, Lewin’s change model, business world

    Organizational restructuring as a way to resolve the crisis caused by COVID 19, in agricultural sector

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    The crisis, as a negative deviation that is serious and can jeopardize the company’s business usually doesn’t occur suddenly, but gradually in individual areas, accumulating its effects. The crisis caused by the pandemic came suddenly and immediately caused a disruption of economic activities, without the possibility to predict and prevent it. It hit the agricultural sector with great intensity. The analysis of the business entities in agricultural sector in Serbia has shown that these entities suffered great damage and that it is necessary to take restructuring measures as soon as possible, primarily organizational ones. The results of the research showed that the crisis caused by COVID 19, mainly affected the entire long chain of participants in agriculture. Government measures, which included providing financial support and subsidies, are certainly welcome but not sufficient. The authors concluded that it is therefore necessary for companies to implement restructuring measures in order to ensure a speedy recovery

    Improving Practices in a Small Software Firm: An Ambidextrous Perspective

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    Despite documented best practices and specialized tools, software organizations struggle to deliver quality software that is on time, within budget, and meets customer requirements. Managers seeking improved software project outcomes face two dominant software paradigms which differ in their emphasis on upfront planning, customer collaboration, and product documentation: plan-driven and agile. Rather than promoting one approach over the other, this research advocates improving software management practices by developing the organization’s ambidextrous capability. Ambidextrous organizations have the ability to simultaneously succeed at two seemingly contradictory capabilities (e.g. discipline and agility) which leads to enhanced organizational performance. Overall, this study asks the question: How can an ambidextrous perspective facilitate improvement in software practices? Driven by this question, and based on a two year action research study at a small software firm, TelSoft, the objectives of this research are to: 1. Identify dualities involved in improving software practices 2. Design interventions based on these dualities to improve software practices 3. Explore the process of becoming an ambidextrous software organization The resulting dissertation consists of a summary and four papers that each identify and address particular dualities encountered during software process improvement. The first paper asserts that both process-driven and perception-driven inquiry should be used during assessment of software practices, presents a model that shows how this combination can occur, and demonstrates the use of this model at TelSoft. The second paper explicates two theories for understanding and resolving issues in requirements engineering practice – repeat-ability and response-ability – and argues for the need to negotiate between the two. The third paper identifies a tension between managing legacy and current processes and proposes a model for software process reengineering, a systematic process for leveraging legacy processes created during prior SPI efforts. Finally, the fourth paper applies the theoretical lens of ambidexterity to understand the overall change initiative in terms of the tension between alignment and adaptability. The study used a variety of data sources to diagnose software practices, including semi-structured interviews, software process documents, meeting interactions, and workshop discussions. Subsequently, we established, facilitated, and tracked focused improvement teams in the areas of customer relations, requirements management, quality assurance, project portfolio management, and process management. Furthermore, we created and trained two management teams with responsibility for ongoing management of SPI and project portfolio management respectively. We argue that these activities improved software practices at TelSoft and provided a stronger foundation for continuous improvement. Keywords: Ambidexterity, software process improvement (SPI), action research, requirements engineering assessment, action planning, software process reengineering, software management

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges

    Proposal and evaluation of online medical services expansion mode for specialties: a patient perceived value perspective

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    There is a great imbalance and difference in the distribution of Chinese medical resources in urban and rural areas, as most medical resources are concentrated in urban areas. Against the backdrop of China’s promotion of "Internet + medical healthcare", medical institutions are encouraged to apply Internet and other information technologies to expand the space and content of medical services, but patients in remote places lack independent choice of consultation platform. Based on the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, customer perception theory, Synergy theory, TAM and ACSIM, the model building of remote patients' perceived value satisfaction with online medical services for specialties is hypothesized. Take F hospital as the subject, The research provides an empirical research on the process rebuilding and redesigning specialized online health services based on the perceived value of remote patients. To obtain the perceived value needs of remote patients’ visits, this study carries out questionnaire survey to understand the main needs of remote patients visiting. The results show that: social contact and respect value need > safety and survival value need > self-value need > cost losses value. Meanwhile, the preliminary evaluation indicators of patients' perceived value are derived based on the results of the questionnaire. The research is mainly to verify the effect of the implementation of the Internet-based specialized medical partnership medical service access model for remote patients. The post-test questionnaire is designed to understand the overall level of remote patients’ perceived value of online medical services, including the level of perceived ease of use, the level of perceived usefulness, the level of perceived value, the level of satisfaction, and the level of synergy. Among them, the perceived usefulness scores the highest, It is found that the cost of the new model in terms of time, distance, expense, and energy has been significantly reduced. The research, through building the SEM model, tests the path relationships of relevant dimensions and mediating effect of the model of remote patients’ perceived value satisfaction with online medical services for specialties.Verifica-se um grande desequilíbrio na distribuição dos recursos médicos chineses nas áreas urbanas e rurais, visto que a maioria dos recursos médicos está concentrada nas áreas urbanas. No contexto da promoção chinesa de "Internet + saúde médica", as instituições médicas são incentivadas a recorrer à Internet e a outras tecnologias de informação para expandir o espaço e o conteúdo dos serviços médicos, mas os pacientes em lugares remotos não têm escolha independente da plataforma de consulta. Com base na teoria da hierarquia de necessidades de Maslow, teoria da perceção do cliente, teoria da sinergia, TAM e ACSIM, realizou-se a construção do modelo de satisfação do valor percebido de pacientes remotos, com serviços médicos online para especialidades. Considerou-se o hospital F como caso de estudo. A investigação fornece uma pesquisa empírica sobre o processo de reconstrução e redesenho de serviços de saúde online especializados, com base no valor percebido de pacientes remotos. Para obter as necessidades de valor percebido das visitas de pacientes remotos, neste estudo realizou-se uma pesquisa por questionário para entender as principais necessidades das visitas de pacientes remotos. Os resultados mostram que: contato social e respeito valor necessidade e > segurança e valor de sobrevivência necessidade > necessidade de valor próprio > valor de perdas de custo. Enquanto isso, os indicadores de avaliação preliminar do valor percebido dos pacientes são derivados com base nos resultados do questionário. O objetivo principal do presente trabalho é verificar o efeito da implementação do modelo de acesso a serviços médicos especializados, baseada na Internet para pacientes remotos. O questionário pós-teste foi projetado para compreender o nível geral de valor percebido de pacientes remotos de serviços médicos online, incluindo o nível de facilidade de uso percebida, o nível de utilidade percebida, o nível de valor percebido, o nível de satisfação e o nível de sinergia. Entre eles, a utilidade percebida pontua mais alto. Verifica-se que o custo do novo modelo em termos de tempo, distância, despesa e energia foi reduzido significativamente. Por meio da construção do modelo SEM, testaram-se as relações do caminho de dimensões relevantes, e o efeito mediador do modelo de satisfação de valor percebido de pacientes remotos, com serviços médicos online para especialidades

    IT-business strategic alignment in the context of business process reengineering : case studies of large organisations in Lesotho.

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    Master of Commerce in Information Ssytems and Technology. University KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.The alignment of IT strategy and business strategy is an ongoing topic of interest for many researchers. In the same light is Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). The existing literature considers these two topics separately in the context of developed countries. This study taps into this gap by investigating how IT-business alignment at a strategic level can be achieved in BPR by considering the influential factors that drive this alignment in large organisations in Lesotho. The study empirically builds on centrally placing IT-business strategic alignment at the heart of BPR. Consequently, the findings show that IT-business alignment plays a pivotal role in the success or failure of a BPR project. New directions for future studies are suggested and discussed

    Pandemic economic crisis: essence, reasons, comparative characteristics, opportunities

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    Before pandemic the world economy had a pre-crisis situation which was characterized by unprecedented imbalances in the global financial and economic system, the lack of growth in world GDP, which posed a real threat to the world economic order. Almost all global analysts predicted a global economic crisis at the end of 2019. For the first time since time immemorial, bank interest rates in all countries have dropped to unprecedented low levels. Often interest rates were 0% or even negative. The EU’s financial system has been so disfigured by the VAT tax that fraud with this tax has reached a scale far exceeding hundreds of billions EUR and in fact got out of control of the authorities