890 research outputs found

    RSSI Based Indoor Passive Localization for Intrusion Detection and Tracking

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    A real time system for intrusion detection and tracking based on wireless sensor network technology is designed by using the IITH mote which is de- veloped and designed in IIT Hyderabad as the communication module in the network.This paper describes the Device-Free Passive Localization system based on RSSI.The main objective of this paper is to design a DFP Local- ization system that is easily redeployable, recon�gurable, easy to use, and operates in real time. In addition the detection of humans is to be done.The em- bedded intrusion detection algorithm is designed so that it is able to cope with the limited resources, in terms of computational power and available memory space, of the microcontroller unit (MCU) found in the nodes. and various challenges and problem faced during the real test bed deployment and also proposed solutions to overcome them.We presented an alternative algo- rithm based on the minimum Euclidean distance classi�er.our result shows that the localization accuracy of this system is increased when using the proposed algorith

    Zigbee over tinyos: Implementation and experimental challenges

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    The IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocols are a promising technology for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). This paper shares our experience on the implementation and use of these protocols and related technologies in WSNs. We present problems and challenges we have been facing in implementing an IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee stack for TinyOS in a two-folded perspective: IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocol standards limitations (ambiguities and open issues) and technological limitations (hardware and software). Concerning the former, we address challenges for building scalable and synchronized multi-cluster ZigBee networks, providing a trade-off between timeliness and energy-efficiency. On the latter issue, we highlight implementation problems in terms of hardware, timer handling and operating system limitations. We also report on our experience from experimental test-beds, namely on physical layer aspects such as coexistence problems between IEEE 802.15.4 and 802.11 radio channels

    Device Free Localisation Techniques in Indoor Environments

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    The location estimation of a target for a long period was performed only by device based localisation technique which is difficult in applications where target especially human is non-cooperative. A target was detected by equipping a device using global positioning systems, radio frequency systems, ultrasonic frequency systems, etc. Device free localisation (DFL) is an upcoming technology in automated localisation in which target need not equip any device for identifying its position by the user. For achieving this objective, the wireless sensor network is a better choice due to its growing popularity. This paper describes the possible categorisation of recently developed DFL techniques using wireless sensor network. The scope of each category of techniques is analysed by comparing their potential benefits and drawbacks. Finally, future scope and research directions in this field are also summarised

    Cooperatively Extending the Range of Indoor Localisation

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    ̶Whilst access to location based information has been mostly possible in the\ud outdoor arena through the use of GPS, the provision of accurate positioning estimations and\ud broad coverage in the indoor environment has proven somewhat problematic to deliver.\ud Considering more time is spent in the indoor environment, the requirement for a solution is\ud obvious. The topography of an indoor location with its many walls, doors, pillars, ceilings\ud and floors etc. muffling the signals to \from mobile devices and their tracking devices, is one\ud of the many barriers to implementation. Moreover the cha racteristically noisy behaviour of\ud wireless devices such as Bluetooth headsets, cordless phones and microwaves can cause\ud interference as they all operate in the same band as Wi -Fi devices. The limited range of\ud tracking devices such as Wireless Access Point s (AP), and the restrictions surrounding their\ud positioning within a buildings’ infrastructure further exacerbate this issue, these difficulties\ud provide a fertile research area at present.\ud The genesis for this research is the inability of an indoor location based system (LBS) to\ud locate devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking devices. The hypothesis advocates a\ud solution that extends the range of Indoor LBS using Mobile Devices at the extremities of\ud Cells that have a priori knowledge of their location, and utilizing these devices to ascertain\ud the location of devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking device. This results in a\ud cooperative localisation technique where participating devices come together to aid in the\ud determination of location of device s which otherwise would be out of scope

    User Experience Enhancement on Smartphones using Wireless Communication Technologies

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2020. 8. 박세웅.Recently, various sensors as well as wireless communication technologies such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) have been equipped with smartphones. In addition, in many cases, users use a smartphone while on the move, so if a wireless communication technologies and various sensors are used for a mobile user, a better user experience can be provided. For example, when a user moves while using Wi-Fi, the user experience can be improved by providing a seamless Wi-Fi service. In addition, it is possible to provide a special service such as indoor positioning or navigation by estimating the users mobility in an indoor environment, and additional services such as location-based advertising and payment systems can also be provided. Therefore, improving the user experience by using wireless communication technology and smartphones sensors is considered to be an important research field in the future. In this dissertation, we propose three systems that can improve the user experience or convenience by usingWi-Fi, BLE, and smartphones sensors: (i) BLEND: BLE beacon-aided fast Wi-Fi handoff for smartphones, (ii) PYLON: Smartphone based Indoor Path Estimation and Localization without Human Intervention, (iii) FINISH: Fully-automated Indoor Navigation using Smartphones with Zero Human Assistance. First, we propose fast handoff scheme called BLEND exploiting BLE as secondary radio. We conduct detailed analysis of the sticky client problem on commercial smartphones with experiment and close examination of Android source code. We propose BLEND, which exploits BLE modules to provide smartphones with prior knowledge of the presence and information of APs operating at 2.4 and 5 GHz Wi-Fi channels. BLEND operating with only application requires no hardware and Android source code modification of smartphones.We prototype BLEND with commercial smartphones and evaluate the performance in real environment. Our measurement results demonstrate that BLEND significantly improves throughput and video bitrate by up to 61% and 111%, compared to a commercial Android application, respectively, with negligible energy overhead. Second, we design a path estimation and localization system, termed PYLON, which is plug-and-play on Android smartphones. PYLON includes a novel landmark correction scheme that leverages real doors of indoor environments consisting of floor plan mapping, door passing time detection and correction. It operates without any user intervention. PYLON relaxes some requirements for localization systems. It does not require any modifications to hardware or software of smartphones, and the initial location of WiFi APs, BLE beacons, and users. We implement PYLON on five Android smartphones and evaluate it on two office buildings with the help of three participants to prove applicability and scalability. PYLON achieves very high floor plan mapping accuracy with a low localization error. Finally, We design a fully-automated navigation system, termed FINISH, which addresses the problems of existing previous indoor navigation systems. FINISH generates the radio map of an indoor building based on the localization system to determine the initial location of the user. FINISH relaxes some requirements for current indoor navigation systems. It does not require any human assistance to provide navigation instructions. In addition, it is plug-and-play on Android smartphones. We implement FINISH on five Android smartphones and evaluate it on five floors of an office building with the help of multiple users to prove applicability and scalability. FINISH determines the location of the user with extremely high accuracy with in one step. In summary, we propose systems that enhance the users convenience and experience by utilizing wireless infrastructures such as Wi-Fi and BLE and various smartphones sensors such as accelerometer, gyroscope, and barometer equipped in smartphones. Systems are implemented on commercial smartphones to verify the performance through experiments. As a result, systems show the excellent performance that can enhance the users experience.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Overview of Existing Approaches 3 1.2.1 Wi-Fi handoff for smartphones 3 1.2.2 Indoor path estimation and localization 4 1.2.3 Indoor navigation 5 1.3 Main Contributions 7 1.3.1 BLEND: BLE Beacon-aided Fast Handoff for Smartphones 7 1.3.2 PYLON: Smartphone Based Indoor Path Estimation and Localization with Human Intervention 8 1.3.3 FINISH: Fully-automated Indoor Navigation using Smartphones with Zero Human Assistance 9 1.4 Organization of Dissertation 10 2 BLEND: BLE Beacon-Aided FastWi-Fi Handoff for Smartphones 11 2.1 Introduction 11 2.2 Related Work 14 2.2.1 Wi-Fi-based Handoff 14 2.2.2 WPAN-aided AP Discovery 15 2.3 Background 16 2.3.1 Handoff Procedure in IEEE 802.11 16 2.3.2 BSS Load Element in IEEE 802.11 16 2.3.3 Bluetooth Low Energy 17 2.4 Sticky Client Problem 17 2.4.1 Sticky Client Problem of Commercial Smartphone 17 2.4.2 Cause of Sticky Client Problem 20 2.5 BLEND: Proposed Scheme 21 2.5.1 Advantages and Necessities of BLE as Secondary Low-Power Radio 21 2.5.2 Overall Architecture 22 2.5.3 AP Operation 23 2.5.4 Smartphone Operation 24 2.5.5 Verification of aTH estimation 28 2.6 Performance Evaluation 30 2.6.1 Implementation and Measurement Setup 30 2.6.2 Saturated Traffic Scenario 31 2.6.3 Video Streaming Scenario 35 2.7 Summary 38 3 PYLON: Smartphone based Indoor Path Estimation and Localization without Human Intervention 41 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Background and Related Work 44 3.2.1 Infrastructure-Based Localization 44 3.2.2 Fingerprint-Based Localization 45 3.2.3 Model-Based Localization 45 3.2.4 Dead Reckoning 46 3.2.5 Landmark-Based Localization 47 3.2.6 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) 47 3.3 System Overview 48 3.3.1 Notable RSSI Signature 49 3.3.2 Smartphone Operation 50 3.3.3 Server Operation 51 3.4 Path Estimation 52 3.4.1 Step Detection 52 3.4.2 Step Length Estimation 54 3.4.3 Walking Direction 54 3.4.4 Location Update 55 3.5 Landmark Correction Part 1: Virtual Room Generation 56 3.5.1 RSSI Stacking Difference 56 3.5.2 Virtual Room Generation 57 3.5.3 Virtual Graph Generation 59 3.5.4 Physical Graph Generation 60 3.6 Landmark Correction Part 2: From Floor Plan Mapping to Path Correction 60 3.6.1 Candidate Graph Generation 60 3.6.2 Backbone Node Mapping 62 3.6.3 Dead-end Node Mapping 65 3.6.4 Final Candidate Graph Selection 66 3.6.5 Door Passing Time Detection 68 3.6.6 Path Correction 70 3.7 Particle Filter 71 3.8 Performance Evaluation 73 3.8.1 Implementation and Measurement Setup 73 3.8.2 Step Detection Accuracy 77 3.8.3 Floor Plan Mapping Accuracy 77 3.8.4 Door Passing Time 78 3.8.5 Walking Direction and Localization Performance 81 3.8.6 Impact of WiFi AP and BLE Beacon Number 84 3.8.7 Impact of Walking Distance and Speed 84 3.8.8 Performance on Different Areas 87 3.9 Summary 87 4 FINISH: Fully-automated Indoor Navigation using Smartphones with Zero Human Assistance 91 4.1 Introduction 91 4.2 Related Work 92 4.2.1 Localization-based Navigation System 92 4.2.2 Peer-to-peer Navigation System 93 4.3 System Overview 93 4.3.1 System Architecture 93 4.3.2 An Example for Navigation 95 4.4 Level Change Detection and Floor Decision 96 4.4.1 Level Change Detection 96 4.5 Real-time navigation 97 4.5.1 Initial Floor and Location Decision 97 4.5.2 Orientation Adjustment 98 4.5.3 Shortest Path Estimation 99 4.6 Performance Evaluation 99 4.6.1 Initial Location Accuracy 99 4.6.2 Real-Time Navigation Accuracy 100 4.7 Summary 101 5 Conclusion 102 5.1 Research Contributions 102 5.2 Future Work 103 Abstract (In Korean) 118 감사의 글Docto

    Cooperatively extending the range of indoor localisation

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    Whilst access to location based information has been mostly possible in the outdoor arena through the use of GPS, the provision of accurate positioning estimations and broad coverage in the indoor environment has proven somewhat problematic to deliver. Considering more time is spent in the indoor environment, the requirement for a solution is obvious. The topography of an indoor location with its many walls, doors, pillars, ceilings and floors etc. muffling the signals to from mobile devices and their tracking devices, is one of the many barriers to implementation. Moreover the characteristically noisy behaviour of wireless devices such as Bluetooth headsets, cordless phones and microwaves can cause interference as they all operate in the same band as Wi-Fi devices. The limited range of tracking devices such as Wireless Access Points (AP), and the restrictions surrounding their positioning within a buildings' infrastructure further exacerbate this issue, these difficulties provide a fertile research area at present. The genesis for this research is the inability of an indoor location based system (LBS) to locate devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking devices. The hypothesis advocates a solution that extends the range of Indoor LBS using Mobile Devices at the extremities of Cells that have a priori knowledge of their location, and utilizing these devices to ascertain the location of devices beyond the range of the fixed tracking device. This results in a cooperative localisation technique where participating devices come together to aid in the determination of location of devices which otherwise would be out of scope

    Wireless sensor systems in indoor situation modeling II (WISM II)

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    Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Networks Technologies

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    Wireless sensor networks represent a new technology that has emerged from developments in ultra low power microcontrollers and sophisticated low cost wireless data devices. Their small size and power consumption allow a number of independent ‘nodes’ (known as Motes) to be distributed in the field, all capable of ad-hoc networking and multihop message transmission. New routing algorithms allow remote data to be passed reliably through the network to a final control point. This occurs within the constraints of low power RF transmissions in a congested 2.4GHz radio spectrum. Wireless sensor network nodes are suitable for applications requiring long term autonomous operation, away from mains power supplies, such as environmental or health monitoring. To achieve this, sophisticated power management techniques must be used, with the units remaining ‘asleep’ in ultra low power mode for long periods of time. The main aim of this research described in this thesis is first to review the area and then to evaluate one of the current hardware platforms and the popular software used with it called TinyOS. Therefore this research uses a hardware platform designed from University of Berkeley, called the TmoteSky. Practical work has been carried out in different scenarios. Using Java tools running on a PC, and customized applications running on the Motes, data has been captured, together with information showing topology configuration and adaptive routing of the network and radio link quality information. Results show that the technology is promising for distributed data acquisition applications, although in time critical monitoring systems new power management schemes and networking protocols to improve latency in the system will be required

    Hybrid ToF and RSSI real-time semantic tracking with an adaptive industrial internet of things architecture

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    Real-time asset tracking in indoor mass production manufacturing environments can reduce losses associated with pausing a production line to locate an asset. Complemented by monitored contextual information, e.g. machine power usage, it can provide smart information, such as which components have been machined by a worn or damaged tool. Although sensor based Internet of Things (IoT) positioning has been developed, there are still key challenges when benchmarked approaches concentrate on precision, using computationally expensive filtering and iterative statistical or heuristic algorithms, as a trade-off for timeliness and scalability. Precise but high-cost hardware systems and invasive infrastructures of wired devices also pose implementation issues in the Industrial IoT (IIoT). Wireless, selfpowered sensors are integrated in this paper, using a novel, communication-economical RSSI/ToF ranging method in a proposed semantic IIoT architecture. Annotated data collection ensures accessibility, scalable knowledge discovery and flexibility to changes in consumer and business requirements. Deployed at a working indoor industrial facility the system demonstrated comparable RMS ranging accuracy (ToF 6m and RSSI 5.1m with 40m range) to existing systems tested in non-industrial environments and a 12.6-13.8m mean positioning accuracy