241 research outputs found

    Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Decoupler for Nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output Distillation Columns

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    The distillation process is vital in many fields of chemical industries, such as the two-coupled distillation columns that are usually highly nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) coupled processes. The control of MIMO process is usually implemented via a decentralized approach using a set of Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) loop controllers. Decoupling the MIMO process into group of single loops requires proper input-output pairing and development of decoupling compensator unit. This paper proposes a novel intelligent decoupling approach for MIMO processes based on new MIMO brain emotional learning architecture. A MIMO architecture of Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller (BELBIC) is developed and applied as a decoupler for 4 input/4 output highly nonlinear coupled distillation columns process. Moreover, the performance of the proposed Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Decoupler (BELBID) is enhanced using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique. The performance is compared with the PSO optimized steady state decoupling compensation matrix. Mathematical models of the distillation columns and the decouplers are built and tested in simulation environment by applying the same inputs. The results prove remarkable success of the BELBID in minimizing the loops interactions without degrading the output that every input has been paired with

    Adaptive decoupling control for binary distillation column into a 3D virtual environment

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    The oil refinery plants have a particularly high energy consumption in the distillation process. Several authors state that these are the systems with the highest energy consumption in the petrochemical industry. Currently, work is being done on the implementation of adaptive controllers in order to improve the efficiency of the distillation process and the quality of the product. In this work the control of a binary distillation column developed within a 3D virtual laboratory is presented. Adaptive control by reference model (MRCA) is used for the manipulation of bottom and distillate concentrations. Initially, the mathematical description of the process is obtained, together with the computer-aided design, to subsequently implement the control technique. As a result, the behavior of the controlled system in simulation is shown and compared with the response of the embedded system within the virtual environment. The main contribution of this work is the interaction that a user can have with this type of processes and the possibility of implementing modern control strategies within this type of environments as a low-cost tool to support education and training activities

    Applications of machine learning and deep learning in antenna design, optimization, and selection : a review

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    This review paper provides an overview of the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI)-based antenna design and optimization for wireless communications. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms are applied to antenna engineering to improve the efficiency of the design and optimization processes. The review discusses the use of electromagnetic (EM) simulators such as computer simulation technology (CST) and high-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) for ML and DL-based antenna design, which also covers reinforcement learning (RL)-bases approaches. Various antenna optimization methods including parallel optimization, single and multi-objective optimization, variable fidelity optimization, multilayer ML-assisted optimization, and surrogate-based optimization are discussed. The review also covers the AI-based antenna selection approaches for wireless applications. To support the automation of antenna engineering, the data generation technique with computational electromagnetics software is described and some useful datasets are reported. The review concludes that ML/DL can enhance antenna behavior prediction, reduce the number of simulations, improve computer efficiency, and speed up the antenna design process. © 2013 IEEE

    Optimal tuning of proportional integral derivative controller for simplified heating ventilation and air conditioning system

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    A Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) is an equipment that is designed to adapt and adjust the humidity as well as temperature in various places. To control the temperature and humidity of the HVAC system, various tuning methods such as Ziegler–Nichols (Z-N), Chien-Hrones-Reswick (CHR), trial and error, robust response time, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and radial basis function neural network (RBF-NN) were used. PID is the most commonly used controller due to its competitive pricing and ease of tuning and operation. However, to effectively control the HVAC system using the PID controller, the PID control parameters must be optimized. In this work, the epsilon constraint via radial basis function neural network method is proposed to optimize the PID controller parameters. The advantages of using this method include fast and accurate response and follow the target values compared to other tuning methods. This work also involves the estimation of the dynamic model of the HVAC system. The non-linear decoupling method is used to modify the model of HVAC system. The benefits of using the proposed simplification technique rather than other techniques such as the relative gain array techniques (RGA) is because of its simplification, accuracy, and reduced non-linear components and interconnection effect of the HVAC system. It is observed that the amount of integral absolute error (IAE) for temperature and humidity based on the simplified model are decreased by 18% and 20% respectively. Moreover, it is revealed that optimization of PID controller through multi objective epsilon constraint method via RBF NN of the simplified HVAC system based on non-linear decoupling method shows better transient response and reaches better dynamic performance with high precision than other PID control tuning techniques. The proposed optimum PID controller and estimation of dynamical model of the HVAC system are compared with the different tuning techniques such as RBF and ZN based on original system. It is observed that the energy cost function due to temperature (JT) and humidity (JRH) are lowered by 15.7% and 4.8% respectively; whereas the energy cost functions reflect the energy consumptions of temperature and humidity which are produced by the humidifier and heating coil. Therefore, based on the new optimization method the energy efficiency of the system is increased. The unique combination of epsilon constraint method and RBF NN has shown that this optimization method is promising method for the tuning of PID controller for non-linear systems

    Enhancement of control’s parameter of decoupled HVAC system via adaptive controller through the system identification tool box

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    Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems have nonlinear character and nature. Current models for control components and the optimization of HVAC system parameters can be linear approximations based on an operating or activation point, or alternatively, highly complex nonlinear estimations. This duality creates problems when the systems are used with real time applications. The two parameters temperature and relative humidity (RH) have a more direct effect in most applications of HVAC systems than the execution. This study’s objective is to implement and simulate an adaptive controller for decoupled bi-linear HVAC systems for the purpose of controlling the temperature and RH in a thermal zone. The contribution of this study is to apply the adaptive controller for the decoupled bi linear HVAC system via relative gain array (RGA). To achieve this objective, we used a system identification toolbox to increase the speed and accuracy of the identification of system dynamics, as was required for simplification and decoupled HVAC systems. The method of decoupling is relative gain array. The results of the simulation show that when compared with a classical PID controller, the adaptive controller performance is superior, owing to the high efficiency with which the steady state set points for temperature and RH are reached

    Dynamic Power Management for Neuromorphic Many-Core Systems

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    This work presents a dynamic power management architecture for neuromorphic many core systems such as SpiNNaker. A fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique is presented which allows the processing elements (PE) to change their supply voltage and clock frequency individually and autonomously within less than 100 ns. This is employed by the neuromorphic simulation software flow, which defines the performance level (PL) of the PE based on the actual workload within each simulation cycle. A test chip in 28 nm SLP CMOS technology has been implemented. It includes 4 PEs which can be scaled from 0.7 V to 1.0 V with frequencies from 125 MHz to 500 MHz at three distinct PLs. By measurement of three neuromorphic benchmarks it is shown that the total PE power consumption can be reduced by 75%, with 80% baseline power reduction and a 50% reduction of energy per neuron and synapse computation, all while maintaining temporary peak system performance to achieve biological real-time operation of the system. A numerical model of this power management model is derived which allows DVFS architecture exploration for neuromorphics. The proposed technique is to be used for the second generation SpiNNaker neuromorphic many core system

    Process control for WAAM using computer vision

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    This study is mainly about the vision system and control algorithm programming for wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM). Arc additive manufacturing technology is formed by the principle of heat source cladding produced by welders using molten inert gas shielded welding (MIG), tungsten inert gas shielded welding (TIG) and layered plasma welding power supply (PA). It has high deposition efficiency, short manufacturing cycle, low cost, and easy maintenance. Although WAAM has very good uses in various fields, the inability to control the adding process in real time has led to defects in the weld and reduced quality. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the real-time feedback through computer vision and algorithms for WAAM to ensure that the thickness and the width of each layer during the addition process are the same

    RSS-Based Indoor Localization System with Single Base Station

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    The paper proposes an Indoor Localization System (ILS) which uses only one fixed Base Station (BS) with simple non-reconfigurable antennas. The proposed algorithm measures Received Signal Strength (RSS) and maps it to the location in the room by estimating signal strength of a direct line of sight (LOS) signal and signal of the first order reflection from the wall. The algorithm is evaluated through both simulations and empirical measurements in a furnished open space office, sampling 21 different locations in the room. It is demonstrated the system can identify user’s real-time location with a maximum estimation error below 0.7 m for 80% confidence Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) user level, demonstrating the ability to accurately estimate the receiver’s location within the room. The system is intended as a cost-efficient indoor localization technique, offering simplicity and easy integration with existing wireless communication systems. Unlike comparable single base station localization techniques, the proposed system does not require beam scanning, offering stable communication capacity while performing the localization process